InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever In a Spell 2- A New Evil ❯ Chapter 11 - Why? ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 11 - Why?
The group headed down the mountain toward the meadow. Bankotsu looked at Amadala and sighed to himself. “What is wrong my Aniki?” Amadala said with curiousity. Bankotsu got all nervous and finally said,” I did not mean to hurt you back there….its just….its just…” “Its just b/c Nuruku had control over you….Don't worry…..I forgive you…I know that that was not you who did this…” Amadala said as she hugged him. Bankotsu held her softly in order not to hurt her arm anymore. Bankotsu finally released Amadala and looked into her chocolate brown eyes. “I love you…you know that?” Amadala grinned. “Yes Aniki…I know that…”
“I hate to break up the love moment but does anywhere know where we are going?!?!?!” Renkotsu said impatiently.
“Inuyasha, which way does Nuruku's scent go?” Miroku asked. Inuyasha sniffed for a moment and then stopped. “I got it…..he is going toward Dead Man's forest…..” “We need to get there then…..” Suikotsu said as the rest of the gang nodded and walked through the meadow.
Just then Mukotsu and Amadala stopped. “What's wrong guys?” Kagome asked.
Amadala looked at Kagome. “I don't think that we need to go to Dead Man's forest…” “ARE YOU CRAZY GIRL!?!??!?! That is where Nuruku's scent is coming from!!!!!!” Inuyasha said in anger. Mukotsu looked at Inuyasha. “Ama is right….don't you see? He is tricking us! Amadala and I feel him around here not toward the forest as Inuyasha smelled…”
“Are you saying that Nuruku is closer than we originally thought ?” Kyoukotsu asked. Amadala nodded. “I got a strong feeling that he is hiding somewhere out in the meadow..the trouble is….I don't know where he is at…..the evil is strong all around the meadow….” Everyone looked around.
Just then a huge blast came their way. Everyone ducked except for Amadala. “AHHHH!!!” Amadala covered her face. Just as the blast came toward her, she felt someone push her of the way. Amadala looked up and seen Renkotsu was caught in the blast. Amadala looked at Bankotsu in shock as Ginkotsu and Suikotsu helped Renkotsu up. Amadala walked over to Renkotsu.
“why..why did you do that?” Renkotsu grinned a little bit. “Could not let Aniki's girl get hurt in the blast.” Amadala smiled as she hugged Renkotsu's neck. “Hey easy Ama…my neck hurts!” Amadala released Renkotsu's neck. “Sorry…..”
Suikotsu walked over to Renkotsu and checked him out. “Is he okay?” Ginkotsu asked. Suikotsu said,” Well, apart from some scrapes and bruises, he should be okay.”
“WHO DID THAT??!??! WHO WAS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT BLAST!?!?!?” Bankotsu screamed as he looked around.
Aki chuckled as he stepped out of the darkness. “So the red head is the priestess of life? Then Nuruku will definitely want to see her now.” Aki aimed a fire ball at them.
“Oh no you don't freak….wind scar!” Inuyasha used his sword and countered the attack.
“Blast it! I AM SO TIRED OF ALL OF YOU!!!!! YOU MUST DIE!!!” Aki went for them. Ginkotsu used his ropes and tied him up. “LET ME GO!!!” Aki screamed.
Miroku looked at Amadala. “Now Ama!” Amadala nodded and pulled her beads out and placed them on him. Aki screamed as he was purified. He then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. All that remained of Aki was a pile of clothes.
“You purified him Ama!” Renkotsu said as Suikotsu help him walk over to the pile of clothes.
Amadala was shocked and in disbelief that her mother's beads actually worked. She bent down and picked up the beads and put them in her pocket.
“Did you know that they would do that Amadala?” Sango asked as she picked up the clothing. Amadala shook her head no. “I had no idea…my mother said something about purification but I did not know what she meant. I do now.”
“Well that is one of Nuruku's minions that will not have to see anytime soon. I wonder where the other one is at?” Mukotsu said as he looked around the meadow.
“Probably with Nuruku as we speak…she seems to be his favorite…” Shippo said as he got on Amadala's head. Amadala smiled as Shippo got on her head. “Do you like my head Shippo?” “Yes Lady…you are really nice!” Shippo said as he got comfortable. Amadala smiled and said,” Good.”
“Well, what I think that we should do is continue following Nuruku's scent….when we find where the scent ends, then we will find Nuruku…” Bankotsu said.
Amadala nodded and said,” What about Renkotsu then? We cannot go very far without risking his life…”
“I suggest that we spend the night here Bankotsu…then in the morning…we get a move on…” Suikotsu said as he looked at Renkotsu. “Besides…Renkotsu needs to rest and I need to tend to his wounds…they are pretty bad…”
Bankotsu sighed and thought for a moment. Eventually, he said,” Ok, there a brook over there that we can wash his wounds in and we can set up camp right there as well.”
Everyone nodded as they began to set up camp near the brook.
Suikotsu and Ginkotsu sat Renkotsu down by a rock and Suikotsu began tending to his wounds. Suikotsu looked at the blood and started freaking out.
“You okay Suikotsu?” Amadala said as she looked at his face changing colors.
“Yeah…I just…don't like the site of blood…it reminds me of that little girl….”
“What little girl is that Suikotsu?” Miroku said as he gathered sticks to make a fire with.
“A little girl that I tried to save the life of…she was killed by a cold hearted man…I freaked out b/c he was going to kill me as killed him…not on purpose…but after that, I lost it.” Suikotsu looked down at the ground.
Amadala walked over and placed her hand on his back. “I am so sorry that happened Suikotsu…”
Suikotsu smiled. “Thanks Ama…”
Mukotsu gathered the herbs together to make an ointment to go on Renkotsu's wounds. “He has two personalities b/c of that….the nice one and the mean one…”
Suikotsu went down to the brook and carefully wetted a washcloth. He came back and took a deep breath and then he began cleaning the wounds.
Renkotsu flinched as Suikotsu cleaned the wounds. “I don't understand why you are still alive right now Renkotsu……these wounds are enough to kill someone….”
“Well Suikotsu…I don't want to die…I value my life and that is what is keeping me alive right now…” Renkotsu said as he smiled.
Mukotsu finished up the ointment and placed it on Renkotsu's wounds.
“Ouch!!!!! This stuff stings! What is in here Mukotsu?” Renkotsu said as Suikotsu and Amadala held him down.
“Nothing much….just some roots from a tree…..extract from a poison ivy bush…..and some grind up herbs…”
Renkotsu turned white and said,” Thanks for telling me…”
“No problem…” Mukotsu said as he finished the wounds.
“Now it is Suikotsu's turn…” Suikotsu nodded to Mukotsu and began wrapping Renkotsu's wounds with clean clothes that were in his bag.
“There you should be good for tonight Renkotsu…I will change the cloths tomorrow before we leave…just don't do much moving around…” Suikotsu said as he washed his hands off in the brook.
Renkotsu nodded.
Amadala sat next to Renkotsu. “ I thank you for saving my life Renkotsu….”
Renkotsu looked at Amadala. “It was not a problem…I could not let you get hurt in the blast…we need you now more than ever.”
Amadala nodded and said,” I wonder what my friends are doing right now….”
“What are your friends like Ama? Are they like you? Sweet and kind?” Miroku said as he washed his robe off.
Amadala shook her head. “Nope I am afraid…we are all one big family but one thing that makes me different from them is the fact that I did not let greed get the best of me. I have tried to tell them that no matter how hard they try, they are not going to rule the world someday. I am just in this business to make a living and nothing else.”
“That is kind of sad that your friends are greedy..” Sango said as she brushed her hair.
“I know but they do care about me a lot even though sometimes they don't show it.” Amadala said as she gathered her things.
“I am going to take a bath…who wants to join me….”
“We will join you…” Kagome and Sango said as they gathered their things and walked toward the end of the lake with Amadala.
“I like this….I have not had anyone to bath with….I bathe by myself when I am with the band of seven..” Amadala said as she washed her hair.
“That is very understandable…its gets lonely whenever Kagome goes back to her time and it is just me with 3 other guys…” Sango said as she washed off.
“Yep……” Kagome said as she went under the water.
“Sometimes its nice to travel with seven men but sometimes I miss my friends from home…” Amadala said as she got out of the water and dried herself off.
Kagome put her clothes on and said to Amadala,” So, do you love Bankotsu?” Amadala turned to Kagome and blushed.
“ummmmm….yes…actually I do…I have fallen in love with him…”
“I am glad that someone like Bankotsu can fall in love…I always thought that there was some good in him…..the jewel shard was causing his thrist for greed…” Sango said as she put her clothes on.
“I am glad that he loves you…you and him are a good match Ama..” Kagome said as they were walking back towards camp.
Amadala blushed. “Thanks…”
As they walked back to the camp, Amadala thought to herself. “We are a good match aren't we? That makes me happy!”
As the trio of girls made it back to the camp, Amadala wondered what her life was going to be like with Bankotsu and the rest of Shichinintai. “It won't be a quiet life…that's for sure….”
Amadala laughed at that as they continued toward the camp.