InuYasha Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Old Renew Love ❯ Funny scene ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Old renew love












Disclaimer: Do you think I'll be here writing if I own any of the characters of both anime?


Notes: Like I told you in the last chapter! I will not do much for this one either. `Cause it's my exam's session ( to be clear we're on the 16th December now.) So this one can be short I tell ya!


Chapter 3: Funny scene


Sesshoumaru finally got out of his drooling session and closed his mouth. Yet, the others still didn't stop drooling, that's it until they saw the death glare that he was sending them but do Inuyasha ever listen Sesshoumaru? Nah! So that bring us to what will happen now.


"SESSHOUMARU!!! Let go of Inuyasha right now!" Shouted Kagome but instantly covered her mouth after, realizing she just yelled and commanded something on Sesshoumaru, the Tai-Youkai of the West.


Sesshoumaru just let him go which surprised the Inu-tachi. Yet the royalty, meaning Anna, Sakura, Tomoyo, Meillin, Chrissie and their mates, just keep on looking at them like at the beginning and were also trying to restrained a big laugh.


Try to imagine Sesshoumaru taking Inuyasha by his kimono and let him go just by a simple command of what seems to be a innocent little youkai girl which is not true!

I think you will be laughing too.


Anyway, back to the scene. After a while they couldn't restrain it any longer and they just roared in laughter for what it seem to be the second time in one day. Like Sesshoumaru's glare won't affect them, he didn't even try to stop them, fully knowing to not anger female youkai when they are in a mood like that one and even more when they are already angry so gotta understand him.


But in this case, Kagome is pissed now so what the more dangerous? One pissed youkai-miko or five pissed youkai fearing the miko's power?

Naturally, five is always better than one unless the miko IS powerful which she is… Without her knowing.


So "guys…" she said calmly, really unlike her.

"Huh… Asuka?" Said Anna nervously, she knew her all her life, or most likely, and you better not get her mad…

"I'm… Gonna… Get… Your… Heads!!!!" She yelled making all the youkai winced and look at her evilly but Anna and Sesshoumaru. One was nervous and the second once again drooling.


Sango and Miroku just looked lost in all this. The innocent and sweet HUMAN girl named Kagome they knew for four years changed in a dangerous and angry, for now, YOUKAI female named Asuka in one night.


"Hum Asuka?" Said Sesshoumaru

"Yes Sesshoumaru?" Said Kagome (A/N Ok so far it doesn't have anything amusing I know)

"May I talk to you?" He said, and felt the stare of all of them so he continued "privately"

"Sure let's go to the garden!" And she left the room but reappeared some second later. "Say guys, where's the garden?"

Everybody sweatdrop and Chrissie said "I think we'll just leave the room"

So they left…


"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked

"Is it really you Asuka?" `Damn he got to ask that does he? I'm still not that sure'

"Well, from what it seems yes…"

"Where were you all those time and what my idiot hanyou half-brother is doing here?"

"Oh… You see it's complicate"

"This Sesshoumaru understand everything" `Even now he's so arrogant!!!'

"Well, you see. Do you remember that miko that was travelling along with Inuyasha that was named Kagome?" `He better do'

"Faintly but yes. Isn't she the one that pulled the Tetsusaiga out of the stone."

"Yes her."


"Well, just say that she wasn't what everybody thought she was. She was, primo" "primo?"

"Oh Yea! Well, that's Spanish meaning first. Anyway, she was a youkai, she travels between the future of 500 of years and the Sengoku Jidai, the warring era"

"That's ridiculous"

"Thought you understand all?"

"Go on" he said embarrassed of acting like this before his precious Asuka when all she does want is to laugh.

"Well, that girl is me"


"Is anybody home?" She said waving her hands in front of his eyes, which he caught but immediately released after.

"Huh Sesshoumaru? Sesshoumaru? SESSHOUMARU!!!!"


"Oh great he fainted on me… What a luck!!! I bet he's heavy too!" With that she tried to get him up but she fell herself and underneath him…


~ chapter finished ~


XtopangelX: Well, I told you that was going to be short So sorry.. And for those who reviewed me! I wanna thank you all Sorry that I don't write your name now but at the end of the story I swear I'm going to make a list for you guys.