InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ In the Heat of the Moment ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ Ch. 21 - In the Heat of the Moment~

The three ninja had snuck up on the romantic duo in their distracted state. The pair whipped their heads in the direction of the one that spoke with arrogance and jumped up to their feet. To their surprise he was seemingly blindfolded with the village of sound’s head band, scars littering the surrounding flesh. He had black spiky hair and was dressed in the attire of the normal Orochimaru disciple. The two that stood slightly back to his left and right looked very similar to each other. Blond hair, blue eyes, tall, lithe forms and dress the same as the first. The blond man’s head band covered his ears, holding back his shaggy hair, and he watched them with a cocky smirk. The woman’s musical note engraved band covered her mouth and messy dreaded hair fell over her strained face haphazardly. She watched them with intense eyes surrounded by dark circles.

“Your obviously Orochimaru’s goons, so just spit it out so we can get this fight started.” Naruto demanded in a dangerous tone.

The blindfolded man spoke again. “Now hold on friend.” He replied with a devious smile belying the friendly tone he used. “We haven’t come here to fight you. We are merely messenger.”

“Yeah right.” Naruto muttered under his breath.

“Let me introduce you to our little group.” he continued, ignoring the disbelieving comment. “We are the Sound Ninja Three... Hear no Evil, See no Evil, and Speak no Evil.”

“Yeah, real cute. Now get on with it.” Naruto said impatiently nudging Kagome slightly behind him.

“Ah, strait to the point, but relax. We are not here to hurt the woman behind you.” Naruo and Kagome looked at him confusedly. “What’s the matter? Surprised that I can tell what you are doing?”

“But how did you...” Kagome trailed off.

He smiled cruelly again. “Just because I do not see with eyes does not mean I don’t know the world around me, your auras are as clear as day to me and I can read your confusion like an open book.” He stated nonchalantly. “But enough about me. I am hear to deliver that message. Kagome, if you would be so kind as to come with us quietly then no harm will befall your comrades. This is your only chance for a peaceful solution.”

“Like hell she will!” Naruto yelled, swinging at the sound ninja.

The man effectively dodged and stepped back with a mock pout. “Then I guess we have no choice.” The leaf nin took defensive stances preparing for a brawl, but to their surprise the three started to back away. “Just remember that you had your chance.” That said the trio seemed to be swallowed by darkness and disappeared.

Naruto and Kagome looked around for a moment and slowly relaxed as there was no trace of them left. Kagome looked at him worryingly. “We should find Gaara and tell him about this.”

“Your right. If they found us hear. I’m sure they know where our camp is.” He nodded for her to follow him and they took off to find their remaining team mate. “Damn, so much for reconnaissance.” he mumbled as they ran through the trees.

“And so much for our work on camp.” Kagome added down heartedly.

They tracked down Gaara after a bit. He had covered a lot of ground and left few traces of his passing making it a little more difficult than following the normal person. Finally they caught up to him and he looked at them in question. “You found the site already?”

“Not really.” Naruto said sheepishly.

“Then what are you doing here?”

Kagome spoke up. “We had a little run in with Orochimaru’s ninja.”

“They found us with no problem and wanted Kagome to come with them. When she didn’t they gave her a warning and left. That seemed odd to me, but that’s besides the point. They most likely know where we are camped. I say we give up looking for the night and move to a secure location.”

Gaara thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. “We must be close if they came to disrupt your search, so we will move closer in that direction.” He abandoned his previous path and made for the direction the other two just came from.

“What about the camp?” asked Kagome.

“Leave it. They may watch it for some time expecting us to come back.”

“What about all our supplies?”

“We will not be setting up a camp this time. We will just have to do with what we have on us.” Gaara stated.

Naruto’s stomach growled at the thought of having nothing, but an energy bar on his person. This gained him an amused glance from Gaara, but he just sighed and tried to ignore it. They moved farther to the northeast and settled down in a very small hollow surrounded by thorny, thick bushes. Naruto tugged his shirt free from one of the branches and grumbled. “Couldn’t we have found a more comfortable place?”

“You are incorrigible.” Gaara said noncommittaly.

“What did you call me!?” Naruto yelled in an angry whisper.

“What he’s saying, Naruto,” Kagome answered, “is that this is the best we can do for now so stop complaining. You two, I swear.” She said shaking her head. “We are lucky to find a place with such good cover. Now the sun is almost up so I’m gonna try and get some rest while I can. Does anyone have any objections?” The boys didn’t answer. “Good.” She curled into a ball and used her tail for a pillow. “Good night... er well, you get the idea.” She was soon asleep leaving the two males to stare one another down.

Kagome woke up a little later to the soft morning light filtering through the surrounding flora, mostly bare from the winter’s cold. She was startled at the sight that greeted her when she opened her eyes however. Gaara was sitting rather close and staring directly at her with an unknown intensity behind his gaze. Kagome sat up and cleared her throat and Gaara never broke eye contact. Feeling awkward Kagome looked away and rubbed her neck. “Sooo...” She started looking around, “Where’s Naruto?” She chanced a look back at him and they locked eyes.

Gaara paused for a moment before speaking. It took him a bit of effort, but he tore his teal orbs from her aquamarine ones. “He is patrolling.” Her question answered he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, a slight rumble coming from his chest.

‘Oh no, that can’t be good.’ She leaned over to tap Gaara’s shoulder and get his attention, but to her surprise he snatched her hand up in his. “It would be better if you refrained from touching me at this time.” He informed her and slowly loosened his grip, allowing her to pull back her captured appendage. After an awkward silence he spoke again. “It is unpleasant, to say the least, harboring the sand demon around you. I am unable to keep him completely locked away.” His voice seemed more tired than usual and he rolled his neck. Opening his eyes again she could see black tinting the edge of his iris. “Uzumaki was having a harder time dealing with you than myself so he volunteered for the task.” Shukaku laughed in his head. “More like ran away... ahhahaha.” Gaara sneered. ‘Refrain from speaking to me if at all possible.’

Kagome took the curl of lip as directed towards her. “Well if my presence is that disturbing to the two of you I will just leave. Men!” She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Gaara was about to protest, but a swarm of thorned vines surrounded the miffed vixen and she disappeared from sight. Gaara rubbed his temples as the racoon raged inside his head. He wasn’t about to go running after the disgruntled kunoichi and her overbearing sent. It had been barely noticeable the day before, but over only a few hours her heat had come into full bloom, pulling the beast from the confines of his inner mind to torment him along with the smell. ‘Let the fox deal with her.’

Naruto was on his way back to check in with the others and was feeling much better. He needed to get away from Kagome for a bit to clear his mind. Kyuubi was, of course, being no help and finding amusement in his torture. The only way Naruto kept him in check was to remind the fox he was not immune to the effects of what ever was wrong with her. As he neared the area they were staying in he saw Kagome run right past him and almost knock him over. “What the heck...” He said turning to look at her retreating form. “Hey, HEY Kagome, wait up!” He turned on his heals and gave chase. For some reason she wasn’t stopping when he called her. As he neared her he smelt a tinge of salt in the air and knew what it meant. She was crying. “I swear, if that racoon dog hurt her I’ll pull his innards out through his ass.” Kyuubi growled in a guttural voice. ‘That’s ridiculous. Why would Gaara hurt Kagome?’ He waited for a response as the fox debated wether to tell him or not. “Oh... there is one reason I can think of.” He decided on not. ‘Yeah thanks for all the help.’ Naruto sighed.

Kagome could feel Naruto hot on her heals and she really didn’t want to talk to him right now. She didn’t know why she was over reacting to the situation, but for some reason she just couldn’t help it. “Get away from me.” She said shrugging off the hand that Naruto had tried to place on her shoulder and then picked up speed. The thought of him not wanting to be near her before consumed her thoughts and fueled her anger even more.

Naruto’s brows furrowed in confusion at her action. ‘What the heck!’ He repeated a little more irritated than before. Kyuubi sat smirking in his prison. There was no scent of attack of any kind from the sand vessel and that relaxed Kyuubi as much as he could in such close proximity to the female. ‘Have fun kit. Females are most volatile at this times.’ He thought to himself. Naruto just pushed harder and jumped in front of her. “Kagome! Stop for just a second, please?” He pleaded.

Kagome slid to a halt so she wouldn’t collide with him and refused to look at him. She just stared at the ground with her arms folded and bangs covering her face.

Naruto moved closer and tried to touch her, but again she maneuvered herself away from the contact. Naruto frowned, but tried to keep his voice soft despite the lusty feeling that was spreading through his veins already. “Kagome, tell me what’s wrong. You’re worrying me.” He placed his hand under her chin and made her look up at him. Her eyes were moist and, if he could guess right, accusing. “Did I do something to make you mad?”

Kagome sighed and looked away again. “Maybe.” She grumbled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, honestly confused.

“Why do you care any ways?” She finally looked at him of her own free will, but much to his disappointment she was sending him a slight glare.

Naruto repressed the urge to growl and calmed himself. ‘Man alive it’s hard to think strait with that smell taunting me.’ He focused his thoughts on there conversation again and answered. “Why wouldn’t I care? I care for you and somethin’s obviously wrong.”

“You didn’t seem so concerned for me earlier.” She pouted.

“Make her submit to us, she is be unreasonable and I can think of better things to do to her right now than argue with her.” Kyuubi sent him images of exactly what he wanted to do and Naruto groaned slightly and shook his head to clear his thoughts again. ‘That’s not helping.’ he ground out to the fox. ‘ What was I doin again? Oh right Kagome, concern...’ “What do you mean ‘earlier’? I have no idea what your talking about.”

“Oh it’s nothing really.” She said sarcastically. “It’s just that you, or Gaara for that matter, can’t stand to be around me.” She growled at him slightly. “Am I really so unbearable that you had to run away to get away from me?”

Naruto heard the anger in her voice, but the look in her eyes seemed to melt into hurt. “Is that what this is all about? Geese Kagome. What do you want from me?”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

He moved swiftly to press himself against her and spoke in a low tone. “It means that I am having trouble controlling myself around you and unless you wanted me to ravish you right there in front of Gaara I had to get a breath of fresh air.” He lowered his head to practically purr the next words into her ear. “I don’t know why, but your scent is driving me wild.”

Kagome shuttered at the feeling, but her face suddenly lit up with understanding. “The Heat.” She whispered to herself.

Naruto was losing himself as he nuzzled into her neck, missing what she had said. “Hm, What was that?”

Kagome sighed at the contact, but she had to relay to him what she knew. She reluctantly pushed him slightly away. She was surprised by the growl and the red tinted eyes from Naruto that met with her action, but continued anyways. “Naruto, listen to me. I’m in heat. Didn’t Kyuubi tell you?”

‘Heat, Kyuubi? Huh?’ His mind focused somewhat again. “Kyuubi wouldn’t tell me anything. What does it mean or matter if you’re in heat?” He tried to lean back in, but Kaomge had the presence of mind to stop him so she could explain.

“All I really know is that it means I’m fertile and my sent changes. I never really got him to tell me any more...” Kagome looked down when the hands Naruto had put on her hips tightened and the claws dug in ever so slightly. When she looked back up at him her eyes were tinted around the edges with red like his.

“Gods Kagome...” the feral sight she gave him mixed with her scent was intoxicating him. He felt the need to take her so bad he had to shut his eyes and fight it. “Why are you fighting this?! She want’s this as much as you!” ‘It’s just I’ve never... I don’t know...’ he tried to explain in his jumbled mind. Kyuubi was suffering the same effects as him and was far less patient by this point. Naruto only felt the effects so strongly because of their bond, but Kyuubi was born full demon and the effects were much more heavy on him. “If you’re nervous then let me help.” He growled in the forefront of his mind.

Kagome didn’t know what came over her. She knew she was a little emotional today, but when she looked down at his hands touching her in an intimate way she just about lost it. It was as if a voice in the back of her head was pushing her to become one with the man in front of her. This voice wasn’t like the jewel though, it was more like her subconscious or maybe her instincts. Either way when Naruto shut his eyes she growled low at the fact he chose not to look at her. She closed the small gap between them and pressed their bodies together again. Naruto’s eyes flew open at the move and she met amazing amethyst orbs just before his mouth crashed down on hers.

‘Heaven” came the thought in the singular mind of Naruto’s body. The desire to be with the female they cared deeply for was so strong their minds completely overlapped. Though they were still themselves they were also one. Both feeling and touching with one mind and body.

Kagome gave in completely to her inner demon instincts the moment Naruto’s soft lips met hers and her world was in a haze of want and lust. The male that she came to covet in the past few months, the male that had protected her and showed her happiness again wanted her and she had no desire to deny him. In fact she realized she wanted him just as badly and returned the kiss with even more fever. Her aggressiveness caused her partner to take a step back.

Naruto and Kyuubi would be having none of that. Kyuubi’s will to dominate the elusive vixen overpowered them and they pushed back, making Kagome step back until her back met a smooth rock face. They were upset when the damn sound nin had interrupted them last night and they’d be damned if that happened again. They broke the kiss with her for a moment while a flare of red chakra emanated from Naruto’s body and incased them and Kagome in a protective force field. When Kagome opened her eyes from the kiss that had just ravaged her mouth her irises had bled completely red and this only spurred the males on further. They smirked at her and spoke in a mixture of both voices. “Mine.”

Kagome tilted her head to the side, baring her neck to him in submission and acceptance, but kept her fiery eyes on him. “Mine.” she purred back with a smirk.

At that moment Naruto swooped down on her neck, placing fevered kisses here and there as he untied her winter cloak and let it drop to the ground. Kagome returned the gesture and his cloak fell down to meet hers. Next to go was Kagome’s utility vest, leaving her braw to show through the sheer netting. The males growled at the sight and slid both hands up her stomach to cup the soft mounds of flesh beneath the cottony undergarment.

Kagome sighed in contentment at the contact, but her male lingered to long and she yearned for more. She made quick work of his sweater and undershirt. Then snaked her tail to caress his bare chest. He in return pulled off her netting in one fluid movement. Kagome pulled him against her, using her tail against his back, longing to feel his skin against hers. The silky feeling was exquisite and only made her want to feel more of him.

Naruto’s body slowly slid down hers as he unbuttoned and slid her pants off in the same motion. They watched as she stepped out of her shoes and pants with an unwavering hunger. He ran his claws through the silky fur of her tail causing her to shiver. Satisfied with the reaction he pulled from her he took a step back as she removed what was left of her undergarments and beheld his beautiful silver vixen in all her glory. Her ears were laid back seductively and her tail swished back and forth in a teasing motion. The beautiful sight caused the males’ emotions to split momentarily. Seeing his hesitation Kagome moved to him and wrapped her arms around his mid-section. Naruto’s own voice came out in a tortured whisper. “Kagome, wait...”

“Shhh...” She tried to placate him, but he didn’t stop.

“Kagome,” his voice struggled to find strength again. “Are you sure you want this?” He had to know. As much as he wanted this he had to know that she wanted him because of him and not just because of the heat. “Are you sure you want me?” Blue eyes looked into red as the barrier around them flickered.

Kagome saw the need for acceptance in his eyes. She tried her best to calm her raging hormones, but it was harder than she thought. Finally her eyes became their normal brilliant aqua green, even if they were ringed with red. She cupped his face and smiled. “I want you more than I can tell you, both of you.”

That’s all they needed to hear. Naruto had his acceptance as well as Kyuubi and the fox merged with his conscious mind once again in total agreement of the situation. The barrier flared with new strength and he swiftly moved her to lay on the fanned out pile of discarded cloths while ravishing her mouth again. The lust burned hard in both of them as hands worshiped one another’s bodies, never breaking the kiss. Each tongue fighting for dominance till Kagome growled ruff and tugged on his pants.

“Off, Now!” Her eyes had long since bleed red again and she had given over to her inner beast. She was feral and demanding which excited the male above her even more if possible.

They loved the attempt at dominance. It excited him to hear the fight in her, but they wouldn’t give in. They would be the dominant partner in this coupling and she would have to wait till he was ready to let her have what she wanted. Or, at least, that’s what he wanted, but when the sound of shredding met his ears he knew he had better take them off or lose them completely. He growled at her and her impertinence, but complied non the less.

She watched satisfied as he began sliding the fabric off. The sight that met her eyes made her breath catch in her throat. She had seen other men naked before because of accidents at a hot spring or two, but never had the sight of a man’s most intimate parts sent this kind of reaction through her entire body. She was shaking with anticipation as he lowered himself over her and she ached for him... badly. The man/men she loved looked down into her eyes with those beautiful purple pools and she nodded ever so slightly.

He quickly covered her mouth in a deep searing kiss as he thrust into her with one swift movement. He felt her whimper into his mouth and held still so she could adjust to his girth. After a moment she began to grind into him ever so slowly and that was his cue. He gently rocked back and forth with her, moving the attention of his mouth to her jaw line and then down her neck. For the mind of ‘one’ this feeling was both newly wondrous and familiarly welcoming.

For Kagome, though, this was completely new. The pain was slowly dying away and the feeling coiling tighter in her stomach yearned for something she didn’t know. “Please...” She moaned, trying to sate this want of the unknown. Her lover knew exactly what she needed and began to speed up and deepen the thrusts causing her to half moan half growl into the crook of his neck. A heat rushed through her entire body and she felt like she might explode. Kagome was in such bliss at the wonderful feeling she didn’t know what to do with herself, so she followed her instincts and sucked on his neck harshly. Naruto followed suit and imitated her action, adding nips of fags intermittently as they both neared their climax.

Kagome moaned loudly as the pressure built brining her closer and closure to pure extasy. She wrapped her tail around his upper thigh in a death grip as she felt herself reach the pea. With one more hard thrust a hot white wave of pleasure washed over her and she sank sharp fags into the delicate flesh of his neck.

Naruto felt her tighten around him and it sent him spiraling into his own fiery completion with her. He released a vicious snarl of a growl and bit down hard, marking her as his forever. As they came down from their high Kagome came back from her near blood lust and Kyuubi, content, receded to his proper place in the back of Naruto’s mind. They released each other from their vice like jaws and panted heavily. Both unsure what to say, but unashamed at what they had done. Naruto chose to forego words right now and after withdrawing from her he rolled beside her, pulling her to his chest and sighing in happiness he had never known.

Kagome smiled with a blush as the reality of what just happened hit her, but nothing had brought her more joy than she found now. Laying in the arms of her lover. ‘Lover...’ She pondered as he pulled one of the winter cloaks over them. ‘No more than just lover, my love. I won’t leave it unsaid this time.’ She twisted slightly in his arms so she could look at his face. “I love you.” She said caressing his cheek with the soft tip of her tail.

Her lovers’ eyes flashed purple. “We love you also, with all of both our hearts.”

Satisfied more than words could express she snuggled into him and they lay there in each others arms for a long while. Neither willing to give up the tender embrace...

IVX: Oh Yeah! Lemony goodness. I tried to make it tasteful so you could feel the connection rather than read about bodily fluids. Well any who, let me know how you liked it. Though, with the response I got on the lemon question, I think any sexual act would throw you all into an uproar... bunch of nymphos... hehehe j/k. I’m glad though cause I really wanted to add this scene. Any who. I’m sure you are all wondering what this time’s NTR is. Well, in respect for the lemon vote I will now determine what kind of lover you are from recent reviews. Hehehe... this is gonna be fun ;;;smirks;;;

On with the show........

halfblackwolfdemon - You are a very enthusiastic and excited lover. There is never a dull moment in your bedroom.
kawaiigirlanime - you are a sweet lover who actually makes love rather than just doing it as they say.
GrayPheonix - You like to roleplay... as a cop... a bondage cop. You really like to use excessive force ^_~
clusterlizard1 - you are very insatiable. Enough is never enough for you.
FxB - You can be confusing to your partners at first, but once they figure you out words cannot describe the pleasure.
SknFS - You are very adventurous and love to have sex in public places. “Look out! Here come the cops... oh wait that’s just GrayPheonix...” O.O “ Maybe you should run!”
El Ahrairah - Happiness consumes you when with your lover and the feeling spreads to them like a wildfire.
Nyuka - Now here we have a lover that makes most others envious. You have a way of getting into the other persons head and using it to your advantage. “Are you sure you’re not telepathic?”
Samantha Shelby - Your type of love making is tender and pure, but you are anything but shy.
Taeniaea - You are most definitely shy , but some find that alluring in its self.
SISTERINLAW19 - Wow... Threesomes are your thing. You are so bad in such a good way.
aura9969 - The name says it all. You enjoy giving and receiving pleasure equally and so your favorite position is 69.
Hayley M425 - You are very exciting and always throwing new spice into your act... sometimes scaring your partner a little, but more often than not, it’s a big hit.
Princess of the dobermans - hehe... You Looove doggy style. The position touches your more primal instincts bringing out the beast in you. “You know I had to...” ^_~
L’Amant de Minuit de Gaara - You have an air of exotic aloofness that drives others wild. You keep them wait until they’re bagging before taking your prize.
animayagurl - You are appreciative of your lover. Every curve and touch of their body excites you like it’s the first time every time.
demonfromhell - You are a submissive and like to be punished, but you don’t just give in. You make the dominator work for your compliance. “Maybe you and GrayPeonix should look each other up...” ;;;wink wink nudge nudge ;;;

And there we have it. Hope I got somewhat close and if I didn’t ;;;shrugs;;; oh well. It was certainly fun to think about. Much love to all reviewers... ^_~