InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ 3s Company ❯ Gems and Ramen ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

  As Fox ran up the back of the giant demon, Fate distracted it, keeping its attention away from Fox. He ran between the giant spikes on its back, leaped up high in the air, and drove his claws into its forehead. Fate and Fox got out of the way as the demon started waving its arms around blood pouring from its head, then it finally fell to the ground dead. “Well, that was quite a powerful demon” said Fate. “Yea...well I think now that we killed it the others are dead now...wanna go explore around in here?” asked Fox. “Sure, I’ll call if I need anything” said Fate, but Fox didn’t hear, he was already running off into the depths of the cave. As the boy with long, floppy ears ran off, his brother, Fate, walked off examine the jewels and treasures they had earned after traversing this cave.

    “Hmm...doesn’t seem like anything interesting in here..” Fox said, but stopped after seeing an odd door infront of him. He felt like something was pulling him towards it, so he walked to the door, examine it then opened it up and stepped inside the small room. The room was empty, except for a small pedestal in the middle, holding an oddly colored gem. Fox stepped forward, looking at the black and yellow striped gem. “Oooooooo.....this looks good” he said as he pocketed it away and ran out back to Fate. “Yo Fate, I’m done, you ready to go?” asked Fox. Fate did not answer, but merely walked off to the entrance. Fox took that as a yes, and followed his older brother.

 *Back at Foxes Castle*

“WERE BACK!!” yelled Fox as he walked into the doorway with Fate trailing behind him. A girl that looked older then Fox wearing black clothes and holding a mirror peeked her head out of the kitchen doorway “O welcome back Fox...where’s Fate?” Kanna asked. “He’s behind anything happen while we were gone?”. “Nope, so how was helping out that town? Did you destroy the demon that was terrorizing it?”. “Yup” Fox responded, “There was a lot of treasures and such left in the cave, but Fate said it would be better if we left them there for the people.” “Hm....well I’ll go tell your father that you and Fate are back” Kanna said, as Fox ran up to his room. He locked the door, took off his shirt hot, and looked at diamond he found in the cave. After awhile, he dismissed the idea and hid it in a safe spot under his bed then went outside to the balcony. He looked out upon the place where he resided...hell. He was the son of the devil, among other kids, and this was his father’s castle. He sighed and went to his bathroom and took a long shower, cleaning himself up from the mini-adventure in the cave. Later, he woke up from taking a nap when his other brother, Fire, yelled to him “FOX!!!!!! DINNER TIME!!!!!”. Fox grumbled to himself and walked down to the kitchen, sitting down at the table and looking down at his dinner: ramen again. “ seems like this is all I have nowdays” whined Fox. “Ahhh shut up” said Fire. “Fire your such a problem child”. “Both of you be quite” commanded Fate. A big man walked in and sat down at the head of the table and he looked at Fate and Fox “So, how was ya’lls adventure or whatever today?”. “It was good dad, we just had to get through some tiny imps and destroy a giant demon, and that’s all.” said Fate. Everyone finished eating, stayed up doing random stuff, then went to bed.

 *Unknown Area*

“ Fox has found the gem...excellent..” said a raspy and evil sounding voice, of Ziv, brother of Fox. “Everythings going according to all I need to do is sit back and bid my time...”