InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, the New Night Dragon ❯ Travel into the Memories part 1 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Travel to the Memories Part 1
“So this is Shippo, eh? Well this will be fun.” Yoko smirked.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Yoko.” Kagome smiled sweetly. `He kind of looks like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.'
“No the pleasure is mine.” Yoko gave one of his most charming smiles. Kaela just rolled her eyes.
“Behave yourself Yoko. You're just Shippo's teacher. Kona, please show Yoko and Shippo where they'll be for their lessons.” Kona bowed and led the two out to one of the training gardens. “Kagome, you may start your training now if you wish.” Kagome nodded and Kaela led her to the dojo. Tsuku was there waiting. “Tsuku will teach you about your dragon abilities and magic, I will teach you about the different dragons and Sesshomaru has agreed to teach you to fight.”
“Sesshomaru?” Kaela nodded then walked out saying she would be back later.
~*~In a secret garden~*~
Sesshomaru stood by a small pond. He appeared to be waiting for something…or someone. His silver hair swayed with the gentle breeze.
“Hello, Sesshomaru.” a voice came from behind him.
Sesshomaru turned to the voice, knowing that it was the person he was waiting for. “Hello, Kaela.”
“Beautiful day, isn't it?” Kaela smile sweetly at him.
“Not as beautiful as you.” Kaela blushed slightly. They both remembered the day that they met all those years ago.
~*~Flashback~*~ (This flashback will last for two chapters)
It was a beautiful summer day. The sky was clear and the sun was shinning. The inu-youkai family of the west was awaiting the dragon-youkai family of the east. The two families have been great friends and allies.
“Inutaisho, good to see you again.” said a male voice.
“Draco, you've finely made it. I was beginning to wonder.” Inutaisho joked. The silver male dragon joined in on the laughing. His blue eyes showing the amusement he felt, his silver hair was pulled back in a low pony tail and his silver wings furled behind him.
“Hello, Inutaisho. It's good to see you again.” said the female silver dragon next to Draco, her hair in a tight bun, blue eyes shinning with happiness. Beside her stood a five-year-old silver dragon, her hair in a tight braid and her eyes shown with nervousness.
“Is that the young princess I see?” Naki said, smiling at the young girl.
“Hello, Lord Inutaisho and Lady Naki. My name is Kaela.” Kaela bowed before the lord and lady.
“Please no formalities. We're all friends here.” Inutaisho smiled at Kaela which she returned.
“Sesshomaru, come and meet Kaela.” Inutaisho turned his son, who stood behind them.
“Hello, Prince Sesshomaru. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Kaela smiled to him.
“The pleasure is mine, Princess Kaela.” a five-year-old Sesshomaru bowed to her.
“Sesshomaru, why don't you show Kaela the library or perhaps the dojo. Maybe she could teach you something.” Naki suggested. Sesshomaru nodded and motioned for Kaela to follow him.
“Those two would be prefect together, don't you agree?” Starla asked, smiling, after the two were out of sight but not out of hearing range.
“Yes, they would. Why not arrange to be mates?” Naki smiled at the thought.
“I see why not. We always joked about arranging them together, how about it, Inutaisho?” Draco could see the possible.
“I agree. The alliance between the East and West will be even stronger.” Inutaisho showed them to his study to start the agreement.
Kaela got up from where she was listening and started to walk down the path but a hand stopped her. “Where are you going?” Sesshomaru asked, concerned about her. (AN: Sesshomaru didn't know how to hide his emotions then.)
“Anywhere but here right now.” Kaela said turning to him.
“It's dangerous outside the gates. This is the safest place to be.”
“I'll be fine. I can fight and fly if I need to get away. I also have my elemental abilities if I need them.” Kaela said angrily.
Sesshomaru looked somewhat hurt by that. “So you don't want to be my mate?”
“I never said that. I'm just tired of them ruling my life.” Kaela's eyes softened a little.
“We must live and survive this. It will only make us stronger.” Sesshomaru pulled her into a comforting hug. “I promise I'll never hide anything from you.”
“And I you.” Kaela smiled softly. “Come on. We could at least fly around.”
“Fly? On what?”
“Silver, of course.” Kaela laughed as a silver dragon came up to them.
Sesshomaru and Kaela climbed up onto Silver and took off. They flew high into the clouds, their hair whipping in the wind.
“This is amazing. I feel so free.” Sesshomaru said as they were on their way back.
“Now aren't ya glad I talked ya into this?” Sesshomaru nodded, smiling brightly at Kaela.
When they landed, their parents were there waiting. Looking at each other, they knew they were in trouble. BIG trouble.
~*~10 years later~*~
“We're sorry for your lost, Inutaisho. Is there anything we can do?” Draco asked his old friend.
“No, I'm fine. In the end, we all lost something valuable.” Inutaisho sighed. Draco and Starla tried their best to comfort him.
Sesshomaru was a different story. He closed off to everyone, refused to eat and sleep. Kaela opened the door to his room and stepped in, closing it behind her.
“Leave.” his voice cold as ice.
“Sessho?” Kaela's voice sounded like an angel to his ears. He turned to her, face emotionless and eyes cold. Kaela slowly walked closer to him. She could tell that he was hurting and didn't want anyone to know.
“You shouldn't be here.” he said as he turned back to the window.
“Of course I should be here. You're hurting. You're in so much emotional pain that you choose to hide it. You promised not to hide anything from me.” Kaela was one of the few empathy dragons in Japan. So much emotional pain really gets to her.
Sesshomaru walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. “Take us somewhere else.” Kaela nodded as silver flames appeared her their feet and engulfed them then disappeared, along with Sesshomaru and Kaela.