InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Memories ❯ The Death of Naraku and Inuyasha's Betrayal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own but will take of offered! So don't sue me because I am poor!
Chapter1- The betrayal
Kagome stood over the sight of the final battle against Naraku. Blood covered the earth in a crescendo of color. Kagome was also covered in blood, some of it her own.” This wasn't worth it” Kagome thought as she saw the bodies of the demons that aided them in the conflict.
** Flashback**
Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku stood down Naraku who was as usual, surrounded by thousands of low leveled demons. “Naraku this ends here!” threatened Inuyasha with his usual bluntness.
“Yes it will Inuyasha, but in the end you will all die, and I will make sure you all die slowly.” He cast a malicious look in Kagome's direction “you will have the most agonizing death of them all little miko. You will be the last to die, forced to watch as I pierce each of their hearts one by one.”
“Shut the fuck up Naraku! Now die, bastard!” this not only pissed off Naraku but also signaled both sides to start the fight. As the first massive wave of low leveled demons charged they were quickly annihilated by the tetsuiga (sp?). The battle waged on for several hours and everyone was getting tired. Miroku was unconscious and being protected by Sango who was losing blood from a wound in her thigh. Inu wasn't hurt badly but was tiring from the many wind scars he sent out. Kagome was running out of arrows and Shippo was using his foxfire to protect her from demons that got to close.
“Hn, little brother I see that you can't even handle low leveled rubbish like these pathetic weaklings.” Stated Sesshoumaru as he jumped into the fray while decapitating a good quarter of Naraku's remaining forces.
“Yeah dog breath if you can't handle these there's no way you can take me!” Shouted Kouga as he and an army of wolves charged onto the field and finished off Naraku's forces.” You're going down Naraku!” Kouga and his wolves charged but before they were within three feet of him, vines shot out and impaled him and his wolves. Naraku laughed as each of their lifeless corpses were lowered to the ground by his tentacles.
“Can't you see now Inuyasha you can't defeat me! Just surrender and I will make your deaths quick!”
“You just don't know when to shut up do you Naraku?”
“Now everyone! Let's combine our attacks and defeat Naraku once and for all!” shouted the now conscious Miroku. Everyone complied, Inuyasha used Backlash Wave, Kagome her final arrow, Sango her Boomerang, Miroku his ofudas, and in his usual regal manner, Sesshoumaru unleashed Tokijin. Together the attacks shown in a blinding, destructive silver light. Naraku tried to escape, but was completely annihilated by the combined attacks. When the smoke cleared, all that remained was the tainted shard of the Shikon jewel that belonged to Naraku. Kagome picked it up, instantly purifying it and removing the last trace of Naraku besides the bodies of his victims. She got up and removed the last jewel fragments from Kouga's legs completing the jewel. It then suddenly glowed and levitated, and in a flash of light, disappeared into Kagome's body.
**Flashback ends**
“Lest go to the next village and rest, before going to Keade's (sp?) Village” suggested Kagome. Everyone agreed to this but Sesshoumaru.
“You do what you wish but I will be heading back to my lands.” And with that the regal lord of the Western Lands returned to his domain. It took several days to reach Keade's; it took so long because almost every hour a demon came for the jewel. These were of course killed of by Inuyasha or another member of the gang. When they got to the village Kagome told everyone she was going home.
“Will you bring me back some chocolate, Kagome?” asked/pleaded Shippo.
“Of course Shippo” responded Kagome, who was currently wondering if that was smart considering the fact that Shippo's hyper as he is. However, before Kagome could get on her way home Inu stopped her.
“Kagome, we need to talk.” He sounded normal but to Kagome, who knew him well, he looked angry and desperate. He led her into the woods and asked her in a shout of anger that sent the birds fleeing for safety, “If the jewels in your body, how will you keep your promise?”
“I thought you didn't want the jewel anymore!” shouted a now very scared Kagome.
“You promised to give it to me Kagome. If I have to kill you to get the jewel then so be it.” Inu was slowly advancing on Kagome when he said this. Kagome in a surprisingly calm voice said the dreaded word
“Sit” While Inu reminded the ground about the proper use of vocabulary, Kagome ran to the well. When she got there, she jumped in and was surrounded by the familiar safety of the time-traveling magic. When she got home she sealed the well, but not without fear of Inu attacking her friends, took two steps into her house, and fainted.
Authors Note- PLZ review and tell me what I have to change. Also, ideas and suggestions are welcome.