Hikaru No Go Fan Fiction ❯ Riding the Wave ❯ Promises and Secrets ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Riding the Wave

Promises and Secrets

The next few days were unsettling, but Akira and Saya found an acceptable balance by Saturday. He worried about her though, because she was acting so much more sedate than before. In some ways it was a relief, since Akira had always lived in an environment that fostered a sense of calm. In other ways though, it was unsettling because Saya had been so bursting with energy before.

In his mind, there was only one solution. He would have to ask Shindou if he was free Sunday to do something fun with her. It was a bit last-minute, but there was always a chance--

A girl's voice answered the phone, and Akira almost dropped the receiver. He wondered if he'd dialed the wrong number by accident-- "I'm looking for Shindou Hikaru."

"May I ask who's calling?"

So, it was the right number. "This is Touya Akira. If it's a bad time, I can call back la--"

"Touya-san! I've been wanting to thank you for agreeing to be our best man!"

(In the background he could hear Shindou shouting. "It's Touya? Akari, give me the phone!" Akira smiled.)

"I was surprised by the request, but I'm honored Shindou asked me."

("Akari! Hand me the phone! Now!" He sounded like a little kid, fighting with a sibling.

There was a sound of the phone being covered by a hand. "Hikaru! Just wait a moment while I express my appreciation, since I'm sure you didn't do so properly. One of us has to be polite, since you're always so rude.")

"I'm the one who is honored that you agreed, and Hikaru is more thankful than he'll ever admit." ("Akari!!!") She giggled. "I should hand him the phone before his head explodes. I'm glad I had a chance to talk to you, Touya-san. I look forward to meeting you."

Before he could say anything the phone changed hands and Shindou was saying, "Don't listen to her. She's been teasing me all night for some reason."

"Why don't you want me to listen to her? You didn't really want me to be the best man?" He couldn't resist teasing as well...it was infectious.

"What? That's not what I meant!"

(In the background, Akari was laughing loudly. "Now behave, Hikaru, or I'll tell him the truth."

The phone was muffled again. "Those invitations, right there, and now leave! You're the one who is being rude!"

"Goodnight, Hikaru. See you next week!" That was followed by the sound of a door closing.)

"I'm sorry about all that. So, what did you call for?" Shindou sounded more relaxed now.

"I wanted to ask if you're free tomorrow." Akira's heart was pounding as he asked. Why? Why couldn't he just ask this for Saya's sake without the secret hope that--

There was a slight pause. "Nothing I can't get out of. Why, what's the emergency?"

"I need your help. Saya's grandmother will be in surgery all day tomorrow, and I was thinking of taking her somewhere fun to keep her mind off of things. I'm getting worried because she's so quiet--"

"And you need me to come along, why?" Shindou's voice was teasing...amused.

"I'm not sure where to go. I have no idea what she'd find fun, and I want it to be a surprise for her."

Was Shindou laughing? "You can't think of anything a little kid might find fun?"

Akira flushed, starting to get angry. Angry at Shindou for laughing, and angry at himself for being stupid enough to call him, of all people, to help with this. "Never mind. I'll think of something," he muttered, getting ready to hang up the phone.

"No! Wait, it sounds like fun! I've got a couple of ideas already, okay? It's been forever since I went out just to have fun like that." He sounded so eager and enthusiastic....

Akira hesitated only a moment before he found his smile again. "Okay. What did you have in mind?"


The next day was a whirlwind of activity. Miniature golf, a park with a few rides on a merry-go-round and Ferris wheel. The afternoon was topped off with a movie of Saya's choice, and ice cream after supper. By the time the three returned to Akira's house, Saya was worn out and smiling from ear to ear. For that matter, so were both of the adults. "...I know of an indoor water park too, not too far away." Shindou was saying as they slipped off their shoes and all walked into the house. "Next time, we'll have to go there."

Akira stopped cold. "Next time?"

"Yeah, sure. We'll have to do this next weekend, or the one after maybe. Don't worry, I'll pay--"

"That's not it." Akira frowned a little, and then turned to Saya with a kind look. "Go take your bath and get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow."

Shindou looked confused as the little girl left the room. "What? What's wrong?"

Akira shook his head, dispelling Shindou's worry at his overreaction. "We have a seminar next weekend, remember? I know I saw your name listed for it. The weekend after that I promised to get Saya's house ready for her grandmother to return if all goes well."

"Oh. That seminar. I was thinking of canceling."

"Shindou! You can't do that."

He sighed heavily, shrugging. "Yeah, I know. People are showing up just to see me and all." He half-heartedly rolled his eyes and gave a wry grin.

The truth was, if anyone was a draw there it was Akira. They both knew it. Still, making an obligation like that and so easily dismissing it--didn't Shindou have any work ethic at all? "One week is a little bit of short notice for you to not show up just because you feel like it. I don't know if we'll be able to replace you."

"Oh, that was a funny one. Tell another joke," Shindou's voice was heavy with sarcasm. "Anybody could replace me at the last minute. You're the only one anybody is really depending on." This was followed by a heavy sigh. "Everybody knows better than to depend on me."

"What is wrong with you, Shindou? Where the hell did all this self-pity come from? Snap out of it! Grow up and get over yourself!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. You have no idea what I've been through the last few years! You have no idea about anything about me! Nobody does!"

"Not for lack of trying. You're the one who refuses to open up and gives promises of a some day that never comes!"

"Oh please! You don't want to know who I am! All you care about--all anybody ever cared about--is Sai!"

"At this point I don't give a damn if you never tell me what that stupid secret of yours is! Sue me for being curious, but that's hardly the only thing that confuses the hell out of me and makes me want you around!"

"You just don't get it, do you?"

"I would if you'd just open that mouth of yours and tell me!"

They were both breathing hard, glaring, hands clenched in fists and poised as if they would come to blows. Neither of them ever had, or ever would, but it seemed like every other time they saw each other this is how their conversations ended. Shindou looked like he was about to storm out, as per the norm, his deep hazel eyes glowing with his ire. Again, nothing had been resolved.


Saya stood in the doorway, white nightgown brushing her toes, hands clenched in front of her face and eyes wide. Both adults were startled to see her there, having forgotten she was even in the house as their tempers flared. Akira swallowed his anger, turning to her with a calmer expression. "I'm sorry, Saya-chan. We didn't mean to fight in front of you."

She was staring at Shindou with wide eyes though, ignoring what Akira said. "Excuse me, but who is Sai?"

Akira was shocked at the reaction Shindou had to that question. He leaned hard against the wall suddenly, looking more defeated than at any other point Akira had ever seen him. There was so much sadness in his expression that it broke his heart...and the words that followed made his heart bleed.

"He was a friend of mine. He died a very long time ago."

Of course. It explained so much, Akira thought. He should have realized somehow that Sai was dead by how Shindou had behaved, and how Sai had disappeared even from playing online. Yet, it was such a huge loss to the world of go that it still hurt to have it confirmed that such a player was lost forever. "Was it," he asked slowly, hesitating over the words, "ten years ago? Is that what happened?"

But, Shindou was shaking his head and pulling himself together. "No, more like a thousand."

Akira found his hands balling into fists yet again. This was beyond irritating! "Can't you ever be serious about anything?"

"I--" he began, a flash of his former ire showing for the briefest glimmer of a moment. It didn't last though. He shook his head, eyes cast downward now. "Never mind. Yoshitaka never understood, why would you?"

Yoshitaka? Oh--Waya's given name. Akira took a deep breath, eyes growing more intense--that stung. Still, he only said, "I am not him."

"No, but you still wouldn't believe me."

"How do you know? If you would just tell me--"

Shindou just shook his head and looked over at Saya. "It's been a long day, and you have school in the morning young lady." He gave her a wink and a grin, holding out a hand to her. "Would you like me to tell you a bedtime story?"

Saya looked between them, her eyes speaking of more worry than Akira had wanted to put there. She already had too much to deal with for such a small child. He had no choice but to drop it for now. Akira nodded and Saya happily took Shindou's hand, pulling him to the room that had been designated hers for the time being.

"Do you have any story books for me to read to you?"

She shook her head. "I left them all at home."

Shindou shook his head and sighed. "I'll have to make it up as I go along then. What kind of story did you want to hear?"

A gleam of mischief appeared in her eyes, and she grinned up at him as she settled under the blankets. "Tell me about you, Shindou-sensei!"

"No, there's nothing about me you'd find interesting," he said, ruffling her hair fondly.

"Then tell me more about Sai!" She grinned playfully. "I'll tell you about papa and mama another day in payment, because when someone you care about dies it's good to talk about them and remember the good things. Grandmother said so."

Shindou shot Akira a look that clearly asked, 'did you put her up to this somehow?'

He spread his hands and shook his head. He'd never mentioned Sai to her, and wouldn't have thought to use her in such a way. He just waited, hovering in the doorway, wondering if this was finally how he'd learn Shindou's secret. He wouldn't leave now if his life depended on it.