InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Night Terrors ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

IVX: The Naruto Characters and world were created by Masashi Kishimoto and the Inuyasha characters and world were created by Rumiko Takahashi, but the new original characters are mine. ;;;sticks out tongue;;; IVX... ^_~
AN: sorry but the format isn't working correctly so the new jewel and kyuubi voices will have - - with them.
~ Ch. 33 - Night Terrors ~
Kagome's hand began to rise and Naruto's eyes followed the movement closely. Her fingers reached beneath the silvery locks and tugged on the ties of her hitai-ate. Naruto's eyes widened and he lunged forward. The weight of the metal insignia plate caused the white material to fall away from its resting place... and the two secrets beneath.
Naruto used every once of speed he contained to whisk Kagome away from the crowd. He had her in his arms and on top of a nearby building before the lonely white hitai-ate hit the ground. He blurred through the city and made for their home as fast as possible. In his haste he missed the blank face of a bird shaped mask watching the entire even from the shadows.
Naruto nearly took the door off its hinges as he burst through to lay his mate on the couch. In the blink of an eye the door was shut and he was back at Kagome's side again. The glossy, doll-like eyes stared out into nothingness still, seeing nothing, expressing nothing. Naruto swallowed the lump of nerves in his throat and rasped out, “Kagome?” There was no response. “Kagome?” He tried again, louder this time. When this still provided him with no response the panic finally set in. He grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her. “Kagome? Kagome answer me damn it!”
Suddenly the glazed look lifted and the half demon blinked her eyes slowly. Naruto stopped shaking her immediately. “Wha...” She blinked a couple more times. “where... what happened?” She questioned and then suddenly hissed and grabbed her head in agony.
“Kagome? Kagome, talk to me. What happened? What's wrong?” Naruto panicked.
With a grimace Kagome turned to look at him. “I don't know whats wrong...” She looked around through squinted eyes. “Or how I got in here for that matter. The last thing I remember is walking up to the front door and... then” she contemplated for a moment. “nothing.” She concluded. “Did I collapse?” She said, suddenly sitting up and grabbing her stomach. “Are the kits ok?”
“Calm down Kagome, calm down. You didn't collapse.” He assured her and the put his ear to her belly before giving her a weak smile. “The kit's are fine. I can still hear both heartbeats going strong.” He grasped her by the shoulders softly and looked her over. Finding nothing outwardly wrong he sighed in relief and hugged her to him.
Confused, but not displeased at the comforting gesture she hugged him back warmly. She waited until he had his fill of the embrace before questioning him again. “Naruto, tell me the truth. What happened?” At the same time she sent a mental question to the jewel as well. The jewel was strangely blank on the whole incident. So she only had what her mate knew to go on. Naruto told her of how he came across the groceries and found her in the middle of the street taking off her hitai-ate and the incident shook her up quite a bit. When Naruto handed her scarf back to her she quickly grabbed her throat as if just noticing it was gone. “So... so everyone saw the marks?” She questioned with shame in her voice and eyes.
Naruto grabbed her hand in his own and pulled it away from her throat. “It's fine koibito.” He reassured her. “It could have been worse. At least no one saw your ears.” He added in a positive tone, trying to lighten the mood.
For some reason that only deepened her disheartened look and she pulled away from him. “Yeah,” she scoffed, “They only saw one of my many deformities.” She said with self hatred as she unconsciously rubbed her scared and curse-marked arms. Kyubbi's snarl came across Naruto's lips and caught Kagome by surprise. Rubies glittered back at her in the dim twilight lit room.
“You will never refer to yourself as deformed again.” he growled and then cupped her cheek and closed the distance between their faces. As he hovered just a breath away from her lips his red eyes pierced her aqua ones. “Would you classify your kitsune attributes as deformities?” He questioned.
Kagome gasped as what he said sunk in. By classifying all of her `different' traits as deformities she had also classified her fox demon half, her mate, and her kits in a derogatory sense as well. She grabbed both his cheeks in her hands and pulled him into a fierce kiss. “I didn't mean it like that.” She protested. I would never hate anything kitsune in my life.” She insisted in a confident voice. As she continued with the next part it wavered though. “It's just that, well, everyone else... the normal people that is, they would see just about any of my uncovered body as deformed though.” She concluded and pulled away again as if to curl into herself.
Red faded to a brilliant purple, but the angry curve to her mates brow line did not fade. “What did I just say?” He demanded as he tugged her to him. He buried his face into the curve of her neck and distractingly nipped at their mating mark. His clawed fingers softly slipped her left sleeve over her shoulder and he trailed kissed over her the, slightly scarred up, curse mark over her heart. “I see... no... deformities.” He said between kissing her skin. His trail working back up her shoulder and then down her arm to the scars after maneuvering around the cloth of her sleeve. “I... only see... my... beautiful... vixen.” He ended with a kiss on her tattooed wrist before nuzzling into her palm. “My beautiful mate.” He said with a husky yet loving tone.
Kagome's self hate melted away as her eyes moistened at the loving gesture. “My wonderful, wonderful mate.” She responded and leaned in to kiss him. They spent the better part of the evening showing their love for one another, sparing a hurried promise to look into todays events first thing in the morning.
Meanwhile, across the village, a masked individual kneels before a heavily bandaged man. “You may go now, but I want you to keep a close detail on the monster.” The mummy like man ordered.
“Yes sir Lord Danzou.” The darkly dressed and kneeling man said as he placed a hand to his chest.
In a swirl of wind the man was gone and Danzou looked once again to the white material in his hand. He ran his thumb over the metal leaf insignia and a smile slowly formed on his lips. He turned an walked down a secret corridor beneath the leaf village. He had many things to do and many people to see this night. He had a feeling the next day would bring him much joy.
It was either really late or very early, depending on how one looked at it, but either way the village was very peaceful as Kagome wandered out to sit in their small back yard. She came here often to relax and find her center after an especially bad nightmare. What had once been a small patch of frozen ground was just about the liveliest greenery in the village now. Where other blossoms were just budding, her entire backyard was overflowing with flowers. Though, admittedly, she did have an unfair advantage over the neighboring gardeners. The envious glances were worth this small personal paradise.
Tonight she was here to work out what had happened to her. Naruto had promised they would figure it out tomorrow, er today, either way kagome couldn't wait any longer. The dilemma was weighing on her mind to much to sleep and she couldn't just lay there anymore. she had to get up and do something. The weather of spring was mild and not uncomfortable this night as she wandered into the center of her flora. The plants parted out of the way as she passed, growing healthier by the second as her energy fed their unnatural growth. When she was dead center she sat and the plants conformed into a comfortable little hollow. All the while the plants kept her uncovered kitsune features from possible prying eyes.
She inhaled the sweet sent of lilacs, roses, and lilies and sighed. After giving herself a moment to calm she sat herself into the traditional meditative pose and got to work. She felt the energy circulating in her body, the life of the vegetation around her, the soft footfalls of night patrols nearby. Slowly, one by one, she shut all the external noise out and focused her thoughts, also finding a clearer connection to the jewel. A connection with a purpose.
`Now, tell me what you know... or at least think you know.' She said to the jewel in a stern yet undemanding voice.
“-And why would anything have changed from what we told you before?-”
`I don't know, but it wouldn't be the first time you kept something from me. Now, in complete honesty, what do you know about my missing time?' This time there was a bit of demand in her voice.
The jewel sounded offended and some of the mismatched voices even leaning toward angry or scared. “-We know nothing, it was as if we were nothing.-”
`What the heck is that supposed mean?'
“-Exactly what was eluded to. WE know nothing. It is as blank to us as it was to you. A foreboding issue, but honest none the less.-” The voices trailed off unevenly. There was obviously turmoil within the jewel because the conglomeration sounded in more disjunction than usual.
`So you're telling me what ever happened, sacred artifact nor its guardian and host body have not even a clue?' She asked in rhetorical sarcasm before continuing on. `I am almost positive I know whats behind it now,' she sighed, `but lets put the facts together regardless.' She paused to collect her information. `Lets start from... then... and work our way to present. One: Orochimaru gives me unusual curse marks unlike anyone before. Two: The last experiment was timed for a specific event, my night of weakness and return to half demon status. Three: Said curse marks begin to irritate at random and those episodes are usually joined by a bout of dizziness. Four: At the end of one particularly bad dizzy spell, both of us are completely taken from conscious thought for a long bout of time.” She paused to add the clues together, but it didn't take long. She sighed and opened her eyes, relaxing into her comforting plants' embrace. “My escape was planned from the very beginning... and not by allies.” The jewel gaze only a murmured reply of grudging agreement.
She allowed herself to nestle into her plants before wandering back into the house. The conclusion she came to only furthered her anxiety and sleep would not come this night, of that she was sure. She stopped at the door of the small nursery and stared sadly at the twin cribs. `Will there ever be a day I can just be happy?” A small frown appeared on her lips. `Will I even live to see my kits born?' She thought and put a hand to her stomach. She almost jumped out of her skin when a large, warm hand covered her own and she was pulled into a soft embrace from behind. She relaxed into the chest of her mate and allowed the frown to disappear.
Naruto leaned his cheek against her lose hair and felt the soft velvit of her ear brush his skin as her ear twitched, tickled by a stray lock of blond. “What are you still doing up love?” He asked softly as he stared upon the same scene as his mate. Then he added in a half hearted tease. “Or should I say how are you still awake after our wonderful show of youth, as Lee would put it.”
Kagome smiled a bit and shook her head. He always seemed to know what to say, didn't he? She turned in his embrace and leaned in to kiss him tenderly. “It's nothing my loving mate, lets go back to bed.” That said she lead him back to their room and allowed herself to be comforted by Naruto's strong arms. However, the minute his breaths evened out into sleep again, her frown returned.
“-Are you sure you don't want to tell him?-”
`I don't want to worry him just yet. He's been so happy lately and at least one of us should be.' She paused before adding. `Tomorrow is supposed to be a happy occasion anyways, I'll tell him to let the issue be until our special announcement is done and enjoyed.'
One more day of even pretend normalcy might be enough to give her the strength she needed to tell her commander in chief that she was most likely the enemy's own homegrown weapon. And maybe, just maybe, the happiness tomorrow would bring might actually allow her to forget her troubles for a brief moment. Maybe...
Kagome was busy getting the house ready for their guests. Tonight they were entertaining two very special people. Kakashi and Jiraiya were coming over for an early dinner and Kagome wanted everything to be perfect. She had gathered enough food to feed a small army as well as enough sake to drown said number. You could never bee to prepared when it came to ninja, especially her mate and his senseis. She smiled fondly at the thought and glanced at the clock. “Ah! I didn't realize it was that late.” She exclaimed to herself and rushed to set the table and stir the cooking food.
Naruto's chuckle drifted in from the hallway. “Calm down Kagome.” He said in an amused voice. “Kakashi's always late and I doubt the Pervy Sage will care if he has to wait a few minutes.” He said reassuringly as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.
Kagome spared him a rushed smile. “And that's exactly why I told Kakashi-sensei to be here earlier than Jiraiya. Besides, tonight is very special and I don't want to disappoint.”
Naruto walked up behind her and hugged her. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” He asked slyly.
“Yeah yeah, love you too.” She said struggling out of his grip. “Now shoo shoo, I've got alot of work to do here.” She hurried him out of the kitchen.
Naruto stood there for a moment just blinking. She didn't so much as bat an eyelash at his attentions. He fought the urge to pout, but just then a knock came at the door and the flustered grumble from the kitchen turned his pout into a smirk. He just shook his head as he went to answer the door. When he opened it he was met, surprisingly, with the masked face of his team leader and childhood sensei. “Kakashi-sensei” He started, but got cut off.
“I'm sorry I'm late.” He started. “On my way here I stopped to help a...”
“Save it.” Naruto said in an amused tone. “Kagome gave you the wrong time. You're actually a little early.”
The single showing eyebrow rose in surprise before his eye crinkled in his trademark way of showing a smile. “Guess she knows me pretty well.” He said scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah,” laughed Naruto. “Come in and take a seat. The foods not quite ready yet.” No sooner had they taken a seat then another knock came at the door and Naruto let in his other sensei.
The three of them sat there for a moment exchanging the normal conversation beginners and then they fell into a short silence. Jiraiya, being who he was, decided he was tired of waiting for an explanation. “So... What did you invite us over for? Finally set a date to make it official in the eyes of the village?” He said in reference to Naruto and Kagome's `marriage'.
Kagome poked her head out of the kitchen long enough to say, “Don't you dare tell them with out me.” before disappearing to finish up dinner.
“Uh, no, that's not it.” He said and his smile grew. “It's even better than that.” He said happily. “Besides, what do I care what the villagers think. Kagome is my mate and the people who really mater know. That's good enough for now.”
“Well, put.” Congratulated Kakashi. “You almost convinced me it has nothing to do with dressing up for a wedding.” He said, eye crinkle back in place.
“Hey now.” Protested Naruto, but the argument got no further because it was then that Kagome walked into the room with a wide grin. “Dinner is ready.” She said happily.
The men almost gawked when they made there way into the sectioned off dinning area attached to the kitchen. Before them was a feast fit for a daimyou. “You really outdid yourself Kagome.” Complimented Jiraiya as they sat around the table.
Kagome blushed a little, her ears laying back shyly as she responded. “Thank you Jiraiya, this kind of thing is the only thing I can really go all out on now a days.” She shot a playful glare at Naruto before returning her attention back to the Toad Sage. “Besides, today is a special day.”
“Now if only we could find out what makes it special so we could join in on the celebration.” Prodded Kakashi.
Kagome smiled at Naruto, positively glowing with excitement. “We are all settled in now, so you can tell them before we eat if you want.”
Naruto smiled at her and reached his hand across the table to take hers in his. The way the two smiled at them sent a small flash of the past floating through Jiraiya's mind. Naruto's father and mother smiling warmly at him, telling him their plans of naming their child after his book's character. Snapping out of his momentary daze he smiled warmly back at them, awaiting their news.
“As you know,” began Naruto, “Kagome is pregnant with twins.” Now Naruto was overflowing with pride as he spoke. “ And we've decide that you two,” he paused for dramatic effect... a little to long apparently because Kagome flicked him in the arm. “Alright alright” He laughed. “We've decided that you two should be the god fathers.” He told them merrily.
“Isn't that wonderful?” Blurted Kagome, unable to contain herself anymore.
Jiraiya was at a loss for words for the moment, so Kakashi rose to the occasion. “It is an honor.” He said, unable to hide a small bit of awe in his voice. Never had he seen himself in this situation. He looked over the loving couple that he had taught and he thought back to a time when he had hated the idea of even having students. Now, here he was, so cherished by these two of his disciples that they would name him godfather to one of their children. “Word's are not enough to express how touched I am.” He explained as best he could. Then he winced at the `eloquent' response that finally spilled from his partner godfather's lips.
“Why on earth would you pick us?” It was not an unkind response. It was one born of shock and awe and clearly the loving couple understood.
Kagome's soft giggle filled the room. “How silly to have to ask. You two are very dear to us.” She looked at Kakashi first. “Sensei, you gave us both the skills to protect our precious people and gave us a way to be together. Gave us a life of more than what we had.” She said speaking for both of their pasts and their present.
Naruto chimed in then as the spotlight fell on Jiraiya. “For Kagome, you have done your best to help beyond what others are capable in certain areas... but for me,” His eyes softened and his voice became a little quieter in sincerity. “You were and are the closest I have ever had to a father in my life.”
If Jiraiya was at a loss for words before, he was a gaping fish now. Kagome just giggled again as another knock came at the door. Naruto moved to get up, but Kagome motioned for him to stay. “ I got it.” She said with a pat on his arm. “You stay and talk.” She said. Kagome then walked between the other two and hugged them to her and kissed them both on a cheek. “It's official now, your part of the family.” With one more bright smile she headed into the other room to answer the door, placing on her spare hitai-ate as she went.
“She's right you know.” Naruto added. “We already considered you as good as family and now it's only that much more true.” He said happily. Suddenly a commotion came from the front door and all three of them jumped to their feet at a panicked protest from Kagome.
“What do you mean under arrest! Get your hands off me!” In a split second they were in the living room to see four masked men gathered around Kagome. Two of which were pulling her through the door. “Naruto!” Kagome called out as the ANBU tugged at her, struggling against her half-demon strength for a surprised moment.
“What the hell are doing to my mate!” Growled Naruto as his eyes flashed red and settled on an eerily glowing purple.
In half a second, all hell broke loose. Naruto attacked the ANBU Root touching Kagome, Kakashi kept the other two from attacking Naruto, Jiraiya went to restrain Naruto from killing a fellow leaf nin and Kagome began her own attack on her would be arresters. When the preverbal dust cleared thanks to a thundering shout from Jiraiya, Naruto had two clones pinning one ANBU root, Jiraiya was restraining the real Naruto with his own two hands, Kagome had her claws at the troat of another, Kakashih had one member restrained himself and the last Root member was posed to destroy the clones.
“Everyone just calm down.” Commanded Jiraiya in a calm, clear voice. Then in a slightly less loud voice, he addressed Naruto. “I'm going to let go now. You're not going to attack are you?”
“No.” He ground out and proved true to his word as he was released.
“Now release you shadow clone jutsu.” Naruto growled low in his throat. “Just do it.” He commanded.
“I think Everyone should just back away from each other.” Added Kakashi. “Lets settle this like the civilized people we are.” After a still moment the clones popped out of existence and the others backed away, though not before Kagome grabbed her hitai-ate back from the masked man she was pinning.
The two groups moved to opposite sides of the small room as Kagome finished tying her headband back over her ears. “Now,” Started Jiraiya, demanding the respect his status of Legendary Sannin deserved. “How about you explain exactly why you interrupted our dinner and tried to take this lovely kunoichi from us.” His tone was dangerous as he spoke. They had better have a damn good excuse.
The team leader from the other group stepped forward slightly. “We are here to apprehend and detain a demon spy going by the alias of Kagome Higurashi.” He stated in a monotone.
“I am NOT a spy!” Screamed Kagome angrily, already feeling violated from having her hitai-ate ripped off and her secret reviled via fuzzy white ears. Her yell caused the ANBU Root to tense, ready for the second attack.
“Calm down friends.” Said Kakashi casually. “I'm sure there is some sort of misunderstanding that just needs to be cleared up. Let's just take this issue to the Lady Hokage and we can be back before our food cools.”
“You are harbor a fugitive spy.” The leader said sternly.
Jiraiya cut in as he heard the low rumble coming from the two younger ninja beside him. “Why don't we compromise.” He suggested. “Kagome and myself will go peaceably with you lot,” This gained him a sharp glare from Naruto to which he put up a halting hand, “and Naruto and Kakashi will go to the Hokage with this issue.” The Root member didn't say anything for a moment, so Jiraiya added. “I will only be escorting her to ensure her proper handling. She is with child after all.”
“...the terms are, acceptable.” The leader finally answered. “We leave now.” He stated and they moved aside making a path to the door. Clearly Kagome was not trusted to follow behind them.
Said vixen huffed and, chin held high, marched out the door with Jiraiya's hand in contact with her back. “I'm sorry my dear. Bear with it for just a bit if you would.”
“What ever,” Kagome huffed again. “They just better not expect me to run, I'll be taking my sweet old time.” She said defiantly as if they weren't following right behind her.
Naruto used all his will power to calm himself enough not to grab her to him and run away with her. As soon as the last masked man left the living room Naruto turned to Kakashi. “Where would the old lady be right now?” He asked quickly in a clipped tone.
“It's not to late yet, she might still be at Hokage tower.” With out a word Naruto was gone and Kakashi had to wonder how he had gotten so fast that even he couldn't keep close to his pace as he followed after.
As luck would have it Tsunade Was still in her office, buried under a mountain of paperwork. Naruto came straight in through the window and the breeze from the suddenly open window caused the stacks to tip over. The sight of her `used to be sorted' paperwork in a heap of a mess flared the already irritated Hokage's temper to boiling point. She finally caught sight of the perpetrator, but before she could rant on him he started yelling at her.
“Why the HELL is Kagome being Arrested?!” He roared.
Tsunade's look of anger turned ever so slightly into a look of confusion. “What the heck are you talking about?”
“A bunch of ANBU just showed up at my house and Arrested my Mate!” Yelled Naruto so loudly the windows shook.
Just then the doors to the office opened. “You would call that thing a mate wouldn't you?” Sneered the voice of an older man. The two blonds already in the office turned to see two elders walk into the office followed closely by the heavily wrapped man.
Realization lit up Tsunade's eyes. “Danzou,” She sneered back at the older man. “Just what do you think you are doing?” She demanded.
“I am taking care of the little demon problem you let slip through your fingers.” He stated.
“I know exactly what Kagome is and cleared her for admission to our village.” Tsunade exclaimed, slamming her hand down on her desk.
“Oh,” the man asked in mock amusement “So it wasn't just an inability to judge as a leader on your part?” He mocked.
The elder council woman chose this time to speak up. “That only make this that much worse. You went behind our backs and admitted a Demon into out village without our approval?!”
“How dare you do such a thing!” Added the male elder from beside her.
Just then Kakashi appeared in the window and looked around. “I take it I missed something important.” He stated softly to himself scratching the back of his head.
IVX: Ok, so maybe one more chapter more than what I said before, but I wanted to get this out to you before you killed me for waiting any longer. lol. hope it's good enough to hold you over till the next chapter is out, which might be a couple weeks, I have some big deadlines to meet for the production of an anatomy and physiology book I'm illustrating. Said deadline is a week and a half away and sooo, it will be at least that long, but I just had to give you this because you all have bee so wonderfully patient with me. Now, back to the drawing board... literally. heh... ^_~