InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Excepted... Sorta ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~Ch. 5 - Excepted... Sorta~

“What are you talking about Sakura? Why would Kakashi take Naruto on a misson all alone and not tell us. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“I don’t know, but they had a captive so it had to be some type of mission. Besides, the woman they had in their possession just seemed off some how. Their was something strange about her, but I just can’t put my finger on it.” Something in the white haired girls eyes disturbed her enough to look away. She wasn’t a scared little girl anymore and it was rare she backed down from any confrontation let alone a little stare down. Those eyes reminded her of the few times she had seen Naruto go into a sort of demon rage. There was a feral quality that was unnerving to look directly into.

Sasuke saw the bothered look in Sakura’s eyes and it didn’t sit well with him. Something obviously had her upset other than just being left out of a mission. “Well if it worries you so much why don’t we go check her out for our selves.”

“What do you mean?” Sakura questioned.

“Just what I said and if they are talking to the Hokage then there’s a good chance we will find out just what the whole mission was about.” He said with a smirk.

“You mean eavesdrop in on a mission in the Hokage’s office. Are you crazy? Do you know what they’ll do to us if we’re caught?” She said in an angry whisper.

Sasuke gained a cocky look. “Who says they’ll catch us?” Sakura looked at him warily “Oh, come on Sakura. We are practically the best squad in the village now. I’m sure we can keep from being caught on a simple information reconnaissance mission.”

Sakura still looked unsure, but she gave in. “Fine, but we Have to careful.”

“I’m always careful.”

The two casually walked to the building holding their observation target and team mates. Using their stealth they made it around to the back and onto the roof. The sky was darkening fast now that sunset had past. They came to a rest on a peek overlooking an open window. They could just see the white haired woman that Sakura had described. She seemed to be focusing on someone on the other side of the room. Most likely the Fifth, but they couldn’t quite make out what was being said. Sasuke signaled to Sakura to move closer, but as they turned to do so the woman turned her face in their direction and stared strait at them with a blank expression. This made their hearts jump just a bit at the prospect of being caught, but instead of saying anything the woman just frowned and turned back to what she was looking at before. Sakura looked at Sasuke and shook her head no. With that she quickly made her way back to the ground. He looked frustrated, but Sasuke fallowed suit and they took off into the rapidly approaching night.

When they got a safe distance away Sakura frowned at Sasuke. “No one will catch us. Nooooo...” She said sarcastically. “I’m going home now. If Kakashi wants to tell us about it he will. Good night Sasuke.” With that she started walking the way to her house.

“Whatever” Sasuke too turned down the route that would lead him home.

Kagome had been listening to the conversation of this Hokage woman and Kakashi through the door, though she was sure they thought she couldn’t hear them. ‘Demon senses do have their advantages.’ She thought to herself. Kakashi had been trying to convince the woman named Tsunade to let him keep her in the village. Though the way he made it sound she was more like a lost puppy than an actual individual. She got upset at first, but decided ‘hey, whatever works.’ The Hokage had thrown an especially big stink when he told her exactly what kind of half demon she was. When this happened she got the idea that Naruto could hear them just as plainly as she could by the way he flinched at her outburst.

Finally after what seemed like forever Kakashi came to the door and led them in. When Kagome finally got a look at this so called leader of the village she was dumbfounded to see a girl who looked to be only a couple years older than herself. The young woman was frowning at her in a displeased manor. After seeing this Kagome sighed. ‘Why can’t things ever be easy?’ “Now where would be the fun in that?” ‘Hush up you’

Tsunade looked her up and down. “She doesn’t look all that dangerous, but as we all know looks can be deceiving...”

Kagome faded out of what she was saying when a noise caught her attention. It was muffled through her makeshift bandana, but she could still hear it. She let her eyes wonder to the window where she saw through the dark as clear as day to the two ninja on the roof. Judging by their appearances they fit the description of the other two team members. Also, the girl was obviously the same one that tried to speak to Naruto earlier. She frowned at them for spying on their team mates. Didn’t they trust them? She was pulled back to the immediate conversation when she had the distinct feeling she had just been asked something. Yep, they were all staring at her expectantly. (AN: don’t you just hate it when that happens)

“Well, are you going to show me or not?” Tsunade asked her.

“What exactly did you want to see again.” She responded sheepishly for not paying attention.

The lady sighed. “Your demon traits. I would like to see them before we go any further. The claws are obvious, but those can be explained away. What are you hiding from me.”

Kagome made a quick glance out the window to make sure the two spying nin were gone before she started. When she didn’t see them she turned back to Tsunade and untied her ears, wiggling them at the satisfaction of no longer having them smashed to her head. Next she unwrapped her tail and gave it too a swish of relief.

Again Tsunade seemed to size her up before she spoke, but she didn’t speak to her. She turned to Kakashi as if she wasn’t there. “I don’t know about this one Kakashi. This is different then Naruto’s case. She is the demon in this case and a fox no less.”

“But she is also half holy woman.” Kakashi contradicted.

“So she says. And are we to trust the word of a demon?”

Kagome could feel the irritation rolling off of Naruto even if he wasn’t showing it and she herself was getting sick of the way this woman was talking. “Pardon me lady, but being someone of your standing in the community, I would think you above such an ignorant philosophy as prejudice and judging someone before knowing them.” ‘Ha! What now?’ She smirked in her mind.

“You may be right,” Tsunade conceded which made Kagome smile. “However, these could just be pretty words spun in hopes to infiltrate and undermine the security of our village.” Kagome mentally pouted at this. “As Hokage it is my duty to ensure the safety of this village and all the people in it. So I’m sure, being the obviously intelligent being you are, you can respect that.” She said folding her arms.

Kagome’s shoulders slumped. “Yes, I can. If you can just show me to the gates I will be on my way then.” ‘Now what am I going to do?’

“Good answer.” Tsunade paused for a minute looking at her contemplatively. “I will allow you to stay.” She started then turned to Kakashi ignoring Kagomes thank you. “She is under your watch and I will hold you personally responsible for her actions. I will find her accommodations, but until they are finalized you find something to do with her.”

“Thank you Lady Tsunade. You are as kind and lovely as ever.” Kakashi said making her smile. He knew she loved being flattered on her looks. “Lets be on our way then.” He said leading the other two out the door.

Before they made it all the way out The fifth called to them one more time. “I will be checking in to evaluate my decision. Don’t disapoint me.”

The three were soon on their way down the street and only now did Naruto speak. “She still pisses me off.”

“Now Naruto, that’s no way to talk about the Hokage.” Kakashi scolded half heartedly.

“Why, it’s not like she wanted the job anyways?” He retorted. “Well whatever, so where is Kagome gonna stay? I could make room for her at my place.”
“After the looks you to were passing back and forth earlier I think not.” The coment caused the two to blush and turn their faces away with slight embarrassment. “We are going to be making a stop at Sakura’s.”

Naruto’s eyes widened. “Sakura’s? Sensai I don’t think she’ll be to happy about having a stranger dropped of at her house in the middle of the night.”

“What’s the matter Naruto, scared of Sakura?” Kakashi joked.

“No! It’s just that. Well... youve seen her when she’s tired and cranky. She can be...”

“Scary...” Kakashi finished. “I guess your right. It would be unfair of me to do that to her.” He turned to kagome with a smile. “Looks like you’ll be spending the night with me.”

This caused Kagome to blush again at the prospect of spending the night with a rather atractive and well built ninja like him. (In kagome’s mind 0-,0 :::drool::: j/k)

“I don’t think so Pervy Sensai. The way you read the Pervy Sage’s books I don’t think you should have any beautiful girl spending the night at your place.” Kagome became even redder, but Naruto seemed not to notice what he said in his upset state.

“Why Naruto, I’m appalled. You don’t trust your own Sensai? I am a teacher of hi moral standards and...” Kakashi asked innocently.

“No.” Naruto cut him off , crossing his arms. “I think Sakura’s is the best idea.”

Kagome was thinking how much that little triad reminded her of one of Miroku’s speeches. ‘Maybe I do have to keep my eye one him.’

Kakashi smiled. “ I’m glad you think so. Do say thank you to Sakura for me when you drop Kagome off.” And he was gone...

“What! No! Hey... that’s not fair.” Naruto frowned and grumble about conniving copycat ninjas as they continued to walk.

“Alright you guys are starting to scare me about this Sakura girl. You making her out to be a demon herself.” Kagome told Naruto.

Naruto waved his hands and smiled. “Oh no, no. You got it all wrong. She just has a temper.” Kagome gave him a worried look. “What I mean to say is... she’s really a good girl she’s just...”

“Never mind. I’ll trust you. I just hope she doesn’t hate me.” She said.

“I’m sure she won’t. Who could hate you. I mean, your so pretty... I mean nice and all.” He flustered correcting his wording. “Smooth coverup.” Kyuubi said sarcastically in his head. ‘Shut up. Like I’m not doing bad enough without comments from the peanut gallery.’

When Sakura heard a knock at the door she was sure it would be Sasuke coming back to scold her for leaving him or something like that, but when she opened the door she nearly fell over. She came face to face with that white haired girl from before. The eyes that unsettled her were staring directly into hers mere inches away. O.O
“What’s the matter Sakura. You look like you’ ve seen a ghost.” Naruto said now stepping to the front. He had made kagome knock not wanting to be yelled at for coming to her house so late.

“Naruto? Wha.. What are you doing here...” She looked at the stranger. “So late.”

“Well I am kind of in a bind. Kakashi Sensai said that Kagome here couldn’t stay with me and you were the only other person we could think of, so do you mind if she stays with you?” Naruto said kind of fast.


Kagome smiled and stepped forward “Hello Sakura I’m Kagome.” She bowed slightly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Uh, Yeah. I mean same here. Naruto... can I talk to you for a moment. Alone.” She dragged Naruto inside as he gave Kagome a slightly scared look before the door was shut leaving Kagome alone out side. “Are you crazy Naruto!” She found herself yell whispering again for the second time this night. What was wrong with her two male team mates today? “Didn’t you just have that strange woman bound and tied only a little bit ago. And now you want me to invite her into my home the day of her capture. Kami only knows what she is up to and another thing...”

Naruto cut her off. “Look Sakura” he said seriously. “Kakashi Sensai trusts her enough to have suggested it, so I trust in his judgement. Besides she doesn’t seem all that bad to me.”

“But Naruto”

“It’s an order Sakura.” Ok so he lied, but what other choice did he have. She was just going to give him more grief.

“Fine. I guess I don’t have a choice.” She went back and opened the door putting on a fake smile. “I would be happy to have you spend the night with me, uh...”

“Kagome” She helped her.

“Yes, Kagome. Please come in won’t you.”

Naruto rolled his eyes. He knew that with her demonic traits Kagome could hear the protests from Sakura, but he watched Kagome smile and act like she had not, so he shruged it off. “I’m sure she’s used to it by now kit” ‘Yeah your probably right.’ “Well I’m going to head home now. You two have a nice night.” He decided he better get out of there just incase Sakura’s little facade fell. He just hoped for Kagome’s sake Sakura didn’t get mad around her.

After Naruto walked out there was an awkward silence untill Kagome broke the ice. “So Naruto tells me you work together on a team of ninja. How exciting that must be.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah I guess so.” Sakura said scratching the back of her head uneasily.

Kagome sighed “Look, I can tell your unhappy about the arangements, so if you would like I will spend the night out side. I’m used to it, really.”

Now Sakura felt like a butt. This girl did seem generally nice even if her eyes did creep her out a little. “No don’t do that. I’m sorry if my manners were lacking. You guys just... caught me off guard is all.” She put on a real smile this time. “Please come and sit down. Make yourself at home.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Kagome sat on a comfy couch and Sakura sat in the chair across from her.

“No. Thank you for not ratting out me and Sasuke when you saw us on the roof.”

“Why were you up there anyways?” Kagome questioned.

“You might think it silly, but we were trying to find out about you.” She said sheepishly.

“Understandable, but you really should trust your team mates enough not to spy on them. I’m sure if it is important they will tell you.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just not often two ninja in your squad go on a mission alone without telling you.” she told Kagome. “Sakura looked at the clock. “Well it’s getting late and I’m sure you’ve had a long day. I’ll go get you a blanket and pillow and you can have the couch. Sorry I don’t have a spare futon for you.”

“Oh it’s no problem. I’ve been sleeping in the woods for a while so a soft couch is much appreciated.” She said with gratitude. ‘No more tree branch and creepy vines causing long falls and sudden stops.’ she thought happily to herself. “Whiner.” the voices in the jewel commented. Kagome just chose to ignore them.

Outside Kakashi made himself comfortable on a neighboring roof top. He may have wanted her for their village, but he was no fool. He would watch her just incase she turned on them. At least for now. He watched as Kagome made her self a makeshift bed on the couch and turned the light out to get some sleep. ‘Rest well Kagome. Your training starts in the morning.’

IVX: Ok so I am finally getting some time for myself so I can start updating again. Now to answer a couple of questions. Naruto and Kagome are around 18 years old so that puts it post time jump though I have not seen past what’s on adult swim right now so I don’t know what that includes. Just keep that I mind. Now for the randomness...

You will all be turned into random things based on your comments this time and what not. Or maybe just cause. Who knows.... >_> <_< o_o;

El Ahrairah - The green fairy
Spiritwolf 30 - A matchmaker
RMCY13 - the & sign (don’t see that much)
Purefire16 - a beautiful little baby
Gina 031552 - an encyclopedia
mysterylady tx - a spunky puppy
halfblackwolfdemon - a feisty puppy (grrr)
Soul of the Phoenix - a college student
Angelic Perception - a race car (vroom vroom)
This Sayuri-Sama - Geisha (I can’t help it. It’s the name)
LastatsDarkAngel - Starving artist
HentaiVixen - definitely a Bullhorn

And there you have it. Another fun and pointless addition of NAME THAT REVIEWER ;;;game show music starts up and the screen fades out;;; ...j/k

Any who, hope you enjoyed it. Just for fun here is a little preview for next ch.

;;;in movie announcer guys voice;;; Kagome gains a new dog boy in her life and Naruto deals with jealousy. Who is this new man and why is Naruto jealous. Find out next time on Embracing the Kitsune.