InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ A Moment’s Peace... Fight! ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Ch. 27 - A Moment’s Peace... Fight! ~

Naruto walked Inuyasha to Kagome’s door looking down trodden. He hadn’t spoken much since they left the wench’s office and that would have been fine with Inuyasha, but the heartbroken look on the kids face was making it really hard for he, himself not to get depressed all over again. He wanted to hold onto his anger with the man who had killed his Kagome, but the grief of her loss kept seeping back into his mind with every sad sigh or broken look from the fox boy beside him. He needed to say or do something, but what. He never knew the right thing to say in these situations. ‘Kagome was the one who always....’ Inuyasha shook his head. He just couldn’t think about her right now. He had to lock the pain away and this damn boy kept making him bring it up. “So, your plan worked well.”


“You know she’s stupid to think I wouldn’t fight.” Inuyasha commented to Naruto.


Inuyasha scowled at the boy as they stopped in front of a door. “Look kid, you can’t let it eat at you or your gonna make both of us crazy. Then who’s gonna have the energy and will to get the revenge she deserves?” Naruto didn’t say anything for a moment, but just before he was gonna probably say something stupid Naruto spoke.

“You’re right. I know I have to stay strong, but talking about it makes it more real. It’s just... harder to deal with when I make it real to myself.” Naruto seemed to snap out of his depression at least half way for the moment and pulled out the keys. “Well, this is Kagome’s room.”

Now Inuyasha sighed. Jut as Naruto was about to put the key in the slot Inuyasha snatched them away. “You know, I think we have some unsettled business.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Naruto was thoroughly confused.

“As I see it, I still owe you a serious ass kickin.” Inuyasha smirked.

Naruto’s look of confusion turned to one of understanding and thanks. “As I recall,” he now smirked back. “I beat your ass already.”

“You wish fox brat. Now show me where I can wipe the ground with you and not have to rebuild a better part of your little village.”

“Yeah yeah, you wish.” Naruto said as he strode back down the stairs. “Right this way ‘oh diluted one’.”

*Orochimaru’s hideout

Sauske walked down the hall staring intently at the syringe in his hand. ‘Why did I volunteer to give her the drug?’ He asked him self, but he knew the reason. What she said before had been eating at him ever since he left the room. He wanted to deny it, but the more he thought on it the more upset it made him. He was supposed to be strong. Not only in body, but mind too, if he wished to defeat his brother. The possibility that he was being manipulated irked him to no end. ‘If I am to get rid of these unwanted feelings I will just have to prove she is the one trying to manipulate me for her own reasons.’

As he turned a corner his red eyes flickered to the dark corner of the hall. “Come out Tsukiko, I know you’re following me.” The child shifted out of the shadow and the customary wisps of darkness trailed after her for a moment. She fell in step beside him looking at the syringe. ‘This girl seriously needs to find someone else to torment.’

It had been a shock to find out Orochimaru had a child, a half demon at that, but what really surprised Sauske was the way she was treated. Orochimaru treated her more like a dog or a tool than a child and he even allowed the other sound ninja to walk all over her. The stalking problem he was currently dealing with started after he broke up a small incident involving her and a couple of the more depraved of Orochimaru’s underlings. Suffice to say if he hadn’t happened along at the right time, what little innocence the girl had left would be gone. Ever since then she followed him around like a lost puppy. Looking back down at the girl, Sasuke suppressed the urge to sigh. “Can I help you?”

The soft spoken girl looked at him with wide golden eyes. “Is that for the woman like me?”


They continued for a moment more before she asked another question. “Is she sick?”


“Then why does she need medicine? Was she bad?” She paused for a moment before speaking again, even softer, if that was possible. “Is it like the medicine our lord uses on me when I’m a bad girl?”

Now Sasuke did sigh. He was near the door corridor that held Kagome’s cell and he needed to get rid of her. He was about to order her away when a soft melody tickled his ears. Suddenly Tsukiko hit the ground and grabbed her ears in an attempt to shut out the sound. ‘What the hell, why would he... Kagome! That rat bastard.’

Tsukiko turned pleadings eyes on him. “Please.... make him stop Sasuke!”

He turned down the hall with a determined stride. ‘The ingrate knows he is not to harm her. I’m going to throttle him for causing problems that I have to clean up.’ He scowled even harder as he approached the unconscious guards. As he looked in the door he saw the man who called him self ‘Hear no Evil’ playing his flute while the other, ‘See no Evil’, had Kagome pinned beneath him. As it looked they had already had a go at it. Both were scratched up, but it would seem the anti-demon flute, on top of the shackles, had given the despicable man the advantage. The man raised his kunai laden fist in the air as if to throw a deathblow, but Sasuke yelled at him in time to pause his strike. “Stay your weapon!”

The man turned his ear toward Sauske and the other stopped playing his flute, surprised by his appearance. The first spoke. “Mind your own business, little pet of our master, or I’ll kill you as well. This thing stole not only my curse mark away from me, but she killed Speak no Evil and for that she will die!”

“You are under orders to keep her alive and detained until our lord is done with her. Back down now or I will be pleased to kill you.” Sasuke said with a cocky grin.

Kagome, in the mean time, had recovered from the flue and right after Sasuke finished speaking, she raked her claws across See no Evil’s face. Seeing his opportunity Sasuke attacked him as well. He grabbed him by the back of his shirt and stabbed him in the neck with the syringe before throwing him into the tiled wall head first. Suddenly Kagome pulled him out of the way when Hear no Evil, curse activated, lunged at him. Quickly recovering, Sasuke attacked with a trio of throwing stars. The last of which his it’s mark... Hear no Evil was now one eye closer to taking See no Evil’s place. Sasuke went to slice the screaming mans throat with his kunai, but Kagome grabbed his arm.

She only had just enough room to reach him before he killed the man. “No Sasuke. Please don’t kill him. Enough people have died over me.” Sasuke turned heated eyes on her. “Please.” she pleaded.

Sasuke allowed his arm to drop as he sneered at the two. “Collect you unconscious brother and be gone from my site.” As the man hurriedly did so, Sasuke added, “Better yet, if I were you, I wouldn’t be here when Lord Orochimaru finds out.” The man scurried out with a few choice curses, but was out of the room in no time flat.

Kagome released the breath she had been holding and sat down. “Thank goodness their gone. That could have been a lot worse.” She said, speaking more to herself. Sasuke turned a disapproving look on her. She looked up and noticed this. “What?”

“Why did you ask me to spare them? You do know they would have killed you if I hadn’t happened along, don’t you?” His vision snapped over to the corner of the room. “Tsukiko! Out, now!” Suddenly the little girl jumped out of the shadow and ran out the door. He then turned his gaze back to Kagome expectantly.

“I didn’t want you to kill them. They were already defeated. There was no need.” She stated nonchalantly.

His gaze narrowed at her as he squatted down to be at her eye level. After an awkward moment of silence he stood back up. “You make a piss pore ninja.” Kagome humphed at his comment. Sasuke looked out the door as if thinking about something. He turned back to her with another question. “Did you really take away his curse mark?”

Kagome’s ears perked. “Why? Would you like me to remove your’s?” She said hopefully.

“No! I was curious how you accomplished something no one else has. That’s all.” He defended. “Now, I have to go get more sedative. Don’t try and escape while I’m gone or else.” He stalked out the door, closing it behind him.

* Training ground - Hidden Leaf Village

The two had drawn quite a crowed. Their battle had lead them through a good portion of the training grounds, interrupting others that had been training there in the mid afternoon. Of those gathered, Shino, Kiba, and Hinata stood to one side watching as Inuyasha swiped at Naruto’s face with his claws.

“He lacks style and his attacks are merely reliant on brute strength.” Shino turned to Kiba. “Is he a distant member of your clan Kiba?”

“Ha ha ha,” Kiba said sarcastically. “Not in a million years. He’s the guy I mentioned. The one that knew Kagome...”

“I see.” Was all that Shino said.

“If you two were at the bar last night you would have met him.”

Hinata cringed a little as both warriors struck a blow to the other. Both flying back the way they came from. “You have to admit. His animalistic traits and style do coincide with your own Kiba. Even though his fighting seems rough around the edges, he is holding his own against Naruto.”

After a particularly hard hit with a chakra infused punch, Hinata side stepped with a squeak as Inuyasha went flying past her and into a tree... bending the trunk.

She ran over to him. “Oh my, are you ok?”

Inuyasha stood up with a curse that made Hinata blush. “I’m fine wench.” He growled without looking at her before lunging back at Naruto.

“Hey! What did you call Hinata you jerk?!” Naruto yelled as Inuyasha threw a punch.

“Who? The wench?” Inuyasha yelled a little confused, not knowing who the hell Hinata was.


The three cringed as the white haired man hit the same tree. They then proceeded to step out of the way as said tree cracked and fell where they had been standing. “Looks like Naruto just defended your honor Hinata.” Kiba teased.

Hinata blushed a little as Inuyasha pulled himself out from under the broken tree. He scowled in their direction. “Who’s honor needed defending? All I did was call her a wench!” He said pointing angrily at her. He saw her softly colored eyes moisten and got the distinct feeling he was forgetting something.


“Hey! What the hell.” He dodged not wanting to get hit with that again. ‘What did Mrs. Higurashi say about that word? Think think.’ A light bulb when off in his head. “Wench is just another word for bitch!” Naruto looked even more angry. ‘Oh, shit, wrong word again.’ “Rrr uh I’m mean woman, you know... girl, female! You get the idea.”

Naruto stalked toward him with a ball of energy forming in his hand. “I don’t care what you meant. Apologize to Hinata now!”

“Like hell I’m gonna apolo...” When he turned to look at the girl the unshed tears from the word bitch lingered in her eyes. ‘Ah hell, not another one crying.’ He sighed. “I’m sorry, alright?” He said gruffly.

“Good.” Naruto stated no longer angry. “Rasengan!”

“Sonova! Oof...” Naruto made contact with him again.

As Inuyasha picked himself up off the other side of the clearing he yelled, “That’s it!” He sliced his arm to load his claws with blood. “Blades of Blood!” The tail end of one caught Naruto in the arm causing him to spin, but he caught himself and landed in a ready crouched position. Both males stared each other down. They smirked at the same time and another unspoken charge was issued.

Kakashi strolled up beside Gai and his squad, reading one of his infamous books. “What’s going on here?”

“Our training was interrupted by a youthful show of friendly competition. Some of the other nin around here would do well to follow such an enthusiastic display of...”

Kakahi held his hand up to stop Gi before he could get a full blown rant going. “I get the picture.” He turned his attention to Neji. “So who’s winning.”

“It would appear they are matched in stamina, though Naruto has landed more blows since we have been observing.”

Kakashi pocketed his book to watch more closely. “This should prove to be interesting.”

Inuyasha landed a claw scratch on Naruto’s cheek. Naruto scowled at him. “You are sooo lucky I filed my nails down earlier.” He said quietly enough for only him to hear.

“Blah blah blah. Shut up and attack already.”
“Lets make this a little more interesting shall we?” Naruto said, straitening from his fighting stance for a moment.

Inuyasha also relaxed slightly. “What do you have in mind?”

The gathered crowd was silently anticipating what twist Naruto would put on the interesting sparing match.

“Let’s include weapons.”

Inuyasha smirked. “I would take out half the people here with one swing of my blade. You think it’s smart to do that?”

“Can’t you control that attack of yours?”

Inuyasha’s smug look turned into a glare. “Of course I can!”

“Good, then it’s settled. Guard yourself!”

Inuyasha drew his blade and turned it just in time for it’s wide transformed side to block the two kunai Naruto threw. “Yeah, some friendly sparing match.” He grumbled under his breath.

Inuyasha swung his massive sword at Naruto, who in turn dodged before throwing another kunai.

“Wow.” Commented Hinata. “He has a really big sword.”

There was a moment of silence between the three of their group and only the sounds of the mock battle could be heard. Suddenly Kibba burst out laughing.

“What? What did I say?” Hinata asked innocently.

Shino just shook his head at Kiba. “You are such a child.”

“I still don’t get it.” Said a baffled Hinata.

Mean while Naruto was doing an impressive job of holding back Tetsusaiga with only two crossed kunai. “What’s the matter?” He said with obvious strain in his voice. “Isn’t your sword big enough to over come two little kunai?” He teased which got a growl out of Inuyasha. “Maybe the size is just for show.” He said as he started to break into a sweat against Inuyasha’s strength. “In fact, I think you’re compensating for something.”

It took a moment, but Inuyasha caught on to his meaning. “I’ll show you compensating you little twerp!” With a heave of extra force he pushed Naruto back. “Wind Scar!”

A loud resound roar of the fang’s main attack shook the area. When the dust settled a cringed Naruto peaked an eye open to looked at the slash marks running along the ground beside him. He heaved a sigh of relief before turning on Inuyasha who was currently leaning against his sword, a smug expression plastered to his face. “Are you crazy!”

The stunned cowed also let out their held breaths when Naruto spoke.

“What?” Asked Inuyasha. “I made sure no one was in the way before I attacked.” He defended.

Naruto sighed with a smile. Inuyasha smirked back as he re-sheathed his sword. This battle was just what both of them needed.

“So, seeing as how I won. How about you get me some of that ramen you’ve been ranting is so good.” Everyone in the crowd sweat dropped.

The two started to walk in the general direction of the ramen stand, ignoring the crowd, but before the even got past the first set of onlookers they heard it...

“NARUTO! What exactly is going on here!” The angry voice of Tsunade filled the clearing causing both to stop and cringe.

*Orochimaru’s hideout.

Sasuke replaced the guards with fresh ones and informed Orochimaru of what happened, save the letting them go part. His version was more of they ran away with their tail between their legs. Now that all that was done he was on his way back to the cell with another syringe. The guards let him pass and he entered the cell. He found Kagome resting, sitting up, in the corner her futon was pushed up against. He saw one of her ears swivel forward at the sound of his footsteps, but she didn’t open her eyes.

“Do you have to give me that?”

Sasuke kneeled down and took her arm in his hand. “Yes. We don’t need you killing anyone else.”

Kagome’s ears lay down as her eyes opened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.” Sasuke brought the needle to her arm, but paused before injecting it. “Change your mind?” She asked hopefully.

“No.” He pulled the needle away and let her arm go for a moment. “But, before I knock you out, I have a couple of questions.” He spoke softly, only at a whispers level so the guards wouldn’t be privy to their conversation. “First of all, why did you pull me out of the way of that attack?”

“Duh, I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“So I could save you?”
“No, so you wouldn’t get hurt stupid.” She said crossing her arms.

Sasuke glared for a moment, but moved on to his next question. “Alright, how did you remove the curse mark on that man?”

Kagome looked away from him and turned her nose in the air. “Why should I tell you, you have no interest in removing your mark of subordination. All you would do is run to your controller and tell him so he could stop me.”

Sasuke growled, “Ok, how about this. If you can remove another’s curse, why not remove your own?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not.”

“It’s not the same. The energy I used to destroy that man’s is the energy mine feeds off of. Even if I get out of here alive, I may never be rid of it.”

They sat for a moment before Sasuke spoke again. “So you really expect me to believe my curse mark is corrupting me and my actions, you naive little girl?”

“Why would I have said it if I didn’t mean it?” She huffed.

“You wanna prove it? The look into my eyes.”

Kagome glanced into his direction, but quickly looked away. “Oh no you don’t. I remember exactly what happened the last time I looked into those deceivingly pretty eyes.”

“My eyes are not pretty. Now do you want to prove it or not?”

Kagome finally conceded, but the glare of a look she sent him quickly faded to a blank expression.

Sasuke’s brow furrowed, her mind was a mess. Memories of more than one person. All of them jumbled. It was hard to center in on the information he wanted. One of her thoughts crossed his mind and was surprisingly the one that shook him the most. ‘She is with child.... Naruto’s children.’ His shock was short lived when he stumbled across the information he was looking for. A memory not of her own, but one he himself remembered. It was when Orochimaru cursed him, except this time he was facing himself and hearing thoughts that were not his own.

They both gasped as his eyes faded to black and he fell from his crouched position onto his butt. Kagome was the first to speak. “How dare you.” She growled lowly. “How dare you enter my mind without permission.” She said wrapping her arms around herself, feeling as if she had been violated somehow.
“...It was the only way.”

“Did you find what you wanted?” She all but spat at him. “We protected the memories from your previous life and those including us, but that was all that could be spared.

“Why didn’t you say you were...”

“Pregnant?” She whispered angrily. “Why would I? So you could rip my kits from my womb in some heinous form of torture?” She waited for a response. “You still haven’t answered my first question.”

Sasuke shook his head. “I’m such a fool.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” She grumbled.

He moved to his knees and got in her face. “Remove it now!” He demanded.

“I can’t. You must not have gotten that far,” She said, tapping her head. “ but I need access to my holy powers. I can only do that on the night of the new moon. It’s the only time I can get to them and the power with in to rid you of your curse.”

“That’s still a couple weeks off... Damn it!” He sat back on his butt.

Kagome looked at the door and then back at him. “If you get rid of it he’ll know and you’ll have to leave.” Her eyes turned pleading. “You’ll take me with you wont you?”

His initial reaction was to say no. The feeling of preserving only himself in the forefront of his mind. ‘Damn him. So that’s how it’s been manipulating me. Why didn’t I figure it out on my own.’ He met her gaze with a determined one of his own. “You can count on it.”

Kagome sighed in relief. “Thank you. Now all we have to do is wait for the new moon.” She looked at the door. “You have to get going before anyone suspects something.” Sasuke looked down at the syringe he still held. Kagome half smiled at him. “It’s ok, if you have to you have to, but later I can’t...”

“Shut up, it’s fine.” He went to a drain in the middle of the room and shot the concoction down the pipe.

“This should have knocked you out for a few hours so you better be a good actress or we are both going to be in more trouble than I care to deal with. Now play opossum.” He stood up and she laid down with a smile. He shot her a look and she quickly became the picture of chemical induced unconsciousness. She peeked an eye open at him and he nodded before heading to the door.

Once on the other side, one of the guards questioned him. “Is something wrong sir.” He was obviously worried about the inhabitant of the cell, as well he should be with the track record the guards for her were having.

Sasuke sent him his usual cold stare, the guard snapped back to attention and left him alone to leave. However, before he left their hearing range he spoke to them with out turning around. “Nothing better happen on this shift or I’ll kill you both myself.” With a smirk the guards couldn’t see, Sasuke left. He had to keep up appearances after all.

IVX: Yay, another chapter. I was supposed to have more time to write this summer, but I managed to accumulate three jobs soooo, this chapter took a little longer to get out than I wanted, but here it is. As I see it now, There is only a few more chapters of story to go plus and epilogue and we should be calling it a wrap. I am hoping for two chapters a month so we can finally see what happens in the end... do you think you know what will happen. It might not be what you expect. Well any who, here’s a hint for the next chapter. The title is Forbidden Blood of the Past. Now, if anyone can get what I’m gonna do with that then you’re a frickin genius.

P.S. To those looking forward to name that reviewer... I am hardly able to find time to write let alone catch up on all the reviews and what not... though I do love you all for them. I have instead decided on one big final name that reviewer with the last chapter that will encompass everyone and any thing that has ever reviewed. Much love to my faithful reviewers. You keep me goin... ^_~