InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Inu-Ra-Ken: Affections Touching Across Sense ❯ It Continues to Continue ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

After a considerable amount of effort, the two girls-with the help of an annoyed-sounding panda-managed to gain everyone's attention.

"Okay, guys, listen up! If you don't quiet down, they're going to have the cops out here," Rachel half shouted. "And we don't want that. Especially you, wolf boy. You do not want to go to prison in that skirt, trust me."

Natalie snickered. "Very true."

"And Lime? Please come down from the panda, okay?"

"Yeah!!" Ranma agreed, sounding a bit harried.

Lime blinked innocently (and adorably) before climbing down. As her feet touched the ground, the panda gave a relieved sigh.

"Okay," Natalie said quickly, before any more problems could arise. "We've got to get you guys out of sight fast. You look like a three ring circus without the tent!"

"No, no," Rachel interrupted. "Dog boy has the tent. He's wearing it like a pair of pants."


Kagome grabbed InuYasha by the arm before he could charge.

"Whoa!" Rachel exclaimed, holding her hands up in surrender and backing up a few steps. "Down boy!"

"That ain't funny, witch!

"I don't know… I cracked me up. And hey! I'm not a witch!"

"That's what you say!"

"Rachel… you're not helping…." Natalie interrupted.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll try to control myself."

"Yeah, try real hard, witch girl!"

"Hey, watch it, dog breath!"

"Oh, that's really clever! I haven't heard that one before!"

"You know, we have a leash law in this town!"

"I'd like to see you try it!"

"Yeah, I just bet you would!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Hey!!!" Natalie shouted in annoyance, cutting off Rachel's response. "Am I going to have to separate you two?!"

"Probably…" Rachel admitted, taking a deep breath to cool off. "It just pisses me off that that stupid dog boy still thinks we're the ones who brought him here."

"Well, get over it. We've got to figure out what to do with these guys."

"Yeah, okay. You're right. But I'll be watching you, dog boy."

"Yeah? Well, the same to you, witch girl! And my name ain't dog boy. It's InuYasha."

"Bless you."


"Sorry! Sorry, Natalie. Okay. What to do with them… I guess they can all pile in my room for tonight. I don't have a roommate to yell at me for inviting the entire cast of…of…okay, you know what? I don't even know what show they could all be in. The X-Files? The Tonight Show? Xena?"

"I was thinking more of a Saturday morning cartoon…."

"Yeah! That's closer to it!"

"Degozarios….if you don't mind….another crowd has gathered….."

Natalie and Rachel turned to find that, once again, a small crowd had gathered on the edge of the quad, watching the antics unfold like a play.

"Oh, right. Thanks Kenshin," Natalie said.

"You're so good with names," Rachel interjected.

"I know," Natalie replied with a grin. "Okay guys," she called over to the group. "Let's move it along. Haven't you ever seen drunk frat boys before? Quick, get out of here before they puke on you or something."

The crowd was quickly shooed away and the two girls hurried their new friends into Main.

"Okay, really keep it down in here guys," Rachel warned them all as they started up the stairs. "We're not allowed to have boys in the dorm after midnight. And I'm really not sure what the rule is about pandas…"

For once, everyone seemed to listen. The only noise as the group trudged up flight after flight of stairs was the strange squeaking of Lime's shoes.

They finally came to Rachel's room and stood around awkwardly as she unlocked the door.