InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Two Legendary Evils ❯ Preparation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Two Legendary Evils Chapter 2
disclaimer: I don't Inuyasha and related characters or Legend of Dragoon characters
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"Focus Inuyasha!"Dart yelled at Inuyasha as he was able to get yet another hit weary and newest Dragoon.

"Damnit Dart,you've alreay done this before I'm still barely getting the hang of this."Inuyasha yelled back swinging his sword
at Dart's face.

"Inuyasha,I want you to try the wind scar again."

"What,but that could kill you."

"Just do it!"

"Fine."Inuyasha lifted his sword and swung slicing the wind scar sending air slashes at the fear strucken Dart."Dart move!"

Dart had time for one thing."Divine Dragon Cannon!"Enegry of white light blasted towards Inuyasha faster than he could react.
Inuyasha was only concentrated on Dart rather then the blast.Inuyasha dug his sword into the ground waiting for the imense blast
that lay before him.Inuyasha never noticed that Tetusaiga put up a barrier of flames arouund him protecting him from the blast,the
blast could be heard from miles away,everyone ran out of the hut into a cloud of thick red smoke surrounding Dart and Inuyasha as
the blast subsided.

"Dart,Inuyasha!"Kagome and Shana yelled not being able to see through the thick smoke surrounding them.Dart comes out from the
smoke coughing with tears in his eyes.

"Dart,where's Inuyasha?"Shana asked running up to him.

"He's fine."Dart said looking up over them.

"Are you sure?"

"See for yourself."Dart said looking pointedly above them.Inuyasha was hovering above them with his sword pointed at Dart.

"We're not done,Dart."

"Let's go."Dart said drawing his sword at Inuyasha.

"No,you two are done you're gonna end up killing each other."Kagome said grabbing Dart's arm.

"Alright."Dart said as he transformed into a human again.

"Inuyasha you can come down now."Shana said looking into his eyes noticing something different about them,but didn't say anything.

Inuyasha relaxed and transformed back into his half-demon form."Inuyasha are you alright?"Shana whispered to him while kneeling.

"I'm fine don't worry about it."Inuyasha whispered back as he stood up.Inuyasha went into the forest to rest.The others watched
go inside the forest."Dart,I think you went to far."Rose said leaning against a tree looking at the floor.

"Sorry,but time is of the essence.So I have to get him as ready as possible."Dart said lowering his head.

"Dart I know time is not on our side,but go easy on him he can figure somethings on his own."Albert said putting his hand on Dart's

"You're right I do that tomorrow,but we have to get medical supplies,weapons,armor."

"The medical supplies are taking care of Kagome carries a bag of medicine that works miracles."Sango said smiling at Dart.

"Then thank god for Kagome."Dart said walking into the forest.

"Where are you going?"Shana asked looking at him confused.

"To think."Dart simply put.

"You think they're alright?"Shana asked Kagome.

"I don't,but I'm gonna go find Inuyasha."Kagome said.

"I'll go find Dart."Shana said as she and Kagome walked into the forest.Kagome ran through the forest looking at branches of the
trees.Kagome came to the sacred tree and Inuyasha sitting on the branch over her head.

"Inuyasha,are you ok?"Kagome asked putting her hand for Inuyasha to pull her up into the tree with him.

Inuyasha grabbed her and pulled her into the tree putting her in his lap."I'm fine I was just thinking."

"Thinking of what?"Kagome asked putting her head against his chest.

"Of everything that's happening.I mean the world threatened by Melbu Frauma,Naraku has Sango's brother the jewel shards I just
don't know what to make out of all of this."Inuyasha said turning his head away.

"Inuyasha it's ok we'll be fine."Kagome said turining his lightly so she look in to his molten gold eyes.

"That's not what I'm worried about.I'm about you getting hurt."

"Inuyasha I'll be fine as long as I'm with you."Kagome said then kissed Inuyasha.

"Come on Kagome we have to get back it's getting late."Inuyasha said looking at the setting sun.

"Alright."Kagome as Inuyasha picked her up and jumped off the tree.
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"Dart,where are you?"

Dart was leaning against a tree when he heard Shana scream."SHANA!"Dart yelled as he ran to where he the scream come from.

"Dart saw Shana being attacked by two snake demons."Shana!"Dart yelled as he ran to Shana,but was knocked down from behind.

"Iron Reaver Soul Steeler!"Inuyasha yelled as he sliced the demons in half.

"Inuyasha,how did you-"

"I heard Shana scream so me and Kagome rushed over here."Inuyasha said lending his hand to help Dart up.

"Thanks."Dart send taking his and pulling himself up.

"We should get back to camp it's late already."Kagome said she walked over to Dart and Inuyasha with Shana.

"Alright let's go."Dart said running back in the direction of the village.Albert and Miroku were already looking for them when
they came running out of the forest.

"Where were you?"Miroku asked

"Shana was attacked and I was pinned down from behind when Inuyasha came."Dart replied looking at everyone sleeping outside.

"Why's everyone here?"Inuyasha asked half open.

"They fell asleep waiting for you."Albert said sitting down.

"We should get some rest.We got a long day tomorrow."

"Yes,tomorrow we leave in search of Melbu Frauma."Dart said laying next to Shana who was already asleep.

"I just hope we're not too late."Inuyasha said before he fell asleep.Albert,Miroku and Dart stayed up a little while longer before
sleep claimed them.