InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Moonless Night in the Sand ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 17 - Moonless Night in the Sand~

The three Ninja stood in front of the Hokage who was leveling them with a fairly angry glare. The three were at attention, awaiting the oncoming reprimand. Tsunade finally slammed her hands down on the desk. “Your mission was a failure!” She took a moment to calm herself before speaking again. “I give three ninja, more than capable of handling an A ranked mission, a C ranked mission and you Fail!? Especially you Sakura.” She fixed the nin with a pointed stare.

Naruto felt he had to defend his friend. It wasn’t her fault Kagome knocked her out with out warning.. “Tsunade it wasn’t her fault I...”

“Hold your tongue, you forget your place!” She watched Naruto flinch as she walked around her desk to stand in front of them. She crossed her hands behind her back and her gaze shifted from anger to sadness. “Due to your failure and the fact we have a run away nin I am left with no other choice.” With out looking away she spoke a name. “ Chikouu!”

A whirl of leaves appeared behind and to the left of Tsunade. “Yes Godaime Hokage?” came the answer of the masked, kneeling man now in the place of the leaves.

“I have a mission for you.”

Kakashi recognized this particular mask belonging to a unique type of shinobi. “Lady Hokage, surely there is another solution than to send a Hunter.” Kakashi began lightly, hoping she wasn’t serious.

“I’m afraid this is the only option open to me at the moment.”

“What! You can’t send a Hunter after Kagome!” Naruto took a defiant stance forgetting that he was supposed to be at attention.

Tsunade overlooked his informality due to the fact that she was sending someone to kill his teammate. “Naruto, I liked her just as much as the rest of you. I fact I was excited to have someone of her ability in our ranks despite her heritage, but the truth of the matter is that she was new to our village. How can we trust her when so soon after arriving she runs away, taking with her the secrets of our village. What if this was her intent all along?” She tried to reason. Tsunade liked Kagome and it was killing her to do this, but what other choice did she have when dealing with a demon of unknown origins. Even a long time human resident who had left under similar circumstances had betrayed the village, twice!

“She wouldn’t do that! The whole reason she left was to protect us from whatever danger she is going off to face on her own!” His fists were clenched.

“Are you so sure you would risk the safety of your village?” She leveled on him.

“Yes.” He said proudly. “Kagome is loyal to her team and her village.” ‘...and to me.’

Tsunade looked at the other two. “Do you believe the same?”

Sakura answered first. “Yes I do Lady Hokage.” Her voice was strong and unwavering in the affirmation of her belief.

She turned to Kakash. “And you?”

“Before she left she said something peculiar.”

“And that would be?”

“She said her hands were stained with enough blood and she wouldn’t add our’s to them.” He answered matter-o-factly.

“And how did you perceive this notion?”

“She left in order to spare us from any harm we might befall should we chose to fallow her.” His voice held confidence in his pupil just as the others’ had.

She thought over this information trying to decide on a course of action, but before she could come to a conclusion her thoughts were interrupted by Naruto’s loud voice. “Let me go after her Tsunade-sama. Please!” He said as he bowed deeply. “I have an idea of where she is going. Just let me try before you take such drastic measures. I beg you.”

“Just where is it that you think she has gone to, Naruto?” She asked curiously.

“I overheard the pervy demon guy say that there was a scroll he needed to fix her deep with in the earth country.”

“Is that all? That is a rather vague description.” She frowned.

“He also said it was guarded by a dangerous ninja clan so she must be heading to the Hidden Rock Village.” He added.

After a moments pause she made up her mind. “I will allow you to retrieve her if you can.” The group smiled. “But only you.”

“You’re not going to send Naruto into danger all by his self are you?” Sakura protested.

“I must agree. A team would be better suited to the task.” Kakashi added.

“No. Our village is still short on skilled ninja and I can spare no more on that foolish girl. Naruto will be sufficient. If he cannot persuade her back then I doubt the two of you would be able to either.” She looked over her shoulder. “It seems your services will no longer be required Chikouu.”

The masked Hunter nodded. “As you wish my lady.” And with that he was gone again.

Tsunade looked back to the three. “Naruto your mission is to retrieve run away ninja Kagome. By any means necessary.” She fixed him with a serious gaze. “By any means. Do you understand?”

“Yes Lady Tsunade.” He conceded. “We are all that is required. I just hope we haven’t lost to much time returning here.”

“You must leave immediately.”

“Of course.” He bowed. “Thank you.” He made to leave at that very moment, but before he could the Hokage added one more thing to his task.

“Naruto, you will have a limited amount of time to complete this task. If I do not hear word from you soon I will send the hunters.” Nauto looked as if he were going to protest. “Don’t think me unkind. Understand that Orchimaru is once again plotting against this village and Kagome is no doubt playing a major roll in his strategy. Weather she is willing or not, is not the issue at this point. The most important thing is that he does not get his hands on her.” Her eyes penetrated his deeply as if trying to convey her will.

A new resolve made its way to the blond’s face. “Understood.”

*At the boarder of the Earth County

Kagome set her pack down and stretched her back. “So this is the Earth Country huh?” She might as well be talking to herself and she knew it. Her companion had yet to say anything to her. Not a single word! And we all know how Kagome needs conversation. Her eye twitched ever so slightly. ‘How can anyone travel with someone for so long and not say anything!’ She watched as the man started to walk again, expecting her to follow. “Oh no you don’t.” Kagome huffed. “I’m not going another step unless you talk to me.” She emphasized her point by plopping down on the ground.

‘Tanuki’ tilted his head for a moment before walking up to her.

“Yes?” She hoped he may just say something to get her to move.

He bent down and Kagome smiled, that is until he grabbed a hold of her and flung her over his shoulder.

“Hey! What’s the big idea?!” She screamed, but he didn’t even flinch. He just bent down to scoop up her bag and began walking again. “Put me down right now!” She flailed wildly, not really wanting to attack him, but just to try and make it more than its worth to try and carry her around. Her plan worked, but not as she hoped. Tanuki dropped her and her bag unceremoniously to the ground with a hard thud. “Ouch.” She said rubbing her bottom. “Was that really necessary?”
Her companion ignored her and began setting up a small camp.

Kagome just threw her arms up in the air and flung herself backwards on the ground. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” Unknown to her, Tanuki was thinking the same thing.

As the evening drew closer she decided to try and entertain herself with a little game. She had been staring at the back of Tanuki’s head for quite a while. He didn’t have an aura, chakra or a scent. If she didn’t know any better she would have believed him a ghost, but heck even a ghost had a feel to it. This brought about her idea for a game. Find out who mystery man was and get him to talk. Those ties to his mask were just sitting there begging her to untie them. Who was she to deny them.

As quietly as she could she snuck up behind Tanuki and reach her hands toward the ties. She made a sudden movement, sure that she would be grasping the stings in half a second. What she did not expect was to be face down in the dirt. Tanuki had moved to the side at the last moment causing her to lose balance. She growled in frustration. ‘Alright, I guess subtlety doesn’t work. So how about direct attack.’ She lunged for his mask again. He merely ducked out of the way and again she growled in frustration. “That’s it! I will find out who you are and then you can start talking to me. Now give me that mask!” She launched her whole body at him and he jumped away and landed on his feet. Kagome’s hair was now slightly tousled and she had a smudge of dirt on her face. She gave the man a hateful glare and she could swear if she could see his face he’d be smirking at her.

The masked ninja seemed to consider her for a moment. He then held out his hand and made a come hither motion.

Kagome smiled. ‘At least this should be entertaining if nothing else.’ She sprung at him with no warning and grabbed at the damnable mask. He, of course moved in time, but Kagome made a very cat like motion and twisted her body mid flight. Turning just in time to catch the edge of his mask, nicking it with her claw.

Tanuki reached up and felt the notch. After another still moment he gained a defensive positions. Kagome smirked again and swiped at him. This time he shocked her with a little play of his own. He knocked off her hood. Kagome reach up and patted her head band to make sure it was still in place. Tanuki took this opportunity to attack and nearly succeeded in grabbing that in which she was worrying over.

“Hey! No fair.” Kagome protested. Tanuki just stared at her. “Ok so maybe it is, but I bet I get your mask off before you get this off.” She gestured with a thumb to her head band.

Tanuki nodded in acceptance of the challenge. It had been a long time since he gauged his close combat skills and this would be sufficient training. He knew she was skilled enough to give him a good work out, so he agreed to her little challenge.

As their ‘game’ went on the sinking sun failed to catch the attention of either focused ninja. Kagome was readying her attack again, but this time she was going to put all her force and speed into it. She crouched low and jut as she uncoiled her muscles and sprung to action a painful pulse made its self known deep in her gut. Instead of grasping for intended target her arms instinctually flew to her stomach.

Tanuki, of course, took her slip to his advantage and grabbed head cover. With a swift tug it came lose as she flew past him. He landed with his back facing her while she tumbled across the earth. As the last rays of sunlight dissipated from the clearing he turned to look at his opponent, prize in hand. What met his sight was not what he was expecting however.

Kagome felt the last of the pulsing pain ebb from her body and she pulled herself up onto all fours. She quickly grabbed hold of her side where a rather nasty rock gave her quite the bump. She slowly raised to her knees to look at Tanuki. He seemed to be staring from her to the cloth in his hand and back. She didn’t need to feel the top of her head to know she was human. ‘How could I have forgotten?’ She sighed. ‘Guess it couldn’t have came at a better time. Now I just have to explain a hair color change instead of little fox ears.’ Kagome was about to try and explain, but before she could utter a sound a searing pain shot through her left shoulder. “Ahhhh!” She grabbed her shoulder, quickly forgetting her side, and look down to see a rather large needle protruding from it.

As Kagome tried in vain to move her left arm Tanuki took a defensive pose in front of her. Another needle cut through the air and just before it struck Kagome in the back of the neck, what little sand there was on the ground rose to deflect it.

Kagome was unaware of this as she was looking up at the man standing so protectively over her. “Tanuki?”

“Sh.” He silenced her as he watched and listened carefully for the next attack.

Kagome’s attention was brought back to her surroundings as she felt a small stream of demon energy in the ground around her. Looking at Tanuki’s feet she watched with fascination as a small amount of sand ground its way into the dirt below. Recognition light up her face and she snapped her head up to look at ‘Tanuki’ “...Gaara?”

No answer was given, for in the next instant they were being attacked from every side by low level sound ninja. Sand burst forth from the ground, impaling the assailants where they stood. Most died instantly while an unlucky few screamed in agony around them. Blood slid down the impromptu spears and mingled with the sand empowering Gaara’s abilities. Movement caught his eye just as a shuriken tore through the air at him. His sand otherwise occupied, he was left with no other choice but to dodge it the old fashioned way. He moved just in time to avoid being hit, but the tiny weapon sliced its way though the main string holding his mask on.

Kagome watched in slow motion as the white and red mask slipped from his face revealing what she already new to be true. Gaara’s aura flooded her senses as she watched a small paper seal on the inside of the mask burn away with the loss of contact to its intended target. ‘So that’s how...’

Gaara looked down at her. “Get up.”

Kagome quickly came back to herself and stood behind him. She ripped out the offending needle with only a slight grimace and threw off her desert garb. She was left in her ninja attire, weapons at the ready. She pulled a kunai from her leg pouch and prepared herself for the oncoming attack. ‘Thank goodness they hit my left shoulder and not my right.’ She thought as she chanced a quick glance at her unfeeling, dangling appendage.

“They are coming.” Gaara stated. Kagome nodded showing her readiness. The sand, holding up the many dead and dying sound ninja, receded as quickly as it had rose an many sickening thuds were heard. The loose sand ran along the ground to Gaara’s waiting form and swirled around the two. With the spikes and bodies no longer blocking their view they could see the twenty some ninja charging them.

Without another word the two began their piece de la resistance against the oncoming forces. Kagome threw as many kunai and shuriken as she could with only one useful arm. Some of which hit deadly true to their intended mark. Others maiming a portion of the attacking enemy.

Gaara on the other hand had taken up the defensive for the moment. Deflecting any and all projectiles meant for either of them. This, however, quickly became boring as Kagome diminished the number able to throw said projectiles. Just as he was going to unleash his sand shuriken a shout from the distance sounded and the men turned tail in retreat.

Kagome lowered her last kunai slightly as she spoke to Gaara. “Do you think they’re leaving?”

“Doubtful.” He answered. Shortly there after the ground began to quake.

Kagome, less her advanced demon balance, toppled over at the strong tremors. “What’s going on!?” She yelled above the growing rumble from below. Suddenly Kagome was swept out of the way by Gaara as a giant snake burst through the ground where they had been standing not a moment before.

The serpent had large yellow eyes and a tan body covered in sharply spiked scales. Those huge slitted eyes turned on the two diminutive figures below him. Gaara had again taken up a position in front of Kagome. The snake seemed to hiss a snicker at his attempt in protecting the girl and one swish of its giant tail sent Gaara sailing through the air. Kagome watched in horror as his body bounced across the rocky ground, flipping several time, before finally coming to a stop.

“Gaara!” She yelled and she sighed in relief as she saw him sit up, seemingly unscathed. ‘Is that a crack on his face?’ She dismissed the thought and made to run for him, but the giant reptile quickly slid between the two blocking her path. Now, for the first time she realized how helpless she felt with out her demon strength. Maybe if she had both arms in working condition and her full power she could beat this thing, but in her current pathetic and broken, human state she was no match. She gulped as the wave of fear hit her hard. As the demons head darted toward her she closed her eyes and threw her good arm up before her in reflex. “Nooooo!” She screamed and a bright light flashed through the area, emanating from the young woman.

When the light finally subsided the onlookers were both scared and astonished at the sight of what greeted them. All that was left of the great snake was bits and parts of charred flesh littering the ground. The remaining sound ninja ran like the wind. If someone could bring down a beast like their lord’s snake demon so easily then they would have no hope of victory by themselves.

Kagome’s wide eyes traveled down to the tribal on her arm. “What the...”

Gaara just sat for a long moment in awe at the spectacle that had just graced his vision. For the first time in a long time he allowed communication with the Bijuu inside of him. ‘Speak Shukaku.’ “The human half of this abomination is a priestess...”

*Near the boarder of the Grass and Fire Country

Naruto sped through the trees with ungodly speed. He reveled in the feel of the wind as it whipped by him. This new found power was amazing to him. His speed had doubled, his senses enhanced, and his strength tripled. He took another leap above the tree tops, seemingly tempting fate, to see just how far he could push himself. “At least I know my loss was not entirely pointless.” Naruto wasn’t sure if he was being sincere or jealous so he just ignored the fox’s comment for the moment.

“This is amazing. With out the others to slow me down I am making excellent time.” He took another daring leap, adding a double flip for fun, before landing on another branch. “We should catch up in no time at this rate.”

Kyuubi just sighed in the back of his mind. “Do you have any idea what today is?”

Naruto thought for a moment. Turning his eyes to the rapidly darkening sky he knew exactly what day it was. “Shit.” He cursed. “I just hope she can keep herself out of trouble for one night. I won’t be able to reach her before morning.”

“Or any time close to it for all you know. We still have no definite destination.” Kyuubi paced back and forth behind the bars of his imprisonment. He wished he could do more. He hated the feeling of helplessness to no end. He was once The Great Kyuubi, Nine Tailed Beast from the world of old. He was the thing of nightmares for even the most skilled shinobi, but now what was he? A extra chakra reserve for a human boy? A disgrace he had not felt in a long time made its self known in the forefront of his thoughts. He rubbed his temples with one hand, trying to dispel such useless notions. The task was not as easy as he had hoped however. “Step aside Naruto.”


“Just do as I say.” He tried to keep a calmness in the tone of his voice.

“I don’t know... What about the bond?”

Just do it already!” He snarled slightly and then checked himself. “Please kit.”

“Could have just asked nice in the first place.” Naruto grumbled to himself, but none the less backed down from the dominant roll and felt Kyuubi’s will swiftly take control of his body.

Kyuubi didn’t falter in a single step as he switched rolls with the boy. The deepening of the bond had one positive effect at least. The possession was far easier than before. He in haled deeply, taking in the sweet smells of the living world around him. With a pleased smirk gracing his face he increased his speed to an even faster pace than his other half had taken up. “I am coming for you, my silver vixen.”

*Back with Kagome and Gaara

Kagome rubbed the arm that had held the strange markings only a short time ago. There was no pain. No, the holy powers that pored through her veins, purifying the snake demon, had healed any and all injuries to her person. She just couldn’t shake the creepy feeling she got from the curse mark. It didn’t help that Gaara had again taken to silence even though she had revealed his identity. ‘Maybe he just doesn’t like talking.’ She thought, but held out hope that she wasn’t right.

They had quickly relocated after the hasty departure of the sound ninja and even though the moonless night made it hard for Kagome to make out Gaara’s face she could tell he was staring at her. She hated it when people stared. It made her feel so self conscious. She rubbed both her arms this time trying to dispel the cold chill in her bones as the night’s wind blew against her. They were much farther north than Kanoha now and even though there was no snow on the ground it didn’t make it any less cold. They couldn’t make a fire to keep warm incase the enemy was still looking for them. The flat land of the area would make the light easily seen from miles away. ‘I guess in my half demon form I just didn’t notice how cold it was getting up this way.’

Gaara watched as the girl shivered again. She had already donned the cloak from her pack, But the nights were cold in the northern territories and she obviously wasn’t used to them in her less temperature tolerant human form. She sneezed and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She would be no good if she caught an illness in the middle of their little mission. ‘She had better be grateful.’ he thought to himself as he stood up and left her by herself for a moment.

Kagome saw his shadowed form rise and heard him move steadily away from him. “Um.... Gaara?” She called out to him. Hoping he hadn’t left her to her fate, lost in the middle of some distant barren land. “Gaara.” Suddenly a pile of twigs from small dead bushes fell in front of her and a wall of sand rose around her causing her to jump. What little light that had been coming from the moonless night sky was blocked out by the earthy prison save a small hole in the top. She was just about to start freaking out when a spark and the sound of metal against stone caught her attention. Another flick later and a small flame took to the bits of dried leaves clinging to the weathered branches. It wasn’t long before the fire spread to the entirety of the small pile of kindling. A warm glow lit up the inside of the sandy vault she now resided in and she could see Gaara on the other side of the fire putting away a kunai and flint stone. Her attention then turned to the small stream of smoke rising out of the hole in the roof of the domed ceiling. ‘Oh...’ She looked back to her savior and defeater of cold. Yep he was staring again. -_-; “...thank you.” She said timidly as she reached her hands toward the flames and reveled in their warmth.

Gaara nodded to acknowledge her gesture of gratitude. He leaned back to rest himself against the comforting sand he had willed to move with them as they left the scene of the battle. He sighed inside his mind. ‘How is it possible to house demon blood and holy powers at the same time. She should be dead.’ Gaara was speaking to himself of course. After getting what little info out of Shukaku he desired he locked him in the back of his mind, less the demon’s will be imposed on him as it had when he was younger or in the throws of an exhilarating battle. His curiosity was nagging him though and he was trying to be patient and give Kagome the chance to explain herself on her own accord. The girl had not ceased in her consistent rambling since they left his village. Needless to say he had questioned his decision to accompany her after only a short while. And now, when he actually desired her to open that mouth of hers, she sat as quiet as a mouse. He would wait no longer. “Explain yourself.”

His words obviously threw the girl off because she gave him a strange look. “What?”

Gaara turned his face to the side and looked away trying not to seem as interested as he actually was. “ Your current condition. You were a demon and now you are human. Using purification powers at that.” He gave her a quick sideways glance before shifting his attention to some unknown target again. “You should not be aloud life.”

“Well that’s not very nice.” She bristled, crossing her arms over her chest.

“It is just the way of things. You should not exist as you do now.” He stated.

“I see what you mean, though you should really work on your people skills.” She tried to think oh an answer for a moment. “I guess I’m not really sure how I used my powers again. Until tonight I thought my priestess powers had been lost to me. At least being able to use them anyways. I must have been able to access them due to the dormancy of my demon blood.” she forgot she was answering a question and turned more to talking aloud than anything.

“So you were not always as you are now.” His face held indifference, but his mind was racing with questions.

Kagome lightly pounded on her forehead with the side of her fist. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She muttered to herself. ‘Me and my big mouth.’

‘Apparently I have stumbled across information I was not meant to know.’ He had to admit she did make quite an amusing site berating herself in such a fashion. “Please, continue.”

Kagome stopped her self belittlement and sighed. “I suppose it doesn’t matter much now. You did save my life and all.” She met his eyes with sincerity. “Thank you for that by the way, but why did you do it? We just had a major fight the other night and then you protect me.” He stared at her blankly. “Never mind, you don’t have to answer. You’d probably just say it was because of your duty to the mission the Hokage assigned you.” She waved her hand to dispel her previous question as unimportant. She was used to that kind of answer from stubborn men.

“Kazekage.” He corrected.

“What?” His voice surprised her. She didn’t expect him to say anything.

“The title is Kazekage.” Did this woman really not know about him? It would explain a couple of things.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry.” She apologized.

After another moment of silence he spoke again. “You have not answered my question.”

Kagome had to think for a second to remember what they were talking about. “Right...” she said reluctantly. “Do you really have to know?” The deep gaze he was fixing her with gave her the answer. “ The answer is no. Happy?” She slouched back into the rounded wall with a pout. “I used to be a priestess. 100% human.”

“Why did you fall from grace? Were you tricked?” Interest shone in his eyes even if the rest of his being gave no hint to it.

If Kagome had not spent a fair amount of time with Inuyasha’s half brother near the end of their journey she might not have caught it at all. ‘At least I know he’s not completely emotionless, outside of a fight. And now he’s even talking more. Even if it’s about something I don’t really want to share.’ She tilted her head forward as she thought about his question. Her bangs hiding her eyes. To him, or anyone for that matter, a holy woman choosing to become a demon would look to be evil. That was the first time she really thought about it that way. ‘He does live with a demon in him, so maybe... but then again, he didn’t choose to put it there now did he?’

Gaara watched her patiently while she seemed to have a debate with herself about weather or not to tell him. Finally his waiting payed off when she spoke again.

“No, I was not tricked.” she answered vaguely.

“Then you chose to walk the earth as a monster?” It wasn’t that he found her disgusting. In fact, he considered the thing inside him a monster and thus himself as one for harboring it. That’s just the way he saw things. Though she did flinched a bit at his words and that fact did not escape his attention.

“Yes, but not why you might think.” She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. “I’m not evil or power hungry, or anything of the sort. I just made a rash decision in an emotionally unstable time for myself.”

Gaara couldn’t understand her answer. If not for power or evil intent then why? Why would anyone subject themselves to a live not unlike the one he grew up with? What else could be worth the misery of isolation and ostracization? He almost felt he needed to know. “Why then did you choose such a fate?”

After a moment of silence one word was all that greeted Gaara’s ears. “...Love.” A sad half smile played across her lip for a brief second as she met his gaze once more. “I don’t want to talk about it any more.” She didn’t care if he protested or not. She didn’t want to get all teary in front of him. “I’m going to try and get some sleep now.” She pulled her pack close to her. She curled into a ball on the ground and used it as a pillow. “Wake me up in a bit and I will keep watch while you sleep.”

“That won’t be necessary. Rest.”

Kagome wasn’t going to argue with that and soon she fell into a uneasy slumber. Gaara watching over the strange girl. The flicker of the dying flames and unanswered questions dancing in his eyes.

IVX: Hello again faithful readers. I know I know.... you’re wondering when the heavy kag/nar fluff will happen. All in due time... I’m just having to much fun to speed things up anymore than I already have. The story was seeming a little rushed lately, so I wanted to step back and slow it down a notch. By the way, most writers likes to know they have a loyal fan base who actually care enough to check back in for updates. Thank you to everyone who reviews. I love yous guys... ^_~