InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bishie Crisis ❯ Surprise, Surprise ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bishie Crisis

A/N- I finally made an update! I'm going to stop saying things that I think I'll do and never do it. I would have updated yesterday, but I went to one of my friend's house. I'm not exactly sure how long this chapter is going to be, but I think this one will definitely be short (watch me make it 4305439 pages long XD). I hope you like it anyway though.

Queenserena12345- I don't think I ate the rock…It would have been funny if I tried though XD.

Koneko- I added this person just for you and I finally updated….you have to update soon too.

Disclaimer- I own nothing, but my own character, the poem, and the fic itself.

Summary- Who was the person the girls heard and what is Tamahashi planning.

Chapter 5- Surprise, Surprise

A figure walked out from the shadows as the girls started to turn around. They all heard Koneko's weapon drop and a soft gasp coming from her mouth. As she started running towards the figure the girls exchanged glances knowing who it was now.

"Legolas," Koneko yelled.

As Koneko latched onto Legolas's arm; Legolas managed to walk towards the small group. He looked at each one, "What are you girls doing here?" Koneko let go off Legolas's arm.

Koneko started to explain their mission as everyone was sitting around a fire that they had made using wood and Katsumi's sword. Everyone sat patiently waiting for Koneko to finish asking the one question that had been in their mind ever since Legolas had gotten there.

"So you're on another mission." Legolas said.

"Yep." Ookami said.

"Legolas, what are you doing here?" Katsumi asked. Everyone looked at her especially Koneko, "What? I'm just wondering, you wouldn't think Legolas would be in the Anime World everyday."

"To tell you the truth I was sent here for the same reason. I girl named Aya Miyazaki called me over here, but Tamahashi didn't like me very much, so he through me out."

"But couldn't you have left the Anime World?" Kitsune asked.

"Well yes, but I decided not to. I came here for a reason and whether Tamahashi likes it or not, I'm not going to leave until I finish." He paused, "If it's ok with you, can I join you?"

"Of course you can!" Koneko said excitedly.

"I'd like to warn you though."

"What is it?" Ookami asked.

"Tamahashi found out I'm still here. He is trying to make it as hard as possible. You're not allowed to be here till tomorrow so he'll be mad at you when he finds out. He has made this forest more dangerous then it already is and it isn't safe to sleep through the night."

"So…we're not safe until we get out of here?" Kitsune asked and Legolas only sighed and nodded.

After a few minutes of silence the group killed the fire and continued to walk through the deadly forest. What was waiting for them, they didn't know.

- - - - -

It was five in the morning when Tamahashi woke up. He lay in his bed staring at the ceiling for a while, thinking about the mission, before he went to the bathroom for his shower.

As he walked into his bathroom and slowly turned the faucet to the hot water on before undressing himself and stepping into the shower Tamahashi thought of something he has read the night before, before he had gone to bed for the night. He smirked at the thought and recited the words.

I walk through the darkness of the streets
The lifeless streets as the clock strikes 12
Faster I go along the trail
As I feel the shadows creep towards me
They slowly circle me faster and faster
Making the last speck of light disappear.

When all I see is complete darkness
The shadows start to suffocate me
Slowly dropping my dead cold body
They fly away, laughing
Laughing through the darkness as if nothing happened.

Before...they catch their next victim.

He quietly laughed as he formed the words, "That'll be you out there my darling girls." He laughed and paused, "Except demons will be the shadows."

Tamahashi got out of the shower and quickly got dressed to go down to the dining room, but as he turned towards the dining room Tamahashi sensed that something was missing. He quickly turned around and ran towards the girls' bedrooms.

As he was running he ran into Aya who quickly put her walkie-talkie away and the two fell to the floor. Aya quickly got up, "He…Hello Mitsuya-san. Is there anything I can do for you?" She said almost stuttering.

"Yes, are the girls in their bedrooms?" He asked.

"Y…Yes, Mit...Mitsuya-san!" She said started to go past him, but she hadn't gone very far.

Aya screamed as Tamahashi dug his claws through her arm. He pulled her so close to his face that their faces were now touching and he started to growl, "You're lying!" He pushed her to the ground and ran towards the rooms. He flung each door open and looked for any clues to where they were. He found nothing.

When he ran back he could see Aya picking up the walkie-talkie from the ground and pressing the `Talk' button.

- - - - -

There was a crackle from the walkie-talkie that could be heard from Koneko's pocket. Koneko quickly took it out and the group stopped to listen. Aya was in tears.

"Duo was taken today! You have to find them quick! And don't come here till you find him!" They all exchanged glances.

"Aya, what happened?!" Ookami yelled.

There was another crackle, "Mit…" She stopped talking and the girls could here cries and fighting in the background.

"There's something wrong over there." Koneko said.

"Why is Tamahashi hurting Aya?" Kitsune asked.

"Do you think he found out?" Katsumi asked.

"Maybe…" Koneko sighed.

"Let's try to find Naraku first." Ookami asked.

They all nodded in doubt and they all wanted to help their friend, but they knew they couldn't.

A/N- This wasn't my favorite chapter, but I hope you still like it and I'm surprised it's over 1,000 words XD. I'll update ASAP, but I can't promise anything. I'm going to TRY updating Thursday, but I'll probably have to wait till Saturday, since on Friday, unless I can't go to my friend's house, I'll be at a friend's house. R&R Please.