InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ 3s Company ❯ Road to Heartless Hill ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

 “Good job Fate, I haven’t heard word from Shadow yet. I knew I could trust you” Said the over happy Devil, sitting down at the main table back at the castle. “Well, I knew Kurosu was an extremely powerful guy, so he’d be able to do it.” agreed Fate. Just then, the door slowly opened up. Devil and Fate looked at it as a dark figure emerged from the dim bitch black of the night outside. The dripping wet figure came out of the rain, and into the house. Fate and Devil both, with their mouths wide open, stared at Shadow. He walked in, looking battered and bruised. Devil looked at Fate, and Fate got a grim look on his face. Shadow walked up too Fate and through him against the way. “Hey, what was that for?!” Fate yelled. “You know damn well” Shadow said, glaring at him. Shadow dismissed the fact, and walked up to Foxes room. Fox looked at Shadow as he entered his room. “Hey Shadow, where’d you go?” Fox asked inattentively, but Shadow didn’t answer him and instead sat down by Fox. “ you know who I am?” Shadow looked Fox over as he asked him this. Shadow could tell by Fox’es expression that he didn’t, so he told Fox the whole story, from beginning to end. After about 10 minutes later, Fox stared at Shadow wide eyed. “ you’re my reincarnation?” Fox asked stunningly at Shadow. Shadow nodded, and Fox looked forward out the window. “Now Fox..who was that guy yesterday that was with your dad when I first came here?” Shadow asked, looking sternly at Fox. “ mean Ziv?” Fox asked back, looking at Shadow oddly. “Yes that’s him. Where does he reside at?” Shadow looked at Fox. “Umm..I think in a giant castle somewhere in the western lands of the Feudal Era.” Fox responded. “Well...I think we need to pay him a visit. You know why right?” Shadow asked Fox. “ I do” Fox said back. Shadow, with Fox following, climbed out of the window, made it down to the castle grounds, then Shadow teleported them both to the western part of the Feudal Era. Shadow looked around, then, without warning, pulled Fox and himself into a nearby bush. “Hey! What the hell?!” Fox yelled at Shadow, but he quieted Fox quickly as he pointed to a tiny flying blue being, with the heartless symbol on its chest. Shadow glared at it, as Fox looked on oddly. “What’s a heartless doing here?” Shadow whispered to Fox. “It’s one of Ziv’s. He is the heartless master after all.” Fox responded. Shadow and Fox waited until the heartless had left, then they both emerged from the bushes. “That was close...if that thing would have seen us, it would have reported to the others that we’re here. Then our cover would have been blown.” Shadow looked behind him at Fox. They both continued on, stealthy moving on as too not be seen. Soon, they came up upon a giant hill that overlooked the castle. They looked over the side of it at the giant and dark castle of the heartless master, Ziv. “There’s our target. We just have to get in there and kill Ziv.’ Shadow said, not looking at Fox but at the castle. “Wait..why do we have to kill him again?” Fox asked Shadow. “I already told you, he wants to use me for his own evil purposes, to take over the world through the power of the heartless. And WE have to get rid of him” Shadow said. Both of them started going down the hill, ready to infiltrate the castle.

*Unknown Area*

Atop the main throne, sat Ziv, looking smug as hell, seeing Fox and Shadow move down the hill on a screen on his chair. With a loud clanking sound, a small soldier heartless walked in. “SIR SIR WE HAVE A MESSAGE!” The little thing yelled. “What?” Ziv said coldly, not bothering to look back at it. “Well...we found out there is actually a 3RD soul inside Foxes body, and we umm..well....can’t take the power of one soul unless both of them are present.” The heartless said. Ziv glared back at it and grabbed it by the neck, throwing it against the wall, it exploding in a black cloud. “ there is a 3rd soul, eh? Well, no problem, I’ll just have to use the second gem.” Ziv said in an evil voice, as he sat back down and started pushing buttons on his chair.

*Heartless Hill*   Shadow and Fox raced down the giant hill, seeing an army of heartless waiting for them at the bottom. They both stopped in their tracks, looking at the heartless. “ much for our stately entrance.” Shadow said. For a moment, it seemed like everyone was frozen stiff. The heartless looked at Shadow and Fox, and Shadow and Fox looked at the heartless. Then, all in a moment, Shadow jumped high up, extended his claws, and started slashing through the heartless as if they were toothpicks. Fox joined in, taking out some of the big ones. This onslaught continued for about 5 minutes, the army seeming to never end, heartless appearing out of nowhere. But finally, in one last ditch effort, the heartless exploded all around Shadow and Fox, barely damaging them. “Hm..that was TOO easy.” Said Shadow. They made their way to the main gate, which, opened as they walked right up to it. Fox looked at Shadow oddly, then continued on. They preceded lightly, as if an enemy force could jump out at any time and attack them. Instead, they found themselves wandering through the seemingly endless hallways. “Christ, when is this gonna end?!” Shadow said, in an angry tone. “I’ll look in this room” Fox said, running off before Shadow could answer. Shadow sighed, then followed Fox behind him. Fox entered a nearby room. It was completely covered in black wallpaper, and the only other visible thing was a ratty, torn looking old bed with bloodstains deep into it. And sitting atop it was a light green gem, with tear-shaped markings sketched into it. Fox looked deep into it and picked it up, examining it over. And in a flash, the gem exploded, a bright light engulfing Fox completely and the room. Shadow ran to the room and looked at the bright flash, shielding his eyes from it. When it was over, a figure the size of both of them was lying on the bed. His fur was green, except for the areas on the end of his long, floppy ears was white, and the tip of his large tail as well. He was wearing a pair of light green shoes, and had an odd yellow over-sized collar on around his neck, which seemed to be oddly fastened around his neck without it falling off. Shadow looked the figure over, then to the knocked out Fox. He walked over to the green-furred boy and shook him a little. “Sorrow...wake up.....dammit Sorrow wake up” Shadow said firmly to the kid called Sorrow. Sorrow awoke, and looked up at Shadow blinking a few times. “S...Shadow? Is that you!? Oh my god! It’s been so long!” Sorrow said excitedly hugging Shadow. Shadow looked at Sorrow awkwardly, then to Fox. “Well...lets get him up” Shadow said, looking back over to Sorrow. Sorrow looked over Fox with a hint of awe on his face. “ this him?” He asked Shadow, looking very eager for an answer. Shadow nodded, making Sorrow smile, then he preceded to wake Fox up. After shaking Fox and yelling his ear for about 5 minutes, Fox finally came too. He looked up groggily at Sorrow, then jumped back, surprised at this new being. Sorrow just merely smiled at him. “Shadow..who is this?” Fox looked over at Shadow. “Is this...” Fox asked but Shadow interrupted. “Yes Fox, that is your 2nd reincarnation.” Shadow said, grinning as he saw Sorrow hug Fox as tight as he could. Then, a loud beeping sound echoed through the halls, and a bright red light flashed every 5 seconds as a loud and familiar voice broke over the intercom. “Well, it looks like our heros mini-adventure is about to be over, and all they have to do is defeat Ziv at the roof. But, this castle has been set to detonate in 45 minutes, and lets not forget to mention the seemingly endless number of heartless in their way to the roof. Will our heros get here in time? Or will Ziv win and get the power of the two most powerful beings ever and take over the world? Time is ticking boys...better move.” As Ziv’s voice echoed from the intercom, they heard a loud blast and all 3 of them looked out the doorway and saw a huge number of heartless running at them. “Well..c’mon only one way through this” Shadow said as he charged the group