InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ The Mysterious Escort ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 16 - The Mysterious Escort ~


Naruto lay on his sleeping mat trying to fall asleep, unsuccessfully. Again he lifted his hand into the air above his face and sighed. ‘How the hell am I supposed to sleep?’ He had laid Kagome down in her own room, but when he placed his hand on the door to leave he noticed something that shouldn’t be there. Claws. He knew that he wasn’t tapped into Kyuubi’s power and Kyuubi was now resting. There was no reason the claws should still be on his person. His mind was racing with morbid thoughts of losing his soul and the talks him and Kyuubi had. ‘Kyuubi promised that the possession wouldn’t affect the bonding, but if that’s true then why is this happening?’ He clenched his fist and frowned, rolling over to look at a sleeping Kakashi. Naruto was half tempted to wake him and tell him the whole situation just so he could talk to someone about it. ‘No, what am I thinking? It’s not like he could help anyways.’ He tossed himself over to his other side restlessly. ‘That’s it. This is stupid! I’m gonna go talk to the fox no matter how tired he is.’

Naruto squeezed his eyes shut and pushed his consciousness to the inner workings of his mind. He all, but stomped his way up to the bars of his companions prison. “Hey Fox. Wake up!”

A deep growl emanated from the darkness. “You impertinent little whelp.”

Kyuubi’s guttural voice gave Naruto the impression that he maybe should have gone about this a different way. For the first time in a long time Kyuubi’s voice sent a chill down his spine.

“Are you trying to wake the dead?” a deep growl of a sigh resonated through the area. Naruto heard a shuffling and the clack of large claws on the hard ground. The demonic form of Kyuubi slowly placed his face up to the bars with a tired glare. He suddenly flopped down and rested his large head on his paws. He closed his eyes and the lines of stress ebbed off his face. “Speak... and make it quick kit.”

Naruto paused not sure what to ask first and he again looked at the offending claws.

“I said Speak!” Kyuubi glared at him though heavily lidded eyes.

Naruto gulped. “It’s just, uh, well look!” He stuttered holding his hands up for the fox to look at.

Kyuubi closed his eyes. “You interrupt my rest for something so minute?”

“Minute! They won’t go away. Which means!.. which means.” His voice lost it’s power.

“That the bond grows stronger. I have already deduced this.” Kyuubi raised his head to look at Naruto now.

“If you knew then why didn’t you say something? And Why! Why did it happen? I thought You said that switching places wouldn’t effect the bonding!” He pointed at the fox accusingly. His fear overwhelming him.

“Calm yourself boy!” Kyuubi yelled angrily raising to his feet with new found strength. “Your not the only one who suffers consequences!” The force with which he yelled made naruto fall on his rear and stair up at the seething demon from the floor. The foxed turned his back side to Naruto who’s face paled when he saw only five of the once nine tales. Kyuubi quickly faced him again baring his sharp teeth. “Do you have any idea how long it takes to acquire that many tails!”

Naruto shook his head dumbly as the enraged demon glowered at him. “ no” he said meekly.

“You complain of gaining a useful weapon when I have lost nearly half of my life’s work!?” Kyuubi only watched the frightened Naruto for minute as the hateful look faded from his face. Again he laid down, looking as though he had gone to sleep.

Naruto waited for a long moment, but he didn’t speak. “...Kyuubi?”

“I am sorry kit... I should not have lashed out at you. You are as much a victim of this as I am.” His voice, although still feral in this form, had softened.

“It’s ok Kyuubi. I should have waited untill you were rested.” He mumbled looking at the ground.

“Please, ask me again what you wish to know.”

Naruto didn’t take his eyes of the ground. “Why did the bond grow?” This time his question was soft and held no hint of accusation. “Didn’t you say that possessing my body wouldn’t harm anything?”

“Yes, but only if you stepped aside willingly. You were unconsious so I had to take over control by force. The strain my energy put on you was harsh and had dire consequences.”

“It’s just not fair.” Naruto pouted.

“Kit, I thought by now you, of all people, would have figured out that life is unfair. Your own village hated you as an orphaned child who had done no harm to any of those pathetic humans. Seeing death at such an early age. Betrayed by your best friend and teammate. The past of him and Kagome, as well, were tragic in there own rights. Part of life is finding out how cruel it can be. That is just the way things are.” He looked at Naruto to see he was still down trodden. “Now stop fretting and get some sleep. There is nothing we can do about it and I need my rest.”

Naruto stood, still looking at the floor down heartedly. “I think your wrong.”

“What?” Kyuubi asked losing his patience.

“Life isn’t just cruel and unfair. There’s a lot about it that’s happy and warm... like Kagome.” He smiled sadly and looked up to the fox. “If I can find someone like her in this crazy world then it can’t be all bad.”

As Naruto left Kyuubi shook his head and smirked. ‘Your smarter than I give you credit for kit.’

* End Flashback

“You will need to remove your pants so I can inspect the mark closely.” Said an older ninja. “The rest of you will have to leave.”

“What! I don’t think so!” Protested Naruto.

“Calm down Naruto. Genku is just doing his job.” Kakashi tried to calm the blond shinobi.

“I don’t trust this old pervert, Kakashi sensei.” said ‘pervert’ huffed and crossed his arms.

“Naruto, just go wait outside. It’s fine.” Kagome pleaded. “Can’t really have you in her with me in my undies.” She teased.

Naruto’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he followed the others into the other room.

“Demon brat.” Genku said under his breath as Naruto was closing the door. Naruto growled deeply in his chest, loud enough that he was sure the old geezer heard him.

Kagome heard what he said and felt the same way about this guy as Naruto, but she needed his help and she would put the uneasy feeling she got from him to the back of her mind for the moment. Naruto, on the other hand, could not let it go so easily and took up guard right out side the door. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes with a stubborn look on his face. His sensitive hearing picking up on what was said inside the room.

“Take off your pants and sit here.” He pointed to a makeshift examination table.

Kagome hesitantly took off the kunai holder and tape around her leg and removed her pants. ‘He’s a professional.’ She tried to tell her self, but didn’t doctors at least turn around when you undress? She sat down on the cold table and put her hands in her lap.

“Let’s get a look at you before I get started. It’s not everyday I have a willing specimen in my grasp.” Kagome didn’t like the way he said that, but what was she going to do about it? Genku tugged at her tail.

“What is this silly thing.”

Kagome resisted the urge not to growl and unwrapped it, letting it swish aggravatedly a couple of times. “It’s my tail.” The man reached out and grabbed it harshly, turning it over in his hands. Kagome let him inspect it for a moment, but jerked it away from him when he started pinching it to feel the internal structure. She held it close to herself in her own hands. “ I would prefer if you don’t touch it anymore.” Kagome was surprised to hear her voice come out as a bit of a growl. She took a breath and added on a nicer. “Please.” The man frowned, but moved onto messaging her arm. Kagome sweat dropped. ‘Yeah, this is sooo much better.’ She thought sarcastically.

“The muscular structure is superb.” He said it more as a comment to himself rather than a compliment. He then moved onto her “ear”. He seemed a bit surprised when it wasn’t where it was supposed to be.

“Heh, oh yeah. Sorry.” She pulled off her head band.

Again the mans ruff hands eagerly grabbed hold of a more sensitive part of her body harshly causing her to flinch. “When Gaara told me I would be inspecting a demon seal of sorts. I suspected the holder would be another Jinchuuriki, but I didn’t know I would enjoy inspecting the beast it’s self.”

‘The nerve! He’s talking more to himself rather than to me. Like I’m not even here.’ Her eyes were closed and her eyebrow twitched slightly. Naruto had much the same expression on the other side of the door. His teammates, who couldn’t hear the conversation within, gave him questioning looks.

Genku, satisfied with his initial inspection, finally stepped back and talked to her. “Lay down now so that I may inspect the mark.” Kagome did as asked and jumped a little when his cold hand touched her leg. After concentrating a small amount of chakra onto it he frowned and went to a nearby shelf. He pulled out an old looking scroll. Unrolling it slightly, he ripped of a piece and placed the scroll back in it’s original place. He then walked back to Kagome’s side and placed the piece of parchment against the mark. The paper flashed purple before disappearing completely. “That’s odd.” he comented.

“What’s odd?” Kagome asked concernedly.

He ignored her and went to a rather large book in the corner of the room. Flipping through the pages he finally came to what ever it was he was looking for. “I don’t have the means to decipher your curse mark here.” He stated without looking at his ‘patient’. Kagome pouted, but before she could get up to leave he began to speak again. “I will need a special type of scroll.”

Kagome pulled her pants and gear back on. “If I find this type of scroll for you then you can help me?”

He smirked wickedly, finally looking her in the eyes. “Yes, but it’s found in one place and one place only.”

Kagome wasn’t sure she liked the look he was giving her. “Where can I find it?”

“It is hidden deep with in the earth country and guarded by a dangerous clan of shinobi. To try and retrieve it would be dangerous for a kage level ninja, let alone the rag tag group you came with.”

Kagome’s eyes saddened "Then I guess there’s nothing that can be done about it. I can only hope that nothing bad happens from the curse mark.”

Genku scowled at her. The man walked close to her. Uncomfortably close, and whispered in her ear. “Demon, you are only fooling yourself. That mark will eventually take over your body and you will kill those close to you.” Kagome’s heart skipped a beat at his sharp words. “I said they would not be able to retrieve it. You, on the other hand, may. My advice to you is that if you desire to protect your teammates you leave with out them and retrieve it yourself.”

Kagome whispered back in a scared voice. “But I am not as strong as them. I don’t think that I could...”

“Then condemn them to death at your own hands.” He cut her of with a shrug. He stepped back and spoke in a normal tone again. “The choice is yours, but being the beast that you are I wouldn’t expect any less.”

Kagome bristled at his words. “I will do it! I am not the monster you think I am.” She said resignedly.

The man smirked again and held out a scroll for her which she took. “All you need is in there.”

Kagome’s anger now settled she gulped at the prospect of doing something so big on her own. She always had a team for something like this. She wasn’t sure enough of herself to blindly believe in her abilities to pull this off. She turned pleading eyes onto the old ninja. Whispering to him again, in hopes of Naruto not hearing, and asked. “Is there any way at least one person could accompany me? I don’t know if I could find the way on my own.” She turned shameful eyes to the ground. She didn’t want to say the real reason she wanted company... She was scared to go alone.

He gave her a disgusted, but knowing look. “I suppose it could be arranged.” She turned hopeful eyes to him. “But it will be at the discretions of the Kazekage and no one else.”

“Thank you Genku sama.” She said with a formal bow.

“Hn, don’t thank me yet little Bijuu. Just make sure you accomplish what need be done.” He waved her off. “You may go.”

When Kagome stepped outside the room the others greeted her. Kakashi was the first to speak. “Any good news?” He asked looking over the top of his novel.

She looked away. She was not good at lying and if she didn’t look him in the eye maybe she could get away with it. “Afraid not.” She tried to look sorrowful instead of deceitful.

Naruto spoke up now. “But I hear him say something about a scroll.”

“Naruto! It’s not nice to eves drop.” Sakura scolded.

“It’s ok Sakura,” She turned her attention back to Naruto. “If you heard that then you must have heard the part about only kage level ninja being able to reach it.”

“We can do it Kagome.” He assured her.

“No! I will not put any of you in danger for me like that.” Her voice softened. “I have enough blood on my hands I won’t add any of yours to them.”

“Kagome...” Kakashi was going to try and calm her nerves with a word of wisdom, but before he could say anymore she was already heading out the door. He just fell instep behind her and motioned for the others to follow as well.

When the group reached the hotel Kagome excused herself from them and went to her room asking to be left alone for a while. They just figured it was because of disappointment in finding no solution for her dilemma, so they let her be. Keeping an eye on the exit as they ate lunch, just incase she tried to sneak out, as she was apparently apt to do.

Later that night a knock came on her door and Sakura’s scent wafted through the crack of the door alerting Kagome to who was on the other side. “It’s ok Sakura, you can come in.”

Sakura slowly entered and shut the door softly behind her. Turning back to her female companion she smiled sadly. “I’m sorry that we couldn’t help, but I’m sure there are others who will be able to figure this out.”

Kagome returned the smile halfheartedly. ‘So optimistic. I wish I could be that way again.’ “Don’t worry Sakura. I’ll be just fine.”

Sakura sat on her futon as she watched Kagome shake out her freshly washed and dried desert clothes and begin to dawn them over her regular ninja outfit. “What are you doing? Your not going to try and sneak away from Naruto again are you?”

“Yes.” She stated nonchalantly.

“What? Why?”

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.” Kagome answered pulling the hood over her ninja head band.

“Can I come with you?” Sakura didn’t like her suspicious behavior.

“No, not this time.” Kagome made to leave.

Sakura stood in front of the door and held her arms out. “I’m afraid I can’t let you leave. I didn’t want to tell you, but we are under strict orders to keep watch over you. You can’t just go off on your own.”

Kagome sighed. “I figured as much.” She walked closer to the pink haired young woman. “Could you at least do me a favor?”

Sakura relaxed a bit thinking Kagome had conceded. “Sure.”

Kagome held up her hand with a strange looking bulbous plant resting in her palm. “Tell Naruto not to follow me.”

“What...” She was unable to finish her sentence because the moment she spoke the spore exploded into a dust that knocked her out almost immediately.

“Sorry.” Kagome Lifted her unconscious body onto the futon and left without a second thought.

She made her way up to the roof and stood there in contemplation for a moment. ‘Is Genku going to send someone to help?’ She looked around the surrounding rooftops. “How will they find me?” At that very moment a swirl of sand sounded softly behind her and she turned to come face to face with a masked man. “Eep.” She stumbled back a bit, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. ‘He just popped up out of no where. I can’t even feel is aura now that he stands here in front of me.’ She regained her composure and looked closer at the mysterious man. He wore a dark brown and tan armored outfit and an animal mask. A raccoon mask to be exact, the tie of which held down shaggy red hair, giving the wild mane a more smoothed appearance. She staired at the slits she knew his eyes were hidden behind with confidence. “Who are you and what do you want?”

The figure reached into a pocket and Kagome tensed, thinking he might pull out a weapon or something, but instead he swiftly held out a folded piece of paper. Kagome took it hesitantly. She eyed him warily before unfolding it and reading the contents. ‘It’s a note from Genku...’ The note relayed to her that the Kazekage had excepted her request for an escort and so a highly skilled assassin was assigned to her, who’s position was equivalent to that of a Leaf Village ANBU. When she finished reading she pocketed it and turned to her new traveling partner. “So you’re her to help me?” The figure only nodded in the affirmative. “Well then it is nice to meet you. My name is Kagome.” She said with a small bow. The other figure did not respond in kind so she tried to prompt him. “And you would be?”

The figure crossed his arms.

“...right.” Kagome said with a sigh. ‘This is going to be a long trip.’ “Well if you won’t give a name then I will give you one, so I can call you something other that ‘hey you’.” She tapped her chin for a moment. “I know, I will call you Tanuki (raccoon dog).” She smiled.

‘Tanuki’ only inclined his head in the direction of the crack in the rock face that made up the exit to the village.

“Your right, we should get going before anyone notices I’m missing.” She pulled her satchel to her front and rummaged through it before pulling out the scroll Genku had given her. “Here, this has a map of the location.” Tanuki only held up his hand motioning that he didn’t need it and then took off across the rounded roof tops. Kagome sighed again as she put the scroll back. ‘... a very long trip.’ She added to her previous thought before she followed after her new companion.

* a dark alley in the village hidden in the sand

A shadowed figure spoke to Genku. “You have done well Genku. You managed to lure the demon away from her team.” The reflection of glasses glinted in what little moonlight reached the edge of his face.

“Not only that, but the Kazekage is absent as well.” He smiled his wicked smile. “Lord Orocimaru must give me what I desire now, correct?”

The shadowed man ignored his question for the time being. “Does anyone else know about his leave of absence?”

“No, I am the only one. I was ordered to tell his brother to take up his duties for the time being with word that he left to no one other than his siblings.”

“Very good.”

“Now what about my reward?” He demanded impatiently.

“Yes, your reward.” the other said with a malicious smile. In the blink of an eye the older ninja’s throat was cut and the life quickly faded from him as he bled out on the ground of the deserted alleyway. “Your reward for a job well done.”

IVX: And the plot thickens.... cookies to those who figure out who Kagome’s ANBU friend is. Heh. Though it’s not much of a stretch... ;;;sweat drop;;; good thing cookies are cheap. Heh.
Someone questioned Gaara’s eye color. I see blue when I look at him but I guess it might be a sea gean/blue. What are your opinions? Would you prefer if I re-posted it as the later? I’ll let the majority decide.

Also for anyone who knows about the story later on than what’s on TV... after I wrote this chapter I found out who really put the demon in Gaara, but I don’t like to give to many hints of spoilers and I like my character so it stays the way I wrote it. Ha! The universe is mine to control! ;;;fingers twitch in a clawed position as a maniacal grin graces IVX’s lips;;;

Hope you liked it. Untill next time.... ^_~