InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, the New Night Dragon ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Just like Mother.” Tsuku whispered knowing all the youkai near him could hear.
Everyone stared at Kagome. Amazement, shock, and slight horror spread through the Inu group.
All Kagome could do was stare at her new pink tinted claws.
Kaela smiled, watching Tsuku closely. Kagome looked just like her old friend Midnight. 
“Welcome to your new life, Kagome.” Kaela said walking up to Kagome. Inuyasha stepping in front of her.
“What is going on?” Kagome asked as she looked over her new claws.
“You, Kagome, are the new Night Dragon.” Kaela explained with a friendly smile.
“And you know this how?” Sango asked preparing herself to fight if needed.
“I am Lady Kaela. The Lady of the East.”
“I thought the Lady of the East was a dragon youkai?” Miroku asked.
“So, Lady Kaela? Do you believe it is time to show them?” Tsuku laughingly asked.
“I believe so.” Kaela said as she transformed back into her humanoid from.
“Wow.” Shippo said as he watched Kaela transform.
“Feh. So why does some stuck up lady want with Kagome.” Inuyasha said with hands in his sleeves.
“With Kagome's permission, we would like to train her with her new abilities.” Tsuku answered, giving off one of his most charming smiles.
“I would like that.” Kagome said smiling happily.
“Sango, you may train with us. In fact, you're all welcome to come to my palace to train and rest.” Kaela said as she turned to Silver.
“Do you know any fox magic?” Shippo asked as he jumped up on Silver.
“I know of someone who does.” Kaela said smiling at him.
“Please follow us. It will be a half a days walk to the castle from here.” Tsuku said as he helped Kaela upon Silver. Shippo, smiling happily, couldn't wait to get to the castle.
“This should be fun.” Sango said as Kirara jumped onto her shoulder.
“I don't think Inuyasha is liking this to much.” Miroku whispered to Sango. Sango and Kirara nodded in agreement.
“Kagome, if you want, I'm sure Tsuku would teach you to use those wings of yours.” Kaela smiled at her reaction.
“Sure, why not? Try and flap them.” Tsuku said as the group started walking.
“We'll see you at the castle.” Kaela said over her shoulder as Sango hopped up on Silver for a nice chat.
“Come on, Inuyasha. I'm sure Kagome will be fine.” Miroku said as he basically dragged Inuyasha away.
“Feh. I know she'll be fine just I don't trust that guy. Something about him is off.” Inuyasha said as he finally walked without being dragged.
~*~With Kagome~*~
“Good. You have the feel for your wings now. Lets see if you can fly.” Tsuku smiled. “Unfurl your wings as far as they'll go then start flapping. All the way back and all the way forward.”
Kagome did as she was told and was starting too left off the ground. “This is so cool.”
“Now go a little higher then lean forward. When you want to land, straightem up then flap gently.” Tsuku instructed and showed her what to do. Kagome did it like a pro. “Very good, Kagome. Do you think you can make it back to the castle by flight?”
“I can try.”
“Okay. I'll stay close to you if you need help.” Kagome nodded and they took flight. They rested once on the way so Kagome wouldn't be sore the next day. Tsuku and Kagome had a peaceful chat as they walked part of the way to the castle. They spoke of Tsuku's late mother and a few other things about the dragon youkai socitiy.
~*~At the castle~*~
“This is awesome.” Shippo exclaimed once they arrived at the castle.
“Amazingly beautiful.” Sango and Kirara looked around.
“Kona, please prepare the guest rooms. We will have one more also. Tsuku will return with the new night dragon.” Kona bowed and left to do what she was told.
“If you don't mind, I'd rather sleep outside.” Inuyasha said as started to walk off.
“If the timing was different then you could've but the other lords and ladies will be here by nightfall. I'll have a servant bring to you my family's crest so no one will think you a servant.” Kaela said as she was about to walk in. “Kona will find you once the rooms are ready. In the mean time, you may go to the side garden over there.” Kaela then pointed to a small garden just on the other side of the main courtyard and then headed toward her room to relax before she had to get ready.
That's where Kagome and Tsuku found them. Kona showed them to their rooms and the girls to the hot spring. Once the girls were finished, they were dressed in beautiful, silk kimonos. Kagome's was black with pink sakura blooms going from her shoulder to the bottom of the kimono and pink obi. The back of her kimono started at the small of her back so her wings could stay furled without a spell cast upon the kimono. Sango's was black with red paws prints, same as Kagome's in pattern, with a red obi.
Kona brushed then styled their hair. Sango's hair in a high braided pony tail with her bangs framing her face. Kagome's in a loose bun also with her bangs framing her face. Their eye shadow and lip stick were the same color as their obis. Kaela's family crest was the silver star on a silver chain around their necks.
Inuyasha was wearing his usual outfit along with Kaela's family crest, same with Miroku. Inuyasha's hair was the only thing different. His hair was pulled back in a low pony tail.
Kaela was waiting for the Inu group in her study. She was wearing a kimono similar to Kagome's expect hers was silver with a black dragon around it with a black obi, her hair in a tight braid. Her eye shadow and lip stick was silver.
“The lesser lords and ladies of the east have already arrived. Everyone that will be present is to honor the Law of the Land. When all the lords and ladies gather together, the host lord and/or lady are in charge. The main thing to remember is that when once everyone is here, this will be neutral land, meaning no fighting. I had a servant take your weapons and store them away. The only one I don't have is Inuyasha's.” Kaela stated. She waited for him to over the Tetsusaiga.
“Feh. Fine.” Inuyasha said as laid it down and watched as she picked it up and locked it away. “How were you able to pick up the Tetsusaiga?”
“My father's scale was made into the swords Lord Inutaisho had made.” Kaela explained. “Now, if that is everything come with me. The other lords and ladies should be arriving.” Kaela led them out to the courtyard where the lesser lords and ladies of the east awaited. Inuyasha and the others stood behind them.
Hours passed and the only lord that didn't show up yet, was the lord of the west. The lesser lords and ladies of the west already arrived and were shown to there rooms. Kaela dismissed the eastern greeting committee and waited a bit longer. She was about to go to her room when she heard a voice.
“Leaving already? I thought it was an eastern custom to wait for all guests to arrive before leaving.” a silky, male voice whispered in her ear and strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind.
“It is but I knew you were here. Jaken can bring Rin to the west wing to stay. She does not have to hide here.” Kaela smiled, remembering how Rin loved it here.
“Very well. She may come. Jaken will bring her to the west wing garden.” Kaela nodded then led Sesshomaru to his room.