InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign Destiny ❯ Waiting ( Chapter 5 )

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Sovereign Destiny
Chapter 4: Waiting
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.
Story Summary:
A new threat will reunite the Yu Yu Hakusho team once again but this time the stakes are different and much higher. Will the once spirit detective and friends rise to this new challenge or will they prefer to sit back and allow fate to decide for them their place in the worlds?
Chapter Tagline:
So that was all Yusuke could do: wait and receive a long overdue lesson in patience. A lesson that Yusuke was sure he was failing.
Chapter 4: Waiting
Yusuke was never one to wait around for action to come to him. He has always been more than ready to go to where the action was and beat it down in its own den. Some might call him fearless for this trait, while others, such as Hiei, would just call him a fool. In any case the fact was patience was not a strong word in his vocabulary, which was why waiting around in Genkai's temple was killing him. It was all he could do because the entire living world, both human and demon realms, were waiting. He could not even train for fear that his or the others' energy levels might give their position away, which according to Botan, should be safe thanks to Koenma.
It would seem that Kurama was not the only demon that heard the rumor that he was going to share before Botan's arrival. Concern was already heightened with the fast spreading rumor of the ogres' executions and once the demons realized that spirits were no longer being taken to spirit world because spirit world had been cut off from the living world, they started to organize. They were preparing for a possible war that they had no way of winning. How could their meager power, compared to a Kami, even hope to stand up against King Yama if he decided to rid the world of humans and demons once and for all?
The rumor was that Koenma had been at odds with his father over policies concerning humans and demons for centuries, even before the barrier went up. The rumors suggested that Koenma's interference was the only reason King Yama hadn't done away with humans and demon alike. It even went as far as to say that even though it was irrefutable that Koenma was the one who created the barrier in the first place, throwing the demons into their own realm 400 years ago, that he did it as a last ditch effort to save the demon and human realms from his father's wrath. The barrier then had a positive consequence because it allowed Koenma to take over direct dealing with the living world and minimize King Yama's direct interaction and knowledge as he acted as a mediator for the human and demon realms.
With all this in mind only one question stood out: Was there any way to win against King Yama if Koenma was dead? According to Botan, Kurama and what was left of elder demons, the answer was no, King Yama was a Kami and the king of spirit world, only the future king could displace him. That left only one certainty: they need Koenma and they needed him alive, but with no way to reach him in the spirit world and no way of even knowing if he was still alive that left no action available but to wait. So that was all Yusuke could do: wait and receive a long over due lesson in patience. A lesson that Yusuke was sure he was failing.
&&Scene Change&&
It had been about a day and a half since Botan's arrival and about a day since they received the news about demon world. Nothing had changed, yet Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara meet once again to try to discuss a strategy. After a few minutes of repeating what had already been said before they gave up but not before Yusuke asked Hiei why he was staying with them and not heading back to demon world to prepare with Mukuro.
Hiei responded, “Mukuro is more than capable of handling the preparation. As much as it disgusts me to admit it, my time would be better spent here waiting to see if Koenma lives, since nothing can be done until we know what happened to him.”
After the meeting, Hiei walked in the direction he thought his sister might be, followed by Kuwabara. Kurama and Yusuke also went in the same direction because they were sure Yukina would be with everyone else. When they found them, they were greeted with an interesting sight. Yukina, Shizuru, and Kayko were watching Botan on her knees with her pink kimono she was wearing yesterday in her hands pulling things out of the pockets as Genkai watched impassively from a distance. Big piles of things were already on the ground and growing bigger as Botan continues to toss stuff.
“What in the world?” Yusuke exclaimed, while Kurama looked on amused, Hiei impassively, and Kuwabara questioningly.
“Don't ask me, one minute we are all chatting, the next Botan's calling herself stupid and digging through her Kimono,” Kayko answered.
“What are you looking for, Botan?” Kurama asked
“Something special, I can't believe I forgot all about it. I really hope I have it in here,” Botan answered distractedly.
“Something special? That's rather vague, don't you think, Botan?” Shizuru said.
“Oh yes, of course,” responded Botan, while still digging, “It's something Koenma gave me when I first started working for him. That was back before Koenma had a spirit detective and he did the work himself. I had a hard time keeping track of him so he modified a communicator for me so I could track him. After Mariko started working for him I hardly ever had to use it anymore because he was in his office all the time, but I kept it around for sentimental reason and in case of emergencies.”
“Koenma used to do the work of a spirit detective?” Yusuke asked skeptically.
“Of course he did. As part of his duties as the future king it is his responsibility to maintain order in the human and demon realms,” Botan said in annoyance.
“Come on Botan, I'm not buying that. How can a toddler…”Yusuke started.
“For one, stop calling Koenma that, he is not a toddler!” Botan said looking up as she fixed burning eyes on Yusuke. “Koenma may look like a toddler when you see him sometimes but that's because he is in his chibi form, a form that makes thing like storing spirit energy more effective. He is considered a full adult in the eyes of his kind and has been for centuries. As you know his kind can store their spirit energy into an object - in Koenma's case, his pacifier - that way it can be used to create a powerful attack, spell, or barrier among others things.”
Botan continues to eplain, “Well, about 15 years ago King Yama ordered Koenma to store all his spirit energy. This meant he could no longer use spirit energy during battles, which limited what he could do outside of paper work. He could no longer fight because the constant drain of his spirit energy made him too weak. Obviously that wouldn't work since he had to keep order in the living world and so he created the position of spirit detective. This way he could still fulfill his duties without disobeying his father. His chibi form allows more spirit energy to be stored because it takes less spirit energy to regulate body functions. Being in chibi form was not required by his father but he adopted it as his preferred form about eight years ago.” Yusuke had nothing to say to this.
“How does this thing allow you to track him?” said Kuwabara, trying to break the tension that had filled the room.
“It's been modified to where it's always locked on to his distinct spirit energy and life patterns. This allows me to be able to pinpoint his location and also see what kind of physical condition he's in. It's strong enough to where, if I can find it, I should be able to track Koenma and see if he's alive, even if spirit world is cut off. Also, as a safety precaution, it is fixed to where only I can read what it says,” Botan explained.
“Bingo, here it is!” Botan said excitedly as she stood up to reveal a silver heart shaped communicator. “Well here goes nothing,” Botan said as she flipped it opened. As she studied the screen her eyes grew bigger. “According to this he is nearby but his life signs aren't strong and are growing weaker.”
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