Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back, and I have another chapter for y'all. Life's still rough on my end, but I'm getting by. Yay 3-day weekend! If I have time and I remember, I'll post another chapter tomorrow and/or on Monday.
Yet another surprise for Hiei. He was still in shock as he watched her walk away. Robin AND Kagome? It must be their descendants. They look exactly like them; they even sound exactly like them.
“Hey, Earth to Hiei, do you copy?” Yusuke was shouting at him.
“What?” he asked, still not focused on anything but Kagome's retreating back.
“What's going on? You ask her if she's the descendant of someone, then space out!”
“It's true, Hiei,” said Kurama. “That isn't your normal behavior. Why did you ask her all those question?”
“If you must know, I was alive during the time of the Shikon no Tama. For a few months, I was raised by the guardians of the Jewel. It was even shown to me. She looked like the Kagome Higurashi who showed me the jewel.”
Kurama frowned. “I was also alive in the time of the Jewel. Yes, I remember now. She does look like the guardian of the Jewel. She was the one that shot me,” he explained to the others.
“So you both know about the Shikon Jewel. Cool, we're learning about its history right now,” exclaimed Yusuke. “You two could help us.”
“Or,” pointed out the former fox, “we could all come here and they could help us.”
“Great! When can we do this? Anyone have a day?”
They chose Friday, which was in four days. As if I'll wait that long before coming, thought Hiei.
“Hey, Kuwabara, our shift's over,” shouted Yusuke happily. “Let's go check this place out!”
Serena Tsukino was working the drinks' booth mechanically. Normally, she was a happy-go-lucky kind of person, but that changed last night.
She had been summoned to Ray's home for another Sailor Scout meeting. She was late, as usual. The others were sitting in their spots in the meeting room, talking quietly. Strangely enough, Darien Chiba, the cats, and the Outer Senshi were there too. Darien and the Outers rarely made it to these meetings, and the cats were silent, not looking at each other. This doesn't look good. What happened?
Ray, her best friend, stood up when Serena entered. She looked at her sadly and announced, “Serena, we have bad news.”
“What's wrong?” asked Serena, ever concerned for her fellow Senshi.
She hesitated. That was never a good sign; Ray spoke the truth, whether it was painful or not. Biting her lip, she whispered, “We think you need to give up being Sailor Moon.”
Serena looked at her in shock. “Nani? Why? I know I've been a ditz, but have I been that bad a leader?”
“We think it's time you took a break. A permanent one.” That was Amara; if she'd entertained any doubts about them joking about this, those two sentences shattered them.
“But what about me and Darien? What about Rini?” Serena asked, referring to her future daughter.
“She isn't your daughter. She's mine,” Mina corrected her sadly. “Serena, I really would like for you to remain, but you've made too many mistakes, and you've endangered Crystal Tokyo too many times. We can't let you ruin the future with your mistakes. I'm sorry. We'll need your things.”
I don't want to give up being Sailor Moon. Still, I can see how I've endangered the future they're talking about. Maybe they're right. Serena handed over her wand and her watch, but she kept the Silver Crystal.
“That too, Serena,” said Mina, holding out her hand.
She almost gave it up, but it still called to her soul. “No,” she said firmly. “This Crystal was entrusted to me, and I will keep it till the day I die.”
“Serena,” warned Darien, “my future wife needs that Crystal.”
“I'm sorry, but I can't give it up. Mina may be your future wife, but I am still the Princess of the Moon, and will keep this, if not my Sailor Moon persona.”
Spinning around, she ran out the door. To her surprise, no one followed her. Creeping back, she listened at the window. Risking being seen, she peeked in. Everyone looked downcast.
“I never would've believed how hard that was,” sighed Mina.
“You did what needed to be done,” Amara stated. “We really can't have her running around and ruining things.”
“She did her share in saving us, though.”
“Most of the time she was the reason we needed saving,” Ray joined the conversation. “Without her, we'll be able to get things done quicker, and we won't have so many injuries by the time it's done.”
“She took my Crystal, though,” Mina said, her mouth frowning.
“It does belong to the Moon Princess,” Michelle reminded her.
“But if I'm Darien's wife, doesn't that make me the Moon Princess?”
“That's right,” Ray mused. “How will we get it back from her? Even if Mina didn't need it, I can think of a number of ways that it would get her into trouble, and we'd need to save her again.”
Darien, Serena's boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, sighed. “I can use my Gold Crystal and call the Ginzuishou to me.”
“But can't she do the same thing?” asked Ami.
“Yes, but she doesn't know that.”
Amara stood up. “I'm out of here. Call me if you need anything.”
“Wait for me,” called Michelle. They walked out with Hotaru, the Senshi of Silence.
Lita sighed. “This is what she wants, right?” she asked the others.
“Even if it isn't, we still need her out of the way,” said Ray, trying to sound like she believed it, and failing. “She's been complaining about being Sailor Moon ever since she started. Now she got her wish. Unfortunately, there's a good chance that she'll be attacked and won't be able to defend herself now. I'm afraid the best way to make sure she's a less-likely target is to stay away from her whenever possible.”
“I don't see how that would protect her, though.”
“If our enemies find out who we are, they'll go after the people we're close to. Since Serena can't transform into Sailor Moon anymore, she's vulnerable. If she's attacked, she might fight back, but without her powers, she'll go down easily. We all know how she is; she might even kill herself instead of killing the attacker. I think it would be best to stay away from her from now on.”
Serena didn't wait to hear more. She ran as fast as she could towards her home. Reaching it, she sobbed into her pillow. Why? I've never intentionally tried to hurt them. I never ostracized them when they made a mistake.
Tears were still pouring down her face when she felt an outside force trying to call the Silver Crystal. He's calling it. I won't let him! She held onto it and focused on the Gold Crystal, trying to summon it to her. Through the Silver Crystal, she felt his surprise, then a massive pull on the crystal. She sent her own force out, not giving up her crystal.
Their struggle went on for hours. It was well past midnight when it stopped. She was growing desperate. She knew he was stronger, and she was failing. As a last resort, she gathered all of her strength and threw it at him. Not expecting this, he let go, and his crystal floated in front of her. She stared at it, not sure what to do with it. The Ginzuishou started pulsing. What? Taking it out, she saw the Gold Crystal float towards the Silver one. When the two of them touched, they fused together, one side, silver; the other, gold.
−End Flashback−
Serena wore the Crystal around her neck, but it was tucked into her shirt where others couldn't see it. She wore a fake smile for people to see, but the Inners knew she was very hurt by their actions, and to make it easier for all of them, they worked away from her; on the other side of the grounds, to be exact.
When her shift was done, she wandered around, not really taking in anything. That was when she walked by a giant tree. The Goshinboku, Robin had called it. Going closer to it, she felt peaceful. She would have been happy to stay there all day, except she saw Robin struggling with some heavy boxes of food. I might as well help, she thought, going over to her.
Robin was surprised to see the late girl, Serena Tsukino, offer to help her out with the food. However, she did need the help, and accepted her offer. Serena didn't seem like herself today. She was more downcast, more melancholy.
“Is something wrong?” she asked kindly, concerned for the other girl.
“My friends don't want anything to do with me anymore,” she mumbled.
“Oh. I'm sorry.” Robin was silent, waiting to see if she would elaborate.
“I didn't even do anything to them!” Serena finally burst out. “I tried my best, and it's still not good enough! What more can I do?”
“It doesn't sound like they were very good friends,” Robin said carefully.
“I guess I can't really blame them. After all, I am a crybaby that can't do anything right,” she added bitterly.
Robin could see that her hands were starting to shake, and was afraid for the food that Serena was carrying. “Um, you know what, Serena? How about we take a small break before we drop these heavy boxes,” she suggested, trying to save the food.
It was too late. Serena's hands were shaking so much that they dropped what they were holding. The astonishing thing was that they still were in the air. They both looked at the levitating boxes without comprehending what exactly they were seeing for a second.
Robin turned to Serena. “Did you do that?” she asked.
She looked at Robin and shook her head. “I don't know. I didn't want the boxes to fall, so I made the air catch it.”
This day has been so strange. “Have you done that before?”
“No. Well, yes, sort of. I've been able to see and control the air for a while now. I never did it in front of anyone before, though.”
First Kagome, now Serena, who's next? “Um, when we get these to where they need to be, I need to talk to you.”
Serena looked scared, but nodded anyway. They took the boxes to where they needed to be, and Robin pulled Serena over to an inconspicuous spot.
“You've been very lucky so far. If you use those powers in public, there's an organization that will come and take you away. I don't want to scare you, but I don't want you to be taken. I've seen what they do to caught people.”
“I don't know what you're saying,” whispered Serena, wondering if Robin was all right in the head.
“I used to work for a group called the STN-J. They capture witches, people with powers like yours, because they think they're a danger to society.”
“How do they find out who's a witch? How can they tell?”
“They have eyes that can see, and they used to have Michael. He lives here with me and the Higurashis now. But if they ever see you use your powers, they'll take you away, and most likely your family, too, if you still live with them.”
“Oh, thanks for the warning.”
Robin smiled wanly. “Anytime. Just don't use your Craft in public, and you'll be fine.”