Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ One more time ❯ The Awakening… ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author: are-en1
Title: One more time
Summary: In which continue after the last volume. MY kind of version. Pairing is not decided yet.
Empathizing the words
Chapter One: The Awakening…
“Can you hear me?”
“Can anyone hear me?” The voice calling as loud as it can. Hoping, preying that someone will acknowledge his voice, maybe his existence. But his voice was too soft. Is like a whisper of the winds. Yet he knows call as loud as he might, no one will hear and answer his plead.
He did not want to go yet.
Go where?
He did not know. But he desperately clings tightly into his existence. He knew once he give up, letting the invisible rope go, he cannot return back. He did not want to go there yet. So he struggles fiercely to the above.
Why was he here in the first place? He feels like he was falling into void world where he keeps falling, falling.
And why it feels like it was getting hard to breath each second it past? Was he drowning?
“Can anyone hear my voice?”
Violate eyes snap open to the world and pale lips open wide, gaps-ing greedily to inhale huge amount of air to fills his lung; breathing to ensure that he is still among the living.
Confuse violate eyes weakly scan his surrounding, panic rose inside his stomach when he unable to move any part of his body, head turn and spin as much as it allowed finding that this place was so unfamiliar.
White color and wall was everywhere and the bright light of something shinning up above great him back. Blinking his eyes twice he tries to focus his vision again to find the familiarity of his surrounding but fail to recognize this place. Everything what had happened before was blurry to him. He noted however, right next to him is a white curtain but his vision can't focus everything other than the rhythm of the wind blowing the soft material near his face. He wonders why his every mussel is burning like he had taken a long run. Raising a slender hand using all the energy he had left, weakly he tries to reach to above the white light he was seeing.
Something metal fall and connected to the hard tiles floor fallowed by a women voice scream out in a panic voice echo in that room.
“Doctor… the patient… his awaken”
This person tries to pint point the source of the voice but to no avail but fail. He feels so tired and weary, even to breath is taken everything in him to do so. His body was very weak, moving his hand require a lot of energy which he think he doesn't have anymore. So the hand fall back limply to his side.
Foot steps,
A lot of them, coming close to where he laid and soon something white and black invaded his vision.
“Can you hear me?” A men voice said, the men took something out of his front pocket and a bright light came out from that small long devise.
He blinks rapidly when the lights hit his vision and try to squirm away from that light.
When the men seem satisfied, he turn off the devise and put it back to his front pocket. The men then look at his eyes again, searching for something he did not know. “Can you hear me?” He asked again.
He can, but when he try to answer he feel his trout so dry like he had been swallowing a bag of desert sand. He wanted to cough but the pain, is like he was swallowing a needle and stuck at his trout. He let out a small whimper of pain.
“Please nod if you do” The men voice continue.
Never have he felt so tired in his life, but he complied with the voice and nodded once.
“Yokata! Nurse hurry, contact this person family and someone bring me the water. Everything going to be alright now” Said the men voice again.
Assured that these people will not harm him and somehow he knew this person will not let him go there yet he nods once slowly, his eyelids start to close once again. He just wants to sleep for awhile, just for a bit while until he had his energy back. He knew that this time he will wake up again, sooner than the sleep he had before and also next time he awoke, he will need all the energy he had.
And sleep he does.
Yokata - Good (As in relief)
A/N: Well that was the beginning. Hope you like it. Hmmmm, I will get it Beta. After I finish the story, and when I'm going to post on FF.net. But for now, you have to adept with the RAW version ahahhahahhaha.
Post on Mediaminer.Org : 14 July 2007