InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Hiei Interview (YYH) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Host: Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime charactersfrom all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do itwith a smile! My guest here today is Hiei! Please welcome, Hiei to thestudio!
Hiei: *walks out and sits in a chair*
Kisa: Hell.....o Hiei! Ho.....w is your da.....y?
Hiei: Huh?
Kisa: Is you name Hiei?
Hiei: Yes...
Kisa: Is you name Hiei?
Hiei: Yes... >.<
Kisa: Is you name Hiei?
Hiei: Yes... >_<
Kisa: Is you name Hiei?
Hiei: YES! >o<
Kisa: Are you gay?
Hiei: Yes! YES! YEEEEEES!!!! >O<*
Kisa: Your gay? Really? You must tell me who you are gay with, and why you are gay!
Hiei: For one, I am not gay. Who told you I was gay?
Kisa: Uh... you did.
Hiei: What! Did not!
Kisa: Well you are...
Hiei: Gr..-_-*
Kisa: Next question! How far have you gotten with Kurama?
Hiei: W-what?
Kisa: How- far- ha-ve- yo-u- got-ten- wi-th- Kur-am-a?
Hiei: He is just a friend!
Kisa: Suuure he is!
Hiei: Will you stop with the dumb questions?!
Kisa: Fine, Has Mukuro ever seen you naked?
Hiei: What?!
Kisa: Ok, do you like have a major hearing problem or something?
Hiei: No...
Kisa: Then answer.
Hiei: No!
Kisa: Why?
Hiei: The answer is no!
Kisa: And I asked why?
Hiei: Because I don't want anyone to see me naked.
Kisa: O_O...
Hiei: What?
Kisa: were answering the Mukuro question... heh heh my bad. But what about when you were dead.
Hiei: Dead?
Kisa: And she revived you? Weren't you naked then.
Hiei: -'_'- uhm..uh..
Kisa: I knew it! Have you ever had sexual contact with anyone?
Hiei: No.
Kisa: How would you know? Mukuro could have raped you.
Hiei: O_O w-what?
Kisa: I mean it wouldn't matter, she isn't a virgin anyway. What does she have to lose.
Hiei: Why would she do that?
Kisa: So she can have a baby.
Hiei: ...
Kisa: Your so stupid. How tall are you? 4 feet?
Hiei: No! I'm 4"11 thank you very much!
Kisa: *sarcastic gasp* Wow! 11 inches more!
Hiei: Shut up you fool.
Kisa: Is Kurama the boy or girl?
Hiei: What?
Kisa: I mean when you guys have sex.
Hiei: o_O what are you talking about?!
Kisa: I mean when you guys have sex, does he act at the female or male?
Hiei: O_O we don't do that!!
Kisa: Fine then tree hugger!
Hiei: I am no tree hugger!
Kisa: Suuure you aren't.
Hiei: ...
Kisa: Wanna coke?
Hiei: No.
Kisa: Why?
Hiei: I just don't.
Kisa: Why?
Hiei: Why? Because I don't.
Kisa: Why?
Hiei: Stop!
Kisa: Why?
Hiei: Because it's annoying!
Kisa: It is?
Hiei: Yes!!
Kisa: Why did Mukuro rape you?
Hiei: What?! She did not!
Kisa: Why did her dad rape her?
Hiei: O.o huh? Thats gross he wouldn't do tha-
Kisa: Uh.. actually he did.
Hiei: Prove it!
Kisa: hmm..
*Kisa pulls a labtop out of her hair and goes to She clicks on anime profiles at the very top and goes under Y. Then she scrolls down to Yu Yu Hakusho and scrolls down to the name Mukuro and clicks on it.*
Hiei: What are you doing?
Kisa: Proving my point.
Hiei: Really...
Kisa: Yup.. and it says here... quote, "When she was young, her father raped her and had done so every year on her birthday." unquote.
Hiei: O.o
Kisa: So ha! Ha! Ha! In yo face!
Hiei: Hn.
Kisa: He he! I'm just kidding! Thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing anime characters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!~Curtons Closed~

Disclaimer: is a real site and I do not own it. I do not own Hiei or Mukuro either. I own Kisa-chan (Kisa) though.
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