Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Since I don't have school, I felt like updating a little sooner than I usually do. It's short, but I'll update again soon, I promise. If you like it, tell me. If you don't like it, tell me why, and I'll try to fix it. Enjoy.
Inuyasha meandered around the village, bored. It seemed like ever since Naraku was killed, there were no challenging demons around. Well, there was always his brother Sesshomaru, but he mostly stayed in the Western Lands nowadays.
His eyes wandered around as he passes people. Villager, Shippo, another villager, Hiei… Wait a minute! He did a classic double take as he saw the fire Koorime coming out of Kaede's hut. And, since he was watching the fire demon, ran right into the tree that just happened to be in front of him. How did he get here without me knowing? I must be going out of my mind. This demon is too old to be Hiei. But they have the same scent. And he's the only fire Koorime alive. What is going on? And where did that tree come from?
Not really remembering the village very well since he hadn't stayed in it for all that long, Hiei wandered around, watching the villagers go about their daily lives. He did notice that Inuyasha had spotted him and was approaching with a neutral expression on his face.
“Can I help you?” he asked politely, since he still looked up to the hanyou that took him in.
“Where are you from?” Inuyasha asked him. He was suspicious of Hiei. Of course! He can smell the demon in me. He thinks I'm after the Shikon Jewel!
“I know what you're thinking, and I'm not here for the jewel. I'm just passing through.”
He didn't believe him. “I'm not sure you're being completely honest. You smell like a demon; a rare one, in fact. Koorime and fire demon.”
Hiei stiffened. His sense of smell is better than other demons I know. “Yes, and because of that I am an outcast. Do you think I would wander if I was accepted by either race?”
“You aren't the only type of demon that has ka youkai and Koorime blood. There's another child like that. His name was Hiei.” The hanyou fell silent.
“So I've been told. That name must be popular, since that also happens to be my name.”
Inuyasha stared at him like was looking into his soul. “Where are you from?” he asked again.
Hiei replied, “I'd rather not say in this place where it could be overheard.”
“Follow me,” said Inuyasha, and he leaped out of the village and into the forest. He stopped in front of the Goshinboku and spun around to face Hiei. “Now tell me.”
Hiei sat down at the tree's base; Inuyasha followed suit. “I'm not from around here,” he began.
“That's obvious,” Inuyasha stated.
“In fact, I'm not from this time period. Well, I am alive during this time, but I was a young boy. You may think I'm crazy, but I fell down a well because I tripped over a cat, and I ended up here.” He couldn't bring himself to look at Inuyasha.
He didn't get the response he was expecting. “You're from the other side of the well,” Inuyasha said faintly.
“I guess,” said Hiei in a low voice, still not looking up at his “father”.
“You're from Kagome's time?” Inuyasha continued.
Hiei's head shot up. “Nani?!” he said.
“Kagome's time, the other side of the well,” explained Inuyasha. “She isn't from this era.”
This was news to Hiei. “I don't know if I'm from her time, but I fell down the well and ended up here.”
He could see two and two come together in Inuyasha's mind. “You're Hiei,” he whispered.
“That's what my name is, yes,” replied the Koorime.
“Did you live with us once?” asked Inuyasha.
Hiei sighed. “Yes,” he said so quietly that even Inuyasha's acute hearing could barely hear it.
They stared at each other for a moment before Hiei added, “I don't think it would be a good idea to tell anyone else. They won't believe you.”
The hanyou nodded. “You're probably right. But you never know…”
“I don't think they would be able to take the shock,” said Hiei firmly. “Maybe later I'll tell them, but not now.”
“You told them you were a traveler; are going to give up your wandering ways and settle with us? You do plan on staying, right?” asked Inuyasha, who missed the little Hiei more than he let on.
“I need to get back to my time. I'm needed there.”
“That's just a jump down the well. Stay for a bit. No one will mind.”
“I don't know…”
“Come on,” Inuyasha coaxed. “If anyone has a problem with it, I'll put that person back in their place.” He pulled his `son' up and started walking back to the village. “I doubt that there will be much of a fuss. Miroku and Sango are building their own home near here, now that they're mates. They'd better hurry if they don't want Sango's twins to be born before it's complete.” At Hiei's surprised look, he smiled. “They don't know it yet, and you're the first person I've told. I wouldn't tell them; they might have a heart attack if they find out.”
“What about you and Kagome?” Hiei asked.
The dog demon was silent for a moment before saying, “I can't ask her to stay here. She has a life in your time, and I have no right to take that away from her.”
“You could still build her a home,” he suggested. “That way she won't have to stay with Kaede every time she comes here.”
“I could do that,” said Inuyasha speculatively. “But where would it be?”
“Near the Goshinboku would please her,” Hiei said. “But it would be your home too, so I think what makes you happy would make her happy, too. And you would be close to Sango and Miroku.”
“Thanks for the idea,” said Inuyasha, flashing him an approving smile.
For some reason, praise from Inuyasha still made him glow with happiness. “Of course,” continued Inuyasha, “you would be welcome anytime.”
A place to call home. He never really had a place to call home before. Feeling happier in the past few days than he had been in years, he accepted Inuyasha's invitation with concealed excitement. “Where would we start to build it?” wondered the half-demon.
“How about over there?” Hiei pointed to the place he was thinking of.
“Yeah, that could work,” agreed Inuyasha. “I'll get started tonight.”
“I'll help you,” volunteered Hiei. “You can get it done faster,” he persuaded the hanyou, who looked like he would object. “Besides, if I'm living there with you two, it had better be done right.”