InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Perverts ❯ The Switch! ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OK here's a new idea! It's another InuYasha Ranma ½ crossover. Here a question. What happens when the two series switches perverts? Well read to find out!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Ranma ½! Rumiko Takahashi owns both these series!

The Switch!

Feudal Japan

Miroku was up to his usual stunts. He would grope Sango's butt and she would slap him for it. "Oh my god, Houshi-sama, there is no one more perverted then you!" Sango yells. Miroku rubs his cheek.

"Now I wouldn't say that before I've met every pervert!" He replies. Sango glares at him.

"I don't need to! No one can be more perverted then you!" She says. InuYasha, Kagome, Shippo, and Kirara just stare at them.

Ranma's world (I don't know anything better to call it!)

Akane and the rest of the girls were changing in the girl's locker room. They then hear a noise. "Oh no! The dirty old man is back!" One of the girls says. Happosai then barges in and steals their underwear.

"Give us our underwear back!" Akane yells. All the girls chase after Happosai. Happosai jumps over things and moves with swift speed to out-run the girls. He looks behind him.

"You'll never catch me!" He yells as he runs into Ranma. Ranma looks at him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks. Happosai looks at Ranma.

"If you let me go, I'll give you some of these silky darlings!" He says. Ranma gives Happosai an evil look.

"I'm not perverted like you are!" He jumps on Happosai and starts whacking him. The girls then catch up, grab their underwear, and leave. Happosai starts crying.

"I lost my silky darlings! You'll pay for this!" He says and he grabs a bucket of cold water and splashes Ranma. "Heh, heh, heh!" He laughs and starts groping Ranma's chest.

"GEYAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ranma yells, "Well I spouse there are more perverted men." He says and whacks Happosai off him.

Meanwhile, at my house

Tache is sitting in front of her computer, watching the perverted drama in both worlds. 'Fools!' She thinks, 'They think they know who the most perverted is! I'll show them!' She then types some stuff into her computer. The InuYasha and Ranma gang then appear.

"What are we doing here?" InuYasha asks.

"Don't know." Ranma says. Tache steps up to both groups.

"You fools!" She says, "You think you know who the most perverted it! I'll make a trade and show you all! InuYasha gang, you guys will go back to your world with Happosai. Ranma gang, you'll go back to your world with Miroku!" Tache then types some stuff up on her computer. "This trade will last one week then you guys will return back and get your own pervert back!" She says. She types more things on her computer and the gangs return back to their world with Miroku and Happosai switching worlds.

Feudal Japan

The gang appears back in their world with Happosai instead of Miroku. InuYasha smiles. "Great we have some old man. Well he can't be to perverted since…" He is cut off by Sango screaming.

"GET OUT OF MY KIMONO, YOU DIRTY OLD MAN!" She screams. She pulls Happosai out of her Kimono and starts stomping on him.

"Cool! Girls in this time don't wear underwear!" Happosai says. InuYasha sighs.

"Maybe he is more perverted…" He says.

Ranma's world

The gang arrive back in their time with Miroku instead of Happosai. "Great, he's young!" Ranma says. Miroku walks over to Ranma. (Ranma is still in his girl form)

"Will you bear my child?" Miroku asks. He gropes Ranma's butt. Ranma grabs some hot water and splashes himself.

"I'm a guy." He says. Miroku then faints. 'Maybe he isn't as perverted." Ranma thinks.


OMG! What's going to happen now? R+R to find out!