InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha 1/2 ❯ Inuyasha's Secret: The Training at Jusenkyo ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back already! Now I know that the first chapter was a lot like Ranma, but I expect from here on out that it will become more different, because of the characters personality and time period. I’m pretty sure none of us want to have Sesshomaru acting like Genma, do we? Well on with the story.   Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or the Ranma story line. Rumiko Takahashi is the genius who thought up both.   Chapter 2: Inuyasha’s Secret: The Training at Jusenkyo   Inuyasha and Sesshomaru sit before the Higurashi family. Mr. Higurashi is explaining to his family what Sesshomaru had told him earlier. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha introduce themselves to the family. Inuyasha is a bit she not knowing how to explain the earlier incident to the family. Sesshomaru stand up and clears his throat. “Well first off, Inuyasha should probably demonstrate.” He picks up Inuyasha and tosses him into the pond behind them. The girl that had appeared earlier emerges from the pond.   “What’d you do that for?” She screams at Sesshomaru. The Higurashi girls gasp. How was this possible? How could a boy enter the pond and a girl exit?   “What a disappointment.”  Sesshomaru says as he shakes his head. Female Inuyasha jumps behind Sesshomaru and kicks him into the pond. A panda emerges and starts attacking female Inuyasha.   “What a tragedy! If they never went to China, they wouldn’t be like this.” Mr. Higurashi says. He leads female Inuyasha and panda Sesshomaru to the bath.   After the bath, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are normal again. “Well as I was saying,” Sesshomaru begins, “two months ago I heard of a cursed training ground named Jusenkyo in China. The rumors were that anyone who fell in took the form of whatever drowned there thousands of years ago. Now since 50 years ago my father asked me to train Inuyasha, when I absolutely despised him, I thought of this as an excellent opportunity to ruin his life.” Inuyasha bops him on the head.   “You jerk! It’s always about ruining my life!” Inuyasha screams into Sesshomaru ear.   “Don’t interrupt!” Sesshomaru yells back, “So a month ago I took Inuyasha to Jusenkyo without telling him of the curse.”       Flashback- One month ago in China   A chubby man leads Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to the cursed spring of Jusenkyo. “Sirs, we reach legendary training ground, Jusenkyo.” The man said. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha put down their packs.   “You ready, Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru asked. Inuyasha nods.   “I don’t know what about this place impressed you so much to come here, but let’s get at it.” Inuyasha replies. The two jump onto the bamboo polls sticking out from the water. Inuyasha draws out his sword, which transforms into a huge fang.   “So using the Tetsusaiga are you? Well I can takes you on bare handed.” Sesshomaru told Inuyasha. He leaps into the air. Inuyasha does like wise.   “No! Very bad if you fall in!” The guide yelled at them.   “Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar)!” Inuyasha screamed as he unleashed his attack from his sword. Sesshomaru gets hit and falls into the spring bellow. Inuyasha lands safely on a near by pole. “What’s wrong? Done already?” Inuyasha asked as he looked down into the pool his older half-brother fell in. A panda suddenly emerges from the pool. Inuyasha gawks at this. “Wh-what is that? What’s going on?” He asked. The guide runs up.   “He fall in Shonmaoniichuan, Spring of Drowned Panda! There is tragic legend, very tragic of panda who drowned there fifteen hundred year ago (remember, this is approx. 500 before Ranma’s time)! Now whoever fall in that spring, take body of panda.” The guide explains.   Inuyasha is still gawking. “H-hey! I never remember hearing about this!” He is so shocked he does nothing to avoid the panda from knocking of his post and into one of the cursed springs.   “AIYAA!” The guide screamed, “You fall in Nyaniichuan, Spring of Drowned Girl! There is tragic legend, VERY tragic, of young girl who drowned there thousand year ago! Now whoever fall in that spring, take body of young girl.” Female Inuyasha emerges from the spring. She feels her chest and is not impressed by what she feels. She gulps as she opens her gi and screams. “See what I mean?” The guide told her.   End flashback       Everyone is silenced by this story. Mr. Higurashi finally speaks up. “So that what it’s all about.” Inuyasha looks at the ground growling.   “Yeah, but the one question is…” He gets up and grabs Sesshomaru by the front of his shirt. “Why’d ya want to ruin my life so badly anyways?” Sesshomaru breaks Inuyasha’s grasp and tosses him in the pond.   “You’re acting like a girl. I thought you were prepared to give your life in training.” Sesshomaru tells him. Female Inuyasha jumps out of the pond with a pail of water.   “My life yes!” She screams, “Although, my manhood is ANOTHER story!” She splashes the water onto Sesshomaru. “Everything is always about ruining my life! At least I was able to ruin yours!”   “Stop! You went too far!” Ayumi tells panda Sesshomaru.   “Yeah! Even for ruining his life, you went too far.” Eri adds on. Mr. Higurashi comes back with boiling water and dumps it on panda Sesshomaru’s head, who turns back into a demon.   “So, cold water turns you into a panda, while hot water turns you back into a demon.” He observes. He turns around to face female Inuyasha. “Cold water turns you into a girl. Hot water turns you back into a man.” He goes to dump the boiling water on Inuyasha, who dodges.   “That’s HOT water, not BOILING!” She screams at him.   Mr. Higurashi laughs. “Well this problem isn’t so bad.” He turns female Inuyasha to face his daughters. “Which one you like best? My oldest daughter is Ayumi, who is 19. Eri is 17 while Kagome is 16. Which one do you chose?” Female Inuyasha stares blankly at the girls. Ayumi and Eri push Kagome in front.   “He wants Kagome.” Ayumi tells Mr. Higurashi.   “Defiantly!” Eri agrees.   “HEY!” Kagome yells at her sisters. She turns to face female Inuyasha.   “Well she does hate boys.” Eri says.   “And Inuyasha is half-girl! They’re the perfect match!” Ayumi says.   “I’m not marrying a pervert!” Kagome tells them.   “Who are you calling a pervert?” Female Inuyasha asks.   “You saw me naked!” Kagome replies.   “But you walked in on me.”   “Girls seeing boys are different.”   “Perfect couple, eh Sesshomaru?” Mr. Higurashi and Sesshomaru both laugh. Kagome isn’t impressed. She doesn’t want to be engaged to a sex changing freak. Female Inuyasha starts to leave.   “See ya! I’m going back to China.” She says. Sesshomaru jumps on him.   “No, you’re staying here and getting engaged to Kagome!” He tells female Inuyasha.   “But I’ve got better things to do then be engaged to uncute girl!” She turns to face Kagome and loosens her shirt, “I’ve seen myself plenty of time and I’m better built then her, to boot!” She turns around and starts to laugh like a maniac. Kagome gets really mad at Inuyasha’s attitude, so she picks up a rock and smashes it over female Inuyasha’s head.   “He had that coming a year ago.” Sesshomaru remarks as female Inuyasha is lying on the ground twitching from the impact.       Later female Inuyasha wakes up with a wet cloth on her head from wear Kagome bashed her.   “Try not to think to badly of Kagome. She just gets made easily.” Ayumi tells her as she leaves.   “Mad easily my butt.” Female Inuyasha murmurs and she rubs her head and enters the bath area. She takes off her clothes and enters the room to find a naked Kagome facing her. Female Inuyasha gasps. Kagome looks her up and down. She raises her hand and smacks female Inuyasha across the face some hard, you could hear the impact in the next village.       Later, male Inuyasha is sitting next to Sesshomaru with a red mark on his face from the impact. “She is SO not cute!”   “But you were both girls so it’s okay!” Eri tells Kagome.   “That was SO not okay!”   To be continued…   Well this chapter is done now. I hope it’s starting to take a separate path from Ranma. Please review with any suggestions you may have.