InuYasha Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome the Jurian ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

How R ya peoples? Hope your doing fine. Anyway here's the next chappy!

Chapter 3: Explanations and Enemies Revealed

Kagome woke up to sunlight peering in threw the shades and got out of bed. Noticing she was still in the same clothes as yesterday, she changed into light blue sweat pants and a white T-shirt. She walked down stairs and found Washu typing something into her computer.

"Good morning miss Washu." Kagome smiled brightly and Washu looked up at her. She put away her computer and patted the seat next to her.

"Kagome, would you please call me Little Washu?"

Kagome sweat drops.

"Okay Little Washu um where is everybody?"

Washu smiles.

"Well Tenchi's sweeping the shrine floor. Sasami, Sota, Myuka, and Ryo-hoki are outside playing. Ryoko is brushing her teeth on the roof. Ayeka is taking a walk threw the forest. Kyone is hanging the laundry and Myhoshi is sleeping on the porch. Kagome may I ask you a question?"

Kagome nods.

"May I borrow this?" Washu plucks a hair from Kagome's head.

"Ow." Kagome rubs her head a sends a questioning glared towards Washu who's now running towards her closet lab.

"Thank you Kagome! You are now participating in glorious science!" She disappears in her lab.

Kagome sighs a gets up off the couch and walks outside. She looks around and instantly she is reminded of the feudal era. She saw a lake, lots of trees and the air was mostly fresh. She smiles and starts toward the shrine to talk to her grandpa.

She was about half way up the stairs when Ryo-hoki popped out of nowhere and landed on her head. Kagome gave out a little squeak and looked up. She reached up and picked Ryo-hoki off her head and cradled her in her arms.

"You're so cute!"

"Meow!" Ryo-hoki starts purring.

Kagome resumes her walking and is soon at the top of the steps. She looks around but doesn't see Tenchi anywhere and shrugs it off. She walks up to the shrine door and opens it up. Inside there's nobody. Just looks like an ordinary shrine room.

Except for black a poll as long as Miroku's staff. It was about 1 1/2 inches wide and was leaning in the shadows of the back right hand corner. She walked slowly to it, curiosity getting the better of her and reached over to touch it lightly. It glowed blue then hopped into her hand and causing her to go crashing onto the floor with Ryo-hoki in her arms.

She hit the floor with a *thud* and now was currently lying in her back. Groaning a little from the pain she opened her eyes slowly to come face to face with her grandpa.

"Why hello there Kagome. I see you've found Shadow Staff." Yosho helped Kagome up and sat across from her.

"Why did the staff glow when I touched it?" Kagome asked absently stroking Ryo-hoki's fur.

"Well you see Kagome, that staff was crafted by the same woman who made Tenchi's sword. Its was created a long time ago and has been handed down threw the Jurian royal family for centuries. No one has been able to touch that staff even me without being burned and I believe it chose you for its master. There are rumors that it can control any element in its surroundings." He stopped to let all of the information sink in before he continued.

"Grandpa you do realize I have no fighting experience at all right? So how am I gonna use it?!" Kagome looked at the staff then back up at her grandpa.

"Well I'll just have to put you under the same training as Tenchi just a little bit hardy seeing I have only a short time to teach you. Would you like to start now?" Yosho smiled kindly at Kagome and she just nodded hesitantly.

They got up and walked out the door and stopped a little in front of the shrine.

"Now come at me." Yosho said putting his hands behind his back. Kagome looked at him and nodded before charging. She was in front of him within seconds.

`She's fast.' Yosho thought.

`Time walking around with Inuyasha has paid off.' Kagome thought.

Yosho dodged the first charge and continued to dodge all of her swings.

After about 15 minutes Kagome was sweating like a dog and Yosho just stood there with his hands his back.

`Okay that's it.' Kagome thought and started to use her miko energy to spike her speed. Yosho was caught off guard by the sudden raise in her energy and speed and was hit by the shadow staff in her hands right in the stomach. He just recoiled with a back hand spring and landed a few feet away from her. His stomach was getting a large bruise and he could feel it.

"Well I never expected that. Where did you learn it?" He asked walking towards her ignoring the pain in his side.

"My friend taught me a while back." Kagome said partly leaning on the staff.

"Well you were taught well. Meet me back here at 5am in the morning to work on your fighting skills." After Yosho said that to her he disappeared into the shrine.

She sighed and slowly walked over to the stairs. She started down the stairs and ran into Ryoko who was casually floating up the stairs with her tail twitching behind her.

"Hey what happened to you?" Ryoko had curiosity practically pouring out of her eyes and Kagome couldn't help but smile.

"Well I just spared with grandpa. Where you going?"

Ryoko gave her a funny look and she mentally shrugged it off.

"I was bored and I felt an energy spike. So I came to investigate it." Kagome sweat dropped.

"You were coming to check a energy spike this slowly?"

Ryoko shrugged and started to float downwards.

"Hey Ryoko?" Kagome jogged to catch up with her.

"What?" Ryoko side glanced at her before turning her eyes straight ahead.

"Why do you fight with Ayeka so much?"

Ryoko snorted. "Cause she thinks she can get my man. I watched over Tenchi since he was a baby and she thinks cause she's the big princess she can come and steal him away but I don't think so, he's mine!" Ryoko crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Kagome opened her mouth to say something but jerked her head east. She felt a tingling sensation, no 4 tingling sensations in her head.

"Ryoko, do you sense that?" Ryoko looked at her funny before stretching out her senses. Ryoko's eyes went wide and she grabbed Kagome's hand and fazed up into the air sending Ryo-hoki a telepathy signal.

A demon jumped out of the forest and now there was a big crater where Kagome once stood. The demon looked up at them smirking. Before it could open its mouth Kagome spoke.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Give me the jewel and I'll let you live." Ryoko looked at her funny before dodging a very angry demon. She fazed onto the ground and stood in front of Kagome and summoned her ki sword.

"How dare you mock me! I'll kill you for that!" The demon attacked head on and Ryoko did the same and cut its head off.

What she saw then was completely unexpected. She saw the demon reform its head and give her a sickening grin.

"You can't kill me bitch." It stalked towards Ryoko who was ready to strike it again but Kagome's voice stopped them both.

"She might not but I sure can." Kagome released the purification arrow she was holding. The arrow hit straight on and turned the demon to dust. Kagome walked over to the remains of the demon and plucked out 4 pieces of the jewel and put them into the container around her neck before noticing Ryoko gaping at her.

"What do I have something on my face?" Kagome asked pointing at her face.

Ryoko recovered her composure and stomped over to Kagome.

"How the hell did you do that?!? And what's this about a jewel?!" Kagome took one look at her eyes a sighed in defeat.

"I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret. Promise?" Ryoko cooled down a bit nodded.

"Well it all started…."

By the time they reached the bottom of the stairs, Kagome had finished her story.

"Wow and here I thought I had a weird life. Hey mind if I come with ya when you go back? I want to see if any of those demons can beat me." Kagome thought for a second and nodded.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind if you come along. We could use all the help we can get, Naraku becoming really strong lately. But before I go home would you like to take in the sites with me today?"


Ryoko smiled and started day dreaming on all the fights she could get into.

`Oh I can't wait to go back in time! Oh and I got to get Tenchi to give me back my gems.' Ryoko had put on a goofy face.

Kagome couldn't help but giggle from Ryoko's face. She acted so much like Inuyasha and yet she wasn't. It would be so funny if she was his reincarnation.

This is going to be a very long month. Maybe there was a way to make it last longer. `I'll ask Washu!' Kagome thought and she raced down the steps totally forgetting about Ryoko.

Kagome rushed into the house and knocked on Washu's door. After a few moments Washu opened the door.

"Yes Kagome?"

"Washu can I talk to you about something?" Kagome began to fidget with her fingers nervously.

"Why of course, come in Kagome."

*Time Gap*

Kagome exited Washu's lab with a grin on her face. Tomorrow was going to be really cool. Kagome, to busy off in dreamland didn't notice where she was going till she bumped into Ayeka.

"Oops! Sorry Miss Ayeka." Kagome did a short bow.

"It's quite alright Miss Kagome, and please call me Ayeka." Ayeka smiled and moved out of the way.

"Thanks and just call me Kagome." Kagome smiled then walked past Ayeka heading to her room to get her clothes. She was going to take a bath then Ryoko and she were going to go out and take in the sites.

Kagome, when she got to her room, picked out a red tank top with a blue jean skirt that was shredded at the bottom, and a black hair tie.

She walked to the bath room that was enhanced by Washu and her mouth fell open and she had stars in her eyes. She was going to enjoy living here, especially with all these hot springs!

She happily striped down and practically jumped into it.

After about a half an hour she got out, dressed and went off in search of Ryoko.

She found her playing a card game with Yosho, looking depressed. Kagome looked over Ryoko's shoulder and tapped the card one the right hand side of her hand. Ryoko stared at the card before breaking out in a goofy smile.

"Ha! I win old man!" She slapped the card down.

"Ryoko that was only 1 game out of 7 that you won.

"So what! I still beat you!" Ryoko jumped up heading straight for the door with Kagome following her.

"Bye Grandpa!" Kagome shouted before running to catch up with Ryoko.

Yosho smirked and laid down a card and said. "I win."

He got up to go celebrated his `victories' with his private sake stash.

Ryoko and Kagome walked around downtown Tokyo for about an hour, checking interesting shops, dragging Ryoko out of bars, and beating the crap out of perverts who had cornered them. Then out of the corner of her eye Kagome saw a shop entitled `Legend and Mythology, Artifacts of All Kinds From Every Era.'

"Come on Ryoko lets go in there!" Kagome grabbed her arm and

Dragged her over to and into the shop.

When they entered, they saw the whole shop was lighted by candle flame, very old books stacked on the shelf, weapons, arrows, katana's, and a large boomerang that looked a lot like Sango's, and a staff that had razor sharp edges were hung on the wall carefully and lots of different kinds of herbs in glass dishes on the far end of the room.

"Wow…" Kagome's eyes sparkled and she went over to the shelf of books still dragging Ryoko with her.

"Sorry, how may I….."

Kagome turned around and dropped the book she was holding.


Kagome stared at Kikyo out of shock. Ryoko looked back and fourth from Kagome and the other girl. She waved a hand in front of Kagome, thankfully snapping her out of shock.

Kagome started to power up and form a shield and that's what snapped her out of shock.

"Wait don't power up here you idiot! There are still demons in the era!" Kikyo hurried over to the curtains on the windows and shut them. She locked the door and turned around.

"Kagome, I'm not going to attack you. As you can see I'm alive." Kikyo looked completely serious then her face changed to panicked. She rushed behind the cash register.

"Kagome you shouldn't be in this era! Because you didn't defeat Naraku in the past he still exists! You have to leave now!" Kikyo stood up holding a black and silver fox that had 5 tails. She ran over to Kagome wiping out her shield and handed the fox to Kagome.

"I want you to take Silver and go back to the well now! Go threw it and don't come back until Naraku's dead! If you don't leave now he'll kill you! Please Kagome go!" Kikyo looked at her with pleading eyes.

Kagome looked like she was going to question but didn't.

Ryoko put a hand on Kagome's shoulder and teleported home leaving a very confused miko.

"Where is she Kikyo?"

Kikyo whirled around and in a instant she had a purification arrow summoned and released it. The arrow hit the where Kagura had been.

Kikyo lowered her arms sensing no demons in her shop. She sat behind the counter and put her head in her hands.

"I hope she makes it…."

Ryoko had teleported them back to the house and Kagome and her were standing in the middle of the table where everyone was currently.


That's it! Hope ya like it and review! Oh and Kikyo haters, I really don't like Kikyo because in the series she's mostly a bitch, but in this fic, she'll be the bitch in the past, not the future.

~White Fox 612~