InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Purpose ❯ Where is Hiei? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN CHARACTERS FROM YU YU HAKUSHO OR INUYASHA. However Higaro is all mine!!!!!!! (YUMMY)
Where is Hiei
Chapter 7
A day had passed since `the incident', which is what that day which Kurama sought revenge was being referred to, had occurred. The day in which Hiei had pushed Kurama to the limits of what he would not tolerate. It was still unsure of what exactly happened between the two. Youko, Kurama, nor Hiei would speak of it. Youko, because he had the feeling that he might, just might have went a little bit overboard, considering that he hasn't seen Hiei since. Kurama didn't want to mention it or speak about it because he was afraid that Kagome might take it out on him, even though she knew that he and Youko were two different souls. Hiei, well, he hasn't been around since that day. Kagome was getting worried. Normally Hiei would walk with her to school, but this was the second day in which he didn't appear.
It was now Friday and Kagome was getting even more worried. She was now sitting in Art class with Kurama, and kept glancing at him every few seconds, wondering just what happened.
Kurama, feeling Kagome's eyes upon him once again, finally sighed. *Get her to stop Kurama, I can't take it anymore.* Youko whined guiltily.
*You just feel guilty because you know you went overboard. Kagome said not to hurt him too badly after she made it clear you couldn't kill him, and informed you that Hiei is a brother to her. Stands to reason that you should feel guilty. If Kagome is angry at `us' it is your fault.* Kurama told him accusingly.
*You're all heart, you know that right?* Youko asked as he retreated.
“Yes Kagome, is something the matter.” Kurama asked as he felt her gaze once again.
Kagome blushed at being caught. She nibbled her bottom lip with her teeth trying to decide how to ask what she really wanted to know. “Uhm.”

*I can do a much better job at that. Wanna let me?* Youko asked from the safety of Kurama's mind.
*I doubt she'd let you, when and if she finds out what you did to Hiei.* Kurama pointed out.
Youko pouted. *You're no fun.* and sent Kurama a mental image of him turning his back on Kurama.
“Well, Kurama, can you tell me what exactly you did to Hiei. I haven't seen him since Wednesday and, well, I'm starting to worry.” Kagome said with a hint of tears in her eyes.
*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Please don't cry. Kurama quick do something. Our `future mate' is gonna cry.* Youko said desperately.
*Well it would be all `your' fault now wouldn't it.* Kurama told him accusingly, also not wanting to see Kagome cry.
*Sure just rub it in why don't you.*
“Kagome, Hiei is fine. Trust me. Youko didn't give him any mortal wounds. He is probably just recuperating, as is Youko.”
“What do you mean `mortal wounds'? Exactly just what `did' you do to him?” Kagome asked in a menacing whisper, an evil glint in her usually innocent blue eyes.
*Yikes scary.* Youko said as he cowered in the recesses of Kurama's mind.
*It's your fault.* Kurama told him.
With an emphasis on `I'. “I didn't do anything.” Kurama defended himself.
*Sure just blame it all on me.* Youko whined.
*Well it is `your' fault. I did tell you to stop. You just didn't want to listen to me.” Kurama calmly informed his counterpart.
*Well you could have tried harder.* Youko mumbled.
“Fine, just what did Youko do to MY BROTHER!” Kagome asked in a deadly whisper. She was really starting to get scared. Sure Hiei did go overboard with turning Youko into a female and all, but he was still a brother to her. If someone was going to seriously injure him, it would be her and no one else. Any one else, and they would face `her' wrath.
“Would you like a list?” Kurama asked.
*Traitor!* Youko said angrily.
*Better you than me.* Kurama said calmly. Youko stuck his tongue out on him.
Kagome had finally gotten tired of Kurama shying away from answering her, so she decided to sneak into his mind and find out what was going on. She heard Youko call Kurama a traitor and Kurama's response. This is not good. Just what did you do to him. Kagome asked herself worriedly.
“A list? What did you do to him Youko?” Kagome asked, dread creeping up her spine.
*Don't tell her, please don't tell her.* Youko pleaded.
*Why should I not?* Kurama asked.
*Peace of mind?* Youko pointed out hopefully.
*For how long.* Kurama was seriously thinking this over. To get Youko to give him any peace of mind for even a short time was exceedingly rare.
*You take that up Kurama, and I swear I will make you regret it.* Kagome bit in angrily.
*Yikes, what's she doing in here.* Youko asked scared.
*I was not really considering it.* Kurama said calmly, trying not to let on that he was nervous.
*I will not say it again, What did you do to him. Answer me or I swear I will make you regret it.* Kagome said in an even deadlier tone of voice.
*Umn, well, it's like this. Uhm.* Youko started out.
*Kagome, if you can talk with us in our mind is it possible that we can also share memories. If so, would you like to see what was done? Every detail.* Kurama offered. He really did feel sorry for Youko, but Kagome had to know sooner or later, and he preferred sooner. Because he had the feeling that the more he waited the angrier she would become.
*WHAT? NO! YOU TRAITOR KURAMA!* Youko yelled, and then tried to give Kurama a migraine, only to be stopped by Kagome's interference.
*I wouldn't advise you to try that again Youko. Now Kurama please show me what happened.* Kagome demanded.
The whole sharing of memories was very swift and only took about a minute to complete, though it felt longer. Kagome was furious as what Youko did to Hiei. The memory contained everything that was done to Hiei through Kurama's point of view. Since Youko had control of their body, Kurama was unable to gain control and could only try to calm Youko down. Youko had swiftly caught up to Hiei in the forest. The fire/ice demon had been unable to run as swiftly as he usually did because of the heels he was wearing. Hiei was at a major disadvantage. They both went all out. Youko with his rose whip and Hiei with his Katana, trying desperately to hold his own. Unfortunately, because of the shoes, Hiei was having difficulty at fighting his level best. Usually, he and Youko often arrived at a stalemate, but this time Youko was able to win. True, Youko missed many vital organs and made sure to make no mortal wounds, but he took delight in taunting Hiei. It did not help that he taunted him over his clothing.
Finally, when Hiei admitted defeat, Youko went for the kill. Hiei had swallowed his pride, something that was torture/punishment enough for the fire/ice demon. Youko, not feeling satisfied called forth to his vines and had them tie Hiei up. When Hiei would move to try to escape the vines would only tighten more. At this point Kurama tried to get Youko to stop, but the Kitsune was not listening. Youko tool out some plants and mixing some leaves and petals and various other stuff, proceeded to make paint out of it. He then put blush on Hiei's cheeks, as well as eye shadow and lipstick. Once Hiei was painted to his satisfaction, he noticed that Hiei's hair had come undone. Youko called forth to his other vines and had them redo Hiei's hair into two pigtails on either side. Only this time he had small flowers surrounding each pigtail. Hiei looked like an adorable little girl, who was glowering. Not quit finished with this humiliation, he quickly took out his camera and then had his vines move Hiei so that he could pose in different positions. Hiei tried to defy Youko in this but soon found out that it was pointless, and allowed the vines to move his body as it saw fit. Youko then had him pose in many humiliating and embarrassing positions and took pictures of every single one. At the end, Youko taunted him, telling him that he looked good as a girl. He even asked if Hiei would like him to make him a permanent female. Hiei paled at this. Then Youko left, leaving his vines behind to keep a hold of Hiei for another couple of hours. He hasn't seen him since.
Kagome was furious. *Youko Kurama you are so dead, just you wait till school is over. You are so going to pay for doing that to Hiei. No one, and I do mean No One humiliates my family, but me.* Kagome said making Youko gulp.
*Yikes. Let's make a run for it Kurama. Wait a minute, she can't get to me without you.* Youko said.
*He is right Kagome. Whatever you do to him, I will end up taking the punishment as well.* Kurama pointed out calmly. He really didn't want Kagome angry at him.
*Don't worry Youko, Kurama will not be part of this punishment. Believe it, I am a Miko.* Kagome said and cut off the link.
*WHAT DOES SHE MEAN BY THAT?!* Youko wailed.
*I don't know Youko. But it may be a good idea to be quiet for a while. There is no telling when she may sneak up into our conversation again.* Kurama advised him. Not wanting Kagome's wrath upon him again, Youko stopped talking and started thinking of the many things Kagome could do to him. None of them were good.
Kagome was so angry, that she didn't even bother to talk to Kurama for the rest of the period. She was already thinking of another rosary with subjugation beads. This one was new and quite different from the others. Since she had been training her Miko energy, she found that that she now has better control over it. Hence, the beads, she wanted something different and this one was that. This rosary allowed her infinite commands. It was unlimited on the commands that she could use. Also, she could be more specific and didn't need subjugation words to work. She could just picture what she wanted to happen and it would. Poor Youko didn't know what was going to happen.
When the bell rang, Kagome quickly gathered her things and left the room before Kurama could walk her to her next class. As soon as he stepped out of class, he lost sight of her among the throws of fan boys and fan girls.
Kagome, not wanting to speak with Kurama just yet, quickly walked out of class and lost herself among her fanclub. Not one of her wisest or smartest moves, since Erik quickly caught up to her and wouldn't let her be. He kept talking to her about going on a date with him. Kagome, really wanting to get away from him, just gave a distracted yes. Not realizing till afterwards what she had agreed to. She now had a date for later that night. Erik would be picking her up at seven to go to the movies.
As Kagome finally entered her English class, she noticed that her usual teacher wasn't there. Normally, this really wouldn't bother her but there was something about this guy that creeped her out. She had the feeling that she met him before, but couldn't for the life of her remember when or where. The new guy was 6.2” tall and was well built. He had blond hair gelled back and glasses perched upon his straight nose. He also had blue eyes that seemed to be amused at everything. He seemed to be a very charismatic guy, someone in which everyone just couldn't help but like. For some reason, he had the opposite effect on Kagome. He was just creepy.
“Hello class my name is Mr. Sigimura and I will be your substitute for the rest of the semester. Your previous teacher had an unfortunate accident and will not be returning to teach for the rest of the year. Now for roll call.” He said while looking around the class. His eyes though just kept resting upon Kagome, making her freak out.
After roll call he began teaching English. Thankfully, she had already taken this class in her previous school, so she knew more than most of the class. She was sooooo bored. It didn't help either that the teacher just kept on looking at her. Did no one else notice how creepy the teacher is?
I am so sure I have this man before, but when, where? Kagome wondered to herself. Then suddenly she started thinking about her first day of school here. She remembered her first day when she met the principal. Wait a minute, this is the same guy I saw talking to the principal. The same guy who came out of his office. Why does he creep me out so much. Kagome thought to herself.
Kagome started feeling out for his aura, hoping for some answers. To her extreme shock and surprise, she felt nothing. Normally every living being has an aura surrounding them. Plants, humans, demons, animals, everything has an aura. But this man had no aura. There was no masking, for Kagome did not sense that spell around him. There was simply a black void of nothingness. Kagome shuddered at this feeling and suddenly thought of Kanna. Kagome often found herself wondering what became of Kanna since she got emotions. When the bell finally rang to leave, Kagome was relieved. As she quickly gathered her things to leave, she felt the creepy teacher's eyes on her the entire time. Just who is Mr. Sigimora, really? Kagome thought to herself as she left the classroom.
Science class came and went, and now it was time for lunch. Erik had latched onto to Kagome as soon as she stepped out of class. It was as if he were lying in wait just for her.
“Kagome, hi. Mind if I eat lunch with you today?” Erik asked.
“Um, Erik, I'm looking for Suichi. Have you seen him?” Kagome asked, not really wanting to eat lunch with him.
“You're still with him?” Erik asked confused. If she is still seeing him, then why did she agree to go on a date with me?
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked confused.
“Well, isn't he your boyfriend?” Erik asked.
“Boyfriend? Where did you get that idea? Suichi and I are friends.” Kagome said distractedly, still looking around for Kurama. Erik's face brightened at what she unwittingly revealed.
“So what movie would you like to see tonight?” Erik asked.
Kurama had finally spotted Kagome, but he frowned when he noticed who she was talking to. *Quick, get that baka away from our future mate.* Youko growled, when he saw her with another male.
*Eager to face her are we?* Kurama teased. Truth be told, he didn't like seeing her around other males either. Especially since they had yet to claim her.
*Just do it will ya.* Youko mumbled.
Kurama walked up to Kagome just in time to hear Erik ask Kagome what movie she would like to watch. “Indeed Kagome what movie do you feel like watching?” Kurama asked from behind her.
Kagome jumped a bit when Kurama just appeared out of nowhere. “Oh Suichi, you scared me. Where were you, I've been looking for you?” Kagome asked.
“Indeed. So what's this about a movie?” He asked.
“Kagome and I have a date tonight.” Erik said proudly, as Kagome started to blush.
“A date?” Kurama asked. “Since when did you have time to date?”
Kagome having no idea why she would feel so guilty, went into defensive mode. “What do you mean since when do I have time to date?”
“Since I've known you, you have never been out on a date. I just assumed you were to busy for them. Especially with your Grandmother keeping you so busy.” Kurama said stupidly.
“Grandmother would have no problem in letting me go on a date tonight. In fact, she says I work too hard. Besides, has it ever occurred to you that the reason I haven't been on a date is because No one has asked me?” Kagome replied accusingly towards Kurama. Letting him know that HE should have been the one to ask her out.
“Well maybe if someone would stop giving mixed signals, she would get asked out on a date.” Kurama replied, before thinking.
“Mixed signals? MIXED SIGNALS?!” Kagome replied furiously. “I'll show you mixed signals.” She said as she lost her temper and before Kurama could guess her intentions he was severely slapped on the cheek.
*OUCH!!!!!!!!!! You're in control of this body Kurama, so why in bloody hell did I feel it?* Youko mumbled in pain.
Kurama stared in Kagome in shock. *She slapped me Youko. ME!?*
*Good going, now she is angry at us both.* Youko said accusingly.
Kagome looked a little shocked that she had slapped Kurama. She could see red swelling on his cheek in the form of her hand. She was about to apologize when she recalled why she slapped him.
“You deserved it.” She said huffily. “Come on Erik, I think I will have lunch with you today after all.” And proceeded to walk away with Erik, leaving a stunned Kurama behind, wondering how in the seven hells everything could have gone so wrong so quickly.
*Quick Kurama, get on your hands and knees and grovel like you've never done before.* Youko offered in way of advice.
*Youko I have never groveled in my life. I am not about to start now. Besides you wouldn't.* Kurama informed him.
*I wouldn't be too sure of that. Let me out and I'll do it for you.* Youko asked, shocking Kurama.
*You wouldn't, would you?” Kurama asked intrigued.
*For her, you'd be surprised in what I would be capable of doing?* Youko said in a serious tone of voice.
*Actually Youko, I wouldn't be surprised at all. It is the same with me.* Kurama told Youko.
*So you'll grovel then?* Youko asked hopefully.
*If it comes to that, I may. I just hope it doesn't.* Kurama said and looked towards Kagome where she was chatting happily with Erik.
Kagome was now sitting with Erik eating on a picnic table. Truth be told she had no idea what he was talking about, she just pretended to be listening while picturing of ways to make both Kurama and Youko pay. She smirked mentally when she heard Youko yell out in pain, confused as to how he could feel it. She couldn't wait to get home, so that she could try out her new rosary. She always figured that it would finally be Yusuke on whom she'd try out her latest one on. But Youko and Kurama would be a much better subject. Kagome spent all lunch hoping against hope that some one would rescue her from the clutches of Erik. Unfortunately no one came. Kurama even kept his distance. Adding to the grievances that Kagome currently had on her list. The title of such list was Grievances against Youko and Kurama. She even had one on Yusuke. Both lists were in a two different small notebooks, they are a diary of sorts. She would write in both of them everyday, what grievance she had against them both.
Meanwhile, while Kagome was suffering from her so boring lunch Koenma had been looking in on the girl. He was awaiting Hiei's return along with his other three detectives. The meeting he had called upon Hiei for went more smoothly than anticipated. True it was amusing to see Hiei dressed as a woman, but that aside things went as they should. Hopefully Hiei would be back and soon.
Hiei had been confused as to why he had been called. He had also been very disgruntled that these two strangers had seen him during his time of utmost humiliation. One of them had the gall to ask him if he had decided to become a woman after all this time. He spoke to him as if he knew him. Which was impossible because Hiei would have remembered him. The girl on the other hand just kept on looking at him. She kept looking at him as if she expected something out of him. Which was impossible, he owed no one nothing.
Hiei had still been attached to the tree in the forest when Botan had finally located him. Koenma had wanted to speak with him about some new mission. Not giving Hiei any time to wipe the gunk off his face, she dropped him into a portal. Hiei landed in front a teenage form Koenma, which was surprising to say the least. Koenma almost always appeared in his toddler form. Which was more confusing was that there were two strangers in the room with Koenma.
“Calm down Hiei.” Koenma told him, before Hiei had a chance to draw his Katana. “These are my most trust Spirit Detectives.” Pointing in the direction of the two strangers standing in the shadows.
“This is Sango.” Koenma introduced the figure as it stepped out of the shadows, revealing a beautiful woman wearing all black. Black jeans, black skin tight shirt, and black boots. She had her dark brown hair in a high ponytail and her eyes just seemed to mesmerize Hiei. Hiei found himself responding to this woman. A reaction in which he had not felt in more than four hundred years.
“Sango is the last of the tajiya's, demon exterminators. Her whole village and family were killed off many, many years ago.” Koenma informed Hiei, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“Hello.” Was all Sango said. She struggled not to show any emotions as she confronted her mate. It had been about four centuries, but she had expected him to at least recognize her. Her mate showed no recognition of her. She knew that he still lived because her mark was still visible, but had not expected this reaction. Hiei what is wrong, that you look at me as if I were a complete stranger? She asked herself.
“And this is Miroku, he is a very powerful and Honorable Monk. He too has been with me for many years.” Koenma introduced Miroku.
As Miroku stepped out of the shadows, Hiei noted to himself that he in no way looked like a monk. Miroku was dressed in blue jeans with a bright purple button up, long sleeved shirt. He was also wearing white sneakers. Miroku had violet eyes and had his hair held out in a very low tail.
Miroku smirked as he noticed his friend's missing mate. It had been a very long time, but just what was he doing in women's clothing and make-up?
“Nice look Hiei, I must say, it suits you.” Miroku taunted. And suddenly noticed that something wasn't right with the fire/ice demon. Something was different. Miroku stared as he let his aura seek out what was different about him. He stiffened when he finally found what he was looking for. “A jagan? How interesting.” He quietly told himself.
Hiei had started glowering at the Monk when he made his comment about his attire, but when he mention his Jagan, he stiffened.
“What was that Miroku?” Sango asked.
“A Jagan, my dear Sango. He had one implanted. I believe that is what that bandana is covering up.” Miroku informed his teammate.
“Hm. Interesting. Might I enquire as to why you would risk such a thing.” Sango asked curious.
“Hn.” Hiei said and then attempted to ignore her. “What do you want toddler?”
“Toddler?” Miroku said. “My, my, Sango, it appears that you and the little demon do have something in common.”
“Hn.” Was Sango's reply to Miroku.
Koenma sighed. “Hiei there is a mission I would like to request of you. I do not want to bring in the other detectives just yet. If you would please be patient, we are waiting on the last member of Sango's team.”
“Toddler, this had better be good or I swear I will make you regret it. I was following up on some leads, when Botan came to get me.” An angry voice said as the demon made his way into the room. This demon looked to be in his early twenties, he had dark blue hair, which he kept flowing down his back to his knees. He had pearly white skin that almost seemed to glow and mesmerizing blue eyes. His eyes were the most amazing shades of blue that seemed to be swirling together.
“Ah Higaro, it's about time you made it.” Koenma said, ignoring Higaro's tirade.
As Higaro came into the room he cast a swift glance at the occupants. He was already familiar with Sango and Miroku, but his gaze came to rest upon Hiei. He stiffened when he noticed what this demon was wearing. “My Hiei, I must say, it is an improvement.” How can this be. After centuries of searching, he is here. What is he doing here? He glanced at Sango, trying to find some answers in her eyes, but found none. So she does not know either. Interesting.
Hiei stiffened when he recognized Higaro, and his eyes narrowed at the comment Higaro made about his clothes. “Jealous icee?”
Higaro stiffened. He did not just say what I think he said. “Excuse me?” He asked quietly.
“You heard me.” Hiei said. And suddenly an energy spike was felt around the room and Hiei was now wearing his customary clothing. The only thing that stayed the same was his painted face and his hair, compliments of the Kitsune.
“What just happened?” Higaro asked confused. “Wasn't Hiei just wearing…”
“I believe what just happened was part of a subjugation spell? Am I correct Hiei?” Koenma asked.
“Hn.” Hiei answered and turned slightly red, as he quickly undid his hair and wiped off the make-up the fox put on him.
“Subjugation spell? As in rosary made up of subjugation beads?” Miroku questioned.
“Yes Miroku that is exactly right.” Koenma said.
“How is that possible Koenma. That spell has not been practiced in centuries.” Miroku demanded.
“Yes that is right, but in this case a very powerful Miko performed the spell.” Koenma stated, causing Hiei to stiffen.
“Miko?” Sango finally spoke up.
“Yes, I believe her name is Kagome. Kagome Higurashi.” Koenma stated, waiting for the explosion to go off. These two were sure to kill him once they found out that Koenma had not informed them right away, when he found Kagome.
“KAGOME?!” Both Sango and Miroku yelled.
Koenma cringed. This is not good. “Yes I do believe it is the same Kagome you have been searching for.”
Hiei immediately appeared before Koenma with his Katana at Koenma's throat. “Explain.”
“Uh. Hiei calm down, we mean her no harm.” Koenma tried to calm the angry demon.
Sango came upon Koenma also and had her sword drawn upon his neck as well. “Yes Koenma I believe an explanation is in order. How long have you known where to find Kagome?” She asked angrily.
“Now Sango calm down. If you kill the toddler, then we will not get our answers.” Miroku stated bluntly. “Besides, you can always have Kagome put a rosary on Koenma. Yes that would be a sight to see.”
Koenma was starting to get nervous while Higaro looked on amused. It wasn't everyday he got to see the little demi god in this position. Though truth be known, he did consider Koenma a friend, but even friends get annoying.
“Right, Hiei your mission is about Kagome. You are to help protect her along with Sango, Miroku, and Higaro. There is a great evil and Kagome is the one `chosen' to defeat it. Sango, I did not say anything earlier, because I was not sure she `was' the one you were looking for. The events that I witnessed tonight showed me that it really was your Kagome I had found.”
Both Sango and Hiei tightened their hold on their weapons causing Koenma to get even more nervous. Then in a blink of an eye they both had their weapons sheathed. Hiei blinked, he did not remember her having a weapon on her. He looked at her and noticed that her weapon was gone.
“Onna? Explain, what happened to your weapon.” Hiei demanded, causing Higaro to wince at what was to occur next.
Sango's eye started twitching at Hiei calling her onna. It's been over four hundred years, and when he finally does speak to me, it is to call me onna! “My name is Sango, not onna. Learn it and use it.” She demanded.
Hiei ignored her kind advice. “Wench, I repeat what happened to your weapon.” He demanded, thinking on how she reminded him a bit of Kagome. Before he knew what happened he was seeing stars and then nothingness.
Sango was standing over Hiei's body with her Hiratsu over her head. When she finally calmed down she lowered her weapon and put in on her back. A concealing spell making it invisible again. Sango looked around the room to see all the male's staring at shock at her. Well all the males except Higaro, he just looked on in sympathy for his fellow demon.
“Uh, Hello.” She said with a bright smile.
Koenma and Miroku gulped not wanting to have her attention turned to them. Hiei suddenly sat up and was now holding his head in his hands.
“Careful there shorty, you might want to take it easy. Sango's strength can be very strong.” Higaro said with experience lining his voice.
“Tell me about it. Very painful that Hiratsu of her's is.” Miroku quickly agreed.
“I agree with them.” Koenma said as he thought about the times the tajiya stuck him down with her Hiratsu.
Sango glared all of them as they made their comments about her Hiratsu. “Excuse me, but do any of you have a problem with my Hiratsu, if so I can always let you `converse' with it.” She threatened.
All three gulped and quickly shook their heads no. “Good.” She said with a smug smile. “Now when are we going to meet up with Kagome?” She asked impatiently.
“If any of you harm her, I will make you pay.” Hiei threatened as he quickly stood up, his hand upon the Katana.
Sango was suddenly jealous of Kagome. Why does he defend her so. He hates most humans. “Why what is she to you?” Sango asked.
Hiei didn't answer, he just glared at her.
“Yes, what is she to you Hiei. Don't tell me you are infatuated with a human?” Higaro prodded. Causing Hiei to glare at him. “If so wanna share, I hear that she is a beauty.”
Hiei growled. “If you want to take her, you will have to mate her first. You will not dishonor her in any way. Got it icee.”
“Well, well, well. You do not want her for your mate? What's wrong with her? Is she deformed?” Higaro prompted even more. Causing Sango and Miroku to become angry with his questioning.
“Higaro.” Sango growled. “Careful of how you address her.”
“Yes it may be wise if you show her some respect.” Miroku said in a deadly whisper.
Hiei relaxed as he heard two defend his sister. “She is a sister to me, so you had better show her the proper respect.” He finally bit out, much to Sango's relief.
“Toddler I request Hiei's company to the Lord's of Makai. I believe it would be wise to inform them of the Miko's return. Wise to your health that is.” Miroku asked Koenma.
Koenma, remembering the last visit from one of the lords, shuddered. “I believe it would be wise to send all three of you to the Makai to inform the lords. Higaro, you may go and inform Lord Sesshoumaru. Sango you may go and inform Lord Inuyasha. Miroku you may take Hiei with you to inform Lord Shippo.”
Hiei listened to this in confusion. “Lords?”
“Actually, they are the three Lords of Makai. Their identity is a well kept secret and their vassals are often thought to be the lords themselves. These three Lords are the most powerful demons in the Makai. They are powerful allies of the Miko.” Koenma informed him. “Miroku would you inform Hiei of the Miko's past on your way to Lord Shippo's.”
This had all occurred Wednesday night, after Hiei's humiliation at Youko's hands. They had still to return. Little did Koenma know, that things were about to get away from him.
It was Friday afternoon when the Three Lords of Makai gathered for a much needed meeting. Each of them had been informed of Kagome's final return from the well. The time they had all waited for had finally arrived.
“Come on Sesshoumaru, you can't trust that toddler to protect Kagome. You know he'll just screw it up just like he screws everything else.” Inuyasha growled out.
“Calm down Inuyasha, we cannot allow ourselves to act rashly. We do not want to alert Koenma of our plans. The less he knows the less chance he has of screwing up.” Sesshoumaru informed him.
Shippo had been quiet throughout this whole meeting. He had been thinking of a way to get Kagome into the Makai, where they could all reunite without altering Koenma. He finally had a plan.
“Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, You do know that my birthday is in three weeks, do you not.” Shippo asked.
“What does that have to do with this squirt.” Inuyasha demanded, while Sesshoumaru just lifted his eyebrow in silent enquiry.
“I was just thinking of some new names that will be added to the guest list. I am sure they know my Grandaughter. I will just extend the invitation to `all' of her friends. This way it does not look too suspicious if she appears. Sango, Miroku, and Higaro are already invited and they never miss one of my birthday parties. Not since I was mated that is.” Shippo mumbled the last part to himself.
Inuyasha finally understanding where this was going whole heartedly agreed. He couldn't wait to see his sister. “That's good thinking Shippo. When is your birthday again?” Inuyasha asked. Causing Shippo to glower at him.
“Are you sure your granddaughter will come. If I am not mistaken, she is still not speaking to you.” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Don't worry, I'll make it impossible for her to refuse. Besides, my mate has been wanting to see her for some time. Nagging at me to make the first move or so they say.” Shippo complained.
“Best listen to your mate fox. It is not good for your health if your mate is unhappy.” Sesshoumaru said, a warning lining his voice.
“Don't worry, she is happy and healthy. It is just my stubborn granddaughter who wishes to be difficult. I will send someone to go and fetch her and her friends.” Shippo said.
“Make sure she understands, `all' her friends must attend.” Inuyasha added in.
“Of course.” Shippo replied as he got up and left the room, already preparing for what exactly his request would say. He had to word it in such a way that his granddaughter would not be able to refuse his invite.
“Sesshoumaru, I can't believe she is so close. I really miss our sister.” Inuyasha said quietly.
“As do I little brother, as do I.” Sesshoumaru answered Inuyasha.
Yay!!!!!! UPDATE COMPLETED. I think I'm getting my groove back. Yeah yeah yeah. Oh well enough of that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if I left you all hanging, but I felt the whole Kagome has a date deserved a chapter on it's own. That and wait to find out what she does to Youko. There are gonna be three pissed off males around. Well more like two seeing as how two of them share a body. Well review.
Mediaminer Reviews:
Sorry if I missed anyone on mediaminer, but it won't give me the complete reviews. So I will thank whoever is missing on my next chapter.
Lady Amamizu: Thank you so much for your review. I am glad that you like it and yes it is a Yusuke/Kagome/Kurama romance. Just imagine Yusuke's attitude when Kagome goes on a date. OH Joy.
Drachgirll4: Hi, thanks for the review. Hope you liked this chappy as well. Maybe not as funny as the last one, but oh well. And yeah it is a love triangle with Yusuke/Kagome/Youko Kurama.
Adultfan reviews:
Redtatsu: Thanks for your review. It does me good to know that you found it so funny, I hope I haven't let you down in this chapter. I try to keep it funny and somewhat humorous but I don't think it always work. Well hope you liked this chapter as well.
Anon: Hi, thank you for your review. I really enjoy reading them. Yeah I agree poor Hiei. As you can tell Kagome will soon be meeting all her old friends once again. That is except for Kaede. Sorry Sesshy isn't going to be Kagome's mate in this one, and I can't Put Koronue into the pairing, it would be overkill since she is only to have three mates. But a Koronue/Kagome/Youko kurma pairing, well that is an idea. Oh and I had tons of fun on my vacation. Even had my picture taken with Tweety Bird. How I love that toon.
Ryukotsusei: Thanks you so much for reviewing. As you can tell Hiei didn't get injured too badly. It was mostly his pride. Poor Hiei. (please forgive me oh hot one, Youko made me write it.) Oh well. He has been moping around a bit. Need to reaffirm his masculinity.
Hope you like this chapter and will try to update again by Monday.
Kai: Thanks for the review. Though I don't exactly understand about people from yu yu being someone from IY. Sango is with Hiei, because well Hiei is her mate. He just doesn't remember her. Kaede, I am sorry to say died. I couln't make her live this long. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and I am gonna say that I am gonna try and get everyone mated in this chapter.
Gem: Thanks for your review. Yeah I thought that new command for Hiei would be funny. It just popped out, Kagome was that angry. Poor little guy though. Hope you like this chapter as well. Just think of the possibilities.
Anaidil: Thank you so much for your review. It really does me good to hear that you enjoyed my story and especially the pranks that Kagome continually pulls on Yusuke. I hope you like this chapter as well, and will try to update as soon as Monday.
MHALL: thanks for your review. And here is an update. Hope you like this chapter.