InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Shards Of Hope ❯ Going Places ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Since I obviously don't own the copyright to Teen Titans or Inuyasha, I'm taking advantage of the Fair Use Clause of the Copyright laws to write a story with them in it. Who knew the government would protect the little guys? Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Author's Note: Full Author's Note at bottom.
Chapter 16: Going Places
Robin walked back to the Table where the Titans were sitting, but he didn't sit down. Instead continued to stand, waiting for them to look at him. It didn't take long, Starfire put down her spoon, and Cyborg stopped stuffing his face full of meat, while Raven met his gaze while still sipping her tea. “This is important, where's Beast Boy?
Raven swallowed the bit of tea she had been drinking, “Do you need to ask? He's still asleep.
Robin frowned, but nodded “The situation has changed.
Why doesn't this sound like a good thing?” Cyborg asked, looking concerned.
Robin exhaled, “Because it isn't.
Ah man.” Cyborg mumbled, looking to his plate of food, twiddling a piece of bacon around his fork.
The US government has requested we stay here in Japan until we capture Slade or Slade leaves.
Starfire blinked, “But that is not bad.
Star, we're not going home until we catch him.
Starfire's eyes went wide and she gasped and Cyborg's mouth dropped. Raven blinked, but continued to drink her tea.
We are not going back to Titan's Tower?” Starfire asked.
But all my equipment, my recharger, my stuff, my baby?” Cyborg asked, depression mingling with surprise as he daydreamed about his car.
Raven put down her tea, “Who's going to defend Jump City while we are gone?
Robin nodded towards Raven first, “That's what I came here to talk about first. Cyborg, could you call up Titans East, and ask for some assistance?” He nodded sullenly, but Robin stopped him from leaving, “And wake up Beast Boy.” Cyborg sighed and walked off.
Robin looked to Starfire who still looked somewhat unnerved, “Star, I want you to go and make sure the people from the well are ok. Make sure they have had breakfast, and if they haven't they probably don't know where it is, so I'd like you to take them.” She nodded, smiled, and left, her congealing oatmeal forgotten on the table.
There was a long pause, as Robin turned to face Raven. She remained stone faced, “And what do you want me to do?
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Sango exited the room, Miroku still sitting on the couch nursing his cheek. The door in front of her, the room Miroku and Inuyasha were supposed to have shared the previous night, opened and Kagome stomped out, slamming it behind her. “Did Inuyasha do something wrong?”
Kagome stood there, seething, “Why didn't you tell me what happened yesterday?”
Sango took a step back, “Kohaku…”
Kagome softened instantly, “I'm sorry Sango, I shouldn't have snapped at you, nobody told me what happened yesterday, and Inuyasha snapped at me about the Jewel shards and I was just upset…” Sango nodded and Miroku appeared at the door, the mark on his cheek disappearing.
“Hello Kagome.”
Kagome didn't reply, looking away from him and stomping off to see her family. Miroku leaned over to Sango, “Did I do something wrong?”
Sango simply watched as Kagome turned the corner, “I can see why Inuyasha is afraid of her…”
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The hallways were empty. Raven guessed that most of the business that went on in this building was being handled elsewhere, for now at least. Robin didn't speak, continuing on down the hall in silence. Hopefully the half-demon Inuyasha was still in his room, and hopefully, he would be alone. The odds of luck siding with them seemed unlikely at best.
Do you know why they want him?
The first time Raven had spoken since they had left breakfast, he wasn't really surprised. She always was the most direct. “No.
Raven didn't speak again, or even acknowledge she had heard him. Robin couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind? He tried not to think about it, he wasn't a mind reader, and she was inscrutable as it was.
They turned another corner, and Robin looked at the room numbers. They were in the right corridor now, assuming their new `liaison officer' knew what he was talking about. He listened, but heard nothing. Starfire had probably grabbed him and had taken him down to breakfast. He frowned, but continued onward, going to the door. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but paused, turning instead to face Raven.
We have to talk.” Raven didn't respond, but turned to look at him. Robin shifted uncomfortably, “Last night was a mistake. Yesterday was a mistake.” She blinked and looked back to the door, “Raven, I'm sorry.
She lowered her head and removed her cowl before looking back at him, “Robin, you're not alone, you're not the first one not to trust me.
Robin blinked and arched an eyebrow, “Who?
Before I came to Titan's Tower, before we ever met, I went to the Justice League. I asked them to help me to fight my father… but… they told me to leave.
Robin's eyes widened and she looked away, “I didn't know.
I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would treat me the same way...
Robin frowned deeply; he had been perpetuating the exact same sentiment that she had feared he would. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say another word, there was a gentle knock on the door. He looked down to find Raven's hand pulling away from the door.
There was a pause, and then Inuyasha's voice rang out, “Is that you Kagome?”
“No.” Raven's voice was monotone and there was a snort from inside.
“What do you want?”
“We have been asked to take you to the Japanese government.” Robin said, frowning.
“The what?” The door opened and Inuyasha was there, scowling at them. “What is this about?”
“The Japanese government…”
Inuyasha looked away from him and to Raven, “Hey you!” He pointed at her, “Give me those jewel shards!” Raven took a step back, casting her surprised glance to Robin, but quickly returning it to Inuyasha who had shoved his hand in front of her face, “You heard me, give them to me!”
Raven took nearly a second to regain her composure before looking up at Inuyasha stone faced, “No.”
“Don't make me hurt you.” He said with a growl.
Robin grabbed his Bo-Staff, taking a step back and getting back into a fighting stance, but Raven remained calm, dark energy spreading from beneath her cloak, behind Inuyasha's legs, and behind his back. She narrowed her eyes, “Sit boy.” The energy slammed into his back, smashing him to the ground and pinning him there. Robin just stared. “I learned a trick from the girl, Kagome, when I entered his mind.” She said passively, and looked back to Inuyasha.
Robin blinked, watching as Inuyasha struggled to rise, despite the black energy sitting on his back, “I… see…”
Raven kneeled down to face him, letting the dark energy on his back dissipate, “Now, Inuyasha, are you ready to come with us, or do I have to say it again?”
Inuyasha growled, getting to his hands and knees as he glared at Raven, “That's not what Kagome does.”
Raven perked an eyebrow, “Would you like me to do it again so you can explain the differences?”
Inuyasha finally rose to his feat, letting out a worried sigh, “No, no… I'll go with you.”
“Good.” Raven nodded and then turned to leave, Robin alongside her. Inuyasha watching as they walked off down the corridor.
Inuyasha didn't move, “Wait, aren't we waiting for Kagome?” Robin turned around, somewhat surprised.
Robin frowned, “I wasn't told to bring her.”
Inuyasha folded his arms across his chest, “Well, I'm not going anywhere without Kagome.” Robin turned around, motioning for Raven to follow.
Robin looked back for a second and then looked to Raven, “Is there any way you could convince him to leave without her?
He wont leave, not without her.” Raven deadpanned.
Robin frowned irritably, “I didn't want to involve anyone else in this, that's why I had Star take everyone else to breakfast.
I know, but Inuyasha is as stubborn as you are.” Robin looked genuinely surprised, but Raven continued, “He's not going to leave Kagome behind if he feels she's not safe.
She's with Starfire.
He doesn't know Starfire like we do. He doesn't know any of us, he's from the feudal era, remember?
Robin sighed, looking back to Inuyasha again, “But he's not with her now.
Yes, but she's not leaving the area. We're going to have to tell her if we really want him to come with us.
Can't we just tell him that we already told her?
Raven perked an eyebrow, “Are you really suggesting we lie to someone who doesn't know who we are and doesn't trust us?
I don't know what the Japanese government wants with him, I can't make any promises to either of them, and they don't want her, they want him, and only him.
Raven frowned at that, looking back to Inuyasha who was sitting on the floor, back against the doorframe, “He's not going to leave without at least seeing Kagome.
Robin sighed, “Well then, I guess we're going to see Kagome…

Auth or's Note: So, I didn't post last week. Sorry about that, but my friend had military leave, and I'm sorry for my fans, but he's worth more to me than writing fanfiction altogether. Sorry about not giving you any warning, but, yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, things are going a bit more smoothly. My hours at work are getting cut down and I may be able to update Raven's Destiny soon… anyway, thanks for the comments, and I'm glad you enjoy!