InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Purpose ❯ New Allies ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
Chapter 11
They were all situated in the conference room. It was now time to get to know their new allies. The people in the conference room were about to become privy to some of the best kept secrets of the Makai. Secrets, that not many demons knew of. The identity of the True Lords of Makai, was a closely guarded secret. Something that not many outside of their family new. Those who are not part of the family, who knew, earned the trust of the Lord they now served. They also knew, that to leak out any information, was to sign, not only their own death but the death of all they hold dear. A very harsh punishment, but one that is enforced.
Sesshoumaru took his place at the head of the table and started to introduce his vassal first. “First, we will introduce you to the identity of our vassals. The first one is my vassal. Yomi, as you can see here Yomi is blind, but he has grown four extra ears to compensate for his lost of vision. Yomi was at one time second in command under the Kitsune Thief Youko Kurama. Under him are the Shinobi. Most importantly, a wind demon named Jin, and an ice demon name Touya. I believe your team fought against them in the dark tournament. You will be seeing them at my castle. Also, you will be training with them.” Sesshoumaru stated. He then stepped aside and let Shippo come forward to introduce his vassal.
Shippo took over Sesshoumaru's place and brought up the picture of his vassal. “This is Murkuro. She is my vassal and has been for a very long time. Don't let her looks fool you. As to the reason why she is covered in bandages, that is not up for discussion. If she wishes you to know the reason, then that is her decision. She has my full trust and respect, and I expect you to show her respect. She is also a deadly opponent and will help in your training and well being as well. Do not underestimate her. She is currently looking for another second in command. Who knows she may even choose of you. If she does, consider it a great honor, but the decision will be yours to make.” Shippo finished. His introduction much shorter than Sesshoumaru's. Shippo then stepped aside for Inuyasha to make his own introduction of his vassal.
Inuyasha stepped up. “This is my vassal Raizen. He is a very old and powerful demon. Though how much longer he will live is as good a guess as any. He has not eaten in many years, quite possible centuries. The reason he refuses to eat is because he no longer feasts upon humans. If you can get him to agree to help train you, he will become a great asset. Though I believe Yusuke may be the one to benefit the most out of being trained by him.” Inuyasha said with a smirk, just waiting to see if the young boy with take the bait.
“HEY WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?” Yusuke shouted at that.
“Take a good look at his markings. Tell me, do they look familiar?” Inuyasha asked. He really was starting to like this boy. Reminded him of himself when he was younger.
“He's right Yusuke, look at his markings, they look identical to yours.” Kurama said smoothly.
“Hn. He's right.” Hiei said bluntly.
“Why is that, Uncle Yasha?” Genkai asked.
“It is because Yusuke is his heir Genkai.” Inuyasha said simply.
“What?” Yusuke said dumbly.
“Do you remember when your demon blood awoke when you fought Sensui?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?” Yusuke asked, still confused.
“Remember about a voice talking to you. That voice was Raizen. He is, for lack of better term, your ancestor.” He said calmly.
“What? What do you mean ancestor!” Yusuke said stupidly, much to the amusement of the rest of the room.
“Well it's like this. Once, a long time ago Raizen become involved with a very beautiful human and they had a child. You are a descendent of that union.” Inuyasha explained, feeling very superior at that point.
“That's not what I meant?” Yusuke mumbled.
“Do you think Yusuke can talk with him. I think Yusuke has a lot of questions he would like answered.” Kagome said as she took a hold of Yusuke's hand.
“That can be arranged Kagome.” Inuyasha said simply.
“Oh Inuyasha, I have one question for you.” Kagome said with a smirk.
“What is it?”
“When did you grow up?” she asked, much to the amusement of Sesshoumaru and Shippo.
“Humph. Blame Lord Fluffy and yourself. If it wasn't for you Fluffy over there probably wouldn't have trained me. Damn Kagome, why didn't you tell me what a slave driver he was. It could have come in handy. Do you know how many times I almost died because of his training?” Inuyasha accused.
“What do you mean almost. I do believe that you did die at least once during your training. Just be glad Tensaiga works and obeys its master. If not, then you may not be here. Besides, it is thanks to my training that you were able to become one of the True Lords of the Makai.” Sesshoumaru said coldly, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Sesshy, what do you mean he did die? Did Shippo also die as a result of your training?” Kagome asked in a very sweet voice. A tone that Sesshoumaru remembered quite well.
Not showing any hint of nervouseness, Sesshoumaru calmly answered her. “Miko, this Sesshoumaru only did as you bade. He trained the ignorant whelp and the runt.”
“This Miko did bid you to train your half-brother, and my son. What she did not bid you to do was to cause them to die during your training.” Kagome said furiously.
Most of the people in the room, after seeing Kagome's angry face, slowly made their way to the other side of the room. They figures that if there was going to be blood shed, they didn't want to be anywhere near it. Most also remembered her temper and didn't want it to come into their way.
“Miko, this Sesshoumaru did only what was necessary. Both the ignorant whelp and the runt were getting lax in their training. They would not have died it they had not become lazy. If I remember correctly your son died because he was too busy flirting with a servant woman. Around the time he was trying to get permission to court Rin. Tell me Miko, did you not teach your son faithfulness?” Sesshoumaru defended himself. In truth he had gained some pleasure in killing the runt for hurting his Rin. Though he did bring him back. Rin had not wanted Shippo dead, and the thought of what the Miko would do to him should her son be dead when they again met was not worth the aggravation.
“What do you mean by that?” Kagome said furiously, starting to really lose her temper.
“Ask your son?” Sesshoumaru commanded.
“Shippo?” Kagome said and pierced her son with a hard gaze.
Shippo gulped. He had not really be interested in the servant woman. She had just been a means to make Rin understand that she really did have feelings for him other than that as a friend. He never held that day against Sesshoumaru. Well not really, considering that it got him Rin.
“Mom, it's not what you think. I was just testing to see if Rin only cared about me as a friend. You see she kept telling me that she could never see me as anything other than a friend, a brother, yet she kept getting jealous when I would just speak with other women. I was desperate. But I do believe that Lord Seshhy took it a bit too far when he killed me. It really hurt Momma.” He said with cute little pout. The kind he used to wear when he wanted to get his own way.
To Shippo's great relief the pout still worked, since his mom then turned her glare towards Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru, seeing this, figured that he'd better change the subject and quick. He didn't want the Miko's upon him. He could sense that she had tremendously got stronger, and didn't want her to accidentally purify him. The last time he saw her, she was still having trouble to control her Miko energy.
“The point Kagome is that we lived in troubling times. I needed them to be strong and learn never to let their guard down in times of peace. It is because of this that I felt the need to do what I did. I did bring them back. I new that you would never forgive this Sesshoumaru if he had let those two idiots die. This Sesshoumaru also knew that the Tensaiga would not always be able to bring them back to life. Miko, what would have had me do. I could not take the risk of them not being prepared.” He stated calmly, his stoic façade showing no emotions.
Kagome studied the great lord standing in front her. No emotion played across his face. She looked past that and into his eyes. In his eyes she read everything that he would not voice out loud. Every emotion that he would not willingly admit. In his eyes she read how he truly did care what happened to his brother and Kit. He truly cared about Inuyasha and Shippo. He loved them and would die to protect them. But there was only so much he could do. He needed them to be strong for when he was not able to be there. Kagome sighed, knowing all this, how could she hold it against him. It was her fault after all for pushing him to open up his heart to more than just Rin. She pushed her way into his heart and made him feel even more. She became his sister, just as surely as Rin had become his Daughter.
“I understand Sesshy. Thank you for making them strong. I do not know what I would have done without you. Though I do have but one request?” Kagome said calmly, all temper gone. It was truly frightening how her moods could change so swiftly.
“I would listen to your request. I also have a request I would like to make of you.” He stated.
“My request is simple. In my training, be refrain from causing my death. I will train hard and try not to complain, but I refuse to die. I don't care if you Tensaiga can bring me back to life, I refuse to die. Is that understood.” She said warningly.
Sesshoumaru walked up to Kagome and leaned down. “Understood Miko. I will not train you that harshly, but you will be trained. You will be ready for what you must face. Now the request I will ask of you, who is that female standing over there.” He said quietly into her ear and gazed upon who he was speaking of. Earning a set of growls from her mates.
Ignoring the growls, Kagome followed his gaze and saw who he was speaking of. It was Shizuro, Kuwabara's sister. “That's Shizuro, she is the sister of Kuwabara. You may want to undertake her training personally. She needs to learn how to better defend herself.” Kagome whispered back into his ear. Causing the growls to get louder. In a very calm tone Kagome simply said “Sit” causing not only Yusuke and Kurama to hit the ground, but also Inuyasha.
“Hey why did you do that you wench.” Inuyasha had been standing next to the sofa when Kagome had sat him. When he impacted the floor, he caused Genie to wake up. When she heard wench, the first thought to cross her mind was that the baka had called her wench.
She angrily stood up and quickly hit him on his head. “Who are you calling WENCH you BAKA!” She angrily demanded.
Inuyasha had just been pulling himself up from the spell when he felt something connect with his head. When he looked up to see what had hit him he got a dumbfounded expression upon his face. He just stared at Genie and said nothing.
Genie seeing that Inuyasha was just looking at her and not saying anything was quickly losing her temper. After all this time, and all he can do is just sit there and say nothing. Did I truly mean nothing to him. That dumb baka broke my heart. “What are you looking at you Baka! Have you never seen a female before?” She yelled out. She finally lost her temper yet again and hit his head once more, promptly knocking him unconscious this time.
“Dumn baka hanyou.” She muttered under her breath. Genie finally looked up and turned red in embarrassment when she saw the entire room just looking at her.
“Scary.” Yusuke said quietly.
“Indeed.” Kurama agreed.
“Remind you of anyone Kagome?” Sesshoumaru pointed out.
“Hehehe, I take it she inherited some of my personality traits huh?” Kagome said nervously. Confusing most of the people in the room.
“Inherited?” Kurama asked. “How is that possible? I thought Shippo was your adopted Kit?”
“Uh yeah what he said?” Yusuke agreed with Kurama.
“Well it's like this. Shippo and I performed a formal adoption. This ceremony is a lot like a demon adoption ritual, only it was adapted to our special circumstances. You see since I am not a demon, that ritual could have killed me. We had to make allowances in the ritual. In the end Shippo and I gained different traits personality wise. You see Shippo gained part of my personality, such as optimistic nature and my trait to see beyond what is usually there. To easily befriend without judging. I gained shippo's mischievousness, though it did take me a while to control it.” As Kagome said the last part, most people in the room burst out in laughter.
“What I did. I am not as mischievous as I used to be.” Kagome pointed out.
“From what I have heard of the pranks Kagome pulled, they are mild to the ones she and the kit used to perform.” Sango spoke up. Leaving Yusuke to shudder at the thought of the pranks she pulled on him being considered mild.
“See I told you so.” Kagome said childishly and stuck out her tongue at Yusuke and Kurama.
“I can think of many things you could do with that tongue. Want me to show you.” Kurama offered seductively, making Kagome quickly put her tongue back in her mouth and turn a very interesting shade of red.
“Umn excuse me, but who are you?” Genie asked.
“Gennie this is your grandmother Kagome, my mother.” Shippo introduced.
Genie shrieked, causing the demons in the room to rub their ears in irritation. She then ran across the room and enveloped Kagome in a big hug. “You're my Grandma? Really? The Kagome? There is lots you just gotta tell me. Like is there a way for me to be able to put a rosary on that baka too. Please, please, please? You'll be my favorite Granny, I promise.” Genie said, giving her grandmother her puppy dog eyes, that look amazingly like the ones Kagome had perfected.
Inuyasha woke up just in time to hear the request. “What! No way! It's bad enough the wench over there can sit me, no way you can do it too.”
“Inuyasha.” Kagome said in warning. Making Inuyasha's ears go down, he flinched and just waited for her to say the dreaded word.
“Now Genie tell me, why do you want to be able to sit Inuyasha?” Kagome asked.
“Because that baka can be so dense. I just want to beat some sense into him.” Genie said bitterly.
“Now Genie, that was not all of Inuyasha's fault. You have to also take responsibility for your actions as well.” Shippo said soothingly.
“But.” Genie said, giving her grandpa her puppy eyes.
Shippo sighed. That look was not going to work this time. “Those eyes will not work this time. You are also forbidden to return to the Nigenki. I am sorry Genie, but you must face your troubles. You can not always run away.”
“What? No. You cannot keep me here. I refuse to stay. I want to leave now.” Genie practically begged.
“I'm sorry Genie, but it is for your own good.” Shippo said, determination lining his voice.
“Grandma, please.” Genie said looking at Kagome. Kagome looked into her eyes. In many ways this girl did remind her of herself, but there was one big difference. Kagome never ran away from her problems. She always faced them head on. Though it was true that she would have to go away and think. She would always return. As she looked into her eyes, Kagome almost did relent. Genie held a touch of desperation in her eyes, and though Kagome just wanted to comfort her and shelter her, she knew that in the end she had to face her own demons, her own fears.
“Sorry Genie, I may not know exactly what is going on here, but I do know that you must face what ever it is that your are running from. It does you no good to run.” Kagome said simply. Causing Genie to turn away from her.
She quickly looked about the room, trying to find someone to help her. She then spotted Genkai. Her cousin always help her in the past. “Genkai?”
“Sorry squirt, but I agree with the elders there. YOU need to face what it is you are running from.” Genkai said simply. In truth Genkai was Shippo's favorite from all of his offspring's. Genkai reminded him the most of Kagome. Her personality so closely resembled Kagome's that he would often feel her presence. He looked closely at Genkai and was able to see how much she had changed. It pained him to see that his lively granddaughter had changed so much. In part he felt a great deal was his fault. He tried so hard to protect her, when he should have just trusted her to protect herself.
“Now if we are finished here, I suggest now leave to my castle. There are many preparations that must be made. Shippo, I would be honored to hold your party at my castle this year. I am sure Rin would be excited to spend some time in her old home.” Sesshoumaru stated. “Genie, you will be coming with me as well, as will you Inuyasha. No arguments. There are issues that must be dealt with. Problems that are long overdue. Is that understood?” He commanded.
“Yes Uncle Sesshoumaru.” Genie said.
“Keh.” Inuyasha simply answered. He had a headache and was in no mood to argue.
It had been a month since they had all moved into Sesshoumaru's castle. Shippo's party had been rescheduled and will be held in a week's time. The reason, Shippo claimed, was that he had not seen his mother in over five hundred years. He wanted to spend some time with her before he introduced her to everyone. He had a feeling that once he introduced her to the rest of his family, he wouldn't have as much time with her as he would like.
“Damn it Yusuke, put your shirt back on. We are in the middle of sparring here, not stripping.” Kagome yelled out in frustration. Both Kurama and Yusuke had been doing their level best to seduce Kagome for the past month, much to Kagome's frustration. They had all been taking cold showers for the past month, since Kagome still refused to mate them.
“Why? Is the sight of my chest too distracting?” He smirked. He knew that she found him desirable.
Kagome was seething. All I want is a little time to get used to the idea of being with them both. But could they understand that. NOOOOOO!!!! They have to play these little games with me. Well two can play this game. Kagome thought to herself and smirked back evilly at Yusuke, causing him to gulp. He just knew she was going to get even.
Kagome was wearing training shorts along with a long T-shirt. Under her shirt she had on sports bra. Kagome looking into Yusuke's eyes, slowly took off her shirt to reveal her sports bra underneath. Yusuke almost swallowed his tongue as he saw her reveal all that skin. After Kagome took off her shirt, she then let her hands slowly glide down her body, stopping briefly to softly caress her breasts, then go the rest of the way down. Yusuke closed his eyes, trying to control his body. Seeing that Yusuke closed his eyes, Kagome went in for the kill. She swiftly brought her fist up and landed a swift hard punch to Yusuke's head, rendering unconscious. The poor boy never knew what hit him.
“Do you think that was wise?” Sesshoumaru said as he stepped into the dojo.
“His fault, he started it.” Kagome complained.
“That was a cheap shot Miko.” Sesshoumaru continued as if he hadn't heard her reply.
“Maybe, but he started it.” Kagome said childishly.
“That may be, but you are driving them insane. Their inner demons know that you are their mate. Even though they are trying to give you time, their inner demons are not making it easy. I fear for their sanity if this continues for too long. Once a demon knows for certain who their true mate is, it is impatient to make her theirs. Have you considered the consequences of making them wait too long. They are slowly losing control of their demons, though they are trying to hide it from you. The meditations I have shown them are no longer working as it once was.” Sesshoumaru said shocking Kagome.
“Why didn't they say anything?” Kagome asked, concerned for her mates.
“Those two fools wanted to give you more time. They did not want to pressure you into something you were not yet ready to give. Those two are so blinded by love that they will risk anything for you, even their sanity.” Sesshoumaru said.
“Why do you keep mentioning sanity. Will they go insane if this continues.” Kagome asked.
“No they may not go insane Kagome. But what do you think their state of mind would be if they lose control and hurt you. Think of what I said Miko.” Sesshoumaru said and started walking back out. Then stopped as soon as he reached the door. “Miko, the forbidden one will be coming to you soon. He has managed to regain some memories in which he had not noticed was missing. But the tajiya is in none of them. He feels that there is more. He knows that there are more. He has found a barrier within his mind and he alone cannot unlock it. The barrier is so strong that even the Jagan has not been able to break through it. I just thought you might want to know. Since he is a brother to you, he has become one to me as well. Just don't tell him that.” Sesshoumaru said. Leaving Kagome to think over all he has just said.
Shizuro had seen Sesshoumaru going to the dojo and had decided to follow him. She didn't know why, but she felt drawn to the powerful demon Lord. She had stood and listened to the conversation between him and Kagome. Shizuro smirked to herself, she just knew that, that cold exterior was a façade. There was more to this demon than even he would admit to himself. When Sesshoumaru came back outside, Shizuro had been leaning against the wall. She smirked at him, as he continued walking ignoring her. She knew that he had to have at least sensed her there. He had been ignoring her for the past week, and she's had enough.
“You're a big softy you know that don't you?” She taunted.
Sesshoumaru stopped and turned around to glare at her. “I am no such thing.” He stated coldly.
“Oh come on, did you honestly think I couldn't see past that icy demeanor?” She taunted even more. Feeling daring she pushed off the wall and walked up to the demon Lord. She raised her hand and brought her finger to trace his jaw. “You may not show anything upon your face, but” She brought her hand from his face and laid it upon his heart, “here you feel. You have a heart, you may not parade it in front of the world to see, but it is here.”
Sesshoumaru was struggling for control. This woman he had been ignoring for the past week was making him tremble. He had been ignoring her, because he doubted his ability to control himself around her. He could no longer be near her, and not want to make wild, passionate, excruciating love to her. He could lose himself within her warmth and not want to resurface. He was afraid that if he did take her, he would not be satisfied with just her body, he would mark her as his mate. He would not mark her without her permission, but he was not sure of his control. He was not certain that he would not mark her if she didn't want her.
Shizuru felt his trembling, and it triggered her own. She could feel herself falling for this stoic demon lord. What she felt for him was so much more than what she felt for Sakyo. What she felt for Sakyo was nothing to the feelings that the demon lord invoked within her. She could lose herself with him. “Sesshoumaru, why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?” Shizuru found herself asking. She had not meant to ask that, it had just came unbidden from her lips.
Sesshoumaru just looked deeply into her eyes. He brought up his arm and lightly caressed her face. He just couldn't stop himself from touching her. To his surprise and delight, he turned her face into his hand as if asking for more. At that moment, he dearly wished he had his arm back. He would give anything to be able to hold onto her with both arms. He knew that he was very powerful with but one arm, but he still wished for his other arm back.
Shizuru licked her lips as she continued to gaze into Sesshoumaru's eyes. Slowly he started to lower his head, he was giving her more than enough time to stop him, to back away. To reject him if that was what she truly wanted. She did none of those things. Slowly his lips touched hers. He gently caressed her lips with his, he gently licked and nibbled at her lips, quietly asking for entranced. When Shizuru finally opened her mouth to his kiss, he gently swept in. Asking her join, and she did. The kiss at first started out gently, as if neither could believe this was happening. It quickly became demanding, passionate as both fought for dominance over the other. They quickly lost themselves to that kiss. Who knows what might have happened had they not been interrupted. The Great Demon Lord was caught unawares. Something that had never happened to him.
“Get a room you two.” A very grouchy Inuyasha interrupted. In truth, he was envious of those two. He wished he could be kissing the woman he loved, but she was being obstinate and still refused to talk to him.
They quickly separated from each other. Shizuru turned a deep red, while Sesshoumaru just gazed into her eyes. He was reading her eyes to see if she felt any shame for having kissed him. All he read was her acceptance of him. Of her desire and, love? Sesshoumaru looked perplexed. I see love in those eyes of hers. Could it be, is it possible, she loves me. He thought to himself.
“I will see you later, for now I have other matters that must be attended to.” Sesshoumaru said huskily. “Inuyasha, is there a reason for disrupting?” He said coldly to his brother.
Inuyasha smirked. “Actually there is. There is something that demands your attention. I would have handled it myself, but it is something dealing with your territory. Besides I am on my way to visit Raizen. I need to see if he will come and help train the boy. He needs training. How does he expect to protect Kagome, if she can best him every time they are sparring.” Inuyasha said with some disgust in his voice. He honestly thought the boy was stronger than that.
“Don't hold him completely responsible for that. Put him against a different sparring partner and you'll see what he is capable of. Our Miko knows his weakness, and uses it against him. This weakness only works with her.” Sesshoumaru told his brother. He lightly gave Shizuru a gentle kiss before turning away and heading back to his study, Inuyasha in tow. Leaving a very dazed Shizuru behind.
“Damn it Miroku, keep your hands to yourself. In case you haven't noticed, I am trying to meditate here. It's not easy trying to find my own spirit energy you know.” Keiko demanded of Miroku.
“Okay, okay. It's just hard to concentrate with you so near. I just can't help it, your so beautiful.” Miroku defended himself. In truth, he hadn't felt remotely attracted to a woman in over three hundred years. But as soon as he saw Keiko, he felt as if he had been mowed down by a train. To him, Keiko was the most beautiful woman in the earth, and he was having a hard time trying to restrain himself. He had been celibate for over three hundred years after all.
“Alright Keiko let's try this one more time.” Miroku said and tried to mediate with Keiko again. But just like last time he found it hard to concentrate with her so near him. He finally let out a sigh of defeat. There was no way he could teach her to meditate if he was unable to control himself around her.
“Listen Keiko, I think it may be best to have Genkai teach you how to meditate.” Miroku said, surprising Keiko.
“What?” Keiko said shocked. She was starting to think that he didn't want to be near her anymore.
“I think a different approach may be called for.” He tried to explain.
“Oh stuff it Miroku, if you don't want to be near me, then just say so. You don't have to make excuses.” Keiko huffed angrily as she quickly stood up.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Oh don't give me that innocent look. Just because I refuse to have a one night stand with you doesn't mean you can just dump me off on someone else.” She demanded, tears shimmering in her eyes.
Miroku looked at her dumbfounded for a second before what she said finally registered in his mind. “Keiko, do you really believe that is all I want from you. A one night stand?” He asked gently as he took a hold of her hands.
“Well isn't that what you want?” She asked, trying to hid her feelings from him.
“Keiko look at me.” Miroku looked deep into her eyes as she brought her eyes up to look at him. “I love you Keiko. I do not want just a one night stand with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I have never felt this way about another woman, and I know that I never will again. The feelings I have for you are so intense that I find myself unable to concentrate when I am near you. True, I would love to be able to make love to you. I want to be able to make love to you everyday for the rest of our lives, but I will wait. I will wait for you to be sure it is what you want. Understand this Keiko, when we do make love, it will be forever. I want you to marry me Keiko. I want to have a family with you. I just want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.” He said sincerely.
Tears started falling down Keiko face. His words touched a deep part of her heart. She had not expected to hear that from Miroku. “I love you too Miroku. I would be honored to become your wife.” She said. Miroku leaned down to kiss her.
“Stop slacking you two and get back to work.” Genkai said as she came walking into the room, causing Miroku to sigh in frustration and Keiko to giggle in amusement. “There will be enough time for that when you are not training. Now stop fooling around Monk and get to work.” Genkai said bluntly. Secretly she was glad the Miroku finally found someone to spend the rest of his life with. She just never expected it to be with Keiko. It was interesting the twist and turns that life takes.
“Okay Keiko let's try this one more time.” Miroku said as he tried to show her how to reach her spirit energy again.
“Tajiya, I would like to speak with you.” Hiei asked.
Sango sighed, she really didn't want to talk to Hiei right now. It was painful enough that he didn't remember her. “Yes Hiei.”
Hiei frowned, trying to find a way to word what he wanted to know. “I do not remember you, yet it has come to my attention that I should know you.”

Sango frowned at this. It hurt her to hear this. “I see.”
“There is something in my mind that is locked away. I see the hurt in your eyes every time you look at me, and even though my mind cannot remember, I believe my heart does. I feel something for you Sango. I am not completely sure what it is, but I know that it is there. I feel jealousy when I see you talking with other males. I feel remorse when I see the sadness in your eyes. I feel myself wanting to see you smile. I want to see happiness shining in your eyes. That is why, I have finally made up my mind to have Kagome help me. I want her help to cross this barrier that keeps a part of my memories from me. Will you wait for me Sango?” Hiei asked.
Sango had felt her heart lighten with each word that he spoke. She wanted her mate back, and it seemed that a part of him did remember. Besides, she could always make him pay for forgetting her after he has his memories back. “Yes Hiei, I will wait for you.” She said softly.
Hiei swiftly closed in on Sango and gave her a quick and passionate kiss that left her dazed and wanting more. “Thank you.” Was all he said as he quickly left her. Sango touched her lips and smiled. She was getting her mate back.
Inuyasha was on his way to Raizen's. He needed to get that stubborn demon to agree to train Yusuke. But that was not the real reason he left. The real reason was Genie. She was driving him crazy. He had not seen her in over fifty years. He still did not know the real reason as to why she left, but once he came back he was going to find out. He had been pursuing her for the better part of the month since she has been here. He knew that she loved him, and he knew that he loves her. But what he didn't know was why she left him. He had just gotten the nerve to ask her to become her mate, when she ran off the last time. He still didn't know why she ran. Whenever he asked her, she would immediately change the subject, and he would let her because he was afraid that if he pushed to hard, she'd run again. Inuyasha didn't want to lose her a second time. So he courted her this time. He brought her flowers, he accompanied her on walks. He even tried talking with her over any and all subject he could think of. But none of it worked. She still tried to keep her distance from him. He has had enough. He needed to leave for a few days, a few days that would allow her to miss him. But once he came back, he would finally find out why she ran from him. And nothing was going to stop him from getting the answers he sought. Not even her.
Genie sighed. Inuyasha had left today. She felt some relief, but mostly sadness. She really was going to miss the baka. She still hadn't told him why she left the way she did. She wasn't sure she really wanted to tell him. She knew he was going to be furious when she finally did tell him the truth. Furious that she hadn't confided in him for the truth. Furious that she believed the lies. Yes lies, she now knew for a certainty that they were lies. The only excuse she could give herself was that she was afraid of the intensity she had felt. The intensity was still there, but she was now more sure of herself. More sure of Inuyasha. Surely he would not try this hard to court her, if he didn't love her. She both dreaded and looked forward to the day he comes back. He has only been gone for a few minutes, and already she missed him. Yes, they had much to discuss when he finally came back.
Yeay finally finished. Gotta tell you my fingers hurt. I wrote all this in one night and boy are my hands cramped. Well review and let me know what you think. As for lemons so far there are more people for it than against it. Okay what I want to know is do you want a lemon for every couple. I don't think I'll be able to pull that off, so please let me know at least which two major ones you want. I'm going to try with each pairing, but if it doesn't work I wanna know which ones you want the most. Now to thank my reviewers.
Ryukotsusei: Thanks for the review, I really do appreciate it. Love your reviews
Diane: Thank you for reviewing.
Kagomeangel13: Thanks for the review. Yeah I liked the ink prank too.
Anon: Thanks for reviewing. I really love your reviews. Right now trying to figure out how many lemons to put per chapter. Too many pairing.
Fluffyzbrevis: thanks for reviewing.Will try my hand at writing a lemon. Now only question is which pair gets the lemons.
Sailor Moon1996: Thanks for reviewing hope you like this chapter.
Stix: Thanks for the update. I see that you don't want lemon so I'll putt a warning at the start and finish so that you can just skip it. Oh and thankx for reading Companion. Sorry can't update on that one since the whole Sango and Hiei ending is in this story. Well hope you like this one as well.
Dawnstar28: Thanks for reviewing. I tried to update as soon as I could, so hope you like this chapter. Will try to update soon.
Master_of_the_mustard: Thanks for reviewing. So far more votes for lemons, so will write some. Question is, which couples.