Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 19

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As promised, the last chapter. Remember, let me know if you want me to continue!
On the way home, a piece of information hit Kagome like a locomotive. She stopped moving, staring into the space in front of her. “Kagome, what's wrong?” asked a worried Serena. The other two, who had been walking in front of them, also stopped and turned to see what the matter was.
“I just remembered something,” Kagome said, looking almost horrified. “I had completely forgotten this.”
“What?” asked Robin in concern.
“Sango's babies should have been just born.”
Looks of comprehension broke out on their faces. “Let's go see her,” said Robin. “I can't believe we forgot about something as important as that.”
They ran to the shrine and made a beeline for the well. They almost didn't notice Michael and Serena stop at the door. “What's wrong?” called Robin impatiently.
“We've never been there,” answered Michael. “How about you two go, we'll wait for you to tell us what's the news.”
Sighing in exasperation, Kagome and Robin took an arm of each person and dragged them to the well's opening and threw them down into the dark pit. Ignoring Serena's screams, they plummeted after them.
Upon reaching the other side, they once again took an arm and somehow managed to get them out into the grass and sunshine. “Run,” commanded Kagome, and they all obeyed without question.
“Run where?” asked Robin, seeing that they weren't headed for the village.
“To the house Miroku built for them.”
Reaching their goal, they slowed to a walk and wandered up the path to the door. “Miroku,” called Kagome, “Sango, are you here?”
“I'm in here,” came Sango's voice from a door to their right.
Entering the room, they saw that she was in bed and was holding two beautiful babies. “Oh, Sango,” breathed Robin, “they're beautiful. Congratulation.”
The new mother smiled happily. “Thank you. I'm glad you all are here.”
“Are they boys or girls?” asked Serena, drawing close to see the sleeping babies.
“The first one is a boy, and the one on the right is a girl,” she replied.
“When were they born?” asked Kagome.
“Just a few days ago. I should be able to get around on my own soon. I doubt Miroku agrees with me though.” She laughed. “He treats me like I'm made of china; he won't let me do anything for myself.”
“Hey, Sango, where did you want all this equipment?” called the voice of Inuyasha from the room they had just left.
“It goes in the equipment room, where else?” she responded jokingly.
“Very funny. Now where is the equipment room?”
“It's the far left one. Do you remember Miroku showing you?”
“Yeah, I know what you're talking about.”
“Oh, Inuyasha, when you're done with that, come in here. There are some guests that I want you to see.”
“If that's what you want, Sango.” They could hear him stomping away to put the equipment away.
“Um, Sango, what equipment does he have?” asked Kagome.
“Just some tools from my old village so I can keep my weapons in good repair without having to go back there every time something breaks or gets worn down.”
“I guess that makes sense,” said Kagome slowly. “But still, isn't some of that stuff sharp? Do you really want your kids around that kind of stuff?”
Sango shrugged it off. “They'll be fine. I won't let them in there for a long time. In the long term, it's so we don't have to keep going back, but for now it's for Kohaku. I'd rather him not go back there.”
“I can understand why,” responded Kagome softly. Kohaku killed the demon slayers of their village, and that allowed the demons to kill the rest of the people in there. It's not his fault since he was under Naraku's power, but he must still feel pretty guilty.
The sound of footsteps brought her out of her thoughts. “Okay, who's so important that I have to stop my day and-” That was as far as Inuyasha got. Walking in the door, he stopped talking and stared at them. Kagome rushed to him and threw her arms around him.
“Surprised to see us?” asked Robin playfully, looking like she was immensely enjoying his lack of composure.
“When did you get here?” he asked, looking shocked.
“A couple minutes ago,” said Michael.
“I don't remember you coming here before,” he began.
“They had to see Sango's babies,” said Kagome, still hugging him like she was trying to squeeze the air from his lungs. “Where's Miroku?”
Sango gestured outside. “He's performing an exorcism in a neighboring village. He didn't want to leave me alone, so he asked Inuyasha to look after me while he was away.”
“And you trust him alone in a different village?” asked Serena, hearing about how lecherous he was.
Correctly interpreting what the other girl was thinking, Sango laughed. “He isn't a lecher anymore, thank goodness. He stopped that as soon as we got married. He knows what will happen if he goes back to those ways.” Her eyes took on a malicious glint.
“We don't want to tire you out, Sango,” said Kagome. “We just came to congratulate you and see the babies. But we do have to go back. Sota, my brother, is coming home, and we need to be there for him.” Still hanging onto Inuyasha, she and the others left the house. While everyone else went on ahead, Kagome and Inuyasha dragged a bit.
“You haven't been here for a long time,” he stated.
“I know. School took a lot of time,” she explained, knowing he wouldn't accept that as a good excuse.
“Did you finish this `school' yet?” he asked.
“It's done for the year, but then there's next year.” His adorable ears drooped in unhappiness. “It's not that bad. Well, maybe it is. There's still college to think of.”
“What's college?” he wanted to know.
“It's more school. I need to get into college so I can have a good job and make enough to pay for Sota's tuition.”
“Is there no end to school?” he whined.
“There is, it just happens to be when I turn 22,” she said. “I have to go and wait for Sota, so this is good-bye for now.”
“Then good-bye,” he whispered in her ear. He kissed her quickly and bounded into the trees surrounding them.
Noticing that the others were waiting on her, she ran up and they jumped down the well.
That was good for Kagome to be back there with all her friends, Robin said to herself as they walked back to their home. Kagome seemed to shine with an inner glow every time they visited the Sengoku Jidai.
“Sota?” called Kagome when the entered the house.
“Welcome back,” his voice floated from the living room, where he was watching TV. “How was it?”
“The school overnight was better than I thought, and Sango's babies are so cute. What did you guys think?”
They all gave the same answer. “How are you?” Serena asked Sota.
“I'm good. I just got back a couple minutes ago.”
“That's good. Did you have fun while we were away?”
“Um, school was the same as ever, but staying with Genki and his family was great.”
“Now we're in their debt, since they did us a huge favor,” sighed Kagome.
“We'll send over some food; after all, they still have a growing boy in the house,” decided the fire Craft-user. “I'll get started on our dinner, then make their `thank-you food'.” She bustled off to the kitchen, her home within her home.
“Okay,” started Michael when he recovered from Robin's abrupt departure, “let's get the table set and all that stuff.”
They did as they were told and ate Robin's delicious meal. Sota declared that he was getting spoiled, since Robin cooked just about every night, and he was getting used to it. She only smiled and started cleaning the table; the others washed the dishes and put the extra food away.
I wonder how Amon, Sakaki, Doujima, and Karasuma are doing, she said to herself as she soaked in the bath. I'll have to ask Michael who they replaced me with. Probably not another Craft-user. I miss them. Sighing, she got out of the cooling water and toweled off the droplets on her skin. She crawled into her bed and silently said her prayers. Maybe I'll go and visit them later. In disguise, of course, but I really do miss them. With that, Robin fell asleep and dreamed of her old life with the STN-J.
End Part II