InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Forever Winter ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 23 - Forever Winter ~

Naruto sat on a branch with his back against the trunk looking out at the surrounding forest. Today he wore no orange, only black, standing out in stark contrast to the white snow. ‘This is where we first met.’ He thought to himself absently. A small smile curled at the edge of his lip as he thought back on the chase she gave him and Kakashi, but it quickly diminished. Reaching up he pulled his fore head protector off and looked emotionlessly at his own reflection in the polished metal. “What good am I as a ninja if I can never protect the ones I love...” He tilted his head and turned the metal to look at his neck. He touched the tip of the wound, but as soon as his fingers ran across the mark of love and devotion his face contorted in anger. Using all his strength he flung the metal and cloth band to the side with a growl. A smaller tree cracked at the impact and fell just a little ways off to his right. He returned his gaze back to the forest. The barren plants reminded him of his Kagome, his silver vixen. He would never see her again, nor would he see the beauty she created with her own life force and a bit of flora. His life was as dead as this forest looked. ‘The only difference is my spring will never come again.’

Kyuubi wasn’t handling the grief much better, but after living so long and seeing so much death he was able to steel himself. He couldn’t stand to see Naruto in so much pain and like a bigger brother would, he sucked up his own pain to comfort his younger companion. ‘Kit... Life is fragile and sometimes to brief, but...’

“Save it Fox. I’m not a child and I can feel your pain as much as you feel mine. Greave for yourself and leave me be to do the same.” Naruto heard a slight growl in the back of his mind, but he was just thankful Kyuubi respected his wishes. He knew the fox was hurting to and they shared the pain. That was enough. He didn’t need to be coddled and he was tired of everyone bringing it up. He thought about her and her death enough without everyone and their mother bringing it up. He was determined to blank his mind and immerse himself in work to distract himself. The only problem with this plan was the Hokage refused to let him take a mission until he took a leave of absence to ‘properly morn’. She had even made him go see a shrink! It was no secret that Kagome and he were close in the village, but if Tsunade found out how close they had really become she might make him go back and actually “talk” to the shrink. She never specified actually talking...


News that Kagome had been lost and then located again by Naruto spread fast through their circle of friends. In fact, for the past couple of days a few of them had wonder to the gate when they got the chance, awaiting their arrival. It just so happened that Kiba and Sakura were there talking together when Naruto came through the gate with a guest, but to their surprise it wasn’t Kagome with him. It was the cold Kazekage, Gaara of the Sand. Both looked a little worse for wear and the two leaf nin looked at each other in worry before going to greet the travelers. They jogged over and Kiba nodded to the two in greeting and Sakura bowed to Gaara.

“Hello Kazekage-sama,” Sakura said and then turned to her team mate, “hi Naruto.” Garra only nodded and Naruto said nothing. He didn’t even look at his friends and they both kept walking in the direction of Hokage Tower.

“Sooo...” Kiba started as him and Sakura follow along. “Is it true that you found Kagome?” Naruto Turned his head away from him in clear disgust. “You did find her, Right knuckle head?” He asked again in a half joking half concerned tone and Akamaru barked in question as well. Naruto only clenched his fist and tightened his jaw, still not speaking.

Gaara caught Naruto’s actions from the corner of his eye and answered for him so that he may find some peace from this annoying man. “Yes.”

Kiba seemed surprised that Gaara answered him, but deciding to try his luck he directed his next question to him. “Well where is she then?” He asked in his usual tone.

Sakura elbowed him and piped in to be more respectful. “What he means is could you please tell us where our friend is? Is she perhaps in your own village?” She asked hopefully.

After glancing to see if Naruto was up to talking, and he wasn’t, he resigned himself to answer this last question before he transported them directly to the office and away from these two and their unwanted questions. “No she is not in the Village Hidden in the Sand.” He actually stopped and looked at them to give them the grievous news, having to grab Naruto’s arm to halt him in his blinded and mechanical walk. He kept his voice in his usual monotone, but on the inside he felt that chest pain that he hadn’t known how to place when he was a child. “The Leaf Ninja Kagome died an honorable death in battle to save her comrades.” The other two were absolutely floored and in shock. They didn’t even get a chance to ask how it happened before Gaara used his sand to transport himself and Naruto away.

Right after Gaara and Naruto left the words they heard actually sunk in and Sakura sobbed. Kiba’s eyes watered as he pulled Sakura into an embrace and let her sob into his chest. “Shhh, it’s alright Sakura, it’ll be ok.”

Gaara and Naruto reappeared directly in front of the Hokage’s desk in a whirl of sand and right in the middle of a meeting. Upon seeing the two Tsunade quickly excused the Elders she had been talking to and turned her full attention to the new arrival. “Hello Gaara-sama, Naruto. Let’s get strait to the point. Given your attendance” she said looking at Gaara, “and your appearances, I gather you have bad news.”

“Unfortunately, Hokage-sama, it is as you say.” Answered Gaara.

Tsunade sent a small glare at Naruto. “ Then I take it Orochimaru has captured her?”

Naruto suddenly came back to reality. “No Hokage-sama,” He snapped to attention with a blank face and buried his sorrow. The perfect little soldier. “ The missing nin Kagome was recovered, but died in battle saving the lives of the Kazekage and myself against said aggressor.” Tsunade looked shocked for a moment, but Naruto just stayed at the position of attention and spoke no more.

Gaara looked at him knowingly out of the corner of his eye, but even if he did know what he was doing, it was still strange to see Naruto like that.

The Hokage looked at him sympathetically for a moment, but not wanting to upset him she played along and took the roll of commander in chief. “Very well then, the mission was not a complete failure. You are dismissed Naruto.” Naruto turned on his heals and made to leave, but before he made it through the door Tsunade stopped him. “And Naruto...”

“Yes Hokage-sama?”

“I’d like you to see the on duty Grief Counselor when you get the chance.”

“Yes Hokage-sama.” With that he left to find this shrink and get it over with so he could resign to solitude in his own room.

Tsunade motioned for Gaara to take a seat and she did as well. She placed her fingers together, resting them against her forehead, and sighed. “Would you mind giving me the details of the mission? I don’t think it best for Naruto to talk on it at the moment.”

“Of course.”

*End Flashback

It was only two days ago that they had returned, but Gaara made sure they had a proper hero’s funeral for Kagome today. She had sacrificed herself so that a Kage would survive as well as a fellow leaf ninja and she would have all the honors she deserved. That’s why he was dressed all in black and the reason he was alone here in the woods. As soon as the ceremony had ended with her name being carved on a certain special memorial rock he made himself scarce. For the last two days people had found it necessary to try and “comfort” him. Kakashi had even shared a deep personal story from when he was young about a friend who gave himself to save him. Although he felt a twang of sorrow for his sensai, he couldn’t get past his own misery. He hadn’t even said more than I’m sorry to Kakashi and the jounin had soon left realizing his need for solitude. So the last thing he wanted was to stand and hear all the same condolences and comforts. What good were they? All of them put together a thousand times over couldn’t bring her back.

Naruto rested his head against the bark and looked up to the grey sky through the empty branches. ‘I should have been able to tap into your power and break the divice. We could have saved her.’ He thought not to Kyuubi, but more to himself.

Kyuubi heard it though and reprimanded him. “There is no use for would of, should of, could of. What’s done is done and there is no way to change the past. Besides, do you think it’s what Kagome would have wanted?”

‘I don’t think she wanted to DIE!’ Naruto snapped back angrily.

“I’m sure she didn’t, but she also didn’t want us to lose our souls to save her. She made us promise or do you not remember?”

‘I remember just fine, but what’s the point if we don’t have her hear to share?’ He asked brokenly as a tear finally escaped his eye for the first time since he returned to the village. He sniffed to stave of a runny nose, but he froze as something caught his eye in the distance. “Kagome?” He asked himself quietly. “It can’t be...” He said shaking his head. The little white triangle atop silvery hair swivelled in his direction before the owner took off. Naruto quickly jumped up and took off after the figure. He caught another glance of white ears through the snow and branches along with a flash of red. The second sight of ears was all he needed. He knew he wasn’t seeing things and even through he was upwind and couldn’t sent her he knew it was his vixen. It just had to be. “Kagome!...” He took off at full speed. “Kagome come back! Kagome!”

The figure disappeared from sight and Naruto came to a halt in the last place he saw it. He was so concentrated on finding her with his eyes he missed what his nose was telling him. Kyuubi, however, did not. “Naruto.” He stated calmly. ‘It’s her Kyuubi! She didn’t die after all. She’s come back to us.’ Kyuubi sighed. “No kit, she has not.” ‘What do you mean “she hasn’t”? You saw her with my own eyes.’ “Use your nose. It is not her. Be on guard!”

Before Naruto could come to his senses he felt the pressure of a very large sword at his back. In a gruff voice he heard the unknown man ask, “Just who are you and why the hell do you know Kagome?”

Naruto’s heart fell out of his chest as he realized Kyuubi was right. He didn’t even care that his life was in potential danger. The returned hope and plummeting fall of that hope into oblivion was to much and he sank to his knees. The stress of it all finally cracked the damn he had been using to hold in his emotions.

The man behind him was thoroughly confused. He had threatened this blond kid and even asked him a question and all he did was drop to his knees in the snow and hang his head. Then he smelled it. Salt... this young man was crying! “What the?” Inuyasha’s mouth gaped and he walked around in front of him. Stabbing the huge blade in the ground he kneeled down to get a look at his face. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were related to her actin this way.” The mans tears flowed harder and a choked sob left his lips. Being normal Inuyasha he began to panic. He would have rather the blond attack him then this. He didn’t know what to do when Kagome cried, let alone a complete stranger. When he was still ignored he stood up and sheathed Tetsusaiga. “Hey kid, I don’t know what’s eatin ya, but if you know a little priestess girl named Kagome I need to know and I need to know now.”The blond looked up and suddenly switch from crying to laughing. A little on the crazy side if you asked Inuyasha, but at least he finally said something.

The ears, gold eyes, red getup, even the sword. He fit the description perfectly. The cruelty of fate hit him hard and for some reason he couldn’t stop the bitter laugh that passed over his lips. “Oh this is just wonderful, no Beautiful.” He looked up and raised his hands in the air. “Care to throw anything else at me! Why not strike me dead on the spot. Oh Wait! That would be to EASY on me!” He yelled at the sky. He finally turned his attention back to the half demon in front of him, who was giving him a strange look, and didn’t bother to wipe the freezing tear trails of his face. With a queer smile he finally addressed the actual person there with him. “You must be the infamous Inuyasha.”

Ok now he was just getting annoyed. This clearly crazy man knew Kagome and knew at least about him and he still hadn’t answered either of his questions! “Alright kid. Just how do you know me and Kagome? And you better answer me quick...” he sniffed the air and narrowed his eyes. “ boy or I’ll get it outta ya by force.” He flexed his claws for show.

Naruto’s face paled as he got a hold of himself. “Yep, you’re definitely him.” Inuyasha flashed him an annoyed glare and Nartuo sighed. “Where to start...” He scratched the back of his head. “A name is always a good opener, though if I were you I’d wipe that look off his face before I gave him anything.” Naruto sighed again before continuing. “My Name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki.” He said with out his usual theatrics and bowed slightly. He looked at Inuyasha and he had seemed to relax a fraction. “As for Kagome, she has been my team mate for the last few months, but before we go any further into this story I think it best you sit down because you aren’t gonna like what I have to tell you.”

Inuyasha folded his arms over his chest. “Worry about yourself and tell me whatch’ya got to tell me.”

“Suit yourself. Well as I’ve said Kagome’s been with me for the past few months and we actually found her wondering around this very same area, so more than likely the jewel sent you to...” Naruto’s eyes widened. “Ah SHIT! The jewel! That bastard probably took it from her! Why didn’t I think about it sooner?!”

“Wait just a minute! You know about the jewel and somebody took it from Kagome!?” He yelled.

“Mother, son of a...” He ended his little triad to answer Inuyasha after a calming breath. “In a manner of speaking, most likely yes.”

“Well then take me to her so we can go get it back!” Inuyasha demanded.

“Now there’s the problem.” Naruto added softly.

Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed. “Now there’s what problem?”

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but, Kagome is... Kagome...”

“Spit it out already. Did she get kidnaped again. I tell you, that girl gets in more trouble than...”

“She’s dead Inuyasha.”

“...anyone I ..know...” He trailed off. Naruto saw the same expression cross the dog demons face that he was sure crossed his when she died. But, disbelief set in and anger consumed him. “You wanna run that by me again.” He said through clenched teeth.

“She died in battle. I watched her die myself.” He said sadly looking away and into the distance, but his attention snapped back to Inuyasha quickly because of the snarl and the sound of unsheathing metal.

“You’re lying!” He growled. “You’re just tyrin to keep me from her. Now tell me where she is!” He yelled as he swung the sword toward the woods, leveling a large portion in blinding lights like claw marks. Then he pointing the oversized sword in Naruto’s face.

Naruto didn’t flinch though. He understood the denial and anger he was going through. He himself had clear cut a large path of forest with his Rasengan after Gaara transported them to safety. “Inuyasha, she’s gone.”

“No, she can’t be!” He just about cried, but his voice was back to anger in a flash. “What proof do you have you were her friend! You’re probably the one who took her and the jewel!”

Naruto had just about enough of this. Even though he understood he had his own pain and to be accused of being her attacker was just to much. “Do you really want proof? Well then fine!” He yelled back with a slightly deeper voice as Kyuubi’s anger overlapped his own. “I didn’t want to hit you with this right after you found out she was dead, but you leave me no choice.” Inuyasha lowered his sword slightly and looked at him wearily. “Kagome was my mate! She was taken from me the day we marked each other!” His eyes were bleeding red reciting the painful information.

“BULL SHIT!” He roared. “She loved me and was with me for years. Why would she mate with a twerp like you after only a few months?!”

That was the last straw. Naruto gave Kyuubi free range to beat a little sense into him. Kyuubi tackled Inuyasha, knocking the blade from his hand. They scuffled for a minute before Kyuubi was able to pin him. The now rich voice of the fox rolled of his tongue as he dug his claws slightly into Inuyasha’s throat to hold him in place. “She wanted us because we loved her and only her, something you didn’t show her well enough obviously.” He said condescendingly. “But if you want proof Puppy then so be it.” He pulled his shirt collar aside and turned his neck. Although this would be a show of submission he would suffer it to show Inuyasha what a idiot he was.

Inuyasha stopped struggling and swallowed hard. The hand around his throat loosened and he leaned up to sniff the mating mark at the juncture of his neck. It was there... faint and a little changed, but her smell was there... He let his head fall limp against the ground as the other male rolled off of him to sit beside his prone form. He stared up through the skeletal branches as he though on it all. ‘So the jewel made her a half demon after all... it’s the only way she would make that mark.’ He closed his eyes as they began to water. ‘Then she mated this freak... and if that’s true then right after she...’ “Oh Kagome...” He sighed sadly. “I’ve failed you again.”

Naruto scoffed at this in his own voice again. “You think you feel guilty. She gave her life to save mine... I was right there and I couldn’t save her.”

Inuyasha sat up and looked toward the other man. “How, how did it happen.”

“It’s a bit of a long story and after that little attack on the forest we will have company any second now. After we deal with the guards I could take you to her memorial and introduce you to the people she knows... knew.” He corrected himself after swallowing a hard lump.

“Hn.” Was his response in the affirmative.

“Here.” Naruto ripped off a sleeve and split it to make a head cover for Inuyasha and tossed it to him. “Better cover those ears if you wanna get in my village. Not everyone takes to kindly to demons.”

Inuyasha scowled, but started to wrap his ears anyways. “I’m only doin it so I can say... my good byes.” He said sadly, but then his voice steeled. “That’s the Only reason. I couldn’t give a fuck less what those humans think.” As if on cue, when he got the material secured on his head, they were surrounded my men in animal masks and others with metal plates on there forehead. Inuyasha jumped up defensively grabbing Tetsusaiga and Naruto stood up calmly.

A man with a painted mask stepped forward. “Naruto, are you injured.” he asked after looking at the devastate trees.

“No, I’m fine. Sorry about the trees though. That was my fault. I’ve had a hard day.” He said looking down. There was no reason to get people mad at Inuyasha before he even got in the village.

The masked man seemed to understand, but glanced toward the other man that the others were pointing various weapons at. “Who is this stranger?”

Naruto looked to the other guards. “Calm your selves. This is a friend of the late Kagome Higurashi’s and a good friend of mine.” They lowered there weapons and Inuyasha shot Naruto a questioning glance. “He’s here to pay his respects.”

“Oh.” The masked man said. “I’m sorry for your loss,” He said to Inuyasha. “I’m also sorry that you just missed the funeral precession by a couple of hours. Would you like us to escort you back to the village Mr...”

Naruto jumped in again. “His name is Inuyasha and that won’t be necessary. You can go back to your posts and we’ll be along at our own pace.” The masked man nodded, but glanced at the felled trees again. “Don’t worry. I’ll go strait to the Hokage and make a full report after I help my friend here.”

The guards seemed to find this suitable enough and left. Inuyasha heard one of the guards make a passing comment, because of his acute hearing, after they moved a bit away. “A shame the ninja Kagome is dead. Hey, that man kinda looked like her, do you think they're related?”

Naruto and Inuyasha started a slow walk back. Walking in silence for a little bit before Inuyasha was able to ask the things on his mind. “Would you mind, you know, telling me about her. I only knew her when she was human and only a priestess. I missed this whole part of her life.” He said sadly.

It hurt to talk about her, but if it helped her friend he would do it. She would have wanted him to know how strong she got. “I think I can do that for you. What would you like to know?”

Inuyasha rubbed his neck uneasily. “I don’t know. Like what type of half demon she was... what kind of warrior. That kind of stuff.”

Naruto smiled in a sad sort of way. “Bet you hope she was half dog demon don’t you?”

Inuyasha gave him the same smile. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but she was half fox demon.”

“Figures, she always did want to be a real mother to Shippo.” He said more to himself.

“The fox kit?”

“Yeah, I see she told you a lot.” He stated. “How much did she tell you?” He asked suspiciously.

Naruto didn’t look at him, but kept his gaze in the direction they were walking. “She told me she loved you... and that she lost everyone in her group because of the jewel. Everyone but you that is. She said she lost you to a stupid wish.” Naruto shook his head. “She blamed herself for everything. I think that’s the reason why she... Well, never mind that for now. What else?” He asked to get off the subject of her death for a little while before he had to relive the day to Inuyasha.

“Well what did she look like as a half demon?”

“She was a silver vixen so she had a long soft white tail and ears similar to your own only a little longer and skinnier. Long silvery white hair, Oh and her eyes were a beautiful aqua-marine.”

“Are you sure we have the same Kagome?” He said skeptically. “That doesn’t sound anything like her.”

“Lets see. How about warm brown eyes with a fiery spark to them and soft black hair with a midnight blue tint.”

“Yeah that sounds about right. So she let you see her on her night of weakness huh?”

“Well, we were pretty close.” He said softly.

“So what kind of warrior was she.” Inuyasha asked changing the subject.

“She was a ninja like me. She fought gracefully, but the really beautiful thing to see was her ability with plants.”


“Yeah, a silver fox is rare and so is there ability to control plant life, or so Kyuubi tells me. Remind me to show you a flower she made for my birthday.”

“Ok but who’s Kyuubi?”

And so their conversation went as they walk up and through the gates. Naruto regaling him with funny stories and pieces of her life. Even the darker parks about the curse mark and who Orochimaru was. This part made Inuyasha growl deeply, frightening a couple of nearby children away. Finally this brought Naruto to the day that it happened and by the time they reached the great stone monument to those who had fallen in battle Inuyasha knew the worst of what happened to his beloved miko while they were separated.

“Well this is it.” Naruto said as they walked into the small area. A small picture of Kagome still sat by the stone for the day and Inuyasha got a chance to look at her with his own eyes.

Inuyasha bent over and picked the picture up. “And I didn’t think she could get any more beautiful than she already was.”

Naruto found the freshly carved name on the black surface not feeling jealous in the least at that comment. “ Here is her name if you’d like to touch it.”

Inuyasha looked at the picture longingly for a moment more before setting it back where he found it and moving to where Naruto was. He ran his hand over the delicate engraving. “Saved you and some village leader huh?” He asked Naruto, who shook his head yes. Turning back to the markings he rested his head against the stone and closed his eyes. “Looks like you finally got your wish to be strong and brave, but you were always that to me.” Inuyasha’s eyes weld up, but he clenched his fist and held it in. He would cry for her, but in private where he could morn properly. He pulled back with a look of determination. “Right. Where do I find this Orochimaru and how soon can I get there to shove my Tetsusaiga down his throat.”

IVX: Dun dun DUN! The past lover returns to late... The jewel is possibly in the hands of the enemy and Orochimaru now has some of the most powerful demon influenced individuals mounting against him. But what about Kagome you ask? Is she really gone for good. Mated for not even a full day before being pulled away from yet another love. Am I really that evil.... Mwahahahaaa.... Read next time to find out... ^_~