InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Memories ❯ A New Alliance ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No ranting today! Now is the chapter!
A new Alliance
Sora was on sitting on the Gummi Ship, thinking of the daunting new challenges ahead of him and his friends when Donald pointed out a planet on the screen to him. “Hey, Sora, recognize that world there?”
It hardly took Sora an instant to recognize that world. “How could I forget? That's where I fought Ansem for the first time, helped Kairi….” He stopped there flooded with memories of the past.
They landed quickly and instantly noticed the changes that took place since they were last here. The place had a move serene look now. It was quickly proved to only be a look was Heartless appeared, but were destroyed by the same devices Kagome saw just hours before him. Walking forward he noticed an old friend. “Hey! Yuffie!”
“Sora! You didn't change a bit, you know that?”
“Nope, but you have. It suits you.” Sora quickly looked over Yuffie's new apparel. It made her look…well it was had to place but it gave her a different appeal than her old outfit. He decided it gave her a more mature look, and it complemented her natural beauty. She was even cuter when her hair got into her eyes. Sora blushed rather darkly at the thought and quickly attempted to change the topic, but Yuffie had to throw in her two cents about his new outfit.
“Hey thanks, your outfits nice too! It's a cute look for you!” Yuffie complemented with a slightly red tinge on her cheeks that grew darker very quickly afterwards, boy was she glad Sora wasn't looking! Sora was also blushing a deep crimson red and was looking down so Yuffie wouldn't see.
Sora was blushing because of his earlier thoughts and Yuffie's complement, and Yuffie was blushing because she said that out loud and the many justifications that she was thinking for why it was cute. That led to a different train of thought until, well, let's just say she had a good reason to blush!
Once both teens got control of themselves, Sora asked “So, were is everyone else?”
“Oh! There at Merlin's house. I'll show you!”
When they arrived, Kagome was busy attempting (with great success) to set a chair on fire, then cool it off with second level magic skills.
“Splendid work Kagome, well done!” was heard from Merlin, everyone was impressed with how quickly she learned.
“Hi everyone guess whose back!” (back, back, back again, again, gen. Sora's back, back, back tell a friend! Sorry couldn't help it :D) Yelled Yuffie into Merlin's otherwise cheering home.
Everyone turned towards Yuffie who shoved Sora into Merlin's house. Immediately everyone started talking to Sora and filling him in on what happened in his absence. As soon as the crowd parted her walked hesitantly towards Kagome “Kagome, is that really you?”
“Of course Sora! You didn't really forget after all, did you?” Her voice had a dangerous edge to it now, she was mad and happy at the same time so… be very careful.
“No way Kagome”
“Ok now Sora, I'm going with you on your quest.”
“No buts! Got it???” Kagome learned one thing in the feudal Era. How to intimidate the hell out of anyone.
Of course Donald had to object. “No way in hell are you coming with us! Got it?”
Kagome's evil glare was promising roasted duck for dinner if he didn't let her go.
“Fine, fine you can come!”
“That's better! Let's go guys!” Kagome was all of a sudden cheery again.
“Wait, Kagome! Listen! The magic might alter your blood to allow you to best adapt to your surrounding s and what you see, to a point at least. OK Kagome? Informed Merlin
“No Problem!”
With that Kagome and Sora's group went to their Gummi Ships and together went to their next, unknown destination.
So, what do you think? This was mostly a chappy to make Sora and Kagome meet. Also, I decided to change the end pairings so instead of Sora/Namine moments, I will have Sora Yuffie moments instead along with other changes K?