InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Devil's Pride ❯ Sweet Taste of Evil ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sorry for the long wait! But I’m updating so that is all that matters.

Chapter 3

After the gig, Kagome and her band members packed up and got into their bus.

"So Kagome, what did you think?" Asked her bassist, Koronue.

"I guess it was ok" answered Kagome.

"Those bands where shit compared to us" entered the drummer, Naraku.

" Yes" said the organ player, Karasu.

"Especially that band of preps, what the fuck where they thinking?" Screamed Koronue.

"I agree" said Naraku.

"Well I’m going to bed" Kagome said.

"Night" all the guys said.

After Kagome left they headed down to their basement to practice for the gig tomorrow.


Kagome woke up hungry, and it seemed like the rest were too. So they transformed into their vampire forms and lurked around the city for prey. Kagome and Naraku found a man of about 20 years and a woman about the same age walking in the park, alone. Kagome jumped in front of him and started to seduce him, she lightly kissed him down his neck. Before the man could
Comprehend what the young woman was doing, she sunk her fangs into his neck and sucked with vigor. Meanwhile Naraku had done the same thing to the woman. Naraku took care of the woman quickly and saw Kagome still drinking, it turned him on. He went over to her after she was done, and it seemed she had gone into a blood lust. He grabbed her and kissed her, tasting the blood from the man she had just fed on, she tasted sinful.


Hiei had not been able to sleep after everyone else did. He kept thinking of the lead singer that had made him lose control so easily. Her name was Kagome, he found out by reading the bass player’s mind, Koronue. It seemed like he also lusted for her, as did the rest of the band members. He leapt out the window to get some fresh air, but he actually didn’t want the fox to smell his arousal. He decided to head to the park where none will disturb him. After several minutes he saw a couple walking through the park, when they were suddenly attacked by two black figures. Hiei soon realized one was Kagome, and she was sucking the guy’s blood. This made his eyes redder than usual, and when the other guy turned and grabbed her and kissed her, he was not happy.


The kiss they shared was not long because they were interrupted by a growl. They turned their blood filled eyes to the man that jumped out of a tree and landed before them.

"Who the hell are you to interrupt us" Naraku said coldly.

"Hn." Hiei said just as coldly.

While the guys were "conversing" Kagome had been checking the guy out. And she decided she would find out his name, so she came up to him. She could smell his arousal spike as she walked up to him, she grinned.

"What is your name" Kagome said into his ear as she licked it?

"Hiei" he growled out.

"Hiei huh?" Kagome whispered "Well Hiei would you like to join us?"

Hiei was shocked, but didn’t show it, that she would ask such a question.

"Sure" Hiei said smirking

"Come, we are going to my room" said Kagome.

___Warning! Lemon! Skip down if you don’t like this content. It’s my first lemon so no flames!___

She turned around and ran towards her home that her and her band members shared. When she got there she put a sound barrier up, but it seems like Koronue had heard them come back. He walked into her room to see Naraku, Kagome, and another guy in the room. He decides to leave them alone for now, but that didn’t mean he was not going to join in later. Hiei grabbed Kagome and kissed her, she tasted so good. Meanwhile Naraku left to get some sleep. Hiei used his speed to take off both their cloths and then get into her bed. Both were still battling for dominance in the kiss, but Hiei grabbed one of her tits and squeezed it making her moan and making him dominant. In return she grabbed his dick and caressed it making him moan out. Kagome grinned and flipped them over, her on top. She lightly kissed his neck, going down to his nipple, which she licked. Then she skipped down to his penis which she grabbed and licked the tip of it. Before he could respond to her doing, she engulfed his penis into her mouth and sucked with vigor. He moaned and then looked down to see that Kagome had been able to fit all of him in her mouth.

‘Fuck this is great’ thought Hiei

Hiei knew he was close to release, and so did Kagome so she squeezed one of his balls making him shoot his sperm into her mouth. She swallowed it and then slid up and kissed Hiei, letting him taste himself. Hiei flipped them over, and started kissing her neck. He than ventured further south to her breasts and started flickering is tongue over her nipple. His other hand squeezed her other breast and pinched her nipple. Kagome moaned his name with such ecstasy that he lost control over his demon side. Hiei’s skin turned a light green and eyes started opening all over his body. Once Kagome took a look at him her lust for him grew ten folds.

"I like what I see", Kagome growled

"So do I", Hiei said huskily

Hiei grabbed her legs and put them over his shoulders, giving him more access. With a feral growl he plunged dip into her opening. And just as quickly started pumping into her as he grabbed her hips to keep her steady.

"Faster! Harder!" , Screamed Kagome in pure bliss

Hiei smirked and did as he was told. Kagome tired of being submissive flipped them over so she’d be on top. She arched her back as he lifted his hips to meet her. He saw her big tits bouncing at every thrust so he squeezed them. She was going to cum soon and so was he, so with one final thrust Kagome cummed and Hiei shot his seed into Kagome. Afterwards Hiei transformed back to his normal self.

"That was...", Hiei started

"I know", Kagome replied

With that said the two fell into a deep sleep.

___End Of Lemon!___

In the Morning

Kagome woke early, took a bath, and headed down to the basement to play her guitar. Later on Hiei woke up to find Kagome missing and decided to look for her. He heard something and headed to where the sound was coming from only to find Kagome playing an instrument of sorts.

"What is that?", Asked Hiei

"It’s my pride and joy, my B.C Rich Bronze Warlock", Answered Kagome

Hiei’s communicator went off and knew that his time with her had ended.

"Hey, come see us in concert anytime", said Kagome

She went over to him and handed him backstage passes for him and the group. Before he could blink he was at the park once more. Soon he realized that he couldn’t remember the direction her house was.

"Fuck!", screamed Hiei

He then ran towards Kurama’s house to find out why he was disturbed. Once there, he stood to the darkest corner of the room. Kurama then turned around from what he was doing to face his short friend. Kurama noticed that Hiei’s aura was more tainted than usual, and it troubled him greatly.

"What did you do today Hiei?", asked Kurama

"Hn" none of your business fox", sneered Hiei

Kurama was surprised when Hiei said that with such hatred in his voice. Hiei felt this feeling of dark power run through his veins. Then the feeling was gone, but he could feel in still in him.

"Fine then don’t answer me", sighed Kurama

"I found the lead singer of that band yesterday in the park", said Hiei

"Really?", Kurama said surprised

"Yes, and then she took me to her home to have some mind-blowing sex", Hiei said with his eyes closed and a smirk on his face.

Kurama was not expecting that at all!

"She also gave me backstage passes to her concerts", said Hiei

He was in a good mood now that he replayed what happened last night. The look Kurama’s face was an added bonus.

"So why the fuck was i disturbed?", asked Hiei the smirk replaced by a scowl

"I don’t know, Yusuke hasn’t arrived yet", answered Kurama

Right at the end of the sentence, Yusuke came in dragging Kuwabara.

"We’re here!", said Yusuke

Yusuke called Boton to get a portal to Spirit World.

"Hiya Guys!" said the cheery Grim Reaper

Hiei shuddered in the inside, and thought of many ways to kill lady death. Boton made the portal and everyone went through and into Koenma’s office.

"I have found a picture of the woman your are looking for", said Koenma

He pressed a button and a picture of a woman appeared on the screen. The semi pale woman had black hair with red tips. Her eyes were a blood red color, and what looked like black scratches going vertically down her eyes. She had a spiked choker on and several spiked bracelets. She wore a black sleeveless fighting kimono that showed her strong arms. On her hip there was a sword that seemed to have a black aura.

"That’s her, you must find her and bring her back here to be judged before my father, King Enma", explained Koenma.

Finally Updated this chapter! I already started working on chapter 9 of Forbidden Evil. So that will be up soon hopefully, I’ll start working it while I’m at school. Its pretty late so I’m going to sleep. Hope you enjoyed this chapter...and REVIEW PLEASE!