InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Sango and the Egyptian Sisters vs. Naraku: The Showdown Between Good and Evil ❯ The Encounter With Sesshomaru and Johnson ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Note: This is the second part of this RP (role-play) that my friend and I created...I forgot to save the first sorry if I'm confusing you.... Basically.... Sango and a few original characters are trying to find Naraku! Original characters: Carmen, Destiny, Johnson, and Marissa

Sango: All right! Let's get on to find Naraku! C'mon Kilala! *Hops on Kilala*
Kilala: *nods*
Carmen: Cool. *She and Destiny hop on*
*Before they take off, Kilala hears a familiar voice*
Sango: What is it?
Sango: Oh! Hi Shippo!
Destiny: *sniffs* Who's that?
Carmen: Awww, he looks so cute and adorable!
Sango: Fox demon boy that likes to follow us
Shippo: No, I don't always follow you guys!
Carmen: *laughs* Nice to meet you, Shippo
Shippo: Who're these people? Same here!
Sango: They're my new friends.... Since Inuyasha and Kagome are away [1] and Miroku can't fight that much
Shippo: Oh, I see...Ok! Can I come along?
Destiny: Sure, why not? By the way, it's nice to meet you. I'm Destiny. That's my sister Carmen
Shippo: Oh, likewise, where're we heading?
Destiny: East, which’s where Naraku is
Sango: We're trying to find Naraku
Shippo: Oh.... Why should I even bother asking? That's where we're always headed
Sango: Well.... Now you know
Carmen: *laughs*...
Sango: Ok! Let's fly! *Kilala takes off*
Shippo: *Uses fox magic to transform into pink, flying balloon*
Destiny: That's so awesome!
Shippo: *voice is distorted* Thank you
Destiny: Sure thing *smiles*
Carmen: (to Sango) So you have a brother too? I'm sorry about what happened to him...I have a brother who turned against my family...*speechless*
Sango: Oh.... Yes I do...His name is Kohaku...I don't want to talk about him...Who was your brother?
Carmen: That's okay, I understand, just remember, I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about him. Mine's Johnson. *Tears in eyes* He killed my family, villagers, and killed my friends...
Carmen: He killed my dog too
Sango: *tears well up* I'm sorry.... Kohaku was like that when Naraku possessed him
Carmen: I'm sorry about your brother *hugs*
Destiny: *watches speechless*
Sango: Sorry...I'm just so mad at that Naraku!
Shippo: Please don't cry, Sango
Carmen: It's okay Sango, I know how you feel *hug*
Destiny: I'm so sorry
Sango: *dries tears* I won't! I won't cry for my possessed brother!
Carmen: It's okay, bud. *Tears in eyes* I still the bear the pain that my brother caused...
Destiny: *looks on, sadly* He killed my loved ones too...
Sango: Kohaku killed villagers and our clan
Carmen: Awww
*Kilala stops and finds a limp body in the bushes*
Destiny: Who's that?
Shippo: Oh no! I smell human blood
Sango: Kilala! We must help him!
Destiny: Me too, this is not good.
Carmen: *holds sword*
*Kilala glides down*
Carmen: He's bleeding pretty badly
Sango: *walks slowly toward body*
*Sesshomoru comes out of bushes*
Destiny: Another demon?
Sesh: Don't touch that body!
Carmen: *holds sword* Huh?
Sesh: Carmen! Don’t you recognize him?
Sango: How do you know her?
Sesh: That body is Johnson! He told me everything
Carmen: I didn't recognize him at first in that bloody mess
Sesh: He wanted me to join him...But I we dueled
Carmen: one heck of a duel.... *Speechless*
Sesh: He retreated before I gave my final blow
Carmen: What do you plan to do with him?
Sesh: So...what are we supposed to do?
Destiny: *glares at Johnson's body* Not sure
Sesh: I won't finish him.... He’s not worth it
Carmen: *eyes red* I want to
Sesh: Well...Hello there, Sango
Sango: What do you want?
Sesh: Hm..the fox boy's here too....But not Inuyasha, the monk, or Kagome
Sesh: Where are they?
Destiny: what do you want Sesshomaru?
Sango: They're not here!....Be gone!
Sesh: Damn it all...I need Inuyasha's sword and since he's not here.....Why don't you tell me where and I'll find him
Sango: Never! You'll just kill him
Carmen: Don't you dare harm Sango or Destiny *eyes as red as fire*
Sesh: Carmen...*shakes head* No mere mortal can defeat me...You'll end up like your brother here
Sesh: Sango! Tell me where my brother is!
Shippo: She won't!
Carmen: Listen, leave her alone *grips sword*
Destiny: Leave her alone, Sesh
Sesh: you pipsqueak! even Jakken can take you!
Shippo: *is angry*
Sesh: I feel another duel coming....And my enemy is.....*points to Carmen*
Carmen: *pulls out sword* *Eyes redder than before* I'm ready when you are, punk....
Destiny to Sango: *whispers* Why are her eyes so red? Wait...oh no! It can't be!
Sango: No! Leave her alone!
Destiny: Carmen's anger is being mixed with the shadows...again...back in Egypt, shadows almost consumed her and almost made her evil
Sango: We just want to find Naraku!
Carmen: *eyes redder than anything* *voice deeper* Let me take care of him!
Sesh: Who cares about Naraku?.....I wish not to fight this pathetic human....I want Inuyasha!
Sesh: There is! *looks over to Johnson, who is waking*
Destiny: Well if you want to fight her, than you'll have to fight me too!
Carmen: No Destiny, stay out of this, or else I'll tear you apart too! That fool's awake now too! *slashes him cruelly with sword*
Destiny to Sango: I'm not sure what to do, she's being consumed by evil shadows
Johnson: I'm back How dare you slash me...aww, it's Destiny, Carmen, and another girl...Sango? Is that your name, my dear?
Sango: My dear? Don't you dare sweet-talk me! I'm not in a good mood right now!
Johnson: I don't to join my forces, sweetie?
Carmen: *consumed by evil shadows*
Destiny: uh oh...
Sango: *glares* I wish to kill Naraku! What's going on with Carmen?
Sesh:*vanishes into the forest*
Destiny: I think her anger is consuming her...
Sango: oh dear
Shippo: wait! come back here, Sesshomaru!
Shippo: what's going on?
Johnson: really, come too, Sango, and you too, you cute, weak cub
Sango: *glares at Johnson* quit talking to me like that and fight me!
Johnson: Fine then...actually, why don't you fight with me instead, cutie?
Carmen: Let me take care of him Sango! Get out of the way
Sango: Ugh! HIRACOSE! *hits Johnson* *boomerang comes back*
Johnson: a small that the best u can do?
Sango: *glares at him* take him away, Carmen!
Carmen: *red eyes* Sure will....MWHAHAHAHAHA! *punches and slashes him with sword repeatedly MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *slashes more*
Johnson: YOU STUPID BIMBO! *bloody* *punches her* *makes her land at 26 MPH on the ground next to Sango*
Sango: *gasps* Carmen! Are you ok?
Destiny: Carmen!
Carmen: I'm fine...*eyes still red* Let's go, Johnson....
Johnson: Ah, but why don't you attack me again, Sango?
Destiny: to Sango: Want to do a combined attack?
Sango: I won't interfere in someone else's battle
Destiny: Okay...but I've got to intervene...she's my sister and well, Johnson killed me 5000 years ago...Hey Johnson! *punches and blasts him* *Gets punched away* Ouch!
Carmen: Fool! Let me take him, got it?!
Shippo: Go Carmen!
Destiny: *tears in eyes* You're calling me a fool?!
Carmen: Yes I am! I'm supposed to take him by myself. I don't care! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Destiny to Sango: I'm scared...and sad
Sango: Don't be sad....She's just incredibly angry, and I'm incredibly disgusted at Johnson....the creep
Destiny: I understand, I am too, but then how come I'm not as angry as she as?
Sango: Is Johnson your brother too?
Carmen: Sword of Pain! *Johnson bleeds from several attacks*
Destiny: No, but he killed my boyfriend in Egypt and my parents too...And my friends I guess that's why...
Sango: Oh my god....The fiend
Johnson: I'm not through yet...*Knocks Carmen down* *sends fireball directly at Sango to try to get her to fight*
Destiny: NOOOOOOOOOO! *takes fireball* *badly injured*
Shippo: What can I do to help?
Destiny: *gasps* *struggles to speak* Know any healing spells? OW!
Sango: Oh no! What is your problem?!
Shippo: Yes I do! KABOOM! *heals everyone on accident*
Sango: Shippo!
Carmen: SHIPPO!
Destiny: Relax guys, calm down...*hugs Shippo*
Shippo: I'm sorry...I just learned the technique a few days ago *cries*
Sango: Oh no....Please don't cry
Destiny: Awww, it's okay, Shippo *hugs him*
Shippo: I was only trying to help
Destiny: Thank you for healing me though, it's okay
Shippo: *sniff sniff*
Destiny: *smiles at Shippo* *hugs him* You saved my life
Sango: Here...Have a piece of my candy *gives him a piece of candy from pocket*
Shippo: *eats candy* I'm feeling better! Thank you, you two
Sango: You're welcome
Destiny: You're welcome...
Johnson: *looks on, laughing*
Carmen: *starts to break down* I should've saved my sis
Sango: I guess that means we have more to fight for
Sango: No! No need to feel sorry...Please! You did well
Carmen: Really?
Sango: WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME, JOHNSON? Yes you did....Thank you
Destiny: Yes, you did, now go fight...
Carmen: Awww...*smiles at Sango and Destiny*
Sango: Ok! I'll tear him apart......Starting with his voice box
Johnson: I want another soul to consume, another person to torture!
Carmen: Wait...
Sango: Yes?
Carmen: Want to work together to fight him?
Destiny: I want to join in
Sango: Sure, we need as much help as needed
Carmen: Awesome...*high five to both Sango and Destiny* We're a team and we will win!
Sango: Yes we will defeat him! It'll be good training so we can beat Naraku
Shippo: So does this mean that Johnson is weaker than Naraku?
Sango: Precisely, Shippo!
Carmen: (whispers) yep...How about we combine our attacks?
Destiny: Yea, let's do that, Sango...
Carmen: Sword of Destruction!
Destiny: Blast of Killing!
*blasts going through*....
Johnson: *sends a blast to try to repulse*
Sango: It'll never work, you creep!
Carmen: C'mon, keep trying....*blasts hit each other*...
*Blasts hit Johnson!
BAM! *he's blown apart*
Sango: *panting* I'm so tired
Carmen: Me too *gives Sango a big hug* We did it!
Sango: *hugs back* I am too! Is Johnson dead for good?
Destiny: Yay! Let me go check...Mind if you follow me just in case? *shudders*
Destiny: Sango, would you like to come with me, you know, just in case he tries to play dead...I'm going to check if he's dead.
Carmen: I'll come along too...
Sango: Ok *creeps over towards Johnson* *is suddenly being strangled* *choking*
Carmen: HEY YOU PUNK! *chops Johnson's arms off*
Destiny: *helps Sango gets hands off her neck*
Sango: *pants* *coughs* It's as if he refuses to die
Carmen: Well that won't be much longer...
Carmen: *stabs him right in the heart*
Destiny: You okay Sango?
Sango: *still panting* I'm fine.....Shippo......can you try the healing technique again? but at a lighter level?
Shippo: Sure thing! KABOOM!
Carmen: Don't heal Johnson!
*heals everyone mildly cept Johnson*
Carmen: Sorry if I sounded mean there...
Destiny: Glad everyone's fine
Shippo: I hope I did well...That was a great fight! Great job! Right, Kilala?
*Kilala nods in agreement*
Carmen: You did great! *hugs him*
Shippo: *smiles*
Carmen: Sorry if I was a bit mean earlier, got too caught up with my anger...
Shippo: It's Ok....Inuyasha's always angry with me, so I'm used to it
Carmen: Well I promise I'll never be mean like him...*smiles nicely at Shippo*
Destiny: Yeah, She's very nice...Except when Miroku's being a pervert *laughs*
Sango: *laughs* Yeah....Aren't we all?
[1] In our first fic(Which I was too dumb to save), Inuyasha went to fetch Kagome in her time and they have yet to return....Hope you're liking it so far...