InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kami Help Me High School ❯ Away We Go! ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey peoples. Sorry `bout the long wait…been really busy lately. Anyway, more reading!
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Chapter 5
Away We Go
Misoka and Shippo had managed to get Kayo to her favorite chair and let her sleep there. It was such a good thing that Misoka could change to a really tall fox demon (else they would have never have moved her, she is stubborn in her sleep!). That's when Kiako and Anju came looking for her.
“OOOOO KAAAAYOOOOO!” They sang out, popping their heads through the door.
“Quiet! This is a library, and Kayo's sleeping!” Misoka hissed angrily, his glasses flashing dangerously.
“Calm down. There's no one in here, and Kayo shouldn't be sleeping on the job!” Kiako answered, sticking her tongue out at the little man. Misoka glared at her.
Kiako padded up to Kayo. “WAKE UP!!!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.
~Next door~
“What the hell?!” yelled Haru, the anger management teacher. He covered his ears as the roaring continued, then slowly grinded away to angry voices.
“What was that all about?! I'm gonna go over there and give them a piece of my mind!” Haru growled, throwing off his jacket as he headed for the door, ready for a fight.
“Haru, stop! They will quiet down in a minute! You don't need to go over there! See, it's already quiet!” Tohru said, frantically trying to keep him from going to the library. She really didn't like fights, and was sure Haru could be beat by Kayo and Kiako easily.
Haru slowly let his nerves settle and got back to their work.
~Back in the Library~
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” Kayo yelled, rubbing the now sore spot on her head from where she clanked heads with Kiako. (Kiako was leaning over Kayo when she jumped up.)
“Well I had to wake you up somehow, slacker!” Kiako groaned, holding her own head.
“I am not a slacker! If anyone's a slacker around here its you!”
“Well I'm not the one sleeping among book shelves, am I? And who was handling all the panicking teachers earlier this week? Me!”
“I was as busy as you were!”
“Yeah right, you were probably sleeping up here with Mr. Fox over here.” Kiako said, pointing at Misoka behind her with her thumb.
“I was working in the office and you know it!”
“I think Shigure is a slacker, personally.” Anju commented. Everyone sighed and nodded in agreement.
~With Michelle and Molly (Yet Again)~
Have any of you wondered what became of Michelle and Molly? Well, here's what happened: luckily, Naraku was asleep (he's even more of a slacker than Shigure!) and Michelle and Molly didn't have to face his wrath. That was the good news; the bad news is that they had to sit silently in the dark four about five hours.
That's it.
~A Few Months of Chaos Later~
The entire school was alive with the sounds of swords smashing together in practice rounds, the `oof!' as students accidentally kicked and punched each other to hard, and the buzzing of whispers and gossip about the apposing school. The two principals, the dean, Anju, Nozomu, Uou-chan, Bankotsu, Koga, and Hanajima had all gone to a meeting with the top of Ouran Prep High School. They were arranging the event as the remaining teachers struggled to control their dueling, chattering, quizzing students that never seemed to stay in one place for more than five seconds.
The sound of a gunshot echoed through the courtyard. Everyone went silent. And still. Sanzo, a short-tempered priest who gambled, drank, smoke, and cheated, stood on the top stair with his handgun facing the sky.
“Thank you!” Sango sighed, relieved. Kiako and Kayo had put Sango in charge while they were off.
“Everyone, go to your homeroom teacher and follow their directions! We need to be on the road, everybody accounted for in ten minutes, people! Lets move!” Sango's harsh voice got the teens move'n. They scurried to their teachers all the while fearing Sanzo's gun.
Sango climbed back down the stairs passing Hakkia and Gojyo, Sanzo's partners. She met Miroku at the front of the first bus and taking roll call. She then quickly ordered them on the bus, slipping into the first seat herself. As the kids passed she checked off their name.
“Ok, Michelle, check. Molly, check. Oh god, both of them on the same bus? Damn! Trey, check. Sasuke, check. Ranma, check.” Sango went on down the list until both her students and Miroku's were all on board. Miroku slid into her seat and let her lean on his shoulder. “Man this is more than I bargained for.” She said.
“Your doing fine.” Miroku reassured her, and they stayed in that position, perfectly comfortable, till Molly popped up behind them and yelled “THE SCIENCE TEACHERS ARE KISSING!!!” Sango nearly killed the girl, and while Miroku held Sango back, Michelle dragged her best friend away.
Finally, the buses held everyone, the passengers sporting their home colors and symbols. Nearly every person was wearing black and blue, with painted on claw marks and had drawn fangs dipped in blood. Many of the demons had painted red on their claws and had wild eyes, craving the fight that was awaiting them. Then the evil yellow contraptions moved out towards their destination. Screams of the soon-to-be victory and howls of freedom slipping from the open windows. The chants of `you never mess with Kami help me high!' and `we'll beat them to a pulp!' added to the mix.
~With the All-Powerful Principals~
It had all been decided. Nozomu was the announcer, and the entire event plan was done. They would have three days of fighting, anger, and school rivalries. Ouran High had agreed to let the Kami Help Me students use their unused dorm and the empty rooms in the occupied dorms. Kayo just knew that a fight would break out sooner or later.
“This is going to be even more stressful than our regular school days!” Kayo cried out in agony. Kiako smiled.
“Well, its no worse than the time the entire school got sick from the tacos and the only ones not effected were the hyper ones or trouble makers.” She pointed out. Kayo shivered; she didn't even want to think about that disastrous incident. Poor Akira had been moping cause he accidentally didn't cook the beef enough. And then there were the students! Kayo shivered again, and blocked the thought from her mind.
“Think about it, everyone's gonna have fun! That's all that matters.” Kiako said, trying to be optimistic.
“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Kayo asked, knowing Kiako, after all these years, had rarely ever been peppy. Kiako glared at her.
“Shut up and come on, we need to make sure the teachers haven't gone mad yet.” Kiako said. Then she darted down the hall towards the entrance. She opened the door to more chaos.
“Will it ever stop?!” Kayo cried again, hanging her head in defeat. There were students everywhere, laughing, talking, running, punching, kicking, sword fighting, using each other for target practice, ect, ect.
“Sanzo, could you please..” Kiako didn't even finish the sentence but motioned to the crazed kids.
“Waist of bullets.” She heard him mutter before he slipped out his gun and, pointing up to the heavens above, pulled the trigger. The sound rang out over the campus, drawing the attention of the crowd and some of the dorm dwellers. All the teens stood at attention, ready for orders from their principals.
“You are now in enemy territory.” Kiako said in a serious voice.
“We will fight hard and we will win!” Kayo yelled.
“Now lets go in there and kick some prep ass!” They yelled in union, getting cheers and calls from their audience. They turned and led the army onto the battleground.
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Thank you all for reading my fanfic! Next chapy come'n soon! ^_^
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