InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Tag... Your it ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Ch. 3 - Tag... Your It~
Naruto easily dodged another poorly thrown kuni and continued his pursuit of the white haired girl. “I'm not going to hurt you just stop and talk with me!” he yelled ahead to the stranger. He heard her scoff.
“Like I haven't heard that one before. Just leave me alone!” She yelled over her shoulder. She then made a sharp turn into thicker forest trying to lose him.
Naruto felt frustrated, he had been working on increasing his speed lately and he knew he was fast, but this girl seemed to keep just out of his reach. Not only that, but the very plants appeared to try and trip him up. Knowing he was going to have to do more than just chase after her he made his trademark hand symbol “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Two other Narutos poped up beside him and they all took off after their escaping subject in different directions.
Kagome's ear twitched to the side and she stopped dead in her tracks, dropping like a sack of rocks to the ground. Just then her pursuer jumped over her head and disappeared in a poof of white smoke when he hit the tree beside her. Again her quick reflexes came in handy as she jumped up and dodged another one of the same ninja's attempts to grab her. She kicked him hard in the head while he was off balance and he too disappeared in a poof of smoke. “What the...”
“Got ya.” Naruto pinned both of her arms behind her back and pushed her up against the tree. He smirked at her, obviously happy with him self for finally catching her.
“Get your hands off me!” She growled.
“Not after I worked so hard to catch you.” He responded with a childish grin.
“Fine. Have it your way.” She let her tail unwrap it's self from her waist and twist around his legs.
“What are you... ack”
Kagome used her tail to topple him over which landed her on his chest, effectively knocking the wind out of him. With the shock of the attack his grip loosened just enough for her to escape. The minute she was on her feet she came face to face with the ninja's teacher. “Ahhh!” Kagome screamed. He had startled her appearing out of no where and being so close. The girlish squeak of a scream seemed to surprise him. (AN: Ultimate distraction techneque!... Girlish Squeek! ^_^;) Without a second thought she used his head like a step while jumping into the trees. `Weirdo's' she thought to herself as she ran away as fast as she could using the branches as easily as a normal person would a sidewalk.
Naruto and Kakashi were after her in mere moments. Kakashi turned to Naruto as they ran after her. “She obviously has had very little training.”
Naruto frowned, “But she still seems to out do us.”
Kakashi's face adorn a look of seriousness. “Your right, as much fun as this is, if we keep chasing her like this we could be at it all day. I'll go left and you try and steer her my way.” Naruto nodded and they split up.
*earlier that day
Naruto stood at the bridge waiting for Kakashi as usual. This time he was especially impatient because when Kakashi had told him to meet him there in the morning he said they would be completing a mission for just the two of them. `I wonder if this has something to do with the stranger outside the village.' “Of course it dose kit, don't act so clueless.” “Where is Kakashi anyways, he's always late.”
“What's the matter Naruto, excited about a new mission?”
Naruto whipped around to see him leaning against the hand rail of the bridge reading another one of his smut books. `No matter how keen my senses get he somehow manages to sneak up on me as if it were the most casual thing in the world for him.'
Kakashi looked up from his book and his eyes gave the tell tale sign he was smirking. “I guess we could get started.” He put his reading material away and started walking.
“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto huffed.
“Huh, Oh yes. Our mission is to track down the unidentified person we encountered yesterday.” He continued on walking.
Naruto caught up to him and walked beside him. “So why are only you and me going sensei?”
He kept silent for a moment. “Yesterday you said you felt something `weird' from the person's chakra. What did you mean by that.”
“Well, uh...” Naruto stumbled for a moment. He didn't like talking to others about Kyuubi. “It felt familiar.” Is what he finally settled on.
“Like the Kyuubi.” Kakashi stated nonchalantly.
Naruto almost tripped. “Well he's being blunt today.” “Uh, yeah... how did you know?”
“The same way I can sense the Kyuubi in you.” He turned his face towards Naruto for a moment and pointed to his left eye then looked back in the direction they were walking. “It gives me more advantages than you know.”
After walking in silence for the rest of the way out of the town and into the forest Naruto finally asked a question. “Do you think the person is like me with an imprisoned demon or do you think it's a...”
“I don't think they're a like you Naruto. This was stronger than the way your special chakra comes across.” he said gravely. “Not to mention the hand prints in the mud were clawed.”
“Oh...” he knew what it could mean for the village if there were a demon freely roaming the country side. “You offend me, here I thought you had come to hold me in high regards and all this time you have still held disdain for me.” Naruto got the mental image of the fox sticking his nose up in the air and looking away from him. `It's not that at all, it's just, well... look what you did the last time you were free. I'm only worried for the safety of the village.' Kyuubi huffed. “We're not bringing That up again now are we? Regardless, you don't have to worry about that. This one's size is no where near mine and if I am not mistaken she is merely a half demon... I find that strange though. I haven't seen a half demon in a very long time.” Naruto stopped in his tracks. `Whoa, hold on just a minute.' He saw Kakashi give him a questioning look when he stopped, so he continued walking again. `What do you mean half demon and She! How did you know all that and what the heck is a half demon?' Kyuubi sighed, “Kit,” he used the pet name in a patronizing tone, “you know my skills far surpass your own. You also wouldn't know what you were sensing when encountering a half demon, you have never met one.” `And you have?' Naruto said sarcastically. “Once, a long time ago. They were very rare and these days thought to be nonexistent.”
Kakashi had been watching Naruto out of the corner of his eye since he had went silent. Any time Naruto became silent for long periods of time, going against his usual behavior, he seemed to go into his own little world. `I wonder where his mind goes when he gets like this.' It had happened more and more lately and he was afraid it would start to effect his awareness of his surroundings.
Back in Naruto's head Naruto was now yelling at the Kyuubi. `Shut up, shut up, shut up, you stupid fox. Why are you even thinking that.' “Don't you yell at me. I would have never thought about a mere half demon like that it in the past, but demons are scarce. Foxes most of all and it has been such a long time since I've...” `Stop it! La la la I'm not listening.' Naruto shook his head. “Well you can't blame me for contemplating how she looks.” `Contemplating how she looks my ass.' “What? Was it because the image I came up was lacking in the area of clothing.” `It could have gone in one of the Pervy Toad Sage's books.' “Humpf, you over exaggerate.” Naruto just barely dodged a throwing star as it flew past his cheek. “What the heck was that for Kakashi-sensei!?”
“Just making sure you were on your toes. You looked a little out of it.” He said as he smiled under his mask. Naruto grumbled a bit at the remark. “Besides we should soon be reaching the area we were in yesterday.”
The two of them found the riverbank they had been to yesterday and Kakashi used his tracking skills to follow her trail. After they had traveled for a while they came across a camp of off duty ninja. They seemed to be nursing huge hangovers and large bumps on the head. When Kakashi asked them what had happened they said they had no clue except for the one. The one man said he had seen a beautiful fox girl before he passed out. Then his friends laughed at him and called him a lush and a letch. Naruto and Kakashi just let him think that his friends were right and left the camp to follow her trail further. A ways away they had found where she had slept on a branch and just underneath, where she had fallen out of the tree, most likely in her sleep.
A fair distance away Kagome sat indian style with her arms crossed giving a twig a rather good impression of Inuyasha in a bad mood. “Grrr... stupid stick.” She just couldn't figure it out for the life of her. Ever since she got here the plants had seemed to know exactly what she needed or wanted. This morning she had woken up to vines creeping around her body forming a makeshift blanket and the sight of it made her lose her balance and fall strait on her butt a good ten feet below. She had even felt a sort of presence in the plants, but she couldn't get them to do anything on command and it was driving her crazy. She had now spent a better part of the day staring at twigs and weeds trying to get them to do something, anything to make sure she wasn't going crazy and just imagining these things.
“Tisk tisk, you still haven't learned you're ability. What a waist to had you for our guardian.” “If your not going to help then just shut up. I'm not happy with you right now as it is. You laughed when I fell out of the tree.” Kagome pouted. After a pause she could just hardly make out what seemed to be a whispered discussion, but finally the voices spoke to her again. “As you wish.” “As I wish what?” “You wanted our help and you shall receive it.” Kagome flinched. After the last time they “helped” she wasn't so sure she wanted anything from them. “Of course no matter how much help we offer you are still only a half demon. You will never see the full extent of this power. Besides you're going about it wrong. You try to make it move on it's own after you have severed it from it's life force. You must either leave it be and will it to move using your demonic aura or sever it as you have and give it a substitute life force... again this would be your demonic aura. The later of the two should give you more control.” “Is there anything more I should know.” “You may be able to grow a demonic plant, but that commands a balance you do not posses. To little and the plant will not grow, to much and it will die, and only a very steady aura release will keep it alive and doing your biding.” “So how do I do this then?” “That is more then enough information. If you can not get it now you're an idiot... hmmm, why did we even bother.” “Gee, thanks for the big vote of confidence.”
Kagome got up and walked to a patch of wild flowers. Picking a particularly beautiful light blue flower she returned to her spot on the ground and held it up to her face. She took a deep breath and furrowed her brows in concentration. `Use my own demonic aura...' She searched herself to try and feel out this new force in her body. This turned out to be easy seeing as how it was a completely different feeling than her old holy powers. The problem was controlling them. She fixated her mind on the demonic power and willed it to her hand, trying to focus them into the flower's open wound where she had cut it from the rest of the plant with her claw. One minute passed, then five, then when she was finally about to give up she saw something start to happen. What seemed to be tendrils of red energy made a slow creeping movement from her palm to the flower stem. The minute the energy connected with it she could instantly feel the plant as if it were an extension of her own body. “Wow, this is so weird.” She said as her ears perked forward with excitement and if she wasn't so concentrated on the flower she might have noticed her tail wagging or maybe even the two ninja stalking in closer from the left. “Let's see what you can do.”
Naruto and Kakashi watched from the bushes as this very strange fox girl stared at a flower intently wagging her... tail? Naruto had to keep himself from sighing as Kyuubi made comments about her being even enticing then he had imagined. As they watched, the little weed began to grow into a large and pointed midnight blue flower with a deadly beauty. When it stopped growing the girl tilted her head and reached her free hand up to the plant's petals. As she ran her finger across the end she hissed and stuck the digit in her mouth and glared at the offending vegetation. When she removed her finger from her mouth a thin red line was evident leading the to assume the petal had cut her. Again she lifted her hand to the petal and this time, avoiding the edges, she plucked a single blue petal. The action made a twang, like the sound of snapping metal. As she inspected it the girls ears suddenly lay flat against her head. After a short pause she threw the dagger like petal at the two ninja's hiding spot and with a lucky shot it ran just past Naruto's cheek causing a thin red line to appear and shed a single crimson drop of blood. This left both of the ninja just a little stunned. I mean, come on, it was a freakin flower petal.
Kagome had finally come out of her intense intrigue with the flower when the voices yelled at her. “You idiot, pay attention. Someone is here.” She flattened her ears against her head and sniffed them out. She threw the sharp metal like petal in her hand at the spot she guesstimated they were hiding. She quickly stood and threw the flower to the side. In the blink of an eye she had dashed off into the vegetation and was running as fast as she could. Thus beginning the chase.
*the present
Naruto was using strategically placed kuni to make her turn to the left. Slowly, but surely she was veering to the in the desired direction. `It won't be long now before Kakashi makes his move.' Naruto thought to himself. Sure enough Kakashi sprung from his hiding spot the moment the girl passed him. Using a nicely placed hit to the back of the head she was rendered unconscious. “Good job Kakashi-sensie.” Naruto's tummy made a loud growl. “Heh... now that we've finally caught he do you think we could possibly get something to eat?”
Kakashi finished tying the last knot on her bindings and answered. “I don't see why not. You can get right on that Naruto.” Naruto humphed. “ I'm going to stay with her until she wakes up so I can question our strange friend here.”
“Whatever.” Naruto made off to find some food while Kakashi got comphy to wait for his meal. “He's the adult, he should be getting the food.” Naruto grumbled to himself as he got further away.
IVX: Yay, another chapter. Sorry if some things are a little off in the story as we progress, but when I was away in the military I missed a whole season of naruto so please forgive me. I'm am hoping to catch it on tv if they ever get to it. Until then I'll just make it up as I go. Well I'm sure your all excited to get your points, however, I am sad to announce that I will not be giving out points this time. This time everyone will be getting cookies for how many words they use. If I keep it the same every time then people will only review in a way that will get them points, so to keep it fair every chapter is a new start and will have a different way to earn different things... ^_~ have fun.
p.s. ! = xtra word
madmiko - 97 cookies
Purefire16 - 19 cookies
GrayPheonix - 36 cookies
KagomeLadyoftheRain - 15 cookies
bloodbunny - 15 cookies and I think the story promo gets another one so 16 all together
Lunarwolfdemoness - 43 cookies
mysterylady_tx - 177 cookies, that took a bit to count
RockyG1rL - 46 cookies and thank you for the congrats + 10 = 56
spiritwolf30 - 110 + the second review = 134 cookies
Gina 031552 - 21 cookies
halfblackwolfdemon - 84 and I can't resist the happy dance so… lets say 88 cookies
Today's winner is… ;;;drum roll;;; …mysterylady_tx… YAY! Confetti all around.
Now remember folks this is all in good fun and will probably make less sense as time goes on… ^_~