InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Illusions: The Art of Deceit ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho


When Yusuke got back to his deserted apartment it was about 5 o'clock. Bankotsu and Jakotsu had said something about having  dinner with a few old friends and that they would be back in a day or two. Perfect. He could pack tonight and leave first thing in the morning.

As he was packing a week's worth of clothes, Yusuke started to reflect about what he and his friends have been doing over the last few months. Yusuke like Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama were no longer Spirit Detectives. They would go on a mission every now and then when Bankotsu and Jakotsu couldn't handle it themselves or if they were already on a mission. Currently Yusuke was being paid by Koenma to train future Spirit Detectives with high spiritual energy.

Kuwabara is currently in America studying to become an actual detective. He was also their seeing if their was anybody with enough potential to become a Spirit Detective. He also mentioned something about finding a some girl who had actually agreed to go out with him. Yukina only saw him as a friend, and it's good that Kuwabara finally moved on.

Hiei has recently resided at Genkia's shrine. Watching over Yukina and training. Yukina had finally put two and two together and learned that Hiei is her long lost twin brother. At first Yukina was kind of sad because she thought didn't Hiei tell her because he was ashamed of her. So when she finally gathered the courage to confront him Hiei was speechless. And Yukina took it as a bad sign and started ranting about how much of a burden she was, until Hiei told her the real reasons why he never told her and that she was far from a burden.

Kurama had moved out into his own apartment where he lives with his roommate Shippo. They had met a few times but didn't really know each other too well. Kurama had started his own dojo where they trained the furure Spirit Detectives and anybody else who wanted to learn how to fight.

He hadn't seen Kagome in a while. They wrote to each other every now then, but each time he went to visit she was never there.The last time he had seen Kagome was probably her 16th birthday.


“Hey Kagome,happy birthday!” Yusuke said as he handed Kagome a small box while he gave her a small hug.

“Oh, hey Yusuke, I'm glad you could make it.” Kagome said with fake enthusiasm as she returned his hug half - heartily.

“What's the matter Kags, not happy to see your favorite cousin.” Yusuke said sounding hurt and putting on a hurt face too.

When Kagome glanced up she saw the hurt in his face she quickly apologized. And said, “Yusuke it's just that I've been a bit stressed out lately and I'm... Before Kagome got to say anymore she was suddenly yanked away by three boy - crazed teenage girls. Squealing and laughing about how some boy named Hobo or Hojo was here looking for her and how she knew “The Uremeshie Yusuke”.

End Flashback

Now that he thought about it he didn't really get another chance to talk to her. She mostly spent her time arguing with some guy with silver hair. She also seemed quite solemn and melancholy. Too, bad he had to leave early due to another stupid mission.

With Kagome and Ryuji (the little dragon I talked about in the first chapter)

“So what do you propose we do Ryuji, Go down and help or wait it out and see what they want. Cause it doesn't look like we're gonna be discovered anytime soon.” Kagome said to Ryuji telepathically never taking her eyes off of the two demons.

“Let's see what they want first and then we'll make our move.” Ryugi replied with a pensive look in his eyes.

“Look just tell us where the miko is, and we'll leave... for now.” Yasushi said getting impatient about the whole situation,

“Sorry no can do.” Miroku said taking a step forward.

“Well, of your going to be that way, we're just going to have to use force.” Yasushi said as he and Koji took a step back into the shadows and disappeared. Leaving a befuddled Sango and Miroku.

“Like weak demons like you could defeat us.” Sango said as she and Miroku stood back to back bracing themselves for the attack that was sure to come.

And sure enough Koji jumped from out of nowhere and tackled Sango to the ground. Who in turn quickly threw him off and got into a defensive stance waiting for his next attack. Sango didn't have to wait long as Koji aimed a punch for her face, but Sango quickly dodged and countered with a punch of her. But Koji managed to block and tried kicked her in the side, which Sango caught. “Is that the best you can so.” Sango smirked as she flipped Koji face down onto the ground . “Not even close bitch.” Koji growled out as he sunk into the shadows once again.

Yasushi decided to go for a more stealthly approach and waited until Miroku was distracted. So as soon as Miroku tried to help Sango, Yasushi dropped kick Miroku who landed on his face but quickly got up and pulled out a sutra and started chanting. Yasushi tried to lunge for Miroku but found he couldn't move.

Koji suddenly reappeared right behind Miroku and managed to kick him hard in the face knocking him into the nearest tree, successfully knocking him out. “Miroku!” Sango called out as she ran by Miroku's side making sure he was okay.

“Let's hurry and finish this Koji, so we can go look for the miko.” Yasushi said a smirk forming on his lips.

“Whatever you say Yasushi.” Koji replied sarcastically.

Somewhere else

“They're late.” a cold and angry voice said to his companions as they waited outside of an elegant restaurant.

“Calm down Sesshomaru, I'm sure they must have a good reason for being late.” a smooth voice said trying to calm the person now known as Sesshomaru.

“Yeah Sesshy, Shippo's right. Let just wait a few more minutes, they must have a good reason for being late” a female voice purred as her ruby red eyes made contact with amber.

“Kagura, what did I tell you about calling me that in public.” Sesshomaru growled out.

“Sorry we're late, Jakotsu mauled some poor innocent bystander on the way here and we had to lose the cops.” panted a tired Bankotsu as he came running up next to Shippo.

“Sorry Bankotsu, but I couldn't help it he was just so cute!” squealed (obviously) Jakotsu.

“Yeah, but did you have to grope him?” Suikotsu asked Jakotsu, who in turn started pouting.

“Would, you stop that infuriating bickering!? Sesshomaru growled out at the three former mercenaries.

“Hey, where are Kagome, Sango, and my sexy little monk, Miroku?” Jakotsu asked suddenly changing the subject.

“Good question Jak, we'll tell you as soon as we know.” Shippo replied.


Thank you to all those who reviewed.