InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Hunters ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vampire Hunters chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha & co. or Full Metal Alchemist co.
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Inuyasha walked to his chamber and pulled a lever on the east side of the room. The wall on the west side of the room lifted up exposing a glass case full of weapons, guns, swords, daggers, whips, staffs, lances, crossbows. Inuyasha pulled out a sword with a dragon handle, the sword's blade was bent it so had the shape of a flame. He pulled a rag from the case and a cleansing fluid. Inuyasha dipped the rag in the fluid then wiped the sword several times until he saw his reflection in the blade. He then pulled the dagger from its sheath that was on his boot. He wiped the blood from the blade then put back in its sheath. Inuyasha pulled out the bolts for the crossbow and unscrewed the bolt head then put an explosive bolt head on all the bolts.
Ed was in his chamber practicing with his lance he swung it behind him then brought it over his head and slammed it in to the floor. He then flipped over the lance and kicked the bag in the middle of the room. Ed pulled a small knife the size of his pinkie and threw it as soon as he landed hitting a bag across the room. He slashed a bag that dropped behind him, then he sliced a bag that dropped to the side of him. He then did a fankick to a series of bags that dropped one after the other. Ed dusted himself off then grabbed his gun loading in with the ultraviolet light bullets.
Sango sat up in bed when she heard Inuyasha leave his room. Sango crawled out of bed and stepped outside her room and saw Inuyasha walking towards the garden. She followed him trying to be silent. Inuyasha was kneeling in front of a patch of black roses.
Sango slowly walked into the garden chamber trying to be silent.
“Sango, you don't have to be quiet I didn't want to be alone anyway.” Inuyasha said turning his head slightly.
“Oh ok, I thought you wanted some time alone.” Sango said walking to Inuyasha's side.
“If that's the case then why follow me?”
“Ok, I just wanted to be with you.”
“Now was that so hard to say?”
“Shut up.” Sango said hitting him in the arm lightly.
“Sango, why'd you kiss me before you went to sleep?” Inuyasha asked keeping his eyes on the floor.
“Because I wanted to, and I'll do it again.” Sango turning his head with her fingers. Sango leaned in and kissed Inuyasha on the lips longer than the last time. They parted and stared upwards at the stars since the central garden chamber had no roof.
“Inuyasha, why are you still awake?” Sango asked placing her hand over his.
“Somebody has to watch over you when you're asleep.” Inuyasha said giving her hand a light squeeze then smiled at her.
“So when are we leaving?” Sango said as her expression turned serious.
“In three hours.” Inuyasha replied looking at his watch.
“You mind if I sleep right here.” Sango said lying back down against the grass.
“Wait, use this.” Inuyasha slipping off his leather jacket and placing it under Sango. Inuyasha lied back next to Sango staring at the stars.
“Thank you. Goodnight Inuyasha.” Sango said as she scooted closer and placed her head on Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Goodnight Sango.” Inuyasha said as his eyes struggled to stay open. He soon gave up trying to stay awake and fell asleep wrapping his arms around Sango. Sango snuggled closer to Inuyasha feeling his built figure through his clothes. Inuyasha could feel the warmth of Sango's body quickly heat his. Inuyasha stared over Sango's features. “She's so beautiful when she's asleep. I know if Drake ever found out about this I would be suspended until told other wise. But Sango's worth it.” Inuyasha said to himself before falling asleep in Sango's arms.
Ed sharpened his lance on a strap of leather on a motor. He checked all his equipment from his vest to his boots. He left his chamber and walked through the corridors doing quick scans of all the rooms. Kagome walked out of her chamber just as Ed passed.
“Ed, what are you doing?” Kagome asked rubbing her eyes.
“Doing night guard.” Ed said turning towards Kagome.
“I'll go with you.” Kagome said closing her door.
“Thanks, I could use the company.” Ed said turning back around.
“Ed, do you think we'll find all of them?” Kagome asked turning to face Ed as they walked down the corridor.
“Inuyasha won't leave there unless they're all with us.” Ed said looking down the corridor.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“We'll bring them back Kagome don't worry.”
“Ed, report to the conference room.” A voice over the intercom announced.
“Looks I have to go. Bye Kagome.” Ed bowed then ran off to the conference room.
Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes to Sango and inch away from his face.
“Inuyasha come to the conference room.” Came a voice from Inuyasha's radio.
“Huh?” Inuyasha said sitting up.
“I repeat come to the conference room.”
“Yeah, yeah I'm coming.” Inuyasha said into the radio.
“Inuyasha, are you leaving?” Sango said waking up.
“I'm just going to the conference room. I'll be back, I promise.” Inuyasha said hugging her.
“I'll be waiting.” Sango said kissing him on the lips then the cheek.
“See ya later.” Inuyasha said getting up and running off towards the conference hall. Inuyasha was about to enter the conference room when he saw Ed coming down the corridor.
“Hey Inuyasha.” Ed said finally catching up with him.
“What do you think this about?” Inuyasha asked looking at the conference room door.
“You're the leader I thought you would know.” Ed said shrugging his shoulders.
“Well, let's find out.” Inuyasha said opening the door. Inuyasha and Ed walked into the room and saw Drake standing there with a young man with black hair pulled back into two ponytails that dropped to his lower back and the front hair barely covered his eyes. His eyes were an unusual crimson red color. He had a katana on the left side of his hip and a gauntlet with talons on his left arm.
“Inuyasha, Ed this is your new recruit. His name's Albel show him the way of a vampire slayer and make him useful, because he'll be helping you on your mission tomorrow.” Drake said walking out of the conference room.
“Albel, I'm gonna just tell you the basics about vampires. Don't believe that crap you see in the movies. Crosses don't work if you want to kill a vampire you drive a wooden stake right through its heart or drag it into the sun.” Inuyasha said turning around.
“Now let's go train you.” Ed said walking out of the room. Inuyasha, Ed, and Albel walked to the garden chamber where Sango was waiting.
“Inuyasha who's this?” Sango said staring at the stranger.
“His name is Albel, he's the newest recruit and now we're gonna train him.”
“Albel, you'll face Ed first.”
“Understood, sir.” Albel said walking a distance away from the gardens so no damage would be received to the plants if someone were to get knocked down.
“Don't hold back.” Ed said drawing his lance. Albel smirked at what Ed said.
“Ready? Go.” Inuyasha yelled so they could start the training. As soon as Inuyasha said go Albel drew his sword and had it Ed's neck before Ed could react. Albel pulled back the sword and punched Ed to the floor. Inuyasha stared at Ed at the floor. `How could he move that fast it was almost as if he vanished. That's impossible.' Inuyasha walked over to the field and looked over at Albel. Albel charged at Inuyasha with his sword drawn and his left arm raised. Inuyasha unsheathed the dagger from his boot as Albel came within striking range. Albel swung his sword, as Inuyasha ducked and cut Albel's shirt. Albel brought his arm slicing Inuyasha across the arm. Inuyasha held his arm as blood trickled from the wound. Albel hadn't noticed the droplets of blood that stained his chest. Albel charged at Inuyasha again and caught him with a kick to the leg. Inuyasha collapsed to the floor; Albel swung his sword over Inuyasha then brought it down beside his face.
“That's enough.” Inuyasha said wiping the blood from the side of his cheek.
“Holy!” Ed said looking at Inuyasha on the floor and Albel with his sword at Inuyasha's face.
“You're good. You'll be a great addition to the team.” Inuyasha said getting up slowly.
“Thank you Inuyasha.” Albel said walking out of the chamber. Inuyasha pondered on how Albel was able to move so fast, Inuyasha had never bled from the face until now. `There's no way he could move that fast if he were human. He has to be a vampire or maybe he's just like me.'