InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Who's the father?? ( Chapter 41 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~My friend helped me with this!!!~

Kisa: We are here to see who the baby's daddy is am I right?

Sango: Yes....

Kisa: Lets see out of these 20 people we have to see who the father is...

Sango: Yes... *sigh*

Kisa: Sesshoumaru is...................Not the father

Sango: Whew

Andrea: Sesshoumaru!!!!!!

Sesshoumaru: What?

Andrea: You... cheated on me!!!!!!! With that?!?

Kisa: O.o

Sesshoumaru: Uh....

Andrea: >.< *attacks him*

Sesshoumaru: Ahhhh!!!

Sango: I'm not a that!!

Kisa: Ok.... we tested Kirara... he/she/it... is NOT the father!


Kirara: *bitch slaps her*

Kisa: Bankotsu is not the father!

Sango: Ewww! I didn't do him!

Kisa: This tape says you did!


Sango: Heh... is he the father?

Kisa: Nopers!

Sango: Good!

Suikotsu: *sigh of relief*

Kisa: I tested Jakotsu... he is........not the father..ha ha!

Sango: Of course not! >.< he was like fucking a woman!

Kisa: Reeeeeeaaaallly.....-_-'

Jakotsu: >.< you slut i don't like you! Thats why i tried to kill you!!

Sango: O.O Is Kagome the father?

Kisa: Nope.

Kagome: >.< WHAT?! I'M NOT A MAN!!

Sango: Yes you are!

Kagome: Shhhhhhhhhhh!!! DON'T SAY THAT IN FRONT OF INUYASHA!!

Inuyasha: Say what?

Kagome: Nothing... ^_^

Kisa: O.O Inuyasha isn't the father either.

Inuyasha: Thank god!

Sango: Aww poopie!!

Kisa: Shippo is not the father!!

Sango: Well duhh!!

Shippo: UH HUH!! YEA YEA!!

Kisa: Miroku is not the father!

Sango: O.o uh oh...

Miroku: How could you do this to me!! *cries and runs away*

Kisa: NARAKU?!? Uh... he is... the father.... NOT!

Sango: Whew!


Kisa: Kagura isn't either!

Sango: Ewww... thank godness!

Kagura: It's goodness you fag!

Sango: Say that to my face!!!! Say it!!!

Kagura: *walks up there* Faag!

Sango: *pulls her hair* Biooootch!!

Kisa: Kanna isn't.. oh my god...

Sango: Heh...

Kagura: My little sister?? Oh my god!!

Sango: When we did it she was like... *monotone* oh..yea... oh.. uhh..

Kisa: Ewww...

Kanna: Stop making fun of me!! *hits Sango*

Kagura: >.<

Kisa: Hakudoushi isn't the father....How many people did you do?!?

Andrea: I'm gonna rip that god damn Fluffy thing off and make it into fur boots.

Shessy: 0.o

Sango: That was random.

Andrea: *pulls her hair*

Sango: >O< Stop hitting me!!!

Kisa: Kohaku is not the father either!! Kohaku????!!!

Sango: Uhhhhh....

Kohaku: O.o Sango?

Sango: I had to rape you!! You were soooo fuckable!!

Kohaku: GAAAAAAAH!! *Runs away*

Kisa: Jaken is not the father!

Sango: Ewwwww!!

Jaken: Faggoooot!!

Kisa: Entei is not the father... a horse????!!! ewww!!

Sango: Uhh.. um...

Entei: Naaaaay!!! muwahahhahaha!!

Kisa: Rin is not the father!!

Sango: -_-

Kisa: Okk..... this one IS the father!!!

Sango: O_O *gets scared*

Kisa: My....My...O.O Myouga?

Sango: O.o

Kisa: Oh my god!! GROSSSSSS!!!

Sango: O.O

Kisa: Flea babies!!!

Myouga: You nasty whore!! >.<

Sango: Waaaah!!!

Kisa: Everyone that had sex with her get on stage..

Everyone: *walks up*

Sango: -_-''

Kisa: Anyone have questions?

Yugi: Hey you in the tight red pants! Do you buy your clothes at dollar general?

Sango: *laughs*

Inuyasha: Shut up!

Kisa: Next?

Random person: I want my Jerry beads! *flash*

Sango: O.o

Kisa: Wrong show!

Shuuichi: Hey the dude in the kimono, if you are so gay why did you fuck her?

Kisa: She raped him.

Jakotsu: *pulls out sword and kills him*

Kisa: XD my cousin!! ^^

Sango: O.o

Simon Cow: Kagome, your sex preformance was awful, and your dick is showing.

Inuyasha: O.o

Kagome: *runs*

Random audience member: Hey Kisa I adore you and your show can we fuck?

Jakotsu: DIE. . . no wait . . . yes DIE *thows snake sword*

Kisa: O.O I knew you loved me.

Jakotsu: Nah he was ugly

Kisa: One last qustion!!

Nelly: Yo, Sango... lets hook up and get freaky dicky!

Kisa: Uhhhh.. we are sooo out of time!

Everyone: *bows and runs away*

Kisa: Byeness!