Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my guilt-chapter. I feel guilty about not giving y'all two last week, so I'm giving you two today. It's longer than the other ones, and a bit of fluff towards the end (I think it's fluff; I'm not sure).
Yusuke was quickly walking toward the place that Keiko said she wanted to meet him. He couldn't think of what the reason was for, unless she wanted to pummel him for missing their last date because of Koenma. Again. Seeing her waiting for him, he slowed down and walked up to her.
“Hey, Keiko,” he began but she cut him off.
“Yusuke, I don't think this is going to work out.”
He was clueless as to what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”
“You and me. I don't think we can go out anymore. Your job is taking you away from me, and while I can't do anything about that, I think it would be for the best if we didn't go out anymore.”
He was not expecting this. “Keiko, I can work it out, I promise. I'll tell Koenma that I can't do so much.”
She was already shaking her head. “Your job is important; you're protecting our world, after all. But it's too much. You'll find some other girl that will wait. I'm sorry Yusuke, but I'm not that kind of girl.” Tears were in her eyes now. “I don't want to hurt you, but… I'm going with someone else from now on. And you'll find someone better.”
Small pause. “You say you don't want to hurt me, but you already have,” he said, his voice neutral, and started walking away. “Good-bye, Keiko,” he whispered.
When he was a good ways from where she was, his own tears started flowing. He made no effort to stop them. He didn't care where he was, he just walked, his head down. The only thing running through his mind was Keiko's voice, repeating, “I'm going with someone else from now on…” He didn't even realize how far he had walked until he had arrived at the foot of the Higurashi Shrine. Still in a daze, he started the long climb up. He wasn't aware that a pair of red demon eyes watched his progress.
Hiei was surprised to see Yusuke trekking up the long flight of stairs to the shrine. He could smell salt water, but it was more than just sweat. The boy was actually crying. That didn't happen every day. He watched Yusuke's progress until he reached the top. Then he decided that his own mission could wait and joined Yusuke. He didn't even look up.
“Something the matter, Detective?” he asked the gloomy ningen.
“Leave me alone, Hiei,” snapped the despondent boy.
“Well, I would except you don't seem to be yourself at the moment. A demon could come and attack you, and you probably wouldn't notice until you were completely digested; maybe not even then.”
“Look, Hiei, I appreciate you concern,” he said sarcastically, “but I just want to be alone right now.”
“Sorry Detective, but no can do,” was Hiei's response. By then they were under the Goshinboku. Hiei had deliberately steered them this way because he knew and felt the tree's calming power. Sure enough, Yusuke's tears slowly stopped flowing.
“She dumped me,” he said in a monotone. “She said that I was too busy saving the world to spend time with her, so she dumped me.”
“I'm surprised she didn't do it sooner,” remarked Hiei. “She stayed with you for longer than I would have thought possible.”
“I don't get it. Why would she wait for all this time, then dump me now?”
“It could be that Tanner fellow.”
Yusuke grabbed the front of the fire demon's shirt, lifted him off the ground, and demanded, “What makes you say that?”
Hiei escaped Yusuke's fists with his lightning speed. “When Kurama dragged me here yesterday, I wandered around and saw them. I wasn't really paying much attention, but I saw them laughing together. Then they kissed each other. That was all I saw of them, but I thought you ought to know.”
“And you didn't tell me this because…?” Yusuke trailed off dangerously, murder in his eyes.
“I didn't see you after that. This was after your shift was over, and you and the buffoon went off somewhere. Kurama was looking at something he was considering to buy for his mother. I really didn't want to be with the fox on a shopping spree, and since you two were gone, I went off by myself.”
Yusuke fell to his knees, his head bent, and a fresh wave of tears came. “She had already kissed that guy and she hadn't told me,” he said, not wanting to believe it.
I don't believe this. I actually feel bad for this guy. Hiei sat next to the grieving Yusuke. I must be getting soft. I never would have done this a hundred years ago. Maybe all the reminders of my old family are making me soft. I don't know anymore. And now I'm talking to myself. If that isn't a sign of insanity, I don't know what is. So stop talking to yourself. I will. Stop it! Okay! AAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
He looked at Yusuke, whose tears were now staining the ground. “Come, Yusuke, we can't spend the rest of the day here waiting for you to dehydrate because you cried too much.”
He startled Yusuke, who probably thought that he had left already. Then Yusuke startled him by saying, “Thanks, Hiei.”
“What for?” the poor Koorime asked in confusion.
“For being there.”
“Come,” he repeated, “I didn't come here to watch you cry. Koenma gave me the job of finding out why there is so much Spiritual activity. I only have today because King Yama is sending Tanner tomorrow.” At the sound of the name that stole his girlfriend, Yusuke growled.
“Then let's find out while we have time,” stated Yusuke, wiping away the traces of his tears.
They approached the house cautiously, not sure if anyone was there. Yusuke rang the doorbell, and it was answered by Michael.
“Can I help you?”
Yusuke spoke up. “I'm a classmate of Kagome and Robin's, and they offered to help me with the time of the Shikon no Tama, since that's what we're learning in history. Are they home?”
Michael stepped back, allowing them to enter the house. “Yeah, I'll go get them. Just go in there.” He pointed at the living room. “They'll be down shortly.”
Sure enough, they were down in a few seconds. Kagome was the first to speak. “We weren't expecting you so soon. What can we do for you?”
“We wanted to know more about the Shikon Jewel,” said Hiei in a warmer voice than he normally used.
“Okay, like what?”
“Where is it now?”
“It disappeared almost five hundred years ago. Why?”
Hiei could tell Kagome was lying, but he would wait for Yusuke to not be there before he confronted them. “How did it disappear?”
“When Kagome Higurashi died, it disappeared. It is said that her spirit took it with her to Heaven.”
They sat and talked for a bit until Yusuke, realizing it was almost nine o'clock, had to run out the door. “My mom really needs help now with the twins. Her new husband's at work, so she's relying on me to help out.”
I didn't know Yusuke even cared about his mother. Maybe she changed since she married that guy three years ago. They watched Yusuke charge out the door. Hiei stood then, saying, “I have to go too. Mother'll probably be worried.”
He felt bad about lying to them, which made no sense to him, but he would check the place out first before questioning them. After they had shut the door, he leaped into the trees and searched for a strange aura around one of the buildings. There was definitely one around the house, the Goshinboku, and the building where the Bone Eater's Well was. The first two he could understand, but the Bone Eater's Well was something else. Curiously, he approached it. Nothing stopped him from opening the door.
Once inside, there was only a well. Nothing else. What is making that aura? Looking around, there was nothing else to give off such an aura. I don't have time to check out the whole place. I'll tell Koenma I can still look, but I won't be able to figure it out tonight. He exited the building, closed the door, and sped off into the night.
“They seem to be nice boys,” Robin said. “Yusuke seemed a little upset, though.”
“Yeah, I wonder what's wrong?” wondered Kagome.
“We'll probably find out tomorrow.”
“True enough. Let's get some sleep now.”
Robin paused before heading for the study. “I need to make sure Michael hasn't fallen asleep at the computer again. I'll check on Sota while I'm at it.”
“Thanks,” called Kagome from her room.
Sota was closer, so she checked on him first. Sure enough, he was playing one of those electronic games of his. “It's time for bed, Sota,” she said. She knew better now than to leave before he turned off the game and crawled into bed.
Next came Michael. And just as she guessed, he was asleep at the computer, his head in his arms. She smiled at how much he looked like he did when they still worked for the STN-J. Neither of them had changed much. Well, Michael was more tan since he saw the sun more, but other than that, they hadn't changed much at all.
She knelt beside his sleeping form and whispered in his ear, “You don't have to sleep at the computer anymore. You have a bed now.”
He stirred, but didn't wake. What is it with guys being heavy sleepers? she asked herself. She shook him a little, saying, “Come on, Michael, I don't want to have to carry you to your room again. You're too heavy.”
He groggily opened one eye. She could tell he was still asleep, and probably wouldn't remember moving from the computer to his room, but if he could just get there she would be happy. “Don't want to move,” he mumbled, almost unintelligible.
“Don't make me make you,” she warned.
“Or you'll do what?” He was already going back to sleep.
“Don't you dare, Michael Lee!” she threatened.
He only smiled, settling his head back into his arms. She put her face right in front of his and said, “If you don't move, I will make you baby-sit Sota for the next three years.”
He lazily opened an eye again. “You couldn't make me do that.”
“Wanna bet?” she challenged him.
He closed the distance between them, sealing their lips together. She was surprised at first, then relaxed, letting herself enjoy it while she could. He isn't fully awake. He's not in control of what he's doing, she thought with a small amount of regret. Maybe I'll remind him later. Somehow they made it to his bedroom without knocking anything over. She put him in his bed like he was a child, only a huge one. She stole one final, lingering kiss from him before turning out the lights. “Good night, Michael,” she said.
“G'night,” he called back, already falling asleep.
She sighed happily. She had finally been kissed by the man she loved. Granted, he wasn't awake, and she took unfair advantage of him since she knew he wasn't in control of his actions, but it was still fun. She felt guilty for doing that to her best friend, but he wouldn't remember anyway, so if he didn't really feel that way, he wouldn't ever have to know.
Kagome was watching her come back. “That took you longer than usual. Was it harder to convince him to go to his room?”
Robin grimaced, but then smiled. “He was a bit more stubborn than usual, but I finally managed to convince him he had to go. That was after he kissed me, though.”
“He actually kissed you?” Kagome squealed.
“Sssh! Yes, sort of. He was still asleep mostly, and not aware of what he was doing, but he did kiss me.”
“You should tell him tomorrow. I know you like him.”
“Michael's my best friend. I won't tell him that I took advantage of him. And not like that; I just knew that he was still asleep, and I kissed him back anyway. He might not like me in that way.”
“He does,” insisted Kagome. “He even told me so. He just doesn't think you like him in that way. He really does love you.”
Robin looked amazed. “I never guessed. I mean, he was the first one at the STN to accept me, but when did it change? He didn't like me like that when I first got there.”
“Well, he didn't know you then.”
“This is too much. I have to sleep or I'll be a zombie tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night, Robin.”