Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ Restless Nights ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go was created by Hotta and Obata and is licensed in the United States by Viz. This is a fanwork created by fans for fans.
AN: 200 word Drabble
Restless Nights
by LadyLark
Sai hated the noise the most.
From the unending hum of the electrical wires to the honking of cars, the perpetual cacophony of sound overwhelmed him. The era when he had been born was peaceful . . . quiet . . . where one could hear the crimson maple leaf land in a still pond. The loudest sound encountered was either the pounding of carpenters or the crack of a tree felled by an axe. Nothing compared to the jackhammers or airplanes of today.
At one time, he had thought that Torajiro's era was too loud with their rifles and rickshaws. Now, he knew he owed his previous host a very heartfelt apology.
During the day, with Go to distract him, he was able to ignore most of the din. But at night, with nothing to entertain him and no need to sleep, he found the constant noise intolerable.
He didn't have much of a choice though, the alternative was oblivion or imprisonment. Neither of which he wanted to contemplate.
So he settled in, trying to read the newspapers Hikaru had left strewn about for him. All the while the bustling sounds of modern day Tokyo filtered into the room.
AN: This was supposed to be much longer than it turned out to be. Probably closer to 1,000 words in length. It didn't happen as you can see. I started this thing about 2 years ago while I was still living in Florida as a gift fic for Lady MacBeth - one of my betas. It too languished on my computer waiting for me to finish it. When I opened it up to look at it, I realized that I had no clue where I was going with this. But that it made for a good little drabble. So that is what it became.
I look forward to any and all feedback.