InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Misconception ❯ Not Like You ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Like You

Inside the gate it semed to be a ghost town. Not even birds chirped here. There was a weight on this place. An evil or impending doom. A large building was at the center of the compound. They entered and were greeted by a maid.

"He is waiting, master Shigure."

Shigure nodded curtly to the maid and she hustled away. Kagome looked on with a semi cold stare. The hall they were going down was a fair distance and no doors could be seen. At the end there was a shoji door. Shigure knocked.


The voice was cold, malicious. Kagome tensed, prepared to flee at the slightest hint of danger. Shigure slid open the door and walked in. They sat on their knees before Akito, who was leaning against the wall staring out the door. He slowly turned to them and stood.

"Is this the one?"

"Yes Akito."

"Show me."

Shigure stood and wrapped his arms around Kagome. She was surprised, but didn't move. He pulled away and took his place on the floor once again. Akito stepped forward and went to grab her face. Kagome pulled back quickly and growled.

"Don't touch me."

He pulled his hand back and slapped her. She turned back and slowly rose, meeting him at eye level. Kagome launched her hand at his chest and he was thrown into the wall. The body gave a shudder as it slid down to the floor. Shigure jumped up and rushed to Akito's side.

"Kureno!" Akito shouted.

He entered the room, but Kagome couldn't make out his features in the darkness beyond the brown hair.

"Detain her." He took a quick step forward, hands just grazing her arm as she moved away.

"I don't think so." Kagome hissed, fear welling up.

Kagome darted out the open door and on the roof of the closest building. She turned and gave them a quick assessing glance. The boy she threw into a was wasn’t to badly injured and would live. Her apartment was a thirty second run away. Of course if she were human and running, it would take about twenty minutes. She flopped back on her couch breathing heavily from the recession of adrenaline.

It wasn't to late, she could still register for school. Kagome quickly showered and changed clothes, careful to pick a shirt that would cover her tattoo. It was a tattoo of a white tiger that seemed to dig it‘s claws into the flesh of her arm. It happened to appear when she had wished on the jewel. She'd assumed it was her demon form, but she hadn't taken the time to find out, and in this modern world that would be dangerous to do. Not only taking into account the possibility of her size but also the chance of a lack of control. She was out the door and walking to school.

The school itself was big, but the office was small and cramped. The secretary was painting her nails a bright red with her feet propped on the desk. Two aids were doing paper work, filing, and typing. Kagome stood at the desk, waiting to see if anyone would notice her standing there. No one even looked up or paused from what they were doing.

"Excuse me."

"What?" One of the aids snapped.

"I'm here to register."

"I'm Nina, I can help you with that. Fill out these forms."

Kagome was handed a large folder of paper. Most of it was medical. Other parts included residency, family, and emergency. Surprisingly it didn't take long to complete. She handed it back to Nina. Was that all it took for schools now? Most of the information could be left blank. Family? She was an orphan. Medical? No doctor and no insurance. The hardest part was picking classes.

"Here's your uniform. We'll have your schedule ready in fifteen minutes. If you want you can look around the building."

From what she could see outside the building had five floors and roof access. Kagome walked the halls for a bit before going back to the office. Nina handed her the schedule. She was in class 2-D. Kagome was on the fourth floor. She walked in, hands behind her head, paying no attention to the teacher who stopped mid lecture to stare at her. She glanced around the room quickly for and empty seat, not wanting to be put through the introductions that teachers always seemed to insist on.

"You've got to be shittin' me. I'm in the same class as you guys?"

She pointed to Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru. The only empty seat was next to a girl who was giving her a blank stare. She fought the urge to shiver and stared back. Yuki was giving the staring pair glances.

"Your waves, they aren't human."

Kagome glared at her but smiled none the less.

"You're the only one to notice."

"What are you?"

Kagome smiled brighter and turned to the teacher pretending to listen to the lecture. The rest of the class went by uneventfully. The final bell rang and Kagome was first out the door. Tohru ran up quickly.

"Kagome, I thought you went to see Akito."

"Yes, I am also interested to hear about your visit." Yuki said walking up behind Tohru.

"Well, I left very suddenly."

"Do you want to eat dinner with us?"

Tohru asked the question, cocking her head slightly to the side.

"I'm not sure if that is a good idea. I didn't exactly leave on good terms."

"Then how did you leave?" Suspicion showed on Yuki's face.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

Yuki was almost glaring at Kagome while she feigned the picture of innocence. Kagome's eyes flashed an icy shade of green. Her eyes were cold, harsh, calculating. He gasped and leaned back slightly. That look wasn’t all human.

"I'm not like you people."

Kagome turned and started walking to her apartment. Kyo cut her off though. She hissed and bore fangs at him. Couldn’t these people take a hint? If they kept pushing her she would have no choice but to cause bodily harm

"You should really eat with us." Tohru called from behind her.

Tohru missed the hiss and was oblivious to Kagome's growling.

"Miss Honda, why don't you start home, we'll catch up in a minute?"


Tohru waved and was off. Kagome and Kyo were still having somewhat of a staring match. Yuki stepped in front of Kyo and stared down at Kagome.

"What?" She hissed.

"What did you do?"

She started growling again and tried to walk around. Again she was cut off by Kyo.

"Leave it alone, pretty boy. There are things you don’t understand.”