InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Differen't Beginning ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own: IY and DBGT

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They then went back to the elevator, and once again they started to dance very stupidly to the music. But it seems as if the music changes every time someone rides in it. Now it was playing Snoop Dogg’s Drop it likes it hot. It was just hilarious how they were dancing to it, they just couldn't, but it didn't matter because they were just having fun. They got to the bottom and got some boxes, Sota got the boxes with the sheets and clothes, Kagome go the one with books, random stuff, and the one with the shoes. They went all they way back to the apartment and dropped off the boxes, danced like morons and went to the car. Sota got the beds frame while Meigami got the mattress. She looked proudly at there almost thirteen year old brother, he sure grew strong in the past year. Once they arrived at the elevator the song had changed, now it was Kanye West’s The New Workout Plan. They set down the frames and mattress up against the wall of the elevator. Then they started dancing stupidly. "B-E-N-T-L-E-Y, Ye aint know you betta ask somebody!" They just kept dancing. Ding, the doors opened and revealed a very serious young woman and boy with a frame and mattress. It was as if they hadn't move since they stepped in.

They went back inside and into the master bedroom, leaving the boxes in the living room entrance. They assembled the bed, even though for some reason they had a horrible time trying to figure out. But eventually they got it. All the rooms were a pale white. "Hey Sota, what color do u think I should paint me room?" She asked her brother while looking at her room. There was no light, no bulb, there was not a bulb in the house. The most of a convenience that she had was running water at that point. The closet of the room was open showing it full of clothes. The beds headboard was against the middle of the wall on the right. The sheets were a dark cranberry along with the pillow bags. There was a white comforter under it. The sheets and comforter where folded near the head board in front of the pillows so it looked was if there were cranberry sheets and then a strip of a white comforter. The head board was simple, just plain brown wood. She looked at her room with pleasure. 'It will have to do till I find a job... ugghhh, where am I gonna work? Man, if Im gonna get a job I'm gonna need to get a newspaper first. I don't even have enough money for that! Isn't this a simply 'mashing' start?!' Sota looked at his sister noticing that she was thinking about something that made her upset due to her face expression.

The weeks went by and her mother had been giving her money but she said that she was going to cut her off at the end of the week. She had been going to job interviews like crazy but because of al the illnesses that showed up on her record they told her that she was just to much of a liability. Now Meigami was walking down the street in a black skirt, black stockings, black and white striped shirt(the stripes being very small of course) and some sporty dress Mary-Jane’s. This was her last shot at an interview. She was interviewing at a art design company, a secretary of course, she didn't think she had real talent at that, yeah right! The company helped design logos and advertisements. She really needed this job. But something told her that her luck might change soon enough. Lord knew she needed a change in that certain area. She arrived in front of a building, a huge one by the way. She stepped in and saw receptionist in the middle of the grey lobby behind her desk. She walked up to the 'clerk lady.'

"Excuse me, Im here for the secretary job interview. Can you please tell me where I should go?" Meigami asked very timidly. "Oh yes, just go up the elevator to the 15th floor and go down the hall to your right, the interview waiting room is on the 6th door to your left. Good luck sweetie!" The clerk told her as she started towards the elevator, Meigami flashing a very happy smile towards her direction. She entered the elevator and missed the music from the one in her apartment building. It was a very... quiet. She noticed that there was no button for the thirteenth floor. While she rode she started to think. 'Maybe I wont get the job. I mean, it must be an important employee if there wall the way up on the 15th floor. I'm not gonna get the job! I need this job! I can't loose it!' Ding, the elevator went off after a couple of seconds of ascending, indicating that she had reached the desired floor, floor 15. The metallic doors opened and she stepped outside into the hall. Ding, the doors closed behind her. She stood there for a second, trying to remember what the clerk had told her in the lobby. 'Okay, so first it’s the 15 floors then what did she say about a hallway and doors? Uh... Something about the right and the number six...' She thought very thoughtfully because she had forgotten what the woman had said.

"Oh yeah now I remember, Hallway to the right, sixth door to the left...good..." Meigami said in a low whisper as she began to walk to the waiting room, the sixth door down. She opened the door and saw an attractive brown haired girl that looked clueless. There was a man at the desk, obviously the one in charge. Next to the girl were two men dressed for the interview, one at each side. She was clueless to the fact that they were all swooning over her. 'I guess its not just blondes...' Meigami thought. This made her regret, just a little bit though, getting her hair dyed brown.

Meigami walked up to the counter where she told the man who she was and what she was there for. He nodded and told her to take a seat. She took a seat on the opposite side of the room on one of the chairs. She watched as all the men tried to 'pick her up,' but of course, she was clueless. 'So I guess Im a shoe in for the job considering my competition.' Meigami thought.

"Ms. Kionati? They will see you know, please step inside." The man behind the desk told her as he motioned towards the door a few feet away.

She obliged and stepped inside leaving the sorry guys to there little hunt for a female. Once inside she noticed the room was grey, there was not a man, but a woman, behind the desk. She was wearing a grey business suit and had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. She looked straight at her. "Hello Ms., sorry I didn't get your name." Meigami said, starting off on a bad foot. "Yes, my name is Ms. Leana Jaiti. You are here for the interview yes?" She said to Meigami as she set her hard, cold, strict, blue eyes on her; this which of course made her even more nervous at this particular interview then any other interview she'd gone to, which was...a lot.

"Yes ma’am." Meigami responded a bit nervous.

"So, you want the job?"

"Yes ma’am."

"So what makes you think I'll even consider you for the position?"

"I'm hoping that you could pick me for what I can do."

"What do you have, qualities, that you can bring to the position?"

"Well," Meigami began, "I'm a fast learner. I can commit and I I'm sure I can find my way around the office. Im good at solving problems and am practical. I like to keep things simple...but not always..." She finished.

"So what can you bring to this corporation?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know. Bad things have happened to me and I really need a job and this is my last shot... But I want to try and work my ass off to earn my keep..." Meigami said.

"But of all the places, why here?" Ms. Jaiti asked her. Not being touched by her plea/story.

"Well, I've always wanted a career in business and I always liked to draw... I suppose..."

"How much do you know about our corporation?"

"Well, I know that you guys work in making advertising logos and making animated commercials. Pretty much like a animating commercial, or advertising, corporation."

Ms. Jaiti stopped and looked at her... and looked and looked some more, Meigami shrinking under her hard blue eyes sending her a death stare.

"What’s so interesting to you about our corporation? Im sure that next week there would be more job ads in the paper..?"

"Well, I can't really wait that much, and well I guess, I like art somewhat and I would like to pursue something in that area. I just want to have a job that isn't so hectic, you know?"

But Ms. Jaiti didn't answer... instead, she gave another question. "What can we provide for you that’s better then anything else you've had?"

"Well," Meigami began," something stable, something that will support me. Something that I truly enjoy and don't do because I have to..." She finished. Ms. Jaiti just stared at her, and continued to stare, almost identically like before. "We'll get back to you, thank you for coming. Please tell the receptionist to bring in the next candidate." Meigami stood up, bowed and left the room.

Once she was out she told the man behind the desk to bring in the next person, the brown haired girl into the room. Meigami left the dull grey room and walked back down the hall and towards the elevator. As she was walking by, she thought that she was passing way too many doors. She re-counted to make sure that it was just her imagination. She counted. 'Oh my Gosh! I went into the wrong room! What did I just interview for?!' She thought. She went back to the sixth door, the one that she was supposed to go in and saw a whole bunch high school girls popping gum, sprinkled with a bit of adults. She left the room again and rushed down stairs to the lobby. For a second she thought of asking the lady behind the front lobby's desk what the interview in the eighth room was. But then that would bring up too many questions and eventually lead to the truth and she would look completely stupid, idiotic, and incompetent and it would probably get to the interviewer and she would lose the job automatically. Meigami would just have to wait until they called her telling her wether or not she got the job or not... all she could do is wait. ' Well, they better call before the end of next week because that is the end of my mom's money helping me out... though if she hadn't of kicked me out, that probably would have helped a lot too...' Meigami left the huge building's golden lobby and headed towards the bus stop a couple of blocks away.

She got to the stop just in time. She sat down and waited till the bus arrived at the stop nearest to her apartment. Oh how she wished she could just fly, she really needed all the money she could get, and in reality that bus fair could really help her out. But she knew better then that, that would bring on even more unnecessary problems, too many question... ugghhh. She couldn't even think about it. Well, she stood up as the bus came to a halt at her stop. She still had to walk five blocks to get to her apartment. But she could do it. She didn't really have a choice in it actually, she didn't have a car, and she was most certainly not going to get a bike, oh no! She walked and to the apartment, went all they way to the top floor, via stairs mind you, the elevator was being repaired and renovated. She walked up those twenty floors.

But when she got to the top she was only out of slight breath, no sweating no collapsing. Just a laps in her breathing pattern. Meigami walked down the hall and got to her apartment in the building, went in and turned on the lights. 'At least I was able to get some light bulbs,' she thought as she walked over to open the blinds in the living room. Once she did that she went to her room and kicked of those damnable shoes and got changed into a pink beater and hunter green capris that had a string at the end to them tighter around the leg. She tied her hair into a high messy bun, some brown hairs falling out of the hair tie. She walked to the living room and laid down on the couch the landlord had provided. She had in her hand a book in her hand. It was a novel by Mary Higgins Clark, All around the Town. She had gotten the book to make up for the fact that she had no T.V. She needed to do something with her time...

About a week passed and Meigami was getting anxious. She needed to know wether or not she got the job, and most importantly, what job it was that she got! She was wearing what she wore when she changed into when she had come home from her last interview. she was wearing ankle socks also. BRING! The phone rang, she rushed to it, she picked up, it was Ms. Jaiti, her hard voice asking if Meigami was there.

"Yes, this is her, Ms. Jaiti."