InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Pain ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 25 - Pain ~

Chakra control, silence, masking, patience. Naruto clung to a dark corner of a hallway ceiling in the secure information department of ANBU headquarters. ‘The old perv’s lessons are really paying off now.’ Naruto thought as he went unnoticed by another patrolling guard. “And it helps that they have a low security staff tonight... you might not be having such an easy time if not for that.” ‘I still say it’s cause I have mad skill so shut up.’

After the guard had past, Naruto began his tortuously slow journey to the open case files room. One quick glance around showed him no sign of the next patrol being near by and he began picking the lock. “Watch out there is a...” ‘I know I know. Now be quiet, I’m trying to concentrate.’ Naruto used the expert skills of the fox to disarm the alarm within the lock. After a few short moments, the door opened softly and Naruto slipped inside.

* Local Ninja Bar of The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Inuyasha snuck out of the bar the others had dragged him into and snorted to clear his airway. The smell of smoke and alcohol burned his nose. The ninjas had there hearts in the right place, but more than the over stimulation of smells, he didn’t really want to be around anyone right now ayways. He had yet to have a moment alone since he had learned of Kagome’s death. Inuyasha just wanted to be left alone to grieve. He couldn’t let go in front of anyone. It’s just how he is. The only one he would open himself to would be... have been Kagome. He gave one look back to make sure the hyper kid in the green jump suit wasn’t following him, ‘Man that kid has a lot of energy,’ and took off in the direction of the memorial.

It didn’t take him long to find it. This small village was nothing to navigate compared to the whole of feudal Japan. When he arrived, he approached the black stone slowly. He made his way over to Kagome’s picture and picked it up as he had before. Looking into the eyes of the photograph the tears finally came. He sank to his knees and sobbed. “Kagome...” was all that came out in a broken whisper. If he said anymore he would have lost it completely.

After he had a few minute to just let the tears fall he found the strength to stand again. Letting the picture fall limply in his hand against his side, he went to trace her name’s characters one more time. It was as if he needed to just to comprehend that she was really gone. His voice found strength enough to speak in a ruff and pain filled way. “Why Kagome, why did you have to make that wish. I would have made you happy... I promise. I could have made you happy...” He inhaled deeply through his nose to hold off another wave of sobs as he shivered from more than the cold of winter. He stood silently for a moment and then spoke without turning from her name. “You can come out. I know your there.”

Naruto slowly stepped out from behind a conifer with a file scroll slung over his shoulder and walked toward Inuyasha. “I didn’t mean to intrude, I just...”

“It’s fine.” Inuyasha sighed. “I know.” He knew Naruto was here to morn the same as him. He wanted to be mad at this boy for having Kagome’s heart when it should have been his, for knowing her in a way he never did or will, and for thinking he has the right to morn her as he did. The problem was, he did have the right to morn her, and Kagome had the right to give her heart to whom ever made her happy, and the thing that hurt the most was the fact that no matter how much he wished to change the past, the fact of the matter was that he hadn’t been here with her. Who was he to judge. No, he couldn’t be mad at this ninja. If anything he should probably thank him for making Kagome happy in the last bit of her life. ‘Feh, like that’ll happen.’

The two of them stood side by side looking at her memorialized name. Neither said a word for quite a while, but finally Naruto broke the silence. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect her as well as you did all those years.” Naruto turned and met Inuyasha’s gaze with moist eyes. Suddenly he went to his knees and bowed as low as he could. “Please forgive me. I wasn’t strong enough to save her.”

Inuyasha couldn’t see his face, but he could smell the tears. He couldn’t stand to see this obviously proud warrior prostrate himself like this. “Get up.”

“No, I need your forgiveness. I know you loved her and if it weren’t for me...”

“Stop it, just stop right there. Get up so I can talk to your face.”

Naruto slowly and reluctantly stood believing he was about to get the verbal bashing of his lifetime, but to his surprise, the words that came from the half demon were soft, in his own way.

“Look, don’t do this to yourself. You sound just like she did after... our own battle. It tore her apart until she made the decision that sent her here.” He paused as he looked back down to her picture. “She wouldn’t want us to feel like this... to act like this. She always put others first and that includes their happiness over her own. She would want us to be strong and move on. That’s just how she is...” He didn’t have the strength to correct himself that time.

Naruto looked at him befuddled. “But why try and help me with your words, don’t you hate me?”

Inuyasha sighed. “As much as I want to, no, I don’t hate you.” Before Naruto could say anything else he also added, “And no, it wasn’t your fault, so you don’t need me to forgive you. It’s that bastard’s fault and no one else’s. Just like it was Naraku’s fault that our comrades died!” His voice had turned to anger and he took a moment to calm himself before speaking again. “Look, I ain’t any good at this whole feelings stuff so lets just leave at I don’t hate you and we need to kill a son of a whore.”

Naruto nodded once in the affirmative and turned to leave, but before he left he made a promise to Inuyasha. “I’ll get him and make him pay for what he did to her, believe it.” His normally enthusiastic catch phrase took a dark undertone, with all the promise of threat and anger that he felt. Naruto then finally left to share the spoils of his self appointed mission with the others.

Inuyasha sat down with his back against the cold stone. ‘I know kid, I know.’

* Examination room, Orochimaru’s hide out

Kabuto hooked up another lead to the demon woman’s chest as she groggily opened her eyes. “Ah, awake just in time to participate in all the fun.”

Kagome’s world was fuzzy and dazed as it always was when she awoke from those damndable drugs. ‘Ass holes, what if they hurt the kit with all the stuff they’re pumping in me?’ Kagome growled as loudly as she could muster in her sate... which wasn’t very loud, but her motherly instincts were running her mind at the moment. She tried to lash out with her claws, but the movements were slow and clumsy.

Kabuto just chuckled at her and then clicked his tongue.” Now now now, we can’t have any of that.” He grabbed her wrist with enough force to break a humans wrist, but only enough to inflict pain on Kagome. He tied her limbs down with metal shackles.

Kagome didn’t even give the satisfaction of a verbal response. She just snapped her fangs at him as he attempted to pat her on the head. She would have continued glaring daggers at the evil medic nin, but at that moment, the one person she had been dreading to see appeared.

Orochimaru had finally made his entrance. “Tell me Kabuto, how is our research subject fairing.”

The two discussed her recovery, but Kagome was to busy in her own head to listen. She was glaring and growling low at the snake bastard, but on the inside she was scared. Scared for her baby, her kit. “You are not yet strong enough to escape... your power is returning, but the medication is keeping you weak. You need to find a way to avoid it.” ‘Ya think I haven’t tried.’ “Never the less, it seems you will just have to sit through this round of torture...” Kagome tensed, but refused to show any fear to her captors. She again picked up on their conversation.

“So is she strong enough to survive the procedure now... we are running short on time.” Orochimaru was obviously itching to sink his metaphorical and literal fangs into her.

“I believe she will survive a trial, but I doubt we will be able to get you the full power before it kills her if we do it now. Would you like to at least do a test run my lord?”

Orochimaru turned to look directly into Kagome’s eyes. “It would be my pleasure.” He purred in a way that made Kagome want to toss her cookies.

It was now the Kagome realized her thin white robe had been taken from her and the only cover she wore was the bandaging over her chest. She would have blushed had this been any other situation, but what really happened was that she flushed over her entire body from the raw anger poring off of her at the pale man approaching her.

Orochimaru took it the way he saw fit though. “Oh look Kabuto. The darling in embarrassed.” He moved in close to her and put a hand on her thigh.

She tried to jerk it away, but with the restraints, she just didn’t have enough leeway. She felt his hand slide to her inner thigh and she did the only thing she could. She spit in his face.

He seemed surprised for a second, but just ended up laughing at her and leaning in close to her face. "Hiss and spit all you want little kitten...” He scratched under her chin, which nearly lost him a couple more fingers “but I will be getting what I want from you. Why don’t you just cooperate like a good girl and make this easier on all of us?” He emphasized his point by slowly dragging his hand up her thigh farther.

She shuttered in response to the sickening feeling it gave her. She leaned in closer to his face as well with a forced smile. Orochimaru again took her reaction the wrong way and smirked at her. Kagome’s lips came to rest near his ear. And she bit down hard.

Orochimaru screamed at her. “You little Bitch!” Kabuto hurried to check the damage. It wasn’t much, just a nick on a vessel that made it bleed rather well.

Kagome sat there with a satisfied smirk on her face and her ears laid back, a small trail of blood running down her chin. “Fuck you ass hole.”

Orochimaru shooed away Kabuto and his fussing and moved back to place a hand on Kagome’s leg. “I see you’re eager to get started, so let us begin. And let me return the favor.” As fast as light, Orochimaru had his head pressed between her slightly sped legs.

A searing pain shot through Kagome as he sunk his fangs into her curse mark. It felt as though every nerve ending was being seared with a hot poker. Suddenly the pain dulled as she felt like her very life was being drained from her. That’s when it happened. It started out as a flash, but soon grew to an over whelming amount of imagery and knowledge. Ninjutsu, genjutsu, pictures of torture, of unthinkables, started to flood her mind.

On the outside Kabuto had to pull his master away before something bad happened. Kagome was starting to glow in an unnatural wind, the scene reminding him all to much of the village in the earth country.

Orochimaru came out of his power lust induced haze and looked at the female on the table. He wiped a smear of blood from his lips as he watched her writhe in pain and arch her back toward the ceiling. It took a minute, but she finally calmed down enough for Kabuto to inject her with the sedation medication. “It seems our little procedure causes her great physical pain.” Orochimaru smirked even wider as she passed out. “All the more fun for me.”

“Just make sure you are careful lord Orochimaru. It almost seemed as if she were tapping into the power herself again.”

“No, I was drawing off copious amounts.” He stated as he inspected his newly reformed hand. “It was probably just a matter of the power leaking into her system as I drew it off.” He cocked his head at her for a moment as if mulling something over in his own mind. He then straightened himself and began to leave. “Have this little set back fixed by the next time I come back.” He said with a dismissive hand gesture as he walked out of the door.

IVX: There it is... I just finished finals and had a chance to write... and write I did. Can’t wait to add more soon... ^_~