InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Valon Interview (Yu-Gi-Oh) ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Host: Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime characters from all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do it with a smile! My first guest here is Valon! Please welcome,Valon to the studio!
Valon: *walks out* Hm?

Kisa: Hello Valon. Is that your name?

Valon: Yea.

Kisa: So...
Valon: Yea.

Kisa: Is that all you can say is YEA?

Valon: Yea... I mean no!

Kisa: Hmm... hey, wanna make fun of someone?

Valon: Sure, why not?

Kisa: Ok were going to make fun of Sesshoumaru if you like him don't read.

Valon: Heh...

Kisa: Fluffy wuffy poo.

Valon: Sessy poo poo boo boo.

Kisa: Flufferella.

Valon: Fu fu fluff puff.

Kisa: Fluffy butt moncher.

Valon: Ok this is stupid.

Kisa: Yes, I know. But I was doing this to piss off people who just can't TAKE humor.

Valon: Ok.


Valon: YOU!

Kisa: ...

Valon: Hey, uh... *walks up to Kisa*

Kisa: ARG! *Sprays pepper spray in his face*

Valon: AHH!! *Screams like a sissy girl*

Kisa: O_O Uh...

Valon: ...

Kisa: Do you know a girl named Gen Kai? Not sure if that's how ya spell it but you know her?

Valon: Uh... no.

Kisa: Cuz she wanted to hook up with ya.

Valon: Is she good looking?

Kisa: Uh... y-yea.

Valon: o_o I WANNA SEE HER!!

Kisa: Okie dokie! Gen Kia!!!

Gen Kia: Hey sexy!!

Valon: O_O Uh...

Gen Kia: I love you. I know everything about you!

Valon: ...

Gen Kia: And that birth mark you have on your left butt cheek!!

Valon: Huh?

Kisa: Riiiight...

Valon: O_O What birth mark?!

Kisa: Don't ask me...


Kisa: He he right...Thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing anime characters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!

~Curtons Closed~