InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha 1/2 ❯ Kagome's Man Problem ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back with the next chapter! I know that the last chapter was still a lot like Ranma, but this chapter some things will have to change dew to time period. I hope this works out well.   Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns both Inuyasha and the Ranma ½ story line. I own neither.   Chapter 3: Kagome’s Man Problem   Inuyasha was sitting in the Higurashi house with Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru had just found out from his old friend, Mr. Higurashi that in the Musashi domain there was a school for teenagers. Even though Inuyasha was well over 50 in human years, in demon years he was only 16. So Sesshomaru had enrolled Inuyasha in this special school for teenagers. Inuyasha listened to Sesshomaru’s explanation. “School? But there’s only schooling for little kids to learn to read and write. I already know how to read and write so why do I need to go?” Inuyasha asks his older half-brother.   “Inuyasha, in this school you will learn more useful things then that. Things like learning different languages, social skills, how to become a better fighter, ect. It can really help you martial arts.” Sesshomaru explains. Eri walks in.   “Kagome and I go to that school. We learn lots of useful things. Now hurry up and get ready. Kagome will walk to school with you.” She says as she leaves. Kagome runs in.   “Why do I have to take him?” She asks, but is too late since Eri runs out fast. Kagome sighs. “Inuyasha, lets get going.” They both grab their stuff and leave.       They are on their way to the Feudal Era Special School for Teenagers. Kagome is walking on the path while Inuyasha is walking on top of wooden fences blocking of ponds. “You better not bug me at school.” Kagome tells him.   “Don’t worry; I don’t like you enough to bug you. I never did like macho chicks.” Inuyasha replies. Sesshomaru then runs up and whacks him in the back of the head.   “How dare you insult my friend’s daughter?” He screams. Inuyasha just knocks him off the fence and into the pond.   “Who are you to talk?” Inuyasha asks as panda Sesshomaru emerges from the pond. He leaps into the air and does a flying panda kick at Inuyasha. Inuyasha moves to the side and draws out his Tetsusaiga. “Kaze no Kizu!” He screams as he unleashes the attack. Panda Sesshomaru goes flying into orbit from the blow. Inuyasha sheathes his Tetsusaiga and starts to chuckle. “Got ya!” But his happiness didn’t last long, because out of no where a splash of water got him and turned him female. He turns around to find an elderly lady watering the walkway. “Now why does the walkway need to be watered?” Female Inuyasha asks to no one unparticular.       So after the watering incident, Kagome takes female Inuyasha to the village medic to get some hot water. Female Inuyasha waits on the side off the walkway, holding her too big pants up. She sighed. This curse really sucked. Cold water seemed to hunt her down. Where ever she went, there was cold water. It’s funny how you never notice these things till you’re cursed. Lost in thought, she never notices a middle aged man walk up behind her. She doesn’t notice until he put a hand on her shoulder then she screams. Kagome comes back out.   “Oh, hello there Dr. Sota.” She says as she bows down. (Just pretend Sota is around 25 in this story and NOT Kagome’s brother) Female Inuyasha looks at them both as she grabs to hot water from Kagome. She smiles as she realizes that Kagome is in love with Dr. Sota.       Later, male Inuyasha and Kagome reach the school. “So I thought you didn’t like men. So what’s the deal with Dr. Sota?” Inuyasha asks as they approach the school.   “Men… are… IDIOTS!” Kagome screams as she runs into the school ground and is attacked by every male there. She easily takes them all out using side kicks and punches. Occasionally she would hit one guy and they would fly back and knock out another guy. Inuyasha stares in amazement.   “Wow, she’s the toughest woman I’ve ever seen.” He comments as Kagome knocks out the last man.   “It’s been like this for a month now. Everyday I’m always being attacked by idiot men. God it’s annoying.” She says. She takes really deep breathes as she recovers from fighting almost all the guys in the school.   “Higurashi, so you’ve finally arrived.” A voice says from the side. Inuyasha and Kagome look over to see who it is. They see a pretty both holding a wooden sword at his side. “Kagome Higurashi, you are getting very good at defeating these idiots. Now you take me on.” He holds out his sword as he gets ready for battle. Inuyasha leaps beside Kagome.   “Men really like you, don’t they?” He asks. The new guy looks at him.   “And who are you?” He asks. Inuyasha begins to speak but gets interrupted. “But I should give my own first.” The new guy says, “I’m the star of this school. The undefeated warrior. I practice the samurai art and hope to become a noble man. The girls love me and call me ‘The Fierce Lightning of the Musashi Domain’. But my real name is Amari Hojo!”  (Yes, the Hojo from Kagome’s school) Everyone stares blackly at him.   “Who calls him ‘The Fierce Lighting of the Musashi Domain’?” One girl asks.   “Beats me.” Replies another girl.   “Well I’m staying at the Higurashi dojo.” Inuyasha begins.   “You’re staying with Kagome? I forbid it!” Hojo screams. He starts to swing his sword, but Inuyasha draws his Tetsusaiga and slices it in half.   “I don’t know what you big problem is, but if that how you want it my name is Inuyasha and I accept your challenge!”   To be continued…   Review to get the next chapter please!