InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Please Forgive Me ❯ So we meet again ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Tale of Two Monks



This is a yaoi fic about Miroku and Chichiri. Before I get complaints, yes, I know the time periods don't really match up, and, yes I know that Miroku is in Japan and Chirchiri's in China, but ya know what? I don't care! And if you do, ya need to relax and remember it's just a story…


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha or Fushigi Yugi. My muse isn't that talented. I'm thinking of trading him in… *soft whimpering is heard in backround*


[blah, blah] = thoughts

Miroku sighed and looked over at the small circle of people gathered around the fire. He distantly heard calls from his friends, asking him to join them. "Sorry, friends," the houshi softly stated, "I don't feel like myself tonight. I -"

"Then who do you feel like?" quipped Shippo, as everyone laughed. [Someone who no longer feels fulfilled] Miroku thought.

"I'm going for a walk," Miroku said as he stood up. "I need to think for a while." He then left the slightly shocked group as he walked off into the unfamiliar forest. "This is ridiculous!" Miroku said under his breath. "We've gone all the way into China looking for the Sacred Jewel shards and yet," And yet what? He was regretting joining up with Kagome in the first place? They were no closer to defeating Naraku since he first did join them? He was miserable and couldn't stop thinking about the days back when he was still training to be a monk?

His training, those were the days… Back then, he was still carefree. He hadn't yet begun to worry about dying from the wind tunnel. And, and he had been in love. But, the love of his life had been taken away from him, sent off for training with someone else. They hadn't seen each other since.

"Slow down, Tamahome! No da!" a voice from the woods yelled out, "Miaka can't keep up with you, no one can. You're going too fast! No da!"

Miroku froze. Heart thumping as he heard the voice he thought to be long lost to him. "Chi-Chichiri?" he asked, almost silently, his voice hoarse with longing and desire. Suddenly, all thought lost, he called out, into the woods, "Chichiri!" The name echoed in the silence of the night.

Miroku half-ran, half-jogged through the darkness, towards the sound of the confused murmurings. The moment he saw Chichiri, he stopped short. What was he supposed to say? That even after all these years he was still in love? That he couldn't stop thinking about him? [No, that can't be how I handle it, it would make me seem pathetic, not to mention desperate.] "Chichiri, my old friend, I thought it was you! But then again, who else says `no da' after every couple of sentences?" He laughed cheerfully. "Now please tell me you remember me. I'll be very hurt if you don't." [Devastated is more like it. Mortally wounded is closer to the right phrase.]

Chichiri slowly circled Miroku. "Let me think," he said under his breath, "Brown hair, brown eyes, prayer beads around his right hand, fairly tall… No idea. Sorry! No da!" Then seeing the hurt look in Miroku's eyes, "Kidding, I'm kidding! No da! Of course I remember you Miroku!" He laughed, "We were far to close for me to forget you that easily. No da!"

"Umm…" Miaka mumbled, "Chichiri, whose your friend?" The rest of the group muttered their own questions.

"Oh, this is Miroku. We trained together for a little while. That was before Master Tai Yi-Jun. No da!" He laughed, almost giggled. "We were pretty close, eh Miroku?"

Miroku blushed. He remembered now. He and Chichiri had fooled around a couple of times during their training, but right before, no right as Chichiri was leaving Miroku told Chichiri that he was in the with him, that he would track Chichiri down after he was done with his training, if that was necessary. Was Chichiri laughing at him? "Yeah," Miroku said, "we were pretty close."

"So, what are you doing here? No da? Last I heard, you were hunting down demons and stealing the hearts of women over in Japan. No da!" Chichiri was inwardly seething, despite his outward disposition. [How dare Miroku come see me! No da! After the big commotion about loving me, and tracking me down, he starts chasing women the moment his training is over! Doesn't bother to even look for me! What does he expect me to say to him!? How do I get him to leave without my friends expecting anything? No da!]

Miroku quietly watch him. "Can I speak with you privately for a moment, please?" Miroku said waiting only half a moment before walking away.

Chichiri quietly followed him until they came to a large clearing in the woods far from his group of friends. "What do you want from me? No da?" he said very coldly.

Miroku looked hurt again. "What do you think I want, baka?" he said lovingly. "I didn't think I'd ever find you." There were tears brimming in his eyes. "Don't be mad at me, koibito."

"Don't call me that! No da!" Chichiri snapped. "And don't gave me those fake tears! You weren't looking for me! You were chasing around women! No da!"

Miroku looked at him. Tears streaming down his face. "I didn't know where to look. I didn't know where you had gone to train, if you were even done training! What was I-"

"That's no excuse! No da! Now just leave me be." And with that Chichiri, heartbroken over what he just said to the man he still loved, simply walked away.