InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ All Tied Up ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Ch. 4 - All Tied Up~
Naruto was nearing where he had left Kakashi and their captive. He was running at quite a fast pace to work off some frustration. Since they were no where near the village when they caught her and he really didn't feel like hunting and cooking it had been quite a long trip back to his favorite raumen shop, as well as expensive. All of that and Kyuubi had been rambling on and on about, not only this female fox, but about the female foxes from when he was young and the things he like to... well you can see where this was leading. “Look we're almost there, so can you please keep it down in my head so I can focus. Their going to think I'm going crazy or stupid if I can't even follow along in a conversation. “Poor baby. I wish I had your problem. You're the only one that can hear me. If only I were the one that was allowed to walk around and all I had to do was listen to your babble.” `Please' Naruto pleaded to save his sanity. The fox sighed. “Alright, alright. I'll try to keep it quiet... for a little bit.” Naruto relaxed a little bit as his mind stilled.
As he slowed his pace and walked up to the two Naruto saw Kakashi asking the girl questions, but she was obviously being stubborn. Her ears were flat and she wasn't looking at him or responding. `She looks like an angry puppy.' At that thought Naruto couldn't help himself and gave a little snicker. He was rewarded with a glare from the fox girl. He just ignored it and turned to his teacher. “What's wrong with her.”
Kakashi leaned back and took a break from his questioning. “I don't think she lies being tied up much.” He glanced at the food in Naruto's hands and smiled. “ I wondered what was taking you so long, but now that you are here I can't finally eat.” He leaned forward and quickly snatched a to go box of raumen.
Naruto looked exasperated. “Hey!”
“Oh yes, thank you for buying me lunch Naruto. It was very thoughtful of you.” And with that he moved part of his mask out of the way and began to chow down.
Naruto just tried to ignor it and not get upset. He managed to grumble out a you're welcome as he sat down in front of the girl. “Stop moping, I brought you food to.” He opened up a container and a pair of chopsticks. He then picked up a small peace of beef with them and brought it towards her face. Kagome gave him a look to say “As if” and leaned slightly away from him. Naruto being his persistent self just brought it to her lips, like when a little girl is trying to feed her dolly. This didn't please Kagome in the slightest and with a little warning growl she snapped at his fingers, almost biting him.
Kakashi was just watching the two with amusement. `Good, he can deal with her stubbornness for a while.'
Naruto pulled his hand back quick enough that he didn't get bit, but he gave her a look of disbelief. “Feisty isn't she... and doesn't she look oh so delicious tied up like that.” `Quiet you.' he thought, mentally aggravated. “Didn't anyone ever teach you not to bite the had that feeds you.” She didn't respond. “What ever, more for me then.” He moved away from her, got out his own chopsticks and began to gobble up the food.
As Kagome watched them eat she couldn't help herself. She tried not to show her discomfort, but she hadn't eaten much since she had come to this strange world and her body was protesting. The biggest traitor of all was her stomach, which let out a loud rumble thus causing the two ninja to pause in there eating and look up at her. Kagome sweat dropped. “What!? You could just untie me so I could feed myself.”
Kakasi lifted a brow. “And give you the means to escape or attack us...” He smacked his forehead with his palm. “Why didn't I think of that sooner. The answer was so obvious.”
Kagome mustered the sweetest most innocent look she could. “I won't do anything... I promise.” She said adding a smile. She didn't think about it, but showing off her fangs from the smile wouldn't help to convince anyone that she was oh so innocent.
This time Naruto spoke up. “No, either I feed you or you go hungry.”
She narrowed her eyes at him for a bit, but he just stared right back. Finally she gave in and her features relaxed in defeat. “Fine” she sighed out and hung her head. `Like it isn't humiliating enough to be tied up and now he's going to feed me to. Stupid ninja.' She pouted to herself.
Naruto took one last gulp to finish of his raumen and set his bowl on the ground. He then moved back to her side and picked up her food. He again lifted a little food to her mouth and this time she actually took the food. Though she did give him a little glare just to let him know she wasn't happy with the arrangements.
As she sat there being fed, with him being so close, she sensed something familiar coming from the boy. He felt like a demon, but he also felt like a human. She tried to concentrate, but before she could figure it out she realized she had been staring because he had stopped feeding her and gave her a weird look. She shook herself out of it and opened her mouth to get him to keep feeding her and forget about it. She tried to keep her eyes off of him, but not being able to tell exactly what he was, was driving her crazy. `Ok, so he feels like a demon and a human, but not a half demon. He can't be both...' “Or can he.” `What's that supposed to mean exactly?' There was a silent pause in her mind. `Grrr, you can't just go popin in and out like that you know. You could drive a person crazy doing that!” After another short pause the voices began to speak again. “There have been cases of a human body harboring a demon within their own body and gaining from it's power.” `Are you saying that's what he is?' “Very perceptive aren't we.” `Well there's no need to get mean about it. What else can you tell me.' “Find it for your self. Feel it out... concentrate. Your our guardian. We can't have you depending on us all the time now can we?” Kagome let her aura flow out to touch his the way Miroku had been teaching her and to her surprise it worked almost immediately. She saw the image of a huge nine-tailed fox flash in her mind and she retracted her aura. `Wow, that was weird. Now what was it that Sango told me about fox demons? ...The amount of tail equals power and age... That was it. Hm, he must have a very powerful demon if it had that many tails.' “There may be hope for you yet...”
Naruto was having a hard time calming the Kyuubi in his mind. “How dare she reach out and touch us like that! What an impertinent little kit. She has no right!” `Calm down, calm down. What has she done that was so bad?' “She brush her chakra against ours, testing our strength! She only has one tail for crying out loud and she thinks she can stand up to me!” `Would you cool it. She probably didn't even know you were there. You are inside my body.' The nine-tailed fox calmed a bit. “You may be right, but if I were out in the world I would punish her...” He gave the mental impression of a wicked smile. “... oh how I would punish her.” He was now pacing at the gates of his confinement, looking every bit the predator he was, as if waiting to be released on his prey.
Naruto, after successfully calming the fox in his mind, brought the nearly empty bowl to Kagome's lips for her to drink the remainder up. A little drop trickled from the corner of her mouth. He found it entrancing. Although he had complained about Kyuubi's ranting he had to admit she was very enticing, so when he removed the bowl he couldn't stop himself from reaching out and gently wiping the offending liquid away with his thumb, letting his hand linger a little longer than necessary. They both just stared at each other for a moment.
Kakashi gave a little cough before things got any more intimate. This caused the two teens to look away from each other quickly and Naruto removed his hand. Both had a little pink staining the cheeks. Kakashi just smiled, `apparently they forgot they had company.'
Kagome's mind was swirling. `What the heck was that. First I was mad at him and then I get lost in his eyes... those beautiful deep blue pools that you could just lose yourself in.' Kagome mentally smacked herself. `Snap out of it you silly girl. Great I'm probably blushing too. I need to get the attention off of this so I don't feel so awkward.' She said the first thing that came to mind. “So why did you guys catch me anyways? I mean I get the whole half demon thing, but most people would just try and kill me.”
“Well then your lucky we are not most people or you wouldn't be here now.” Kakashi stated nonchalantly.
This caused Kagome to blush slightly again for her own short comings, but she still wanted to know. “I guess that's true, but really, why take the risk of the capture?”
“Other than the bumps on the head you gave the off duty ninja you really haven't done anything bad. I'd hardly say hitting some drunks on the head warrants a death penalty.” Kakashi gave her a suggestive look. “Though I am curious as to why the one that actually saw you remembered you being naked.”
Kagome's eyes widened and she scrambled to answer. “Huh, yeah... like you said they were drunk. Anyways, that can't be all. All the work to catch me over that?”
Kakashi finished the explanation with a little more detail. “You are correct in your assumption that it was over your unique qualities. You can't expect us to just let an unknown factor like yourself patrol our village borders now can you?”
“I guess not, but what about blondy over there? I'd think with people in your village like him I would be of little concern.”
Naruto finally spoke up now. “Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!”
“Don't play dumb with me fox boy.” Naruto tried to fake confused, but She obviously wouldn't fall for it. “Oh please. Don't give me that look. The kitsune aura rolling off of you is obviously powerful.”
Naruto gave Kakashi a look like `what am I suposed to say to that.' Kakashi only shrugged.
Kagome watched their interaction. “I take it I wasn't supposed to know that. I'm half demon and half priestess. What did you expect?” the other to watched as Kagome seemed to wince a little like she didn't mean to say that. In her mind the jewel was raging at her. “Why don't you just tell your Whole life story to strangers! Doing stuff like that will get you killed. How stupid can you be!?”
Naruto was having a similarly loud ramble in his head. `What the... This can't be! Holy blood would purify her demon side and destroy her. It's impossible, impossible I say!...” Naruto was more than a little confused about the comments. “Um, What exactly is a priestess?”
Kagome looked unsure if she should answer him, but she figured it didn't matter now. This one last thing wouldn't hurt and if they know she is pure as well as demon it might help. “... a holy woman.”
Kakashi joined back in. “That's a little hard to believe. A demon holy woman?”
“Believe what you will I don't have to prove it to you and I won't explain it.” She put her nose in the air and turned her face away from them.
Kakashi tried to smooth her over by changing the subject for now. He could always ask her more about it in the future when he had more trust if the plan he was formulating worked out right. “I believe you, but it's obvious you don't want to talk about it anymore. How about something a little easier. Like, what's your name?”
Kagome was caught a little off guard by the question. She didn't even realize she hadn't been properly introduced and here she was arguing with them. `Though I am still tied up. I think it's not so rude if you look at it like that.' “My name is Kagome.”
“Well Kagome it's a pleasure to be your captor,” He gave her a small bow. “I am Kakashi and blondy, as you put it, is...”
Naruto cut him off to introduce himself. “Naruto Uzumaki, the next Hokage!” He said jumping up from his seat with enthusiasm. The kitsune in his mind just sighed, “Some things will never change about you kit.”
Kakashi took back the conversation so to speak. “Well good, now that we are all introduced how about we get to know each other a little.” Naruto gave him a strange look, but he just smiled at him. He knew that Naruto would be confused. It's not exactly protocol to get to know you captives. In fact it's exactly the opposite of the norm, but that's one of the reasons he had requested to the Hokage that it be only Naruto and himself that went after the newcomer. Most people new that Kakashi was smart, but he never let on exactly how much brain power he really used. Like Shikamaru he thought several moves ahead, but Kakashi was on a whole different level.
“That's a strange request.” Kagome stated.
“How so?” Kakashi said acting clueless.
“Well the other times I've actually been captured for... one reason or another, it's mostly death threats and or `shut up wench'. Though this whole experience has been weird so I should have expected this.”
“Well, their you go. We've already established we're not like the others that have come after you before.” Now that he saw her getting a little more comfortable he tried to push the conversation forward. “So, Kagome, where is it you are visiting us from.”
`I guess I can just make something up because a.) I shouldn't let my secrets go and b.) They wouldn't believe me anyways.' So she came up with the first things that came to her mind. “Nowhere really, I go from place to place. As you can imagine it's hard for someone like myself to stay in one village for to long.”
Naruto decided to play along with his teacher's game. If Kakashi was acting this way there had to be a reason. “Well you had to be born some where, so where were you born.”
Kagome looked like she might cry for a moment, but when she remembered they were watching her closely she said something that would go along with it. She was really thinking about never seeing her family again, but she would sort of borrow a version of Inuyasha's childhood, which she always found sad anyways. “I don't remember where because I was orphaned at a very young age. My father, my demon sire, had died in a battle shortly after my birth and my mother was left to raise me alone. The people ostracized and outcast us. Humans can be so cruel. Anyways, my mother died when I was still to little to fend for myself in this world, but I had no choice. Who would take in a little girl with ears and a tail. Most would kill me just as soon as touch me.” The two men watched her facial features sadden and agin they assumed it was to match the story, but really it was from the fact that this just reminded her that she would never see Inuyasha again. She took a deep breath and shook herself out of it, putting on a small smile. “Your turn. Tell me something about yourselves. Like you Naruto. Do tell how you managed to capture a fox demon in your body, let alone one so powerful? Nine tails is nothing to laugh at.”
Naruto gave an unsure look to Kakashi, but he just nodded his head. The Kyuubi was gloating in his head. “She's not as stupid as I thought. At least she knows where credit is do.” “I didn't put him there. Someone else sealed him within my body to stop him from destroying our village.”
“But he's not just sealed away is he? I can tell your aura mixes, quite nicely I might add.” Kagome was just stating a fact that she had sensed.
Naruto figured he knew what she was talking about, but he didn't want to go any further into this particular subject. “There's that word again. What dose aura mean.”
“Oh, um... it's like the energy of your body and being.” She explained.
“Ok, it means chakra then.”
“Chakra? Hm, yes I think I've heard that somewhere before, but what about my question?” Kagome prodded.
Naruto sighed. “If you mean can I draw from the Kyuubi's chakra, then yes.”
“It's more than that.” The jewel stated in her mind. “So Kyuubi is his name.” She leaned forward and looked into Naruto's eyes. “Well, if you can hear me in there, it's nice to meet you too Kyuubi.” `He obviously doesn't want to share that and I won't push the matter. His teacher may not even know.'
The Kyuubi was in a sense stunned and Naruto picked up on the feeling. `What's the matter.' “That's... the first time some one has directly spoke to me since I've been in here. It's... kind of nice.” The fox sighed and went silent again. `Oh, I think I understand.'
She continued with the groups discussion. “How about yourself Kakashi. All I know about you is that you are a teacher.” When she saw the look on his face she explained. “Naruto has called you that several time in the couple times our paths crossed.”
“So I was right, you were watching us at the river bank.” Kakashi concluded out loud, but kagome answered it as if it were a question.
“Yes and I must say you scared me half to death when you jumped in my tree. I wasn't expecting you to find me and I barely got out of the way. You must be very skilled to have sensed me.” She tried to make herself sound more skilled than she actually was, but it was obvious this man was skilled.
“I actually saw a flash of white, most likely from your tail, hair or ears.”
“Yes, they do stick out in a forest don't they.” She laughed slightly as she twitched her ears to emphasize the attention on them.
“But it is rather obvious that you are untrained or at least trained very little.” Kagome gave him an undignified look. “Except in the area of jutsu that pertains to plants. The trick you pulled with the little blue flower was quite something.” This seemed to lift the blow to the girls ego, but she looked confused.
“What exactly is a jutsu?”
“What is a jutsu?!” Naruto exclaimed. “What do you mean what's jutsu? You had to do it with that little flower how do you not know?”
“I just made it do what I wanted. I seem to have some control over plants. I don't know what this jutsu you talk of is.” She stated.
“That is most interesting.” Kakashi interjected. “It must be some type of youkai hijutsu or demon bloodline trait.”
“Really?” Naruto said. “And she doesn't even know how she uses it and she can do that. Imagine what she could accomplish if she were trained by someone like you Kakashi sensai.”
`Perfect' Kakashi got just what he was waiting for. “Why Naruto, that's a wonderful idea. Someone who could use plant controlling jutsu would make a wonderful addition to the Hidden Leaf Village. Don't you think so?” He turned to the girl with a smile under his mask, which had been replaced to it's normal spot when he had finished eating. “You said yourself you couldn't stay anywhere long. Just think of it. A place to be trained, but most importantly a place to call home.” He said persuasively.
Kagome just stared for a moment. If her story about her past were true I'm sure it would sound even more tempting, but it was still alluring all the same. She was stuck in this world and needed somewhere to stay. She might as well make the best of it. “I guess that dose sound nice.” she said, her voice giving off the sound of being slightly hesitant.
“Um, as good as this all sounds do you think it's such a good idea Kakashi sensai. I mean I just have a demon trapped inside me and you know how the people treated me. She is an actual demon. How do you think they are going to treat her?”
“Your right Naruto.” Kakashi answered “That could be a problem, but I think if we can keep that little fact from people then there should be no problem.”
Kagome was getting a little nervous with the way Naruto talked about his treatment. “Hold on a second. What if someone finds out. I mean I can cover myself up to look human, but...”
“Well then let's see it.” Kakashi interrupted.
“What do you mean.” Kagome asked a little confused.
“I mean show me how you will blend in.” He got up and started to untie her. When he was done he pulled the ropes away and stepped backwards. “Well? Go ahead.”
Kagome hesitantly stood up and rubbed where the ropes were tied to her body. Finally she reached into one of her pockets and pulled out the bandana she had fashioned for her ears. After tying it securely to her head like a do-rag she wrapped her tail around her wait and looked at the two expectantly. “Well what do you think?”
There was a pause as the two looked her over. Naruto stated the obvious. “You don't think anyone will notice you tail?”
“What can I say. I have a love for fuzzy fashion accessories.” She smiled with a fake perkiness.
Now Kakashi put his two cents in. “Yes, girls now a days do have a strange fashion sense. I'm more concerned with the claws.”
“As you said Kakashi, I have a strange sense of style. A love for fuzzy fashion accessories and extravagant nail jobs. They may not look very functional for the job of a ninja, but you just don't know how to use them right.” She added convincingly as if it didn't faze her in the least.
“Couldn't you just file them down?” Naruto asked.
“They would most likely grow back in a couple of hours. I would be filing them all day.”
Kakashi was satisfied. “I think that should do it for now. Now all I have to do is convince the Hokage to let you stay and everything will be set.”
Naruto was doubtful he could do that without lying to the Hokage. “How do you plan on doing that.”
“Come now Naruto. Have a little faith in your teacher. I'm Kakashi, why would the Hokage need anymore reason than a request.”
“You know it will take more than that, but if you think you can do it then go right a head. I wouldn't doubt you after the things I've seen you accomplish.” Naruto stated.
“Good then it's settled. Let head for the village before it gets dark.” With that, Kakashi just started walking in the direction towards home. He called back over his shoulder. “Oh, by the way. We will need to tie you up again when we near the village. For appearances sake. I'm sure you understand.”
“I do.” Kagome answered.
“Good then come on you two.”
Naruto and Kagome followed slightly behind Kakashi the entire way back. Naruto explained some of the different jutsus and the basics of being a ninja. Kakashi interjected in some places here and there to clear up things for Kagome. No one said Naruto was the best at explaining things. Kakashi even added that he would request to personally train her to put her on a fast tract and that working with his team would help her develop faster. Kagome shared a few details with Them about how it felt to be a half demon, but not much since she herself didn't know all that much about it. The Kyuui noted to Naruto that she must be very young in demon standards if she understood only the little that she explained. They also described the other team mates to her so she might get to know them and accept them a little faster. By the time they reached the edge of the village the sun was low in the sky and cast brilliant splashes of orange and gold hues giving everything a beautifully soft glow.
Kakashi stopped and turned to Kagome holding up the ropes and tugging on them slightly. “Ready?”
“As I'll ever be.” She responded with a sigh. She hated the prospect of being tied up again, but this time it would only be her upper body so that she could walk on her own.
When Kakashi finished tying her up he also added a lead rope to pull her around on. The whole prisoner thing had to be accomplished to keep things looking protocol. “Now remember to look upset that you were caught. Just act like you did earlier and we will have a convincing roll. Oh and niether of you talk to anyone until I have spoken with the Hokage.” They set off into the village. The guards let them pass seeing as how it was Kakashi and Naruto tugging a captive along.
Sakura was wondering around town trying to find something to do since she had been given the day off from Kakashi. She had just made her way over an arched wooden bridge when she looked up and saw Kakashi and Naruto walking perpendicular from her. “Naruto,” she said as she started to walk towards them with a wave.
Naruto snapped his head in her direction and realized she was coming over to say hi, so he shook his head no and nodded towards the girl in ropes.
Sakura stopped in her tracks and made an `oh, I see' face. `Wait a second who is that woman? And for that matter why did Naruto and Kakashi go on a mission without me and Sasuke?' She thought to herself as she stared at the white haired girl. Suddenly, as if she new she was being watched, the girl flicked her eyes in her direction looking all to frustrated about being tied up and stared at. Sakura quickly looked away for minute until they moved farther away. She then turned to look at them again as they entered a building. `They must be heading strait to the Hokage. That's strange. What could be so important.' She stood there a moment longer before taking off to find Sasuke. `I'm going to ask Sasuke what he thinks of all this. I'm sure he won't be pleased Kakashi sensai took Naruto on a mission alone instead of him.'
IVX: There you go. I think this was a little longer than the other chapters. I'm very sorry for the late update but I did up date my other story Darkened Souls and like I said I would be updating evenly between the two if I could help it. Also I am 8 mo. pregnant and working while getting ready for the new arrival. I've been a tad bit busy. I do have the next chapter ruff draft so I hope to have it up soon to make up for the long wait. Again I love all of my loyal fans. By the way I am an artist and have pictures to go with the story. Just gotta find a scanner. Well I'll shut up and get to the thing you are all waiting for. ;;;yells into background ;;; Raise the score boards and cue the music. ;;;happy hardcore techno starts up on overly loud sound system;;;
This week will be........ (<drum roll>) ............Random Breakfast Items Dun dun DUN!
I hope you enjoy....
Gina 031552 - Cheerios… a helpful cereal
Kawaii-miko - Moons and Stars Cereal. The generic form of lucky charms, but even better, for the generic or substitute words that are a little off, but are all just as good anyhow
This Sayuri-Sama - You are… Bannana and marshmallow pancakes. They don't seem to make a lot of sense at first gland, but it's the sweetest and best combination in the pancake world.
mysterylady_tx - You are the Waffle… full of sustenance and when was the last time you heard someone turn yummy waffles down.
Kagome Lady of the Rain - Hehe… you're a toaster… Heh, sorry. I couldn't help myself. The faces reminded me of a popping motion. [ ]:):):)D
Halfblackwolfdemon - Um, Popcorn? Yes, popcorn. What haven't you ever had a weird morning food craving. Their the best especially if you're a spaz. Gotta love em.
spiritwolf30 - You, my friend are a Whole pot of coffee. You don't like punctuation so your sentences go on and on and on… heh just like me when I drink coffee AND it gives you that extra little nip in the bud to get a move on when your feeling sluggish.
Purefire16 - Energy bar, you are a very hype breakfast food.
Plastic Spoons - … ;;;blink blink;;; … Um… Fork ;;;maniacal laughter;;; ;;;runs away;;; (P.S. That name is Awsome)
Soul of the Phoenix - Over easy eggs. Get two of them and a piece of bacon together and they are reminiscent of some one looking at you questioningly. O_o
El Ahrairah - Alphabet cereal …with a factory slip-up of two many e's ^_~
Sharktooth - Cooooookie Crisp!
AngelicPerceptian - Count Chocula cereal. Everyone loves to count!
Untill Next Time… ^_~