InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Is it Betrayal? ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ Ch. 12 - Is it Betrayal ~
Kagome woke up covered in sweat and felling like she had been hit by a semi-truck and not one of the small Japanese ones, but one of those huge American diesel hogs. She sat up rubbing her head and trying to squint through blurry vision. A sudden pain shot through her leg and her hand automatically flew to her inner thigh. “Ouch.”
“Hurt's dose it?”
She turned her head towards Naruto's voice, but all she could see was a blur of blond. “Naruto? Is that you?”
“Of course, who else would it be. Sasuke?” He said the Name with a spite he had used only one other time while saying his teammates name.
“Naruto what's the matter?” She blinked a couple of times and her vision cleared a bit.
Naruto ignored her question. “It's late. You've been sleeping all day. I take it you had a long night.”
She moved to the edge of the bed, shrugging off her outer Kimono. “What are you talking about?” She put a hand on her throbbing head.
“Don't pretend you don't know. You spent the night with Sasuke last night.” He sounded angry at her.
“What. That's not right. I didn't... well at least I don't think I did.” She tried standing and decided against it when she almost fell. “I really can't remember anything past the dance floor.”
“I'm not an idiot. You don't have to lie to me. I get it. You like Sasuke. Just like every other girl in this town. Your just the lucky one he actually liked back.” He walked to the bed and picked up her wrinkled dress and went to hang it up.
“I don't like Sauske like that and I wouldn't just sleep with some guy if that's what your trying to say.” She tried to defend herself.
“Oh stop Kagome. If you didn't do anything then why do you have a bite on the inside of your thigh” He pointed at her leg accusingly.
“What?” She moved her inner kimono to the side and looked at where he pointed. Just as he said there was a bruised bite. “I don't know how that got there. Wait a minute if you knew it was there how do I know it wasn't you!”
“Don't be ridiculous. I had to carry your drunken self up here and the scandalous way you wore your Kimono let your leg fall into my view.” He threw her an angry look. “Hey! Don't turn this on me. I'm not the one telling a guy she likes him and then going off to sleep with his team mate!” The hurt and anger were evident.
“Stop it! Just stop it right there!” She stood up on shaky legs with tears in her eyes. “I didn't give my virginity to the man I loved when I had the chance on several occasions. Why would I throw it away on someone I don't even like?!”
Another prick in his heart. `Dose she love someone else.' He turned away from her and spoke softer. “They say your judgment it impaired when you drink. Maybe you should have thought of that before throwing a few back.”
Kagome fell back to the bed tears streaming down her face. “But I didn't drink anything. I don't even know how I got from the dance floor to your room.” She covered her face and quietly sobbed.
Naruto was silent as he thought about it. “He might have been using his Hijutsu for more than dancing.” “That Bastard!” He growled out. His K-9's elongated and his eyes started to turn red. He heard Kagome gasp and when he turned to her she looked frightened. He calmed himself enough to dissipate the feral look on his face, but his eye's remained red. He went next to her and sat down. “I'm sorry Kagome. I shouldn't have thought you would...” He held his arms out to her and she leaned into his embrace.
She sniffled into his chest. “Do you think that I, that we.” She couldn't say it.
“I don't know he sighed, but I'm going to find out what happened.” he squeezed her reassuringly.
“What!” She startled him with her sudden outburst.
“Something's wrong. I can't here the jewel!” She said panicky.
“What?” “The voices.” “You don't hear your voices anymore? Are you sure?”
Kagome seemed deep in thought as her eyes darted around absently. She turned scared eyes at him. “No I can't.”
“Don't worry it will be ok.” He tried to comfort.
“No!” She jumped out of his arms. “You don't understand. If it falls into the wrong hands hundreds, maybe thousands will die!” She sunk to her knees on the floor. “It's happening again. I failed again. No, no it can't be.” She held herself and rocked back and forth.
“Comfort her before she has a mental break down!” `Ok!' He jumped down beside her and tried to put his arms around her.
“No! Don't touch me. I'm disgusting. They all died and it's my fault.” She started to cry. The thought that her virginity could have been taken wasn't even in her mind now. All she could think of was another Naraku controlling the jewel and all of her new friends being killed.
Naruto grabbed her and held on tight. “Calm Down! Shhhhhh. It will be ok.” `What is she talking about and why do you know?' “I'll tell you later just ask her if she is sure it's gone.” `What ever.' “Kagome are you sure it's gone.”
Kagome became still and quiet. “I don't know if you want to be touching me right now.” Naruto reluctantly let go and Kagome searched deep inside herself for her holy powers that lay dormant. The voices had explained it to her recently. The jewel was surrounded in what was left of her priestess powers. The jewel would corrupt her now half demon blood if it were let loose on her body. Thus the holy powers kept it purified and out of her bloods reach. If she were to tap into those powers it could be dangerous, but she had to try. It's the only way she could be sure.
Naruto watched her close her eyes and stay very still for a moment. Suddenly a pink light flared around her body and she screamed. She crumpled into a ball as her hair flashed from white to black and then back again. Then ragged tribal symbols appeared on her face and she stopped writhing in pain. She opened her red and violet eyes and growled at Naruto.
“Knock her out!” “What?” “Do it now!” Kagome lunged at him and he dodged hitting her on the back of her neck on a pressure point. `What was that!' “She went into a blood lust.” He picked her up and sat her on the bed as he watched the marks slide away from her face. “Kagome?” He shook her. “Kagome wake up.”
Her eyes slowly opened. “Naruto...”
“Yes? I'm here.”
“The jewel is safe.” She closed her eyes and fell back asleep.
“That's it Kyuubi, tell me what's going on.” “Alright I will tell you, but for your information she wanted to tell you in her own time.” Naruto made sure Kagome was comfortably positioned in the bed before he took off to find Sasuke.
By the time he found his target Kyuubi had relayed most of what Kagome had told him. Naruto's features again turned feral as his anger rose with the site of Sasuke. He was on the outskirts of the village leaning against a tree. Like he had been waiting for him the whole time. “Sauske.” Naruto growled.
“What's the matter Naruto. Is something wrong.” He mocked him.
“You know exactly what's wrong! What did you do to Kagome?!” a red chakra encircled him.
Sauske just smirked. “You never could handle a little competition could you?” He pushed off from the tree and walked up to him. “It would kill you to hear how I took her over and over again as she called out my name and not yours wouldn't it?”
Naruto grabbed him by his shirt and pined him against the tree he had been leaning on. His feet dangling above the ground. “You insolent little bastard. How dare you touch her!” The voice that came from Naruto's mouth wasn't Naruto's at all. It was purely Kyuubi.
“What do we have here.” Sasuke laughed bitterly. “Can this be the demon I've heard so many stories about.”
“Shut your mouth boy! Now tell me what you did to Kagome unless you want to see what your insides look like.” He was to angered to be happy about being the dominant personality.
A cruel smile spread on his lips. “Touchy. Don't tell me the great Kyuubi has fallen for that thing as well.” Kyuubi slammed him hard against the tree causing him to cough up a bit of blood. “Heh, I see. Well whatever the case I am sad to say I didn't lay a hand on her. At least not in that way.”
Both personalities felt a bit of relief. Kyuubi let go of him and he fell to the ground unceremoniously. He bent over the boy and held deadly claws up menacingly. “That is good for your sake, but you did not answer my question.” He put a sharp claw under Sasuke's chin. “What did you do to her? Do not make me repeat myself again.”
“It's not what I did that you should be worried about.”
“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” He put pressure to his skin causing a small drop of red liquid to roll down Kyuubi's claw.
“Orochimaru would be the one you want to ask.”
Kyuubi froze and Naruto suddenly came back to the surface. “Sauske... Why? After all this time? Why go back to him?”
Sasuke smacked Naruto's hand out of his face and stood. “Who said I ever left him.”
Naruto thought that nothing could hurt him worse than he had already been hurt that day, but he was wrong. Now it was Naruto's turn to sink to his knees. “Why? We brought you back. We care for you like our own family. You are part of the only family I've ever known.
Sasuke just looked at him with an unreadable emotion. “I wasn't sent back for the mission I have just recently received, but situations change.”
Naruto found his strength again and rose to come face to face with Sasuke. “What is your mission.”
“Now you know I can't tell you that, but I can tell you what I was going to do.” He leaned in close to his ear. “I was to bring you to Lord Orochimaru.” Sasuke jumped back and took to the trees.
Naruto was lost. He didn't have the strength to follow him. He just watched him disappear into the dark. “Go after him!” “...Wait a second. Then I know what that bite is on Kagome. We have to get back to her with Kakashi sensei!”
He sped of toward Kakashi's house and as soon as he reached the door he just about beat in down as hard as he knocked.
Kakashi came to the door and opened it slowly. “Who the heck... Naruto?”
“Kakashi sensei you have to come with me now! Kagome's in trouble.”
“Whoa, hold on a second. What are you talking about?” he had just woken up to Naruto's knocking and had no idea what was going on.
“Sasuke is still working with Orochimaru and I think they gave Kagome the curse mark whatever. We have to go now. You have to fix it. Do whatever you did to Sasuke... except better.”
“Where is she.” He asked calmly.
“In my room.”
“Go get her. I'll meet you at the Hokage's office.” He put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. She'll be just fine. She's made it this long and with her demon blood she has a better chance of surviving.
Naruto arrived at the appointed destination with Kagome in his arms. He figured that Tsunade would be there given the place they were meeting, but one person he didn't expect to see was Jiraiya. Before he could even question any of it Tsunade spoke. “Follow us. Kakashi is setting everything up downstairs.”
As they walked to the basement Jiraiya looked at the girl in Naruto's arms. “Has she woken up at all.”
“Yeah, we talked for a little while but then something happened with what I'm guessing is her holy powers and she tried to attack me. I knocked her out and she was able to say things were ok before she fell back unconscious.
“Well then everything should be ok.” He smiled reassuringly to comfort Naruto.
“How do you think.” Naruto said with an undertone of anger.
“She seems to have survived the initial marking. Besides it's better she's not awake for this.”
“Is Kakashi sensei going to seal the mark?”
“I am. He's just setting things up for me.” He looked at the parts of her he could see. “Where is she marked?”
Naruto stumbled a bit causing Jiraiya to give him a strange look. “Um, the inside of her left thigh.”
“I see.” They reached the bottom and walked to a rather large pattern of writing on the floor. “Lay her down here for a moment. I want to get a good look at the mark.” Naruto layed her on the floor and watched the sage closely. He wasn't sure about the perverted ninja touching her so close to certain areas. Jiraiya seemed to pick up on this. “I am very serious about this Naruto. She's in good hands.”
Naruto relaxed a bit and moved to let him work. Jiraiya moved the fabric to the side and looked at the bite mark. Tsunade and Kakashi also came over to get a look. Tsunade was the first to comment. “That's not right.”
“It's not like the ones I've seen before.” Kakashi added.
“I think I know what it's for.” Jiraiya said as he stood and walked over to the pattern on the floor. “I think I can adjust this to work.” He smudged out a few symbols here and there and rewrote them.
Naruto looked to Kakashi for answers. “What's wrong.” He asked worriedly.
“This isn't a normal Curse Mark. I'm not sure what it's for, but apparently he has an idea. That's why I found him on my way over here. He knows Orochimaru's handy work better than anyone.
Tsunade hovered over her and checked her vitals. “Her chakra flow is out of wack, but other than that she seems stable.”
Jiraiya looked over his work one more time. “Bring her to the center please.” Kakashi picked up Kagome and laid her in the middle of the markings. Jiraiya then connected the symbols from the floor across her skin to the bite that now had an odd symbol it's self. The other three moved out of the way as he started the Jutsu.
Naruto turned to Tsunade. “Your not going to kick her out because of all this are you?”
“No, especially not now. It's obvious that Orochimaru wants this girl for some reason. We have to keep her from him at all cost. No telling what he could do with the powers of a demon.” they watched the rest of the procedure in silence.
`I shouldn't have been so hard on her when she woke up.' “There's no way you could have known.” `That doesn't make me feel any better about it.' “ I know. She is in capable hands now. What you should be worried about now is what happened to us.”
IVX: See told ya she was cool. How will Kagome find her purpose if she no longer has the ability to communicate with the jewel? How will the new curse mark effect her? Guess you'll just have to stay with the story. Poor Naruto though. Sasuke betraying him again and all. Oh and for any Sasuke lovers out there. Don't be mad at me. This isn't the last you'll see of him and this isn't a Sasuke bashing story. Just got to throw those good old plot twists in... ^_~