InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ You Can’t Fight Your Nature ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 20 -You Can’t Fight Your Nature~

Kagome snuggled into the soft warmth as she slowly woke up. ‘Where am I...’ she though as she ran a hand through the thick fur. ‘Oh’ She smiled as a deep rumble, almost purring, growl vibrated through her “cushion”. She stretched and sat forward. “Hello Kyuubi.” A massive fox muzzle nuzzled her face and Kagome giggled.

A rush of air alerted her to his change in form just before warm arms snaked their way around her. “I have longed for you since last we parted.”

Kagome relaxed into his embrace and sighed. “I missed you too.” They sat in silence for a moment, relieved to be in each others presence again.

Kyuubi brushed her hair away from her neck causing her to get goose bumps. He kissed the crook of her neck and she shivered.“You have spoiled this beast.” He purred into her ear lustfully as he slowly dragged a hand up her stomach.

“Kyuubi.” she playfully whined.

“What? Is it such a horrid thing that I long to touch you in a more intimate way?” He asked as he nipped and sucked her neck a bit more.

Kagome just about came undone. If this dream-like state was as intense as actually touching in real life she might not have been able to fend off the fire he made burn in her blood so many times. Still, real touch or not, she some how found the strength. “Kyuubi...” she sighed as she pulled away. Kyuubi growled harshly and it startled her. Though she knew he hated when she fended off his seductive ways he never truly seemed angry with her before. “...What’s wrong?”

Kyuubi grabbed her arm and pulled her close to his face. He eyed her lips wantonly and she though he was going to kiss her for a moment, but surprisingly he just pushed her away gruffly. He ran a hand though his hair and closed his eye’s.

“Kyuubi?...” She crawled forward to try and get him to look at her. “Talk to me.”

He opened his eyes and glared at her slightly. “I have longed for nothing more than to embrace you since you disappeared and you thwart my efforts.”

“You seem to want more than to just embrace.” She said seriously.

“When have I not?” Kagome sat on her knees and put her hands on her hips. They just glared at one another for a moment before he spoke again. “Do not look at me with those hateful eyes. I show you affection and you brush me off. How long must I wait before you give into me?”

“Give into you?! Is that all you want from me! And here I though you were just being sweet and overly affectionate.” She growled lightly. You and Naruto are more alike than you know. You sweeten me up and then yell at me. Well you can just shove it.” She crossed her arms.

Kyuubi lost his temper and lunged at her. She was taken off guard by his sudden aggression and he succeeded in pinning her to the ground. She was shocked and ,to his advantage, speechless. “Gods vixen...” He softened his grip on her as he moved in close and grazed his lips just above hers. He stayed there for a moment as if fighting himself, but finally pulled back. “No, I do not chase after only one thing from you. I care for you for more than rutting. I would not have given up so much had this just been lust.” He let his claws graze her skin as he removed himself from her causing goose bumps to rase on her arms.

She sat up and watched him lean back to a kneeling position. She wanted to appologize and ask him what he meant by giving up so much. “I’m...”

He cut her off and looked at her with intense, burning eyes. “How do you fight so strongly against your nature? Surely you do not think me an unsuitable partner... do you?”

“Excuse me?” ‘Nature? What nature?’ She thought to her self.

“You are Kitsune. We are very sensual creatures” he said in a seductive tone. “ yet you deny yourself enjoyable pleasures of the flesh.”

“” She put a finger to her mouth as she thought. “I am half human to and was human first.” she tried to answer him.

“Your human morals be damned!” He growled as he forcefully stood up. “You are driving me insane. So affectionate yet elusive to me at the same time. Let go and give into your beast! Give in to me!” He yelled scaring her slightly. He noticed and calmed himself. “Other than my complete freedom from this place I have never been denied what I want... and what I want is you.” He said in a softer voice looking away from her. His eyes closed and he inhaled deeply. “And your sent is maddening...” He sighed.

Kagome finally spoke up. “My sent?” ‘Of all the things to ask.’ she berated herself inwardly as she stood also.

He was flush against her in the blink of an eye, startling her for the umpteenth time this night. He brushed his mouth over the crook of her neck again and inhaled deeply. “Yes... your sent.”

The growl under his voice made her knees weak, but she stayed firm in her questioning. “What about my sent?”

“You don’t feel it yet?” He growled in a ruffer voice. She shook her head no. He smirked as he realized she might not have been through it before. She was in for a ruff ride if he had anything to say about it. “You, my dear, are going into heat.”

“Heat? That can’t be right. But, wait. How do you smell me in here?”

He inhaled deeply and on the outside world Naruto’s nostrils flared slightly. “I can smell what the boy smells and right now he is lying awfully near to you.”

“But what did you mean about going into heat? You mean like a cat?” She asked cocking her head.

Kyuubi laughed richly. “Not quite, but I suppose you could compare them. You are becoming fertile and your sent changes so that males will respond accordingly.”

“And that’s why your acting so crazy?”

He frowned at her use of words. “I am not crazy vixen.” He said stepping away from her. “I have spent years in this place and the first contact with another just so happens to be a delicious female fox. How do you think I should act.”

“You could act with a little restraint. And you know my name so use it.” She huffed.

Kyuubi laughed again, but this time it had an evil hint to it. “Just wait vixen. You will be begging for my touch when your heat catches up to you.” 'And you should be thankful for the restraint I have now.' he added to himself.

“You wish.” She huffed. “Why have I not felt the need to jump your bones before then? Huh?” She asked in a know it all voice.

“Demons don’t go into heat often. My guess is that this is your first.” He smirked.

Kagome’s face fell for a moment. “I’m not going to start humping anything that walks am I?”

He stared at her dumbly for a moment before he realized she was serious. He broke out into a jovial roar of a laugh. After he finished his little fit of humor a rather miffed Kagome stood tapping her foot at him. He shook his head at her, letting go of his previous anger. “What am I going to do with you my little silver vixen?” he pat her on the head. ‘I will deal with my lust later. For now...’ “I think a lesson on being a kitsune is in order.”

He started to walk away and even though she was still a little angry with him she noticed it finally. “Oh no! What happened to your tails?!”

Kyuubi looked over his shoulder at her and then to his tails. “I suppose theres no reason to hide it from you now.”

“Hide what exactly?” She asked suspiciously.

* in the real world

Kagome jumped up with a look of fury in her eyes. “Naruto!”

Naruto jumped up and sleepily rubbed his eyes. “Huh.... what, who?”

Gaara walked in from his self appointed post and Temari sat up with a stretch. “What’s goin on?”

Kagome ignored the others and poked Naruto in the chest. “What’s the big idea keeping something like that from me!?”

“Huh? What on earth are you talk about?” He asked confusedly.

“You know what! I just had an interesting little talk with the Fox in your head.” She glared.

“She knows of the bonding.” “What! Why on earth did you tell her?”

Kagome jumped in his face. “You talk to me not him! And why wouldn’t you tell me about something like that! You are in danger and I care about you.”

“Your one to talk. Who’s the one putting themself in danger here? How about the little incident on the night of the new moon? Hmmmm?” He yelled back.

“That’s different. Both of your souls are at stake! Every time you use Ky..mmphff.”

Naruto swooped in and kissed her. When he pulled back Kagome looked into red eyes and growled. “You speak with to loose a tongue in mixed company vixen.”

“Kyuubi you jerk!” She watched him close his eyes with a smirk as she smacked him hard across his face.

“OUCH! What was that for? He did it not me.” Naruto grumbled as blue eyes staredback once more.

“Come out here and face me like a man!... Male... grrr What ever!”

Naruto grabbed her arms and tried to calm her. “Whoa there Kagome. Calm down before you pop a blood vessel. I’m sorry alright.” He felt her tenseness lighten slightly. “I should have told you, but he’s right. It’s private and we aren’t alone.” The two looked at there companions then.

A wide eyed Temari sat with her mouth agape and Gaara seemed to be watching unfazed. Though his sister found silence the best approach he decided to speak up. “By all means, do continue. I find this... entertaining.” a tiny smirk played across his features.

Both of the fox oriented members growled at him quickly wiping his smug expression away. They looked back at each other with stern eyes for a bit before Kagome conceded. “Fine. I'll wait, but the moment we have a chance for time alone you will talk to me.”

Gaara was still annoyed about being growled at and dismissed. “Since everyone is awake, I suggest we get an early start and leave now.” He walked outside, not waiting for agreement or disagreement.

“But the sun isn’t even up yet.” Naruto whined.

Kagome shook her head at him. “It’s your own fault.” She gathered her stuff up and followed after the Kazekage. The two remaining in the cave cleaned up a bit, Naruto grumbling intermittently, and then joined their companions.

Gaara looked at the sky and then strait out in front of him. “Temari, you may leave us now. Uzumaki, Kagome... follow me.” Temari and Kagome nodded, but leave it to Naruto to complain.

“Hey. Who said you get to lead?” Naruto stood his ground and crossed his arms.

Gaara glared at him. “And I suppose you know the way?”

Naruto faltered and then blushed slightly. “Oh, I guess not.” He grinned widely shaking off his embarrassment. “Lead the way Kazekage-sama.”

Gaara frowned a little at his antics, but took off with out another word. Temari split from them after they rounded the side of the mountain the cave was located in and Kagome and Naruto followed after Gaara in a strait line. They traveled until about noon conversing lightly here and there about what had happened when they were separated. Naruto and Kyuubi were especially interested in the use of her holy powers in conjunction with her curse mark. It didn’t sit well with Kyuubi and he wanted to talk to her more about the insident when he had the chance. The three only stopped for a short lunch of the typical ninja rations before they were off again and with everyone’s heightened abilities they were making good time.

It was only four in the afternoon when Gaara brought them to a halt and the other two looked at him questioningly. “We are close to the destination, but even the map did not give away its exact location. We will set up a base camp and do reconnaissance from here.”

“That’s a good idea.” Kagome complimented. “You must make a good leader.” She said with a smile as she started the process of preping the area for a camp site.

Naruto grumbled at her compliment since it was directed to another male than himself, but shook it off. ‘It’s just her way.’ He joined her in setting up base and Gaara took off to secure the perimiter.

“So,” Kagome started. “We’re alone now.”

“Yeah, but I ain’t gonna talk about it yet. Gaara could be back at any moment. We will find time alone later tonight.” He said as he staked a kunai into the ground with a thick stick. Luckly for them, snow had not fallen the area for a while so other than patches of white here and there the ground was relatively dry and clear. The climate was still rather cold however so he decided to set up a little safe haven to spare them from the chilly wind.

Kagome had pulled over a couple of logs for them to sit on rather than on the cold ground and even split one against the grain with her claws for an impromptu table. “I’m guessing a fire is out of the question because of our closeness to the target.” Naruto nodded as he tied a length of wire to the end of the kunai in the ground and another. Kagome came over to watch. “Whatcha doin?” She asked curiously.

“You’ll see.” He threw it over a rather low branch and secured the Kunai on the other side. He repeated the process closer to the truck of the tree and then it finally hit Kagome.

“Oh, I see. Your making a tent. Cool.”

“Right. Can I borrow your blanket?”

“Sure” She went to her pack and tossed it to him.

He tossed it over the frame he created and tied the ends to the wire. “There, that should do. Better than having no fire and sitting in the cold wind all night.”

Just then Gaara came back. He looked around and nodded in approval. “Come here you two.” He rolled out a map on the “table” Kagome had provided and staked it open with kunai. He took out a small writing stick of charcoal and made some marks. “This,” he said pointing to a dot on the map, “is where we are now. I set sand traps here, here and here. There are also wire traps here and here.” He pointed to the corresponding x’s as he spoke. He then made a wide circle around the camp sight. “This is our search area for the day.” He divided it into three sections. “Kagome you will take this area, Uzumaki will take this one and I will take the remaining one. No one is to come in contact with others outside this group. This is a reconnaissance mission only. Is that understood?” The other two nodded in acquiescence. “Good, we will start at night fall.”

“Is it a good idea to go running around an unknown area in the middle of the night?” Asked Naruto.

“I was under the impression you were a highly skilled ninja.” Gaara quipped.

“I am.” Deffended Naruto. “But it’s not the norm is all. Usually you know where your going if you go into a mission after dark.”

“That’s exactly why we should do it this way.”said Kagome. “It’s a good plan. With our heightened night vision we should have the advantage.”

“You forget you no longer travel with normal humans. This team is more than adequate.” Added Gaara.

“I guess so.” Conceded Naruto. “So now that thats all cleared up,” he said stepping away from the map, “ how about some early dinner.”

“So eager for more rations Naruto?” Kagome laughed.

Naruto grimaced. “Oh yeah, no fire. Damn.”

“...I have an idea.” Kagome said as she looked at the ground. “You two stay here and I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

“What are you planning exactly?” Gaara questioned staring at the same spot of earth.

“Trust me. I know what I’m doing... I think. Don’t worry I won’t go to far and I’ll watch for others. Just relax until I get back.” She started to take off, but Gaara stopped her.

“I think it best you cover up certain attributes while we are in unfriendly territory.”

“Understood.” She covered her ears and wrapped her tail around her waist. With that done she took off and left the men staring after her in question.

It wasn’t long before Kagome returned with two field dressed snow hares. She went to the cleared spot of earth she had been looking at before and called the boys over. “Ok then, two questions: One, do either of you know that fire ball jutsu I’ve seen in the village?”

“I know it, but haven’t used it in a long time.” answer Naruto.

“Good enough. You’ll have to do it cause I don’t have a clue. Now for my second question. Gaara can you grind this area of ground into sand for me?” Gaara eyed her suspiciously, but none the less used his ability to make a small sand pit. “Thank you.” Gaara nodded as Kagome bent down and buried the two kills in the sand. She had grown a couple of season plants from seeds she carried and added them two the rabbits before she covered them over. ‘I knew those would come in handy.’ “ Now, Naruto,” She said stepping back a bit. “Will you kindly heat the surface with you jutsu?”

“For how long?”

“I’m not really sure.” She said with a pondering look.

“What?! I thought you said you knew what you were doing?”

“It’s not an exact science and I don’t know how hot your flame will be.” She huffed.

“Fine fine.” He made the hand symbols and inhaled deeply. On his exhale he managed a small poof of a flame. “Uh, heh heh.” He scratched the back of his head. “Like I said, it’s been a while.” He concentraited a little harder this time and produced a steady stream of flame.

“See,” Kagome said as Naruto continued with his work. “He isn’t really burning anything, just heating the sand. The jutsu doesn’t produce smoke on it’s own and so no one will see it. The heated sand will act like an oven and cook the meat.”

“Clever trick.”

“Why thank you Gaara.”

Naruto panted for a moment to catch his breath. He had been blowing deep breaths of air and chakra out for about twenty minutes now and he was getting lightheaded. “Uh, Kagome, can I stop now?” @_@

“Let me check.” She used a stick to pick through the glassy top layer and dig in the hot sand. “Hm, that looks good. Smells good too.” She dug them out and placed them on the table to cool. The map had been recollected by Gaara while she was hunting. Favoring her claws again, over a kunai, she releaved the prey of their dirty, hair singed skin and added the meat to the bland rations of food provided for ninja on long missions in the wilderness. “Not five start restaurant good, but better than the alternative.” She motioned to the other two to take their portion of dinner. She used the cheesecloth material the other food was in as a kind of plate to keep the food from getting dirty. A funny thought seeing as how they were cooked in the ground.

“Mmmm, This is much better.” Naruto commented, gobbling his down. “She never ceases to impress.” Kyuubi added in his head.

“Good I’m glad you like it, but we all did our part in making it. Good teamwork everyone.” She said cheerily.

The group finished their meals and waited for sunset so they could start their reconnaissance. Sure enough, as soon as the sky darkened from the absence of the sun Gaara stood and ordered the other two to their duty.

Before they left Kagome pulled Naruto aside and whispered to him. “Follow the boarder of your section that runs along mine. I’ll meet you in just a bit.” Naruto nodded and they took off. No more than fifteen minute later Kagome caught up with him.

“So soon?” Naruto asked.

“Well as I see it, Gaara is traveling in the exact opposite direction so we have a good distance between us.”

“Shouldn’t we be focusing on our mission for the night?” He reprimanded.

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you and we have all night to cover our areas. Now talk to me about this bonding.” She demanded as she took his hand and inspected the claws that had escaped her notice somehow until after Kyuubi said something. Grant it, she hadn’t spent much time with him after it happened, she still should have noticed.

“What do you want to know?” He leaned in closer to her and inhaled. “ Didn’t... uh, Kyuubi fill you in.” Her scent was strong this close to her and for some reason it was distracting him.

“A little, but I was mad at you at the time, so I kinda forced him to release me back to my mind so I could yell at you.” She blushed a little.“I know that it deepens when you use his power and that you both bonded deeper... to save me.” She looked down, ashamed that she had caused them harm at her foolishness.

Naruto again took in her enticing smell and closed his eyes for a brief moment. ‘Has she always smelled this good?’ he wondered as he absently ran a hand along her jaw line and tilted her face up to him and looked into her eyes. Kyuubi smirked in the back of his mind and decided to keep quiet about her condition for now. “What’s the matter? Are you worried about me?”

Kagome blushed again as she stared into more intense eyes than Naruto’s usual lighthearted gaze. “That and... I feel guilty.” She admitted. “I wasn’t just mad at you. I was mad at myself too, so I was twice as hard on you. Sorry, to both of you.” Her eyes got a little misty and Naruto pulled her in for a tight hug.

“It’s ok Kagome, you didn’t know.” He ran his claws through her hair and continued to breath in deep breaths, savoring her smell. ‘It’s... spicier than usual. Some thing has to be different. Kyuubi?’ “I haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about.” Some how the sound of his voice made Naruto believe him about as much as a con artist, but he obviously wasn’t going to get an answer out of him. “So now, What exactly do you want to know?”

“Well, most importantly,” She pulled away from him slightly to look at his face again. “how many more times of sharing power do you have left before the bond is complete.”

Naruto conversed with Kyuubi for a moment before he answered. “We’re not sure, but it depends how much energy is used and for how long. I’m sure that it’s very few no matter what though.”

“Why do you think that?” Concern shone in her eyes.

Naruto smiled gently at her. ‘You are really worried for me aren’t you.’ “Well for one thing Kyuubi lost half of his strength and I gained substantial power the last time alone. I shudder to think what will happen next time.” He turned her around in his arms and held her to his chest, inhaling her sent to distract himself from the sense of impending doom that the thought sent through his body.

“What else happened because of the bond?”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down with him so that his back was resting against a tree. “Kyuubi and I didn’t communicate until I first accessed his power and then there was my heightened senses after that. Later we realized that our emotions and even thoughts would overlap at times. Then finally, by accident, we found out that Kyuubi could switch places with me for a bit.”

Kagome relaxed into him and felt a strange deja vu as he moved her hair away from her neck. “Promise me you won’t ever use his power to save me again.” He kissed her neck and she almost melted. ‘This seems so familiar.’ As soon as the hand crept its way up toward her bosom she remembered why. “Naruto.” She had meant to sound reprimanding, but her voice didn’t seem to cooperate. “I’m serious.” She reluctantly pushed his hand away. “Promise me.”

Naruto nipped at her neck. “Fine. If you must hear it then, I promise.” He said absently. His voice was a little richer than usual, but not quite the deep voice of the fox.

Kagome knew that she should really stop this, but for some reason she could not will her body to push away like she had only the night before with Kyuubi. In fact she did quite the opposite when she twisted to catch Naruto in a kiss. Kagome was flooded with a sensation that burned like liquid fire through her veins. She turned in his lap with out breaking the kiss and straddled him so that she could caress him in return. Every thing in the world seemed to drown out of their thought and they were completely occupied with one another. They didn’t even notice the presence of three ninja sneaking up on them until one spoke.

“As much as I’m enjoying this little show, I’m afraid we have more pressing matters with you.”

IVX: Dun Dun DUN! Hehe, cliffy. Who caught the two love birds? What happens now? Will they ever get extended fluff? Read again to find out. Oh and just a show of hands, how many want a lemon? And for those that are iffy about it. I will make it very tasteful if I do indeed have one. I am still considering it.

Let me know your thoughts and Name That Reviewer might be pretty interesting next chapter... ^_~