Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrificial ❯ Sacrificial ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Her hands shook only a little as she poured the water over her body. It splashed over her modest curves and left beaded droplets on her tanned bare skin. She carefully scrubbed her hair, knowing its unusual color was the reason she had been chosen. The village had to make its five-year sacrifice, and what better choice to make than the freak? Her bold blond, almost white, hair was the least of it. She was stronger and faster than most of the grown men in her village, and barely past her fourteenth winter. She could hunt better and track farther, and had done the ritual of manhood of her own volition, bringing down a bear with her bare hands. That she had intended to keep secret, but such secrets were not easy to keep in such a small place. That had been the last shovel of dirt for her grave when this time came again.

She sighed, regretting the life she could have had. She knew she would fight the demon with all her might, but held no illusions about her chances of walking away alive. So she washed her body and scrubbed her hair, making it shine as a last badge of rebellion. She smirked, and realized it was not necessarily the last. Instead of donning the white robe, she simply lifted it and walked back to the village. Women gasped and hid their children. Men gaped with open lust. The thunderous look on the Witch-Doctor's face was well worth the embarrassment that colored her cheeks.

It was an hour more when she emerged, her body now covered with ceremonial paint, but otherwise naked. It was expected so now, but she still colored a bit... the lines only emphasized her fit curves, and the men had noticed. All were silent, as should be, while the Chief and the strongest man in the village approached. She climbed onto the flat, hard litter and sat with her legs crossed, looking for all the world like a leader riding into battle rather than a sacrificial virgin.

The reactions of the villagers were mixed. Most looked afraid. Others angry, probably at her attitude. The village youths mostly jeered under their breaths, despite the tradition of silence. She gave them a tiny, wicked smile when they met her eyes, and she could hear them gulp with fear from front to back of the crowd. She felt she should have something in her mouth when she did that, but didn't quite know what. She mentally shook off the question and turned her face forward, ignoring the trailing edges of the people she had grown up with. She saw her mother out of the corner of her eye, angry. Not for her, at her. Her father stood stoically, but she could see the tears trying to flow from his eyes. She was dead to them now.

As soon as her litter passed out of sight, the villagers would go about their business, and her name would be taboo from then forth. She wondered idly if they would ever run out of girls names from making them taboo, but discarded it as silly. Not speaking of it, they probably didn't remember even two sacrifices back.

The secret place, the altar of sacrifice, was much simpler than she expected. The cave she presumed the demon lived in looked... ordinary. She had expected it to be much more sinister. The alter, standing in front of the cave, was curiously shaped, and she couldn't quite imagine how she was to be placed on it. She let them man-handle her body into the correct position, and pondered while they secured the ropes. She could have killed all three of them, maybe, or at least one before the warrior stabbed her with his long spear. But then her village, and probably all the others, would hunt her down as a child of evil, and the demon might kill her father during its rampage to encourage making the sacrifice as had been agreed before living memory.

Halfway through the tying of intricate knots, she realized exactly what position she had been placed in and the reason for the oddly shaped altar. Several slightly panicked thoughts ran through her head, but she calmed herself. Maybe, just maybe, she had a chance. The altar was not stained with blood, so it must at least remove the body for feeding. If it did so before, she would be ready. In the meantime, she was left to wonder what it would be like losing her virginity to a demon. Would he bring her pleasure, or only pain? Would he be as well-hung as the man in the next village who had two wives?

The three men soon stood in front of her bound form... stood very carefully to conceal their reactions to her body... and began to chant. It was a deep chant, almost sinister, but the actual words sounded rather plain to her, though she couldn't understand their meaning. They stared over her head, but she maintained her tiny wicked smile. The Strongest almost faltered, though she hadn't noticed his eyes twitch her way, and she let her smile widen a little. The men finished the chant and very quickly left the clearing in front of the cave, almost running and not looking back. An errant breeze from behind wafted a scent to her nose, a rough, hot smell she couldn't identify, and she pushed down the instinctive fear the smell of brimstone had induced.

The slight 'whuff' noise startled her almost as much as the brush of hot air on her inner thighs. She felt... something... in her lower belly, almost like the heat of a fire, as a second breath washed over her untouched maidenhood, ruffling the tiny bit of hair. She wondered what it was, letting her hips squirm a little, increasing the pleasant feeling. The acrid smell assaulted her nose again, and a darkness appeared on her left, blacker than the darkest night. She turned her head, but it was swift, and she followed it around with her eyes as it turned and sat in front of her. Trying to keep the curiosity out of her eyes and ruthlessly supressing the mad fear bubbling up under her conscious mind, she looked it over.

It appeared to be a shaggy four-legged animal, much bigger than a deer. Shorter but thicker than the big deer that sometimes came with the snows. In any case, it seemed enormous compared to her small body. The blackness of its body was unbroken except by six red eyes, slitted as though it was peering at her. They opened slightly and its posture relaxed. She managed not to flinch... mostly... when it opened its mouth to display the large, wicked canines, letting its blood-red tongue loll out.

"What is your name, girl?" It asked without sound. She didn't even notice her subconscious squashing the gibbering insanity the voice/thought caused within her mind. She was too busy gathering spittle, which she launched at its face. The six eyes widened, and she felt the tiny fearful part of her try to grow. It did, a little, when its lips drew back into a smile. Then it... laughed... and her supressed fear grew again, even as confusion sprang up next to it. This... creature... laughing was more frightening than if it were growling. It stopped after a moment, but continued to smile it's frightening smile.

"I apologize, girl/woman/maiden, for my rudeness. Might I ask your name?" It asked again. She frowned, wondering how three words had been one, then pushed that aside. A name couldn't hurt.

"Integra." She told it. Her clan would never be hers to claim again, nor any name but her face-name. Not because of the ritual, but because she chose it so, discarding even her heart-name, given by her hateful parent before Integra's hair began to grow.

"Thank you." It replied politely, "It isn't often they send a virgin that is strong enough that I wish to know her name. It isn't often that I find one defiant enough to warrant polite speech." Its toothy wolf's grin became wider, "It is very much rarer to find one awaiting me that is willing to enjoy what I do."

"That's not... I don't..." In spite of herself, Integra blushed. She was smart enough to figure out that what she felt was the mating urge.

"Demons need no modesty. Admit it to yourself, and you will allow yourself much more pleasure." It told her.

"What if I don't want to?" She almost spat at it. It seemed to shrug its shoulders.

"It is your decision." The demon told her in a tone largely placid but also clearly amused. She growled at it, and it growled back louder, its face falling back into the grin when it finished. Integra glared at it for a moment, and then growled louder... or tried to, her small human vocal chords not quite up to the task. She forced herself not to quail with fright when it laughed again, holding on even when it stopped and gave her a sober expression. "Do you want to live?" It asked suddenly.

"Yes..." Integra answered, clearly suspicious of the offer.

"To a virgin, I may impart my blood. I admire your strength and will, and thus offer the chance to live on thus." It told her gravely, "If I do, I must hunt for other meat this night, and you will also be hungry."

Integra wondered at the content of its words, sorting the implications. If she accepted, she would become a demon. As a demon, she would eat people. Tonight, it would have to be her people. It was not a difficult choice. She noted the moon rising as the last of twilight began to fade from the sky, and raised her head as much as she could.

"Do you accept?" It asked, grinning again.

"I do."

Without preamble, it stood and walked around behind her. Her brows furrowed, curious. It had said she had to be untouched, so why...? Her thoughts cut off as she felt its fur drape over her back, something long, hot, and fleshy nestling itself between the cheeks of her raised buttocks. She squeezed involuntarily, and almost jumped when it twitched. Before she could wonder further, her world exploded in pain. She yelped once before gritting her teeth, struggling to be strong and not make a sound. The teeth around her collarbone felt as cold as a river in the middle of spring thaw, as hot as a roaring fire. It became harder to resist screaming as the sensation spread. It did not move quickly, covering her body inch by inch with incredible pain.

She gripped her perch on the altar as it covered her face. She heard two cracking sounds, and she barely noticed that two of her teeth had been shattered, the feeling only a drop in the ocean as it crossed her breasts, already abraded by the rough altar. The lines meeting above her stomach, she relaxed a little as it pushed downward, sucking in a few harsh breaths before grunting as it passed her waistline. She heard more teeth shattering when it seemed to linger on her maidenhood, but managed to hold her voice still. Almost seeming disappointed, it raced down her legs quickly and was gone.

Integra relaxed and panted, her thoughts incoherent. She felt... odd. Her teeth and breasts, mostly, but everywhere else too. Before she could recover her sense enough to wonder about it, she felt the long, slick thing slide backwards through her cheeks and then press forward. She shuddered as it slid over her most sensitive part, refusing to think about what she was doing. It pulled back again, sending a chill heat up her spine. The slimy tip nudged her petals, and she tensed, readying herself for the pains of a woman's first time. When it didn't come, she was confused.

Something long and wet touched the middle of her back, and she jumped in her bonds. Its hot/cold tongue laved slowly up her back, sending a weak wave of intensely pleasurable sensations behind to spread through her body. It touched the base of her neck and she felt her entire body freeze... and then convulse, sensations rippling through her body and mind, the wind on her skin, the rock on her breasts, the smooth slickness of the demon's manhood a bare fingerswidth from penetrating her. The fire in her loins returned with a vengance, and she had to grit her teeth to keep herself from begging it to mate with her, to push that long hardness inside of her and thrust and thrust until she was too sore to walk for a month. It finished the lick almost casually, sliding right to cover the wounds on her collar. Weren't those bigger a moment ago?

Without warning, it finally-finally penetrated her. Integra screamed. She would never figure out, later, if it had been in pleasure or pain. Her small, tight, virgin pussy stretched, seemingly impossibly wide around the demon's cock. It hurt, it felt good, it was pleasure and pain and intesity and ecstasy and agony all rolled into one. She was being split in two, and loving every moment of it. It went deeper and deeper, filling her until she was sure she should feel it in her throat, spreading her, stretching her. As suddenly as it began, it stopped. Integra's scream cut off, and she drew breath frantically, never noticing that her lungs were not burning for lack of air, certain that they should be. The sensation of fur tickling her buttocks and inner thighs finally came to her and she marveled that something so large could fit inside of her. She could feel the tip pressing her stomach into the altar. Her wrists and ankles were no longer bound, leather strips nothing but short rags, fingers dug into the stone and legs too numb to move.

As quicky as she was filled, it began to empty her, and she whimpered at the loss, tried futilely to shove herself back to try and keep it. She thought she heard him chuckle when the head pulled against her lips, and melted inside when he reversed direction and slowly slid back inside of her. Even pain was pleasure this time, and she accepted it all easily, relaxing against the stone as her body continued to throb with pleasure. She was drooling all over the ground, uncaring of her composure, panting, mewling softly as he finished filling her again. He slid out more quickly this time, and what was left of her mind noted the slightly wider portion that pressed harder against two sensitive spots, a large part of what had her shivering and shaking. Concentrating on them with what little wits she had left only made it worse, and she almost passed out when the wider portion slid over those two places again, remaining conscious only by an act of will.

It slowly picked up the pace, and she began grunting with the force of his thrusting. Her grunts turned to moans and whimpers as he varied his angle, thrusting this way and that, touching sensitive places all around her insides. Integra knew little of sex, but she was fairly certain the grown women wouldn't complain as much as they did if human men were this good. In her delerium, she offered up a prayer of thanks to any gods or demons that might be listening. He was thrusting quickly but firmly now, and she was becoming accustomed enough to the pleasure to think through it. Enough that she could notice things again, like his hot breath on her ear that sent extra shivers down her spine to meet the continous spasms coming up it, the luxuriant fur tickling her back, the wide portion of his maleness becoming wider. The last gave her pause when his thrusts suddenly shortened, pulling the knot of demon-meat against her lips. She wondered for a moment if it was going to withdraw it and rip her open; it felt huge already. She wasn't certain she wouldn't enjoy that as much as what it had already been doing. But it reversed direction as soon as it was obvious it wouldn't get the knot out, continuing to speed up, each withdrawl pressing back against her tight lips, stimulating one of the two spots that felt best.

Its thrusts were rapid now, unceasing, slamming its furry hindquarters into her bottom again and again, rippling the muscles. Her arms tensed even through their spasms, gripping into the rock hard to keep in place. Then everything stopped. A cry of mourning/begging rose in her throat, but never escaped. The wide place, the knot of the demon's cock, expanded a tiny bit more inside of her, and then her womb exploded in fiery pleasure. She could feel it, like molten metal pouring into her, burning her mind, burning her soul, washing away her self and leaving a vessel of crying, screaming pleasure.

For a second, for an eternity, the demon seed filled her, filled her to bursting and then filled her some more. Her stomach bulged out in an obscene parody of pregnancy, her fingers making furrows in the stone as she was raised on it, vaugely feeling the altar fall out from under her, the demon somehow moving her to the ground, finding herself on her back as the torrent of cum slowed to a trickle. She could vaguely feel herself still spasming in orgasm, the demon cum held in her bulging belly by its knot keeping her cumming again and again and again. Minutes/years later, the knot shrank, and her body jerked as it forced its way out of her swollen pussy, jerked again as the first shower of seed spurted out onto the ground, and then the string of orgasms started to slow and fade, replaced by a soul-deep feeling of contentment. The pinkish demon cum leaked out of her slowly, thickly, as though reluctant to leave, each new clump sending her into another little death and adding to the afterglow.

It took a long time for her stomach to empty, for her tummy to flatten back to strong, youthful tightness.

"Are you hungry, woman/lover/mate?" It asked her as she finally awoke from her waking slumber.

She smiled, fangs glinting in the midnight moonlight.


Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing bit back a scream as she awoke, and then failed to hold the long moan as she came again, her fingers not having realized they should stop. After a panting recovery, she lifted her blankets, looking disbelievingly at the wet spot that covered from her waist all the way down to near the foot of the bed in a wide swath.

"ALUCARD!" She yelled, finally deciding anger was the appropriate response after jumping uncharictaristically to a conclusion.

"Yes Master?" He muttered a few seconds later than he should have, poking his head and shoulders out of the wall next to her bed, holding his hat up next to his face. Integra blinked, glancing at the curtain where the tiniest hints of daylight peeked thorugh the edges, then at the clock, which read 5PM. Shaking her head, she finally recovered.

"Do not ever, EVER interfere with my dreams again or so help me I will lock you back in that room until you ROT!" Integra hissed dangerously. Alucard looked confused.

"Whatever you say, Master." He answered. Why was he not meeting her eyes? Was he trying to lie to her? Hide something? Wondering this, she let her eyes follow his gaze... and hurriedly covered her bare breasts with the blanket. She was glaring at him when he looked up finally.

"What's that smell?" Alucard asked suddenly, sniffing.

"It's none of your business!" Integra growled.

"Really? Because it smells like... oh." Alucard paused, with meaning, and then grinned, "Well, Master, you shouldn't be ashamed, it's a perfectly natural-" The clock struck only wall, shattering on impact.

Integra almost panted with anger for a few minutes, and then turned over to go back to sleep. Slowly, she curled herself into a ball, wondering, worrying whether that had been Alucard messing with her dreams or if she were going to have hormonal issues after remaining virginal for so many years. Was her biological clock ticking? Would she be driven to accept Alucard's offer one day soon? Would she go crazy first? She was still wondering when someone came to wake her hours later.


Alucard, settling back in his coffin, just grinned.